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Q: A Good Way to Scout Areas

I want to play a Berserker, his rage ability lasts about 60 seconds so I want to scout the area for enemies so that I can make the most of it. I theorize that I can have someone hide in the shadows and search, but I was wondering if there's better methods?


  • rapsam2003rapsam2003 Member Posts: 1,636
    Best way is to send in your rogue. Up their Hide and Move Silently skills, as you keep leveling up.
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  • GallengerGallenger Member Posts: 400
    edited November 2016
    I wouldn't worry *too* much about the zerking' right now - early on you won't have any many zerks' to use, and when you'll want to use them it'll be super clear when it's time rage - and it casts super fast so it's not going to cause too much pain + suffering if you just wait until you find the baddies the blunt way lol.

    As far as scouting goes in general (super useful in some locations, not that useful everywhere). You have a few methods.

    Poorest mans: the cleric spell sanctuary - it only lasts a turn but nobody will see you and it's level one. Also can't disarm traps or pick locks etc while sanctuaried.

    Poor man's: Use a rogue with hide in shadows/move silently. This requires that you have another rogue in the party as well for trap/lock duty or for you to buy potions of perception/master thievery and rely on those to buff up your rogue when stopped by traps/locks. It can also randomly fail resulting in sticky situations.

    Rich man's: potions/scrolls/spells of invisibility. These are the most reliable and don't require you to waste the rogue's thief skill points on stealth (unless you intend to have 2 rogues for a time). Can detect/disarm traps while invisible.

    Richest man's: Invisibility 10' radius - everybody is a scout.

    Once you hit fairly high levels you'll be able to use wizard eye which is pretty handy for scouting things out too, but it's not *super* practical in BG1.
  • islandkingislandking Member Posts: 426
    Enemies patterns change when they leave your eyesight but their spot remains and certain spots guarantee to spawn enemies, and during the day-night change, enemies will respawn.
  • stealthmodestealthmode Member Posts: 22
    edited November 2016
    What the above poster said.

    Full party in echelon formation, just to blazing around till you see the red circle appear. Make sure to set options to auto pause on almost everything. Combat, casting, attacked, etc.

    Except in caves/confined spaces, use the regular double line formation and throw imoen as party lead with detect traps going. Took me 168 days to realize the open locks skill was also the disarm traps skill. LoL.

    I only use hide in shadows for her attacks. Even then 90% of the time it doesn't work right.
  • JumboWheat01JumboWheat01 Member Posts: 1,028
    Actually, the Find Traps skill is also the Disarm Trap skill. And if you can find it, you can disarm it. If you can't find it, well... zap. Open Lock just handles things with loot that not necessarily belongs to you.

    Unless of course you have a mod installed that changes that.
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    @JumboWheat01 - I suspect that what @stealthmode actually means is that the you select the same icon to disarm a trap as to open a lock, which is different from the icon to detect traps (and illusions). (He may or may not yet have discovered that the same icon is also used to pick a pocket.) He's not yet familiar with the terminology and mechanics of the game, so probably isn't describing things very precisely.
  • JumboWheat01JumboWheat01 Member Posts: 1,028
    Ah, good point. Though if they're a new enough gamer, the "one-button-to-rule-them-all" should be a well ingrained concept.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @stealthmode How do you have her thief points spread? Being able to stealth is the average of both "Hide in Shadows" and "Move silently".
  • stealthmodestealthmode Member Posts: 22
    edited November 2016
    I uninstalled, and requested a refund since the developer isn't supporting android platform for updates.

    But Imoen had 70% find traps, 70% open locks, 60%HiS, and 50% MS. Problem was anytime I'd select it, I'd get a msg saying Imoen is attempting to HiS, and a second later it would give the no longer hiding message cause she's default to ranged combat in ai script. Don't know if this was a bug or not. Doesn't matter, gave up on beamdog after seeing the false advertising of a v2.3 update release 5 months ago. Checked Google play store and no, only v1.3.2070 is the latest. Since the developer wants to alienate the community, they can lose my business.

