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  • lujolujo Member Posts: 236
    edited January 2018
    PST: EE

    (MAKE SURE TO ADD SPACES WHEN APPLYING THESE, the forum post automatically deletes them)

    51019 - This part:

    "This spell increases the target's Strength score by a certain number of points (or tenths of points above 18) which will still be qualified by race/class restrictions. The spell cannot bestow a Strength of 19 or greater. The bonus is as follows:
    Priest 1d6 points
    Rogue 1d6 points
    Warrior 1d8 points
    Wizard 1d4 points"

    is just copy pasted from somewhere else, and not adapted to the terms the game uses, it needs to be:

    "This spell increases the target's Strength score by a certain number of points (or tenths of points above 18). The spell cannot bestow a Strength of 19 or greater. The bonus is as follows:

    Fighter 1 to 8
    Priest 1 to 6
    Thief 1 to 6
    Mage 1 to 4

    51013 - This part: "This spell increases the target's Strength score by a certain number of points (or tenths of points above 18) which will still be qualified by race/class restrictions. The spell cannot bestow a Strength of 21 or greater. The bonus is as follows:

    Priest 1d6+1 points
    Rogue 1d6+1 points
    Warrior 1d8+1 points
    Wizard 1d4+1 points"

    is just copy pasted from somewhere else, and not adapted to the terms the game uses, it needs to be:

    "This spell increases the target's Strength score by a certain number of points (or tenths of points above 18). The spell cannot bestow a Strength of 21 or greater. The bonus is as follows:

    Fighter 1 to 8 +1
    Priest 1 to 6 +1
    Thief 1 to 6 +1
    Wizard 1 to 4 +1

    51068 - this part:

    "This spell can bestow superhuman strength upon a creature. Furthermore, Improved Strength allows the recipient of the spell to ignore race or class restrictions on his max Strength score, possibly reaching scores as high as 25.

    Warrior 1d8+4 (max 25)
    Priest 1d6+4 (max 23)
    Rogue 1d6+4 (max 23)
    Wizard 1d4+4 (max 21)"

    is (mostly) just copy pasted from somewhere else, and not adapted to the terms the game uses, it needs to be:

    "This spell can bestow superhuman strength upon a creature. Furthermore, Improved Strength allows the recipient of the spell to ignore race or class restrictions on his max Strength score, possibly reaching scores as high as 25.

    Fighter 1 to 8 +4
    Priest 1 to 6 +4
    Rogue 1 to 6 +4
    Wizard 1 to 4 +4
  • lujolujo Member Posts: 236
    edited January 2018

    51020 - This part doesn't say everything it needs to, and is ambiguous on some non-ambiguous bits:

    "Brings a swarm of insects to attack all those in the area of effect. They inflict 1-4 + (caster level/3) points of damage every 5 seconds. No one can cast a spell while within the swarm."

    It needs to be:

    "A swarm of insects attacks anyone but party members in the area of effect. Inflicts 1-4 + (caster level/3) points of damage every 5 seconds and spreads to new targets. No one can cast spells while within the swarm.

    Be careful about using this in crowded areas. The swarm will not go for party members, but it doesn't discriminate between friend or foe otherwise."

    That last bit is a VERY important bit of info.

    Casting this thing in a non-combat area can get you in all sorts of trouble, including getting mazed, getting people you're trying to save killed, aggroing people you don't want to, causing a massacre, etc. It's a very accessible, low level spell with frankly gamebreaking power (It destroys spellcasters throughout the game, and even if they resist the initial cast it can still spread to them. It's a fair question whether this game can ever not be laughably easy or simple combat wise while that spell is there, because combat encounters without spellcasters are mostly quite boring, and combat encounters against spellcasters simply don't work because this thing and morte's taunt are practically cheat codes that erase spellcasting from enemies. Just saying.). Folks are very likely get into a habit of spamming it in early combat areas... and then get in serious trouble.

