Companions and their "type of partner"

Okay, this thread might seriously backfire but I also see a good potential for it being hilarious, so here goes.
Most people have a certain "type" of person they find attractive that goes beyond their sex.
That can be physical features such as being ripped, tall, short, curvy, blonde hair, tanned skin, etc.
Or that can be personality features such as being quick-witted, kind, well educated, laid back, and so on.
So I thought, what do you think the NPC companions might be into and what gave you that idea?
Here are my ideas/ impressions:
Anomen: He prefers women who can balance between being capable and kind but also doesn't make him feel like a total wuss >.> Good manners are also a plus.
Hexxat: She prefers very feminine women, plus points if she is like a delicate flower. Elves especially.
Jaheira: She likes men with a kind heart. He doesn't have to be strong, but he has to be the kind of man who will make a stand if everything else fails. He also has to admit that she is always right >.>
Aerie: She isn't particularly picky when it comes to looks, but he has to have a good heart and be very patient.
Viconia: She likes her men strong, both in body and in mind. She has no time for weaklings. She isn't particularly fond of joksters either. Determination and intelligence are a must.
Dorn: He's ... tricky. On the one hand he wants someone who's strong and capable, but someone who would be willing to let him take the lead anyway. He's a complicated man.
Glint: He likes his men clever and kind. Someone who likes to cuddle and to play pranks. He needs to be good at conversation, too.
Rasaad: I don't think Rasaad is particularly picky. For as long as someone is nice and patient enough and will have him, he will probably fall in love with her over time. Though he might have a thing for women who like to take charge.
Edwin: A shallow guy like him will probably be attracted to any women with a nice enough ass and rack.
Shar-Teel: There is a chance she might be ace, but if she's not she's into the kind of guy who'd qualify as a strong idiot who doesn't have an opinion of his own.
That's all I can think of right now, let me hear your's.
Most people have a certain "type" of person they find attractive that goes beyond their sex.
That can be physical features such as being ripped, tall, short, curvy, blonde hair, tanned skin, etc.
Or that can be personality features such as being quick-witted, kind, well educated, laid back, and so on.
So I thought, what do you think the NPC companions might be into and what gave you that idea?
Here are my ideas/ impressions:
Anomen: He prefers women who can balance between being capable and kind but also doesn't make him feel like a total wuss >.> Good manners are also a plus.
Hexxat: She prefers very feminine women, plus points if she is like a delicate flower. Elves especially.
Jaheira: She likes men with a kind heart. He doesn't have to be strong, but he has to be the kind of man who will make a stand if everything else fails. He also has to admit that she is always right >.>
Aerie: She isn't particularly picky when it comes to looks, but he has to have a good heart and be very patient.
Viconia: She likes her men strong, both in body and in mind. She has no time for weaklings. She isn't particularly fond of joksters either. Determination and intelligence are a must.
Dorn: He's ... tricky. On the one hand he wants someone who's strong and capable, but someone who would be willing to let him take the lead anyway. He's a complicated man.
Glint: He likes his men clever and kind. Someone who likes to cuddle and to play pranks. He needs to be good at conversation, too.
Rasaad: I don't think Rasaad is particularly picky. For as long as someone is nice and patient enough and will have him, he will probably fall in love with her over time. Though he might have a thing for women who like to take charge.
Edwin: A shallow guy like him will probably be attracted to any women with a nice enough ass and rack.
Shar-Teel: There is a chance she might be ace, but if she's not she's into the kind of guy who'd qualify as a strong idiot who doesn't have an opinion of his own.
That's all I can think of right now, let me hear your's.
Haer D'Alis : He's a romantic actor and an artist, so he will take nothing less than a muse who'll ignate his creativity .
A whimsical bard, definitely. But maybe also... someone like Glint?
Probably a stay-in-the-kitchen housewife who will incessantly tell him how awesome he is.
Somebody who won't distract him from his career with trivial things like caring for children or getting a real haircut.
Big muscles, snarling teeth, and waist-deep in the blood of the enemy.
Anyone with a young face, a large rack, and a bad save vs. spell.
Chicks with wings. Feathers and beak preferable.
A partner in crime. Somebody who's fun.
A loyal husband. I think that's what appealed to her about Khalid--not his submissiveness, but his loyalty.
Too sad to answer.
I don't know, but Keldorn deserved better than what he got.
If @Grum's character analysis is right, I'm guessing he's secretly hoping for a woman who can change him for the better.
Outdoorsy type. Tall, dark, and handsome. Maybe somebody who could double as her squire?
I think Boo, a sword, and the next villain to smack around already fill all of Minsc's relationship needs. That said, I think he would go after smart women... though I don't think he would have much luck with them. I can better imagine him ending up with some random peasant woman who doesn't mind having to share her husband with a hamster.
Somebody wise and sensible, but more optimistic than herself. I think she would appreciate somebody who could improve her mood, but it would need to be someone very smart, or else she'd just think them naive. Definitely not a goblin, definitely not a paladin, and definitely not anyone with an agenda. Maybe a mage, or somebody else with an intellectual bent.
Nalia probably has high standards. Aside from sharing her bleeding-heart mindset, I think it would be very important to Nalia that her partner respect her. No nonsense and no drama. A stalwartly feminist bloke would probably suit her.
Judging by his relationship with Tamoko, I don't think his interest in women goes any further than the physical. He'd want somebody to mess around with and then toss aside so he can get back to taking over the world.
I can't imagine him ending up with any woman unless they made the first move on him. So, somebody gregarious and confident.