    And yes I didn't mean the skills, I meant the button for open locks, was also for disarm traps. Not really new to this. I played the OG game in 1998. Was hoping to play it again on mobile, but since this developer is half assed in its updating, guess I'll go back to dungeon and dragons online on pc, and play something else on mobile. Shadowrun was a good rpg too. Really like the ad&d pc games though. But seems like a lot of modern developers are only half assing the ports of the older games. It's ok, I got dos and wine so I can play the originals under emulation on pc. Just a shame with the false advertising by Beamdog, and the alienation of some platforms from their updates.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Yes because platform difficulties MUST mean intentional alienation.
  • stealthmodestealthmode Member Posts: 22
    edited November 2016
    No company in the world has " platform difficulties" for six months. Considering android is a Java based os, and windows java machine is what the game runs on, there really is no excuse. The main reason they stated they hadn't released it for ios, was they couldn't figure out how to charge people for the expansion ( dragonspear ) in apple store.

    But v2.3 they had no problem releasing for pc. That is alienating the mobile community. Now they are working on v2.4 and trying to correct their mistake. But too little, too late tbh. Most android users have already requested a refund. What's really funny is their customer service department states they aren't responsible for processing refunds, that only goggle or apple does that. Which anyone who has ever gotten a refund knows, you go through the developer support department to get a refund. Their app is going to be pulled from google market for this fraudulent lie. Mine was not the first complaint to Google customer service about the denial of being responsible for transactions/ processing refunds. When I spoke with the Google employee tonight, they said yes this company had received many complaints in the past few months about their products, and that they are under investigation, and are about to have their apps pulled from Google store because of the lies to customers abut updating the app, and processing refunds.

    You can even go through the v2.3 announcement thread and see where mobile users are left in the dark about an update that was released for other platforms. These other members have moved on, like I am. Because this company dropped the ball in development. Now they are doing damage control, but delaying release of the v2.4 update because they honestly don't have a clue what they are doing. Considering most gamers on pc have migrated to win10, which has propietary rendering ( dx12 ), and now their product will have compatibility issues with that as well. It's just poor planning, poor developement, by a novice developer tbh.

    No other company/developer has these issues, not for six months. Other companies have already learned what happens when you neglect platforms that your customers use when updating. Beamdog is learning the lesson the hard way. By losing customers.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    The salt is strong.
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    ThacoBell said:

    The salt is strong.

    I don't understand your idiom. What does this mean?
  • FrancoisFrancois Member Posts: 452
    I swear there's some kind of bug whereby some enemies (especially Talon elites) don't spawn while you are sneaking/invisible, but will appear and start shooting at you when your visible characters walk in sight. Are they also invisible?
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @Gallowglass it means either really angry or really bitter. Someone yelling or swearing at someone else could be described as "salty". Slang is fun
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    ThacoBell said:

    @Gallowglass it means either really angry or really bitter. Someone yelling or swearing at someone else could be described as "salty". Slang is fun

    Ah, I see. Where I am, "salty" can be used as a specific euphemism for "foul-mouthed" (alluding to an old stereotype of seamen), which I guess is a related usage, but I haven't heard it used in the more general sense which you describe. Thanks for explaining. Indeed slang can be fun, but sometimes it can also be an obstacle to communication!
  • HudzyHudzy Member Posts: 300
    I think in this context it refers to the salt from one's tears. You see it a lot in competitive online games, someone might be salty after losing for example.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    It can certainly mean that. In this example the frustration is certainly warranted, but expressing it this way is probably one of the least productive ways to do so.
  • stealthmodestealthmode Member Posts: 22
    edited November 2016
    I expressed it to share with everyone the proper way to force change. By not supporting the company/developer.

    Far as the salty comments, ex sailor, so... love the idiom.

    The words scam, fraud, etc. are all applicable in this instance. As they ( Beam dog ) announced in June ( June 8th) that a version 2.3 update was available for download. Which we know, isn't true. Was an update for specific platforms only. Which was a fraudulent statement.