    To be honest I'm not all that sure that the spell is working as intended or as designed for the system at all. It feels waaaaay too powerful (and low level) as a hard "silence", and I think it's just supposed to increase the rate of spells failing a little bit instead. I mean, it's an AoE damage-over-time, self-spreading hard silence at wizard lvl2, that can't be right. Anti-magic shell didn't make it into the game because fully negating enemy magic would be ridiculous even at it's Wizard6 (i think it was), except this thing is way better at doing the same thing.
    Post edited by lujo on
  • AutocratAutocrat Member Posts: 68
    edited January 2018

    The correct spelling is "Callarduran Smoothhands"

    "Callurdan Smoothand's Armor"
    Should be "Callarduran Smoothhands's Armor"

    "These suits are replicas of the armor worn by the Avatar of Callarduran Smoothand"


    "mabye" should be "maybe"

    "Me sorry, but mabye you be say that again, 'kay?"

    "Maybe... mabye someday I can make it up to him,"


    "Maegal" should be "Maegel", as per numerous other strings.

    "The Mirialis Clan, led by the great warrior Maegal,"
    Post edited by Autocrat on
  • lujolujo Member Posts: 236
    edited January 2018
    30579 - "This tattoo is a minor ward..." should be "This tattoo is a major ward..."

    48337 - Should be: "Weight: 5
    Usable only by Nameless One"

    36492 - ""Ruined building just south of the siege tower, you can't miss it."" should be "Ruined building just south of this siege tower, you can't miss it.
    Post edited by lujo on
  • lujolujo Member Posts: 236
    edited January 2018
    6754 - This used to make sense back before someone changed the graphics for the vial:

    "What I need to begin the final stages of the Dreambuilder is a piece of your skin immersed in your blood, so the machine can familiarize itself with your physical essence. It must be in a blue-green bottle, to symbolize the dream sea on which you will float."

    But now that someone changed it to a milky white phial instead it probably needs to lose that sentence, or have it changed. Because now a player will think they're supposed to make the bottle turn green somehow instead of just bringing the thing to the quest giver.

    Either that or the item's graphic needs to be changed back to being a green bottle with something in it (DRMVIAL.ITM is the item).

  • rede9rede9 Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 1,947
    edited May 2018
    BG1 7367 - Ring of Energy: The Victor has Area of Effect: 1 creature.
    Actually it has a crowd effect because it cast a fake Agannazar's Scorcher.
    I would suggest: Area of effect: 2-ft. by 15-ft. jet (like 12173 and 26397)
    Furthermore the ring has Range: 100 ft; is it right?

    BG1ee 17654 - Even Agannazar's Scorcher cast by WAND has the same deceptive Area of Effect, different from the normal spell.
    Post edited by rede9 on
  • __Q____Q__ Member Posts: 29
    edited January 2018
    Founds lots more BG2 mistakes.

    I found lots of mistakes in the History of Dambrath book:

    - "An army of 40,000 horsemen and a fleet of fifty ships mounted a coordinated attack." Should be "50."

    - "Reinhar's son, Reinhar II, set out on a two month overland retreat." "Two-month" should be hyphenated.

    - "He ordered the mining of many rich lodes of silver and electrum in the Gnollwatch mountains." "Mountains" should be capitalized.

    - "The drow were delighted with this brazen offer from a surface-dweller." This shouldn't be hyphenated.

    - "after thirty years of war the drow were not particularly interested in Dambrath." Should be "30." Also, you could add a comma after "war," but it's not necessary.

    - "Many of the Arkaiuns were able to escape their new mistresses, and flee to Swagdar." Comma shouldn't be here.

    - "There they resumed their almost forgotten nomadic life." Should be hyphenated.

    - "Cathakay ruled for fifty-four years." Should be "54."

    - "She died childless, and here niece Melanith assumed the throne." Should be "her."

    - "Melanith faced an increasing population, and unrest among males who longed for a return to their prestige of old." Comma shouldn't be here.

    - "After Melanith's rule, the Shebali were considered second class citizens, rather than slaves." Should be hyphenated.

    - "Many of the bravest and best men of the kingdom perished in raids on Estagund, Durpur, the bandit tribes of Veldorn, and against the gnolls that had returned to the Gnollwatch mountains." "That" should be "who," and "mountains" should be capitalized.

