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Is it possible to input a custom race name?

VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
Hello all,

In Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, BG2:EE, and IWD:EE is it possible to give the character sheet a custom race? Sort of how Aerie has Avariel and Viconia has Drow in their race name?

Can Near Infinity or EEkeeper somehow do as such?


  • RodrianRodrian Member Posts: 426
    I'd very much like to know that as well! :smile:
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    I imagine it would be quite possible by editing various .2da and .ids files, though the process may be quite involved and, if done incorrectly, could easily lead to issues. It depends on how far you would want to take it I guess. If you just want "Avariel" to appear on Aerie's record screen, that would probably be much easier than making a whole new custom race complete with unique special abilities and such.
  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    edited October 2016
    Yeah, I'm more just interested in changing the name on the character sheet (and possibly dialogue if that's a thing?) as opposed to making an actual new race.

    I think it would be interesting to have a character's subrace appear. So say if you were RPing as a half-drow just use the half-elf stats but have it say Half-Drow on the character sheet.
  • AerakarAerakar Member Posts: 1,068
    More role-play options = better.
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    I looked into this a bit and it looks like the minimal effort way to do this would be to make a sort of copy of the elf race and give it a custom name. If you wanted this race to function the same way you would have to edit a LOT of spell and item files, mostly those involving charm and sleep effects, and maybe create some new custom .eff files and probably some other stuff I am not thinking about at the moment and so on and so fourth... Honestly, my estimation is that the effort required would not be worth it if all you want is a different race name to appear on the record.
  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    Ah ok, that's fine then :3

    I'll just keep using head-canon then. Currently running through BG:EE as a "Kitsune" Blade Bard (Half-Elf with a custom portrait and some edits using EEkeeper) and thought it'd be neat to change my character sheet to reflect the RP but if it's too much of a hassle then I suppose I'll just pretend that's what it says for now lol
  • HudzyHudzy Member Posts: 300
    Half-elf does accurately describe a half-drow at least, but I did prefer how NWN2 handled subrace selection. Alas.
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    Would be cool to have swirfneblins and duergars, as well as, drow.

    I've tried to dabble a bit in changing class into a custom class, much like you want to change race. I found something in EEkeeper that could change class, like an effect you could add, but didn't get it to work.
  • dibdib Member Posts: 384
    Vallmyr said:

    Sort of how Aerie has Avariel and Viconia has Drow in their race name?

    Wait what? When did this happen?
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Sometimes rp is the only way to go with an engine this rigid. I'm running a fighter/mage that I rp as ranger/mage. Using eekeeper to add some small rangeresque abilities.
  • AerakarAerakar Member Posts: 1,068
    I would love drow, svirfneblin, etc. but would also settle for just the BG sub-races also, e.g. Shield, Gold Dwarves, various Elves, Halflings, etc.
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