NPC bodies (a Raise Dead/Resurrection mod)

This mod is intended for those playing a minimal/no reloads game (therefor using Raise Dead services of temples instead of reloading when a NPC dies) and has three components that can be installed independently.
1) NPC bodies for BG:EE
When a NPC dies, he (or she) drops a bodyat the feet of the Protagonist (ideally it should have been dropped together with the inventory items at the spot the NPC was killed, but so far it does not seem possible) in the place he is killed. In order to be raised at a temple, the NPC's body must be carried in the party inventory and upon casting the spell, the body will disappear from inventory and the NPC will be brought back to life.
Do not attempt to raise dead a NPC without his body, this will result in his permanent death ! Also leaving an area without the body will cause the body to disappear after a time, resulting in the impossibility to bring the character back to life.
Each of the 28 joinable NPC's has his unique body with a weight based on race, gender and strength.

2) Raise Dead permanent Constitution loss
This cause the characters brought back to life with Raise Dead or Resurrection to lose 1 point of CON as in PnP
3) Fixed price for Raise Dead spell
It makes little sense for the dynamic progression with level of the Raise Dead cost in temples. At lowest levels Raise Dead cost less than Slow Poison, or Cure Critical Wounds or Heal, while at the higher levels it becomes absurd, when the player usually has the means to cast the spell himself or by someone in the party and doesn't need this service anyway. So the price of Raise Dead has been set at the fixed price of 500gp
Warning, this is mod is not fully tested, and it is marked as BETA
1) NPC bodies for BG:EE
When a NPC dies, he (or she) drops a body
Do not attempt to raise dead a NPC without his body, this will result in his permanent death ! Also leaving an area without the body will cause the body to disappear after a time, resulting in the impossibility to bring the character back to life.
Each of the 28 joinable NPC's has his unique body with a weight based on race, gender and strength.

2) Raise Dead permanent Constitution loss
This cause the characters brought back to life with Raise Dead or Resurrection to lose 1 point of CON as in PnP
3) Fixed price for Raise Dead spell
It makes little sense for the dynamic progression with level of the Raise Dead cost in temples. At lowest levels Raise Dead cost less than Slow Poison, or Cure Critical Wounds or Heal, while at the higher levels it becomes absurd, when the player usually has the means to cast the spell himself or by someone in the party and doesn't need this service anyway. So the price of Raise Dead has been set at the fixed price of 500gp
Warning, this is mod is not fully tested, and it is marked as BETA
Post edited by gunman on
Please also consider submitting an ini file template for this mod to be included in the BiG World Setup tool. We of course can write the ini file ourselves, but we prefer to invite active authors to manage their mod's relationship with BWS proactively, including deciding what short description they want us to show with the mod. Thanks!
Regarding the weights of some of the NPCs, I think Minsc and Dorn should weigh considerably more, given their respective strength scores and size. I assume you made them weigh less than 220 lbs so a party member could carry their bodies after drinking a potion of strength or casting a strength spell.
With Minsc at 18/93 and Dorn at 19, and both of them being portrayed as very tall, I'd guess they're at least over 300 lbs each. For example, the actor who plays "The Mountain" in Game of Thrones, Hafthor Bjornsson, is 6'9" 441lbs and is probably 18/00!
Also, Viconia should probably weigh less than Imoen, since she's a drow (which are slightly smaller than surface elves IIRC), and since she has a delicate frame with her 8 CON.
Just some things to consider. Again, well done!
Is there any way to work around this aside from uninstalling this portion of the mod?
The reworked version can be found here.
@Mortianna I'm tagging you as you were using this not too long ago and might be interested in this. Also, I am not sure that the chunking issue can't be avoided based on how the mod is implemented. I do not know how to do it another way, so I'm afraid this may be an issue that persists through the life of the mod.
Is this mod working now (JUNE 2021) ?
By the past, several issues were mentioned:
°-1 CONSTITUTION LOSS: not working.
°Chunked NPC dropped their bodies instead of permadeath.
°Dead NPC in «indoor environment» (cave, house, tower, dungeon), didn’t drop bodies.
°Prices at temple, not fixed.
°CONSTITUTION penalty re-kill NPC if they are on a CON break point.
°Can you raise NPC by yourself with scroll/spell or only at Temple ?
°For how long will stay dead bodies on ground if you not pick them up straight after they died ?
especially for people here who create mod or test them
However, intermittently not dropping a body or being able to raise a party member yourself are show-stoppers, though. Were it not for these, and the fact that it may not be EET compatible, I would seriously consider this mod.