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What is the "spell level" for wands and potions? How do they interact with magic defenses?

Having recently lost a game at the Bhaal Temple when a single Remove Magic dispelled ALL my pre-buffs from potions and scrolls, I realize that I don't know something essential to battling mages:

What is the "spell level" for wands and potions?
What is the corresponding "caster level"?

As a contrast, all scrolls in the game are regarded as caster lvl 10. (Is this true also for BG2 high level scrolls?) I imagine that for things like Dispel Magic chance calculations, this caster level is used: e.g. a lvl12 mage would have a 70% chance of dispelling your Spirit Armor cast from a scroll.

How about wands and potions?

Are all potions "level 1" [caster or spell levels]? (i.e. ANY caster can successfully dispel them all in one go)

Are all wands cast at "level 1" or at their minimum relevant level (e.g. caster lvl3 and spell lvl 2 for an Aganazzar's Scorcher?)

Can a Minor Globe of Invulnerability stop ALL wands? Or only spell equivalents of proper level? (i.e. stop Lightning Wand, but fail to stop Wands of Heavens?)

How about the Wand of Paralysis?

How many levels of Spell protections (for Spell Deflection etc.) will a wand eat per use?



  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    I've also noticed that in ToB when enemies use remove magic it seems to work without fail

    this is the gripe I have with abizigal, regardless of my level his remove magic works 100% of the time

    my guess is that spell effects that are cast on you stop at level 20 per se, but dispel checks that require level can go pass 20

    that's my only guess as to why abizigal at level 30 is succeeding 100% of the time when dispelling viconia's buffs when she is in the lower 30s ( his chance to succeed should be 10-20% at best)
  • YgramulYgramul Member Posts: 1,060
    This is very interesting, @semiticgod
    Thank you.

    Basically, this means that Fear, Paralyzation, and Heavens wands are reliable counters to MGoI in BGEE!

    I am embarrassed to not have tried them. (I certainly would have wiped the floor in the Bhaal Temple fight with those three casters.)

    Some surprises: I would have expected Fear to be lvl 2 (Horror?).

    Also, I find it astonishing that one of the Final Battle casters dispelled ALL my buffs with a single Remove Magic. Perhaps I was just very unlucky? (If potions etc. are lvl 10, for 8 of them to be dispelled reliably, the caster needs to be lvl 15+.) Does anyone know the SCS/Final Battle char levels in that fight?

    This also implies that at the time of BG2, potions etc. are useless in a caster battle: they will be consistently dispelled. Ergo: only reliable defense is items (and the rare PfM scroll).
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    I thought Wand of Fear was 2, but I double-checked everything and it was 4. There might have been a change in EE somewhere along the line.

    But I might have been remembering the Wand of Fear's undocumented +2 save bonus.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    sarevok57 said:

    I've also noticed that in ToB when enemies use remove magic it seems to work without fail

    this is the gripe I have with abizigal, regardless of my level his remove magic works 100% of the time

    my guess is that spell effects that are cast on you stop at level 20 per se, but dispel checks that require level can go pass 20

    that's my only guess as to why abizigal at level 30 is succeeding 100% of the time when dispelling viconia's buffs when she is in the lower 30s ( his chance to succeed should be 10-20% at best)

    Yes, Dispel magic scales past 20.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    By itself, Dispel Magic scales infinitely. But in the unmodded game, an Inquisitor's Dispel Magic will max out at level 20, when it will strike as if it were a level 40 Dispel Magic.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    I thought wands of fire and lightning were used at level 5 since that's the level that those spells can be legally cast. Is that not the case? Why is the Necklace of Missiles level 9? It's cheaper than the wands and cheaper to recharge. That makes it one of the best items in the game, especially since anyone can use it. I always thought that necklace was awesome but I didn't know it was THAT uber!
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Balrog99: I think you may be mixing up caster level with spell level. Take a level 5 mage who can cast a level 3 spell Fireball: the mage will cast it at level 5, which means it deals 5d6 damage, but the spell level will be 3, which means it won't bypass Minor Globe of Invulnerability. Blame D&D's incessant use of the word "level" to refer to every other number.

    A Wand of Fire doesn't actually cast a Fireball spell. It fires a near-duplicate of the Fireball spell, so the caster level (irrelevant) and the spell level (3) are always the same.

