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Player character shapeshifters/werewolves in BG:EE

Hello, what is the current state of shapeshifters/werewolves in vanilla BG:EE? Did Beamdog ever fix it to where the greater werewolf form works like it says in the description? Also, how did they implement the leveling of the werewolf forms?

I recently started binge watching the MTV show "Teen Wolf" from season 1, and I've been surprised how much I like it. That has inspired me to want to try a shapeshifter run in BG:EE, as it's the only game I know where you can play a werewolf. I also think it would be an interesting thing to roleplay by self-restricting myself to only take werewolf form out of sight of townspeople, lest I be mobbed with torches and pitchforks. (Or hunted down by hunters, like in the TV show.) My party members would be presumed to know about my "problem", and to accept it.

I would like to do it without Tweaks or SCS shapeshifter revisions, because I think the wolfpaw thing that lets you cast spells while in werewolf form is overpowered.

The shapeshifter kit in original BG was bugged to heck and back, thus necessitating one of the two mods. Did BG:EE fix it?


  • JumboWheat01JumboWheat01 Member Posts: 1,028
    As far as I'm aware of, no, the Werewolf, and especially the Greater Werewolf, are a lot weaker than they should be, though admittedly I haven't payed that much attention to the kit. I prefer the Avenger one now, myself.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    Tweaks Anthology fixes this IIRC.
  • HudzyHudzy Member Posts: 300
    Tweaks and SCS both have similar solutions, but I've always found both a little clunky.

    Slightly off topic, but I enjoyed my time as a werewolf in Skyrim. If you haven't tried that, it might be worth a go too.
  • JumboWheat01JumboWheat01 Member Posts: 1,028
    Ah, but if you want to have a really enjoyable time as a werewolf in Skyrim, you need the Moonlight Tales mods. I've been werewolves plenty of times in Skyrim on the 360, it's fine, though I mostly used it for its passive disease immunity. Then on the PC I got the Moonlight Tales mods, and being a were-beast was actually an experience to enjoy.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    If you're planning to play the Shapeshifter at a somewhat later point, the upcoming mod of @subtledoctor and @Grammarsalad "Faiths and Powers" may be of interest to you. While I don't know the details, I'm pretty sure their take on the "Shapeshifter" will be quite different from SCS/Tweaks. Or any other currently available werewolf mods for that matter.
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  • DanacmDanacm Member Posts: 951
    The bgee is good improvenent, nicer bam for werewolf attack, dispel claw bug is solved etc. I dont think, @subtledoctor that ever been any pseudo-werwolf thing or just i never found it :D , there are druids who want to be closer her wild side and willingly indect herself with lycanthropy, but the infencted druids can learn to control the werewolf form after enough practise. Or if the class is borned to be werewolf by one of her parents were lycanthrope, than she has full control over the werewolf and can shapeshift at-will. If infected, she not be able to shapeshift willingly, just in berserk like cases, or at full moon and attack everybody line of sight. for some reference, but not perfect.
    As for ww forms, i think it was balance descision, or laziness to create a bad implementrd shapeshift forms. And the weapons enchantment should be more higher than +2, it depends on hit dice in pnp. Btw its easy to implement the ww correct stats if you want to, maybe onl add immunity to normal weapons at lvl 10 as totemic druids spirit aninals.
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  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @subtledoctor , the bug I'm referring to in the vanilla shapeshifter is that the greater werewolf form got neither the increase to magic resistance nor the increase to magic weapon rating that is described in the kit description (claws were permanently at +1). The documentation for the Tweaks and/or SCS mods described the problem, and how they were going to fix it.

    My question was whether BG:EE fixed the bug such that the kit actually does what it says on the tin.
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  • DanacmDanacm Member Posts: 951
    The redesign is nice term for it. I think the main problem with werewolf, if u want to redesign smthing on it without balance issue(speaking balance is funny with classes like berserker who immune to status effects) i just give +4 enchantment to greater ww claw. No dmg or to hit bonus, just enchantment. Its like seaking sword from helm priest. With this, u can hit the end game bosses, and i see the fact, that rules that kill some classes in tob is rather laziness from designers, like the backstab immun bosses for thieves, the lack of arrows for archer etc.
    Lastm i think a greater redesign thread will be nice, to not balance classes, just to not be underpowered at tob cause of unlogical descisions from the original authors, and we saw some way, egz: beamdog nerf stupifier at first game, or poison weapon tweak.
  • catsarekacampcatsarekacamp Member Posts: 52
    edited September 2016
    Shapeshifters are actually much more powerful to play than people give them credit for.

