
I’d like to pick the brains of those here who possess much more knowledge of Forgotten Realms lore then I do.
The possibility of a half-dwarven child, (human/dwarf) makes me wonder how that child would be accepted by the races of his parents. I’m not looking for modern, politically correct logic here, but the possible reactions of people within the setting and societies of Baldur’s Gate.
For example, dwarves have always seemed like such a proud race to me. Tightly knit clans with proud and ancient traditions. I wonder if such a child would experience any prejudice, subtle or otherwise. Especially as he became a man.
I know that some humans within the setting hate drows. Is there reason to believe that some would hate dwarves as well?
The possibility of a half-dwarven child, (human/dwarf) makes me wonder how that child would be accepted by the races of his parents. I’m not looking for modern, politically correct logic here, but the possible reactions of people within the setting and societies of Baldur’s Gate.
For example, dwarves have always seemed like such a proud race to me. Tightly knit clans with proud and ancient traditions. I wonder if such a child would experience any prejudice, subtle or otherwise. Especially as he became a man.
I know that some humans within the setting hate drows. Is there reason to believe that some would hate dwarves as well?
But as to your questions, I'd expect their experience to be similar to half-elves when living with humans, but would have an easier time in Dwarven lands.
"Like half-elves, dwelves would adopt the cultures and gods of whoever raised them.[3]
Non-dwarven mates who entered into dwarven culture were honored and respected by dwarves for their bravery and loyalty.[1]"
That said there would likely be subtle prejudice. Such as expecting less from his craftsmanship and stamina due to a 'weaker' bloodline. Luckily, being physically almost indistinguishable from dwarves would make blending in easier for the half dwarf.
Derro are half-Humans/half-Dwarves that breed true (although they are categored as monstrous humanoids for some incomprehensible reason). Other than them there also exist Durzagon, half-Duergar/half-Baatezu. And while not entirely half-breeds, Maeluth, which are basically dwarvish Tieflings also exist. Azers could have been a crossbreed between dwarves and either denizens of the Elemental Plane of Fire, or Fire Giants down the road. Though I wouldn't really call them dwarves any longer.
Needless to say, there are also dozen of supply books that feature dwarvish hybrids, but they are not setting specific to Abeir-Toril.
As for the interaction between Half-Dwarves and their parent races: I think they would face less trouble than Half-Elves, not to mention Half-Orcs. On the contrary, any human settlement would probably welcome Half-Dwarves as possible blacksmiths, or carpenters. Dwarves on the other hand don't seem much to mind other races within their underground kingdoms.
That being said, if the child were an Duergar halfbreed he or she may indeed have some trouble coming. But not as much as Half-Drow or Tieflings do.
I was onto some kind of deeper meaning... But then my wisdom score failed me...
It also logical to assume that they wouldn't care, especially if they were not the xenophobic type of dwarfish clan.
Human populations in Faerun are as diverse as the real world, so any sort of story could be easily swallowed by any audience reading/learning about a half-dwarf.
Humans, gnomes, and halflings are cross-fertile with dwarves. Elminster says elves and dwarves can have issue as well. Common in Ardeep, Eaerlann, and Myth Drannor of old, this is unheard-of today.
Mates who respect dwarven customs and traditions are honored for their courage (in entering a strange society), loyalty (to the customs of dwarves) and aid (in preserving the Folk).
Half-dwarves are not a distinct race. Save for their height (a head taller than most dwarves) all offspring of unions between dwarves and other races look and act (and are treated in the rules) as pureblood dwarves. Dwarven halfbreeds always have the stocky build and hirsute appearance of purebloods.
If halfbloods mate with pureblood dwarves, the offspring will be a pureblood. If halfbloods mate with another halfblood or a non dwarf, the offspring will be a halfblood."
Thank you everyone! This is all very interesting.
After all, the Forgotten Realms is not only a world, where (human) women can freely and without any apparent drawbacks enter relationships with elves or even more exotic good creatures, but I also don't see why there should not be human-dwarf marriages on a regular basis. The two races mingle often enough and FR dwarves, being all loyal, reliable and hard working, seem like a rather good catch anyways.