    The Necklace of Missiles doesn't do much more damage than a Wand of Fire, and will do less damage than a level 10 mage's Fireball spell. The necklace's spell level of 9 doesn't affect the damage it deals; it only lets it bypass three things that a simple Fireball or Wand of Fire could not:

    1. (Minor) Globe of Invulnerability
    2. Rakshasa spell level immunities (1-7)
    3. Lich spell level immunities (1-5)

    (It might also bypass the Cloak of Mirroring and SI: Evocation, unlike a Fireball spell, but that would be because of its primary and secondary type; not its spell level)
  • AlonsoAlonso Member Posts: 806
    CamDawg wrote: »
    Dispel also has an 'always dispel' option
    What is that 'always dispel' option? How does it work?
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited February 2019
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  • Jaheiras_WitnessJaheiras_Witness Member Posts: 614
    CamDawg wrote: »

    Only via explicit casting of a spell by an item--such as what scrolls do--can the caster level deviate from the item default.

    Could you elaborate on this point? I thought all scrolls were caster level 10. Whereas your point above would suggest that the caster level can deviate from 10.
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    CamDawg wrote: »

    Only via explicit casting of a spell by an item--such as what scrolls do--can the caster level deviate from the item default.

    Could you elaborate on this point? I thought all scrolls were caster level 10. Whereas your point above would suggest that the caster level can deviate from 10.

    Invoking an underlying spell via an item (such as a scroll) is the only mechanism to have effects that scale from a caster's level. However, nothing works this way by default--as noted above, scrolls use fixed caster levels. FWIW Tweaks has a component that changes scrolls to use the caster's level.
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    Well, the PnP behavior is a fixed caster level for spells cast through items.
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    Raduziel wrote: »
    Well, the PnP behavior is a fixed caster level for spells cast through items.

    Yep, it's supposed to cast at the level of the person writing the spell to the scroll. So somewhere in Faerun, there's a very busy 10th-level mage.
  • Jaheiras_WitnessJaheiras_Witness Member Posts: 614
    Yes, I understand what you mean now.

    That tweaks component btw does not work too well. It is fine for mages (caster level is your mage level) but it’s terrible for thieves with UAI. Because they have no mage levels, the engine must think they are level 0 or level 1; so a Magic Missile cast from scroll gives you 1 missile, Mirror Image gets you just 2 images, Fireball does 1d6 damage, scalable duration spells (such as 1 round/level) last for minimum duration etc. It would be great if that could somehow be adjusted so caster level = thief level or something like that.
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    Thanks for the insight in this thread.
    Just wanted to add that the wand of polymorphing is available in BG1 and BG1:ee
    Go to Baldurs Gate north west area. A pair of twins live near the center.
    The twins are afraid of the bogeyman. Help them or just kill the owner of the wand.
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    Yes, I understand what you mean now.

    That tweaks component btw does not work too well. It is fine for mages (caster level is your mage level) but it’s terrible for thieves with UAI. Because they have no mage levels, the engine must think they are level 0 or level 1; so a Magic Missile cast from scroll gives you 1 missile, Mirror Image gets you just 2 images, Fireball does 1d6 damage, scalable duration spells (such as 1 round/level) last for minimum duration etc. It would be great if that could somehow be adjusted so caster level = thief level or something like that.

    It's an engine limitation, and noted in the readme:
    One item to note here--the game will use your character's mage level; if you're in the habit of casting scrolls with your thief via Use Any Item, the spell will likely be cast at a minimum level.
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    CamDawg wrote: »
    Yep, it's supposed to cast at the level of the person writing the spell to the scroll. So somewhere in Faerun, there's a very busy 10th-level mage.

    It’s actually a sweatshop run by the Twisted Rune where abducted 10th-level Mages are forced to scribe scrolls no stop for a chunk of bread and a glass of murky water.
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    CamDawg wrote: »
    Yep, it's supposed to cast at the level of the person writing the spell to the scroll. So somewhere in Faerun, there's a very busy 10th-level mage.

    It’s actually a sweatshop run by the Twisted Rune where abducted 10th-level Mages are forced to scribe scrolls no stop for a chunk of bread and a glass of murky water.