    But I also love how they ( Beam dog ) are again fraudulently stating that they are intentionally delaying v2.4 because of "cross platform difficulties". What they actually said on twitter was they couldn't figure out how to charge people for the SoD expansion on apple store.

    Fact is, you'll be waiting a long time for this developer to release a working update because this developer isn't very good when it comes to developing multiplatform games. A recent conversation with their customer service drives home this point. Although, not going to post it here.

    Fact is, they're making excuses. It doesn't take 6+ months to recode an update that you've already released on other platforms. The game used Microsoft java machine on pc, it uses java on android. Considering the length of time that never seen an update on android for v2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 you can see clearly they are in fact favoring pc over any other platform.

    But it doesn't matter, cause fanbois will continue to support it, cause they don't see a problem with not updating all platforms. Fact is v2.4 isn't going to happen anytime soon, if ever. With difficulties being an excuse that will carry over until their next product launches, when everyone will hopefully forget about the fraudulent updating that was promised, but never delivered on.

    Fact is, Beamdog isn't a big developer. And the priority is to make a new moneymaker, not develop something they've already scammed you out of money for.

    But by all means keep holding your breath for that cross platform update.

    That said, let's not derail the OP topic any further. If interested in continuing this conversation lets start a new thread. Cause this thread is supposed to be about scouting new areas, and best tactics for it.

    To the OP, I apologize for the derailing, just frustrated with Beamdog continually screwing non pc customers over.
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    Dang, now where did I put my Arrows of Fire?
  • PokotaPokota Member Posts: 858
    edited November 2016
    Francois said:

    I swear there's some kind of bug whereby some enemies (especially Talon elites) don't spawn while you are sneaking/invisible, but will appear and start shooting at you when your visible characters walk in sight. Are they also invisible?

    That may or may not be a bug; there are plenty of encounters where unless/until the trigger for it happens, there's only one relevant NPC on the map. The "ambush" at Bear Bridge and the Kobold King in the BG sewers are good examples of this. (With that said, I don't think any Blacktalon encounters fall under that...? Might also just be NPC AIs being weird)
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @stealthmode people have been saying the same thing since ver. 1.2. Beamdog is slow yes, but everything gets done eventually. They have said NOTHING fraudulant. You are claiming facts with assumptions and predictions with no evidence.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773

    This is a thread about how to Scout Areas. I've noticed you have been posting off-topic comments in several threads. This behavior is not welcome here.

    Your complaints about Beamdog and BG on Android have been read already. There's no need to post them in every thread possible.
  • stealthmodestealthmode Member Posts: 22
    edited November 2016
    Komrade Ivan, this is a forum. Please keep your nazi/kgb/gestapo attitude in Mother Russia.

    Viva LA freedom, viva LA democracy!
  • stealthmodestealthmode Member Posts: 22
    ThacoBell said:

    @stealthmode people have been saying the same thing since ver. 1.2. Beamdog is slow yes, but everything gets done eventually. They have said NOTHING fraudulant. You are claiming facts with assumptions and predictions with no evidence.

    Slow doesn't begin to define this company.

    And it is fraudulent. The stuck post at the top of this forum boasts of a v2.3 now being available. That's a fraudulent claim.
  • PentiumDPentiumD Member Posts: 62
    Wizard Spell Clairvoyance best spell :smile:
  • randyhermitrandyhermit Member Posts: 18

    Actually, the Find Traps skill is also the Disarm Trap skill. And if you can find it, you can disarm it. If you can't find it, well... zap. Open Lock just handles things with loot that not necessarily belongs to you.

    But according to the Manual: "Open Lock is also used to disarm traps that the Thief
    has detected, making this an invaluable skill for any party." (p. 41)

  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773

    Actually, the Find Traps skill is also the Disarm Trap skill. And if you can find it, you can disarm it. If you can't find it, well... zap. Open Lock just handles things with loot that not necessarily belongs to you.

    But according to the Manual: "Open Lock is also used to disarm traps that the Thief
    has detected, making this an invaluable skill for any party." (p. 41)

    Add it to the list:
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