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The LoB + SCS Solo Challenge vs Bhaal´s Cataclysm



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  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited April 2017
    Its the original Tactics Bodhi. Or better: It was! Without PfU this fight could have been the end for Korgath as the good old trap -> maze -> trap game is not working. I also tried different spells but Bodhis Magic Resistance absorbed nearly anything. Maybe A Lower Resistance would have worked wonders. Anyway: This was one of the very few battles so far where Su´kka felt clearly stronger thanks to constant GWW spamming. Ah i miss this skill so much. At least sometimes. Suldanessalar and Irenicus should be no big deal now especially with the Slayer bug still active. But we will see! :D

    EDIT: Just tested one of my Druids vs Tactics Bodhi: Looks like "Harm" works pretty decent once her Magic Resistance is lowered. Are there any Harm Scrolls in the game?
    Post edited by Harpagornis on
  • ArctodusArctodus Member Posts: 992
    @Harpagornis It's nice to see Korgath having some difficulty for a change ! That way, you won't lose interest in this character... :p

    I guess it will only get harder from now on, with ToB looming large on you... Pretty sure you'll do fine anyway !!
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited April 2017
    You are damn right @Arctodus! It was borderline boring playing Korgath after reaching level 21+ and there are still moments where i like to start another character or switch over to my Noober-Project instead. But first he should at least bring an end to Irenicus! :D
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited April 2017
    Oh, thats good to know @Grond0. I usually only trade the Tears in after getting all of them. But isnt it strange that Sarevok only uses a normal or +1 weapon? Hhhmmmm...

    I got the same problem like last time: After beating Irenicus the game crashes once the cutscene talk ends - damn it. Importing Save Game or Character File leads to destruction of my Potion Case, my Scroll Cases with a whole bunch of spells and also the Bag of Holding. This means: Play on without most of my equipment or restore them manually using the EE Keeper - which will take some time. I hate this bug! :s
    Post edited by Harpagornis on
  • ArctodusArctodus Member Posts: 992
    Since you already beat the fight, you could simply CTRL-Y everything until you get that final save, so you can keep your stuff...
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited April 2017
    Final Save is also not working @Arctodus...

    But i got the trick how to keep all equipment even though it requires the Console again:

    With C:MoveToArea("AR4000") Korgath teleported to the ancient elven statues where he can trigger Illasera normally. :)
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited April 2017
    Korgath arrived in Saradush where he tried to face Gromnir – but lets see what happened...

    First he grabbed the sewers key and got swarmed by Gromnirs soldier. As they could not damage him he had all the time in the world to hack them down. That was really funny:

    After that he sneaked through the sewers and crashed through more soldiers. His Elite Guards were killed with the usual backstab + stair retreat. After a while all of them were down and the battlefield was prepared for the final confrontation with Gromnir:

    Thanks to his seven poison traps and five Fire Elementals Gromnir was badly wounded right from the start. All he had to do now was: Hack or shoot using improved Haste while resummoning if needed. Gromnir had no chance and went down in fashion:

    End of story? No! Cause the cutscene with Amelyssan did not trigger – even not after moving out and in again or resting. Damn, damn, damn! Even worse: After beating the first challenge in the pocket plane Korgath recieved the xp but NOT the pocket plane ability. Something is going completly wrong here. Maybe its the manual import using the console? Maybe its the missing Slayer ability cause Dream Bhaal did not follow into Candlekeep Library? Looks like the bugs are doing what the enemies could not. But the whole installation looks broken due to the constant INVALID LINES so its maybe time for a reinstallation...

    EDIT: Did the Gromnir fight with Su´kka again - Amelyssan triggers without any problems. Looks like the manual console jump confused some scripts. Will import Korgath normally and try it again just to see what happens...

    EDIT 2: I started ToB again using the normal import function and tried the first challenge in the pocket plane again. And - oh wonder - it works like intended. Korgath now got the Pocket Plane ability. Thats good. But as all of his containers got destroyed he plays on with most of his stuff missing. Thats bad. Maybe i will restore them later on using EE Keeper. Its time that Beamdog gets rid of this bug!!!

    EDIT: Okay, now everything is working like intended. Korgath defeated Gromnir once more and the Amelyssan cutscene triggered. Beware Yaga Shura - Korgath is coming for you! Well. After some rest. :D
    Post edited by Harpagornis on
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461

    For some strange reason the damage during Time Stop was saved until the effect ended

    That doesn't seem strange to me. If time has stopped for everyone except the thief it seems reasonable enemies don't feel the pain until after time restarts.
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited April 2017
    Before going on with Abazigals Lair Korgath faced the Slayer Challenge in the pocket plane. At the end this one was much easier than the previous ones thanks to some preparation. After mazing the beast Korgath placed seven spike traps and moved his five Fire Elementals plus the Simulacrum in position:

    From now on the rest was just running as the Slayer tried to catch Korgath ignoring anything else. After two minutes of evading the Slayer finally went down without being able to land a single hit - poor one!

