Making it Work: Record

The discussion here yielded some great conversation about how to improve the Record screen to make it fit more in line with the original design for that screen. @Pecca took many of those ideas and crystallized them into a mock-up for what the final design might look like.
The general thrust of it:
The general thrust of it:
- The character's portrait and name should be in the center, in a column together with the character's Gender, Race, Class, and Alignment.
- The character's ability scores and other critical elements should be on the left, since the number of lines will never change for these things; no scrollbar is necessary, which makes the left side of the screen ideal for this.
- The rest of the character's information, organized by visible headings, should be on the right, with one scrollbar. A trio of buttons at the bottom of this column changes the text that's displayed in this column, from the basic overview to the character's Biography or their Statistical information within the party.
- The remaining buttons are arranged at the bottom of the other two columns.
Post edited by Dee on
Save vs. Wand
Save vs. Spell
Save vs. Death
Save vs. Polymorph
Save vs. Breath
vs. Wand
vs. Spell
vs. Death
vs. Polymorph
vs. Breath
Rzut obronny przeciw różdżkom
Rzut obronny przeciw czarom
Rzut obronny przeciw śmierci
Rzut obronny przeciw polimorfii
Rzut obronny przeciw zionięciom
A bit longer than in English, right?
Przeciw różdżkom
Przeciw czarom
Przeciw śmierci
Przeciw polimorfii
Przeciw zionięciom
And I think from a 'look and feel' perspective it avoids repetitive text...
When you design the UI screen, you must always keep in mind that any boxes with text inside should be bigger for foreign languages. You cannot pretend to cut the translation. Most of the time the result is not great at all.
The UI translations are available, so any future work on the UI can and should be done doing some test with other languages as well. At least if you want to do things right and with quality.
Also surprising is that I know my way around the UI without being able to speak all the languages. That suggests, on one level at least, that the UI design works well enough.
That style works for SOD and BG2EE ...
I'd suggest to pick an orangey-gold colour from the background image instead of the brown colour for BG2. The same for the XP progressbar. That way it would be lighter so easier to read and carries the theme of the UI through.
Edit: There seems to be a big main post i missed but i was wondering has it been suggested if we could get a "hover" tool-tip over each of the things in the record screen? Even with things like status effects where it might show you what the effect does and how long it has left? This could also be for things like dex where if its red you hover over it and it says eg: Dex 18- 3(Curse of X). .. then maybe include to say AC Bonus + X.
Just a thought. More helpful for new players.