Tall, strong, and dangerous. Somebody she could fight with, but ultimately control--submissive to Viconia, intimidating to everybody else.
I'm thinking a bear.
*EDIT* Judgin by Sarevok's TOB epilogue, his feeling for Tamoko certainly ran deeper than just that of a concubine, even if he could never admit to it while drunk on the whole Bhallspawn thing. I would see him with someone intelligent, with a strong sense of morals or code (as after TOB he seems to at odds with himself, needing stability or someone close to help guide him to whatever he is looking for)
xan; someone who will put up with his depression and make life worth living.
Hexxat maybe not so much of a worry, as she seems a little peaved at her 'vampiredness' at times, but I wouldn't let Dorn near the back of my trusty old Chevy that needed two new back tires and a rear end alignment when no car jack was to be found to lift the dern thing.
Why we are at it, I always wondered why, at least in the original games only females got the chance to romance a human, and nothing else, while the men folk could romance ONLY non-humans.
I was super glad to see some new options for both sexes in BGNPC Project.
At least everyone can add some nice NPC mods that broaden the base for both sexes, in a variety of ways, for BG and BG2 both.
Viconia may like her men strong, but dern, you almost have to be masochistic to keep that romance going. She still has so much of the female drow are far superior to men mentality thing going. So maybe someone to complement EVERYTHING she says and does but does not not stand up for himself (in regards to her) too much.
Jan Someone that loves turnips and long rambling stories
Xzar A perfectly preserved and everlasting zombie woman
i do find it funny that the main new male romance for ee is once again an elf just to keep the trend going.
Also, Jaheira is also just a half-elf. And don't forget about Dorn, who is bi and a half-orc.
AND SoD has Glint (gay gnome) and Corwin (bi human).
Has abandonment issues so wants somebody he can't push away so tests the partner a lot. Something of a replacement mother, endlessly patient.
A blank space with the right breeding who's amazed when the blank space shows some agency. A lot of the problems in that marriage could have been resolved if Maria hadn't grown up with the expectation she would be a blank space and put her foot down a lot, lot earlier. They would have both been much happier, Keldorn actually admires strong women and would have found her more attractive so came home a lot more.
It's all about class, noblesse oblige. Roenal is not hated because he's an arse, but because he has no class. Nalia wouldn't look at somebody without the right credentials even if she found them God's gift. Definitely have to be "her sort".
Anybody that finds her attractive, pretty much the only criterior. She may dream about finding the best man/elf in the world but she'll settle for what she can get. Chronic insecurity. Usually the type who if they do manage to get over it, ends up wondering what they found attractive about their partner in the first place.
Somebody she can trust at the same time as never wanting to trust anybody, especially men. Viconia is far better as an NPC if Charname is female, fits much better and she feels like a trusted friend by the end. I don't think she would ever "settle down" with a man, especially not a Bhaalspawn. Far too aware of the drawbacks, first and foremost she is a survivor. It's females she would always gravitate to for support even if she fell in love.
Not interested in the slightest in building a relationship with anybody in Backward Lands inhabited by monkeys and barbarians. Thayvian or nothing, high status as well. Would prefer to pay rather than it being suggested there was some measure of admiration for such lowly creatures.
(hence why there are so many fictions featuring Edwin, he's the challenge and what woman can resist that kind of challenge? the high intelligence stat doesn't go unnoticed either)
Haer Dalis;
He wants to corrupt. Doesn't make him a bad person, but the demon in him wants the chaos. It's why he goes for Aerie, the most corruptable. A Bhaalspawn would be interesting to him though, but I'm pretty sure a Paladin Bhaalspawn wouldn't be. He's too aware of his limitations.
I genuinely have no idea, she's all over the place and doesn't come across to me as even being interested. Very repressed in that regard. If you're female you know the sort, always deflection and you watch men trying and you wonder that they don't realise they are not going to get anywhere. It would fit that she had a massive unrequited crush on her big brother Bhaalspawn if you play male or if she was gay.
Just needs to get over himself. In some ways the game lets him off the hook by introducing the whole "possessed by demon Lavok" rather than "evil Lavok who's your ancestor". The second option would have pushed the self loathing maybe to the point where he has to deal with it. Would have been more interesting from a romance POV.
I think the Valygar we have would chose a partner who would add to his angst, somebody he could never deserve in his head cause "evil" by blood. So not a Bhaalspawn strangely enough.
Aka dream partner vs. soulmate.
Like, for example I immage that young Jaheira originally wanted a man who would make for a strong leader, a paragon of her personal ideals. But I think that Khalid really does make for a better match for her, because the two of them level each other out. She can be rather reckless but he keeps her grounded.
Also, while we are on the subject of Jaheira, I honestly don't think her relationship to M!Charname would make for something lasting. Feels more like her desperate need for a shoulder to cry on, so he is really more of a rebounce guy. The age difference certainly doesn't help. I like to think that the two of them would eventually part, but would remain friends in the long run. Both having become better people through the experience. That's a nice thought.
...let's go with "fascinating"
Khalid is a good match because he doesn't threaten that insecurity at all. I think anybody who presented themselves as more self assured would have her running to the hills.
In game, possibly Anomen funnily enough. He's got enough insecurities of his own that Jaheira would never feel as she were the one being judged by a person who had the upper hand.
The Bhaalspawn, depends on how you roleplay. Play Charname as wracked with "oh noes, I'm the offspring of an evil God" and she'd be all over him.