  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    Okay Korgath managed to beat the multi dragon fight in front of Abazigals Lair after getting the rope in Amkethran. Thanks to traps and leveldrain this was much easier than with Su´kka the Barbarian. The steps to victory are:

    1. Maze the Dragon
    2. Time Stop Trap
    3. Wait or Rest
    4. Improved Haste
    5. Leveldrain with Blackrazor + Short Sword of Mask
    6. Retreat after ~6 Hits
    7. Repeat 1-6 until dead

    Abazigal isnt far away anymore... ;)
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited April 2017
    Hello @Viper_Alvein! Must have been a really long read, no? ;)

    You are most welcome to join our little challenge even if your solo experience may be lacking. I am sure you will learn to adapt fast - as we all did over the time. With regard to your class selection: Nearly all classes should work so its more about style and fun than anything else. Stalker/Cleric looks like the most interesting to me even though the Kensai/Mage will be an even bigger powerhouse in the long run. We are also in need for Paladins or Bards as it seems that no one wants to play them - for whatever reason. :D
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    Best of luck @Viper_Alvein. If you're intending to start in BG1 then I would steer of the kensai/mage. If you dual early you'll lose out on much of the long-term power benefits, but dualling later on would mean soloing most or all of BG1 with a kensai - and if you're not used to playing solo you might find that frustrating.
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited April 2017
    Okay, Korgath faced one of the most interesting battles for quite some time: Abazigals Big Four!

    These Drakes are a pain in the ass as they follow you wherever you go - even after being mazed. They can also see through invisibility and will use all kinds of elemental attacks while being highly resistant to magic. Korgath tried many different things - some worked better some not.

    Mordi Swords are great tanks here so Korgath used them the southwestern part of the map while throwing Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting together with his Simulacrum. This hurted them quite a bit but it was far than enough as they forced him into the open field. From now on Korgath had to use his superiour speed while setting up one Spike Trap after another. Once gone he switched to Time Stop Traps + Improved Haste to get in his first kill. Fire Elementals proved to be not really good against the Drakes but they gave him time to use some Fireballs and splitting the Drakes using well placed Maze Traps. Together they put all fire on the remaining one and weared down a second drake. As all of this took ages Korgath switched to the cheesy mode. He ported to the pocket plane, rested and moved back to Maze the last Drakes and set up seven Spike Traps. He ported back to the pocket plane before they could reappear and rested to refresh his Spike Traps once more. After getting back he watched how the traps took the Drakes down to badly injured and mazed them again. The seven newly placed Spike Traps proved to be enough for the kill. Quite cheesy but Korgath was running out of supplies and - even worse - had only a minimal hit chance without Time Stop. Anyway: The Drakes are finally dead and the way to Abazigal is free. Maybe there are better ways to bring the Drakes down but with most stuff still not restored his options were quite limited... ;)
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    edited April 2017
    Good progress @Arctodus. Yeah, the very start in SoA is not that easy for Warriors - its all about tactic. And a bit luck! :D

    Weapon planning looks fine! The Short Sword of Mask and its entangling even works against ToB Dragons. Its quite funny to watch the big beasts trying to catch you while not making any progress. Blackrazor is a no-brainer and one of the best weapons for ToB. Flail of Ages - like you said - will be superb until Melissan. Defender of Easthaven is a must have while Foebane is pretty cool but not really essential imo. Slings with Grand Mastery and 25 Strength plus GWW will rock! Not to forget: Make sure to get the summon Staffs - especially the Staff of Fire (30 charges!) will help a lot later on! Last but not least: The Axe of Unyielding or the Ravager Halberd and its instakill ability will be very, very powerful at the late stage especially against Marilith, Planetars or Devas - if you can get it! ;)
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    @Arctodus / Harpagornis what's the advantage of using Blackrazor and Mask swords together? I can see a sort of argument for them if you want both entangle and strength / healing, but if the main aim is level draining surely you would be better off with Blackrazor? Adding Belm or similar means you get the same number of level draining attacks overall if unhasted, but all of them are with Blackrazor (which drains 4 levels rather than 1). If you add improved haste you get 2 extra level draining attacks - attacks with Belm are then a tiny bit of gravy on top.
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