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I’d like to pick the brains of those here who possess much more knowledge of Forgotten Realms lore then I do.

The possibility of a half-dwarven child, (human/dwarf) makes me wonder how that child would be accepted by the races of his parents. I’m not looking for modern, politically correct logic here, but the possible reactions of people within the setting and societies of Baldur’s Gate.

For example, dwarves have always seemed like such a proud race to me. Tightly knit clans with proud and ancient traditions. I wonder if such a child would experience any prejudice, subtle or otherwise. Especially as he became a man.

I know that some humans within the setting hate drows. Is there reason to believe that some would hate dwarves as well?


  • RodrianRodrian Member Posts: 426
    Could also be worth remembering about such circumstances like region or Realms' Years. . I think that a half-dwarf raised in - for example - Neverwinter (big, multicultural capitol), around "more modern" years (~1460-80DR), would have less, if any problems with society's acceptation. . I dunno' :sweat_smile:
  • bleusteelbleusteel Member Posts: 523
    Not Forgotten Realms, but one of my favorite PC races, the Mul:
  • mashedtatersmashedtaters Member Posts: 2,266
    I think dwarves usually really discriminate against individuals who disrespect their ancient traditions (which generally include the entire elves race as a rule). It would be logical to rule by a DM then that if marrying within the clan or nearby clans is an ancient tradition held sacred by a particular dwarven clan it would be more likely that they would shun or look down upon the parents of a half-breed dwarf. As dwarven society is mostly good, most dwarves in such a clan would probably accept the child (but some might think he/she should be outcast, maybe even those of influence) with a sort of sorry-for-you feel, possibly not allowing him/her to advance or placing unnecessary hurdles in front of him/her.
    It also logical to assume that they wouldn't care, especially if they were not the xenophobic type of dwarfish clan.
    Human populations in Faerun are as diverse as the real world, so any sort of story could be easily swallowed by any audience reading/learning about a half-dwarf.
  • CalmarCalmar Member Posts: 688
    Also sescribed in [i]Dwarves Deep[/i], some dwarven clans who are desparate about their low birth-rates, are said to abduct human women to produce the half-dwarves @Archaos details.
  • RavenslightRavenslight Member Posts: 1,609
    Calmar said:

    Also sescribed in [i]Dwarves Deep[/i], some dwarven clans who are desparate about their low birth-rates, are said to abduct human women to produce the half-dwarves @Archaos details.

    I was trying to find this reference to abducting human women in a pdf file of Dwarves Deep that I downloaded today, but I’m missing it somehow. Would you happen to remember which section you found it in?

    Thank you everyone! This is all very interesting. :)
  • AerakarAerakar Member Posts: 1,068
    Grum said:

    Well we know half dwarves exist because there was one in Durlag's Tower. Also:

    Who is the 1/2 Dwarf in Durlag's?
  • GrumGrum Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,100
    Aerakar said:

    Grum said:

    Well we know half dwarves exist because there was one in Durlag's Tower. Also:

    Who is the 1/2 Dwarf in Durlag's?
    Don't remember the name off the top of my head, but it's in the greater wyrven room. One of the cursed adventurers you can free to help you fight
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    @Aerakar, @Grum - his name is Tarnor. (Whether he has any connection to the Tarnor in BG2, I know not.)
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    Half-gnome and half-Scot = Gnomon? (Hey, wow, a sentient sundial! The comic fantasy possibilities are terrific!)
  • CalmarCalmar Member Posts: 688

    I was trying to find this reference to abducting human women in a pdf file of Dwarves Deep that I downloaded today, but I’m missing it somehow. Would you happen to remember which section you found it in?

    Thank you everyone! This is all very interesting. :)

    Please excuse the late reply, @Ravenslight. It is stated on page 4, in the section "The Doom of the Dwarves".

    In my personal off-topic opinion, this wicked practice of the dwarves would be really cool in some dark, Nordic or Celtic-themed world where humanity struggles against a world of sinister faeries and merciless otherworldly forces, but I feel it totally doesn't fit the upbeat theme of the dwarves as a Good Race in the Forgotten Realms.

    After all, the Forgotten Realms is not only a world, where (human) women can freely and without any apparent drawbacks enter relationships with elves or even more exotic good creatures, but I also don't see why there should not be human-dwarf marriages on a regular basis. The two races mingle often enough and FR dwarves, being all loyal, reliable and hard working, seem like a rather good catch anyways.
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