    The misconception is in thinking that it's a normal bloke who's one trick is shifting into a werewolf. If that were true, the class would be gimped. But it's also a fully powered druid.

    I haven't played on through SoD yet. But my experience was that in BG1, it was like having god mode enabled. Outclassed my fighters through it, just the form, not counting the druid side.

    In BG2, fighters quickly caught up, but the form was still potent, and I was coming into my own as a caster. In ToB, fighters were smoking the greater form, but it was still a potent and reliable fighting form for a caster, letting me instantly melee and tank when needed. However, my druid casting was getting mighty powerful, and again it started to feel like god mode a bit.

    I think most of the vitriol has come from people who have never played one.

    TL;DR: BG1 - dominant
    SoA - competitive
    ToB - dominant
    The above only relevant if played to the strengths of the class.

    Edit: changed "ass caster" to "as a caster". Bloody phone.
  • catsarekacampcatsarekacamp Member Posts: 52
    Dang it, thanks alot for this post, friend. Nowi have to spend today, my day off, playing one, so I can do it through SoD lol
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    I agree with @subtledoctor on this, @BelgarathMTH, and would like to say the following.

    There were no kits in vanilla BG1 (thus, there weren't questions about a werewolf form), the kits were introduced by vanilla BG2. But the description of the kit (have a look here, here or here didn't mention anything about details of shapeshift forms, nor about MR, not about magic weapon rating.

    There was a manual with BG2, but it didn't mention it either.

    But authors of the BG2Tweaks readme have mentioned "You Were Supposed to Receive... You Actually Received...", which caused a wrong assumption between players. As @subtledoctor says, the stats of the shapeshift forms have not been meant to match enemy werewolves, and the stats that readme mentions are the stats of enemy werewolves.

    The BG2Tweaks version (just as the one included into SCS) was supposed to be used in games with difficulty-enhancing mods, such as Tactics and SCS, this is why that component is OP for normal games.

    I would say that for BG1, a standard werewolf form available at the 1st level in Candlekeep, is quite powerful, without any changes. As for BG2, yes, maybe it could be tweaked a bit, but not as much as it's the case with BG2Tweaks (and SCS). I've played with Improved shapeshifting from SCS and have come to a conclusion that even with full SCS the improvements are too much. Maybe for a Tactics game it should be alright.

    So, no, Beamdog hasn't implemented an improving shapeshifter component.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    Thanks, @JuliusBorisov, you answered the question. It's that "You were supposed to receive...You actually received" bit that I was remembering as a bug that needed to be fixed. That was the cause of my confusion.

    So, the mod creators were actually trying to make the player character werewolf form as powerful as the .cre werewolves in the game.

    I'll probably just play the vanilla EE version, then. My idea is to roleplay a young werewolf who is struggling with the whole thing, like on the TV show. I don't need the character to be as powerful as the other werewolves. In fact, for my idea, he shouldn't be.

    I also think it ties in well with the overall Bhaalspawn story arc. I can pretend that he discovers in BG2 that he can also shapeshift into the Slayer, which could be reinterpreted for my story as a more powerful wereform, but one that tends to go out of control. And then of course, he discovers the whole "avatar of an evil god of murder" business, and doesn't want that.

    Thanks for clearing all this up for me on the mechanics of the kit.
  • DanacmDanacm Member Posts: 951
    You accept things, what can be modified to be more exciting. Shapeshifter one of them, wonderful idea, mediocrate in practice, use the same weapon both forms. But, thats all.
  • PK2748PK2748 Member Posts: 381
    I actually found that for at least the first ten or so levels a well made Shapeshifter is wildly overpowered. A few disabling spells and then launch in to melee. I'm sure a well equipped Half Orc Fighter/Cleric would do as well but this is buck naked and single classed. I've never gotten to TOB with it obviously but where I have played I think the complaints are unwarranted
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  • catsarekacampcatsarekacamp Member Posts: 52
    chimaera said:

    I agree with @subtledoctor on this, @BelgarathMTH, and would like to say the following.

    There were no kits in vanilla BG1 (thus, there weren't questions about a werewolf form), the kits were introduced by vanilla BG2. But the description of the kit (have a look here, here or here didn't mention anything about details of shapeshift forms, nor about MR, not about magic weapon rating.

    There was a manual with BG2, but it didn't mention it either.

    But authors of the BG2Tweaks readme have mentioned "You Were Supposed to Receive... You Actually Received...", which caused a wrong assumption between players. As @subtledoctor says, the stats of the shapeshift forms have not been meant to match enemy werewolves, and the stats that readme mentions are the stats of enemy werewolves.

