Report text errors and typos here

Use this thread to catch and report all text errors and typos, so that the team could later collate them into a single Redmine ticket for an editor to look over.
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Faces of Evil: Volume XIII
Originally written by a plane-walking sage, this timeworn volume is part of a much larger work containing studies of various Baatezu fiends. Many of the book's pages have been torn out, but those fragments that remain offer some potentially useful information:
"...most Baatezu can only be harmed by enchanted weapons..."
"...the most powerful of fiends constantly radiate an aura of fear..."
"...impervious to flame, fiends revel in the use of fire-based magic..."
"...the bite of some fiends is highly poisonous, and may infect the victim with devastating disease..."
"...Baatezu enjoy mind games. They often use charm magic to turn their opponents against each other..."
"...powerful fiends possess certain magical abilities they can exercise at will. These include invisibility and teleportation..."
The tattered remnants of the tome's pages provide no further insight—at least none that you are able to decipher.
Baatezu -> baatezu (lower case) in three places since races are written lower case in the BG games.
Is this thread meant to cover all the work published by Beamdog (IWD series, BG series, Adventurer's guide, Mastering Melee & Magic, Survival Guides, Field reports, Release Notes, whatever else I might have missed)?
Paladin gains Turn Undead at 3rd level, not 1st
Throwing Dagger should be placed in the One-Handed Ranged Weapons not in the Two-Handed Ranged Weapons
Before saving captain brage:
After saving captain brage:
Something is missing.
Adventurer's Guide. Errors which have already been reported in Redmine
Adventurer's Guide. Not yet reported
BG2's Survival Guide. Not yet reported
I attach a spreadsheet with all of them.
This bug has already been reported though:
Interface > Bottom menu buttons > Dialogue: "This selects the dialogue cursor". It doesn't select it, it activates it.
Adventurer's Guide:
The word "gains" is incorrectly used throughout the manual to refer to permanent features. Pages 16, 18, 20, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, etc. (E. g.: The Stalker
gainshas a permanent +20% bonus to Move Silently and Hide in Shadows).Chapter 6 > Intoxication: "All taverns (and many inns) serve a variety of intoxicants. Intoxication reduces a character’s luck while increasing". Incomplete sentence. Looks like what it increases is morale.
Luck spell: "They receive a +1 bonus to all actions, including Saving Throws, to-hit rolls, thieving skills, and anything else requiring a d20 roll". Thieving skills don't use d20 rolls.
This cittern looks as if no bard could coax a tune from its crisscrossed and frayed strings. However, when played, the cittern gives off a sweet and clear tone. A clever bard can master the art of playing the tangled strings all at once, creating a jangling melody that listners find incredibly disruptive.
listners -> listeners
Edit: of course, BG2:EE.
"Open Lock is also used to disarm traps that the Thief
has detected, making this an invaluable skill for any party."
Seems like disarming traps checks Find Traps skill, not Open Lock.
Can't find any mention that Monk has some Thieving Abilities.
Actually, Monks only mentioned in Detect Illusion [page 41], which is I believe only available for a certain kit. And not a word about Find Traps, Hide in Shadows or Move Silently.
P.S. The fact Monks can not disarm traps, though having Find Traps skill... Could it be that Open Lock really do disarming instead of Find Traps?
As @Grond0 mentioned, the button for both disarm traps and open locks is the same, but the skills are different. It should be amended.
"You get out of line, you talk a walk. Understood?"
Should "talk" be "take" or do I truly not understand.
Duke Eltan:
............That one didn't succedd in killing me, but the other one surely.......
Within the description texts, Fire Shield Red ("Fire Shield Red") is capitalized whereas Fire Shield Blue is not (it is written as "fire shield blue").
Expeditious retreat spell says that it only affects the caster, while actually it affects party members in a close radius too.My bad, sorry I actually read the Haste spell description.
"The colleagues of Balduran, sea captains to whom..."
should be
"The colleagues of Balduran's, sea captains to whom..."
p. 27, description of "The Spectacles of Spectacle":
"He could see and even pull creatures from other worlds into our our own."
should be
"He could see and even pull creatures from other worlds into our own."
(with just one "our")
Melf's Acid Arrow description says
Saving Throw: Special.
But the following description just explains how damage is calculated. There is no mention of what does the saving throw, which saving throw is used or when?
-if should be written somewhere else please tell, i will do it.-