    - Yenandra has been ruling for 71 years, and is beginning to show signs of age." This comma shouldn't be here.

    Valygar (outside the Planar Sphere): "We should... climb the stairs and find some manner of entrance. ...If I am right, my blood... my presence should open the sphere." This ellipsis should be moved to the end of the previous sentence.

    Reyna: "When we first arrived here, my fellow Knights and I thought to explore our new surroundings." I don't think "Knights" should be capitalized here.

    Reyna: "They are crafty and a worthy foe of any Knight." I don't think "Knight" should be capitalized here.

    Control Circlet description: "Perhaps this item could be used to control a mind flayer and make him help you escape from this hellish prison." "And" should be "to." Also, I'm pretty sure mind flayers don't have genders (although I might be wrong), so this should be "it," not "him."

    Response to Lavok: "He said you would try to take over his body to extend your life, and that you had done as much to others before." Comma shouldn't be here.

    Battle Axe of the Mauletar description: "His battle cry was favored by the gods, and was echoed across the lands as a symbol of friendship and loyalty." Comma shouldn't be here.

    Ring of the Ram description: "When is it triggered, a barely discernible ram-like shape billows forth from the ring." Should be a comma after "discernible."

    Shield of the Falling Stars: "With his shield and body he positioned himself to take the brunt of the onslaught, and was mortally wounded for it." The comma shouldn't be here, although you might want to add a comma after "body."

    Bala's Axe: "After a lengthy career of mage-slaying, Bala died." Shouldn't be hyphenated.

    Iltha: "My father languishes while Jierdan lives the high-life." Shouldn't be hyphenated.

    Iltha: "A fine opportunity and I'm sure he'll take care of everything." There should be a comma after "opportunity."

    Plath Rededge: "Revenge against you is revenge against those that are safe in the arms of death!" Should be "who."

    Plath Rededge: "This is revenge against those beyond reach, against friends of yours that were enemies long past!" Should be "who."

    Garren Windspear: "I don't know... Perhaps the ruins in the northeast?" Shouldn't be capitalized, and the sentence should end with a period, not question mark.

    Jum: "Bandits give it to me, and then let me live." Comma shouldn't be here.

    Firkraag's Challenge item: "I give you the opportunity to earn back your honor, and more." Comma shouldn't be here.

    Firkraag's Challenge item: "You will know it to see it." I think this should say "when you see it."

    Fighter in Windspear Hills: "Oh, just because you are bitter about being too weak to lead, you question everyone that follows as they should." Should be "who."

    Fighter in Windspear Hills: "Well that was rude." Should be a comma after "Well."

    Samia: "Hold! I warn you, I have killed many of your brethren to get this... Oh, forgive my manner." Shouldn't be capitalized.

    Samia: "Probably a hold-over from at time of war, They did not want enemies defiling the tomb." Should be "holdover" (one word, no hyphen) and the comma should be a period.

    Dragon Scale Shield +2: "Green and white dragon scales adorn the red background in a pattern that, when looked in the right way, reveals the face of an ancient dragon." Should be "looked at."

    Tazok: "You'll find my new master much smarter, and me much harder to kill!" Comma shouldn't be here.

    Firkraag: "Wherever he is, he is *seething*." Period should be inside the asterisks.

    Firkraag: "I had finished taunting him some years ago really." Should be a comma after "ago."

    Carsomyr description: "It is infused with the very essence of virtue, and requires as much from any Paladin that would hope to wield it." Shouldn't be a comma here, and "that" should be "who."

    Guardian in Firkraag's dungeon: "I am the guardian of the king that has fallen. Here lies he that cleared the air, that pulled the scale with his life and limb. Here lies he that saw the fire, and here lies ye that would disturb his rest!" All instances of "that" should be "who."

    Iltha: "My rescue, and the destruction of Firkraag... it is astounding!" Comma shouldn't be here.

    Thaxll'ssillyia: "How amusing that you petty fleshlings would dare disturb the slumber of the shadow dragon?" Should be a period or exclamation point.

    Viconia banter: "Surface-dwellers can be stupid." Shouldn't be hyphenated.