    That is because the original shapeshifter rebalancing (which, if I recall correctly was created by Weimer) followed the kit description:

    "This druid has willingly allowed himself to become infected with Lycanthropy, but due to intense study and training he has the ability to control his affliction. The creature he becomes is that of the Werewolf, the most famous of the lycanthrope shape changers. "

    Considering that the shapeshifter is a lycanthrope, only able to control his curse, why wouldn't his stats match those of other werewolves? There is nothing in that description that states his werewolf form is different from other lycanthropes.
    Because the class would then be absurdly unbalanced. Immunity to non-magic weapons at 0 experience in Candlekeep? What? If you want that, hey, great, the game is meant to bring fun to the player however they see fit. But that would be horribly OP for a vanilla class. It would be far, far away the most powerful class in the game, bar none.
  • jesterdesujesterdesu Member Posts: 373
    Class would be hugely overpowered but could the innate ability to transform into wolf form not be modded to turn you into werewolf.cre or greater?
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  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    The problem I see with the Werewolf form, both lesser and greater, is not the immunity to normal weapons. But that it doesn't really feel like a "struggle" for the Druid. They are infected, after all, and not true born lycanthropes.

    If memory serves right even Cernd hints in his dialogues about his daily conflicting selvse. It's downright strange for only CHARNAME to be in full control of the beast within. Druidic training or not.

    So it would make more sense to me if the Shapeshifter had an X % chance to loose control the longer he/she remains in Werewolf form... especially at night. I imagine either falling into a state of berserk, or panic, depending on the amount of remaining HP, could spice the kit up rather nicely. Both in the mechanically and thematically side of things.

  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    chimaera said:

    As far as I know, the improved shapeshifters mod was made for BG2, based on the kits actual description - nothing unbalanced to that.

    I think different players' experience may vary on that. I personally find Immunity to normal weapons available at the Chateau Irenicus quite unbalanced for a non-modded game - you can easily fly through the starting dungeon in a normal werewol form. Even according the the readme itself, Wes Weimer "typically designed for balance under the assumption that people would have the Tactics mod installed". So, the improved shapeshifters mod that was made for BG2, was actually made for BG2 + Tactics.
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  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited September 2016
    Couple of things worth noting here:

    As others have noted the weimer mod is balanced around the use of the tactics mod. The regeneration rate the greater form gets alone makes it unbalanced for SoA.

    Every shapechange form (except for maybe the higher level druid hla's) is different from their wild counterparts. The shapeshifter's forms are not unique in that regard. So it not matching up with other shapeshift/shapechange forms is consistent with how the series has handled them.
    Post edited by elminster on
  • DanacmDanacm Member Posts: 951
    elminster said:

    Couple of things worth noting here:

    As others have noted the weimer mod is balanced around the use of the tactics mod. The regeneration rate the greater form gets alone makes it unbalanced for SoA.

    Every shapechange form (except for maybe the higher level druid hla's) is different from their wild counterparts. The shapeshifter's forms are not unique in that regard. So it not matching up with other shapeshift/shapechange forms is consistent with how the series has handled them.

    If its an adnd 2 game, the druid shapeshift form is the exact same as the wild animals form. An average specimen from that animal. Here is from adnd 2 compelet druid handbook:
    "The animal form a druid assumes can vary
    from the size of a bullfrog or small bird to that
    of a black bear. Unless noted otherwise, the
    druid can assume only the form of a normal
    (real-world) animal in normal proportions. A
    druid in animal form takes on all the beast's
    physical characteristics- movement rate,
    abilities, Armor Class (AC), number of
    attacks, and damage per attack. The druid
    retains original hit point and saving throw

    So the druid retains only saves and hp, everything else should be the same as the animals, i know baldurs gate is a modded adnd game, but there were basic rules, and nobody ever stated that shapeshift in this games is use different rules than adnd 2.
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  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited September 2016
    The game certainly incorporates many elements of PnP but its never been an exact replica of it. In the case of shapeshifting/shapechanging in bg2 (even when it comes to physical characteristics) you dont get your base Thac0 set to the animal you are transforming into (the exceptions to this are the slayer form and higher level druid forms) and often the damage, ac and abilities will differ from the wild form. For instance, the player sword spider form can poison even though enemy sword spiders cannot (sword spiders don't poison in PnP either). Likewise the base AC for a "wild" Greater Werewolf in BG2 is 4, but its -6 in the case of the druid form. There are other examples as well; the baby wyvern form not having two different kinds of attacks (a crushing and a poisonous) that the wild version has, the shapeshift wolf form doing 1d8 damage instead of the 1d4 damage that a generic wild one would do, wild fire salamander's being immune to normal weapons and most mind affecting spells (which the shapeshift form never gets), etc.
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