Just what weapons CAN Tiax use?

He's so severely limited in what he can wield, it ain't even funny. He gets just a few proficiencies on account of being a cleric, and one of those is Mace. But actual maces are not usable by thieves.
Low Wisdom. Because he's mad. All right. He can't backstab, either. What the heck? He's such a great NPC, but totally useless because of the limitations on the thief side. I think this is a place to step away from AD&D rules and let cleric/thieves use daggers, if not short swords. And armor - well, he can wear anything, but the thief skill are only available if it's up to studded leather. Can't change armor in a fight, either.
A difficult life it must be.
Low Wisdom. Because he's mad. All right. He can't backstab, either. What the heck? He's such a great NPC, but totally useless because of the limitations on the thief side. I think this is a place to step away from AD&D rules and let cleric/thieves use daggers, if not short swords. And armor - well, he can wear anything, but the thief skill are only available if it's up to studded leather. Can't change armor in a fight, either.
A difficult life it must be.
Likewise, when you want to make the most of your thieving skills and stealth, you will want to be wearing light armor, typically some form of leather. Clerics are often played as front-line fighters going toe-to-toe with the fighters in the same armor, but that is not really an option for an effective cleric/thief.
Finally, the more aggressive fighter-like aspect of the cleric really wants a higher strength than Tiax chooses to display (as Tiax rules over all, including the DM, clearly the stats on the character sheet are those he has chosen to reveal, rather than display his true abilities...)
Tax is a lot of fun, especially with Quayle in the party too. He also has an interesting special ability, if you look carefully, which is not available to my favorite protagonist character, the Hero the Half-Orc cleric/thief.
Just because someone else is wielding them for me vicariously means nothing.
This is all just wrong. Clubs and staves should not be backstabbing weapons, but dual-classed thieves should be allowed to wield daggers, even if it's against standard cleric rules. Many DMs would probably allow a dagger to a cleric-thief. And what a modder can make already is a blackjack - a thieves-only club that does a little non-lethal damage and knocks the target out on a failed save.
Quarterstaffs never made much sense to me as a backstab weapon, but it kind of falls out of the rules. Quarterstaffs are essentially the most basic weapon in the game, that can be used by any class. Likewise, the rules say that any weapon a thief can use, can be used for backstabbing...
I suspect you would have a hard time persuading a human DM that this is a reasonable interpretation of the rules
I don't know how to mod the game to enable daggers to cleric-thieves or forbid backstabbing with blunt objects, but I'm gonna make that blackjack myself, soon as I'm done with the current project.
Den you can club when you dagger and dagger when you club