Is it possible to input a custom race name?

Hello all,
In Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, BG2:EE, and IWD:EE is it possible to give the character sheet a custom race? Sort of how Aerie has Avariel and Viconia has Drow in their race name?
Can Near Infinity or EEkeeper somehow do as such?
In Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, BG2:EE, and IWD:EE is it possible to give the character sheet a custom race? Sort of how Aerie has Avariel and Viconia has Drow in their race name?
Can Near Infinity or EEkeeper somehow do as such?
I'd very much like to know that as well!
I think it would be interesting to have a character's subrace appear. So say if you were RPing as a half-drow just use the half-elf stats but have it say Half-Drow on the character sheet.
I'll just keep using head-canon then. Currently running through BG:EE as a "Kitsune" Blade Bard (Half-Elf with a custom portrait and some edits using EEkeeper) and thought it'd be neat to change my character sheet to reflect the RP but if it's too much of a hassle then I suppose I'll just pretend that's what it says for now lol
I've tried to dabble a bit in changing class into a custom class, much like you want to change race. I found something in EEkeeper that could change class, like an effect you could add, but didn't get it to work.