    Heh. Perhaps the TR involvement would also explain how those 10th-level mages can scribe all those level 6-9 spells they can't even cast. :)
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  • AlonsoAlonso Member Posts: 806
    What about the caster level for other kind of items? I just found Bala's Axe, which gives you the ability to cast Dispel Magic once per day. Does the rule of the fixed level (10 for BG2 and 6 for BG) apply to any kind of item?
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Alonso: If you have a mod installed to let spellcasting items scale with level, then presumably it would cast at the character's level, since it's coded not to use a specific level (if you had no such mod, it would indeed be level 6 and level 10). Since the Dispel Magic from Bala's Axe is the priest version of the spell, however, it's possible that anyone without cleric, ranger, paladin, or (hypothetically) druid levels would cast it at the minimum level. It's also possible that rangers and paladins would cast it at a -7 or -8 caster level penalty, as they do with their normal spells.

    The same does not apply to Carsomyr, whose Dispel Magic spell is specifically coded to strike as level 30.

    Since it hasn't come up but is still relevant: the on-hit dispelling effects of Carsomyr, the Staff of the Magi, and Arrows of Dispelling always dispel all dispellable effects, regardless of level (though Carsomyr will grant a save vs. spell to negate if you have the right SCS component installed).
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    edited March 2019
    I always found dispel mechanics completely broken and not intuitive. I cannot know the opponents level unless I check it in the game files so the bonus/malus is a complete guess and the spell ends up as a coin flip.

    I never notice any of the gradations. The game does not tell you that it failed and for what reason nor in the least what the level difference would have been.

    Casting gear at character level should be regardless of class, it should just take the max level of all present classes. Otherwise a non caster class will never cast at levels beyond 1 other than if they have a secondary class in the mage or cleric spell.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    I have the mod that makes item caster levels match character caster levels and it's still kinda wonky. You can have a level 36 character's potion get regularly dispelled by a level 24 demon's Remove Magic spell, even though the demon would have to be 8 levels higher to achieve a 10% chance of success.

    Still better than playing the game without the mod, though. At least it's not a 100% chance of losing a potion buff to every late-game mage in BG2. I've seen some potion buffs survive dispel attempts by reasonably high-level critters. It's much more fair to characters without access to Spell Immunity: Abjuration.
  • Jaheiras_WitnessJaheiras_Witness Member Posts: 614
    Isn’t that because of the point CamDawg made earlier in the thread, that only items which simulate a spell being cast (i.e. scrolls, and maybe some cast spell x per day items) are affected by the mod? So potions are not affected, they will always be caster level 10 whether you have the component installed or not, so no surprise that high level demons will dispel them easily.
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    edited March 2019
    Isn’t that because of the point CamDawg made earlier in the thread, that only items which simulate a spell being cast (i.e. scrolls, and maybe some cast spell x per day items) are affected by the mod? So potions are not affected, they will always be caster level 10 whether you have the component installed or not, so no surprise that high level demons will dispel them easily.

    Beat me to it. Potions don't have "levels" so they'll be dispelled by pretty much anything.

    edit: It's more nuanced than that--potions have no way to have their caster level set by modifying the item itself, so IIRC they default to a hardcoded caster level of 10.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @CamDawg: Which items are affected, then? I've noticed that Improved Haste effects from the Improved Cloak of Protection +2 and Amulet of Cheetah Speed default to a specific caster level of 20, so some items which cast spells are still at a set level. There are very, very few items which actually cast spells rather than simply mimicking the effects. That basically just means scrolls. Even Ilbratha doesn't cast Mirror Image; it just uses the Mirror Image opcode.

    Why would potions work differently from per-day items? I don't see why the haste from Arbane's Sword would operate differently from the haste effect of an Oil of Speed.
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    tl;dr, it's technical.

    Only a handful of opcodes allow for an explicit caster level--cast spell (146 or 148) are the obvious ones, and dispel magic (58) is another. The handful of items that route effects through these opcodes can have their caster level adjusted, otherwise it falls back to the default. Scrolls cast using 146/148, as do a handful of items.

    Items do not approach these things consistently. The Improved Cloak of Protection and Amulet of Cheetah Speed cast their spells explicitly via op 146/148, but an Oil of Speed or haste via Arbane apply their effects directly. There's no reason why you couldn't externalize these effects to a spell and route the item through a 146/148 so that they could scale, but it gets complicated. Given that (in the base game) all of these end up at level 10 it's also completely unnecessary--the difference only shows when you have mods come through and start messing with it.
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