    Acolyte Lara: "Word has reached me, [charname], of how you dealt with the troubled girl that expressed doubt in her faith." Should be "who."

    Cotirso: "It is inexcusable, and also quite perplexing." Comma shouldn't be here.

    Cotirso: "I will simple take my rightful place!" Should be "simply."

    Acoylyte Lara: "Now you have drawn [charname] into a matter that should not have been their problem." If possible, this should be changed to a gender-specific pronoun that changes based on your main character.

    Rose Bouquet: "Didn't know the poor sod that died." Should be "who."

    Rose Bouquet: "Guril berries, or something like that." Comma shouldn't be here.

    Guril Berries description: "Rose Bouquet has said that the berries smell something like a man who may be the murderer that stalks the Bridge District." "May" should be "might." "That" should be "who," or you could delete it and change "stalks" to "stalking" to make the sentence a little more concise.

    Rose Bouquet: "Hmm, that's the one. This... tree bark... stuff?" Should be a period.

    Faraji: "He was all blood an... an... Maybe other beggars know more." Shouldn't be capitalized.

    Faraji: "Mean evil witch!" Should be a comma after "Mean."

    Faraji: "I... I don't wanna be incarc'rated, or whatever she gonna do!" Comma shouldn't be here.

    Mrs. Cragmoon: "Perhaps if you told me exactly what he said, I might be able to better answer your questions?" Should be a period.

    Mrs. Cragmoon: "This child, that finds me old and a little off my noodle, has called me a witch." Should be "who."

    Mrs. Cragmoon: "If every old crone were a murderer because some child said they were evil, there would be a decided shortage of crones!" Should be "was."

    Mrs. Cragmoon: "Ah well, then I shall tell you why the child thinks I am a witch. I AM a witch, or a magic user at least." Comma shouldn't be here.

    Lieutenant Aegisfield: "The fluid is of little use to the average citizen, and I know of no one else that might have elephant hide." Should be "who."

    Rejiek Hidesman: "So there's others that will know too?" Should be "there're" and "who."

    Neera: "Ugh, the last time I smelled something that bad, I started telling a story I just realized is way more disgusting a story than I really want to tell." Based on the context (it's said inside the tanner's place), it should be "this bad."

    Response to Vellin Dahn: "There will be no mercy for this villan, or his allies!" Comma shouldn't be here.

    Aura of Flaming Death description: "An opponent that hits the caster with any weapons or spells within this radius suffers 2d10+2 fire damage." Should be "who."

    Amnian Soldier (in Government District at night): "Keep out of the streets at night, citizens. All decent folk are asleep at those hours anyway." This is said at night, so it should be "these hours."

    Corneil: "The mages you speak of are either Cowled Wizards or have proven themselves... (ahem!)... worthy of a license to use their magics here in the city." This should be inside asterisks, not parentheses, for consistency with other dialogue in the game. Also, the exclamation point and ellipsis after "ahem" should probably be deleted.

    Amnian Bodyguard: "You are in the presence of the Lord of the Argrim family, and you will keep your distance!" Shouldn't be capitalized.

    Civil Servant: "I just found out we have three manhunts out for tax evaders who we weren't informed had died over ten years ago." Should be "10."

    Chief Inspector Brega: "The handling of magic-users is not my province." Shouldn't be hyphenated.

    Response to Chief Inspector Brega: "I have the head of the child-killer Neb. He is dead and will bother no one any longer." Shouldn't be hyphenated. Makes it sound like he's a child who kills, not a person who kills children. Also, the phrasing of the second part seems a little weird and should maybe be changed to "won't bother anyone any longer" or "won't be bothering anyone any longer."

    Response to Chief Inspector Brega: "I solved the Bridge District murders. Tanner Rejiek did it, and killed the inspector too." Comma shouldn't be here.

    Shortbow of Gesen: "The finest bow crafted by Gesen Khan, this weapon draws energy from another plane, firing spears of lightning instead of arrow... and therefore never requiring ammunition of any kind." Should be "requires."

    Rylock: "You look like the fighting sort... There is a house just north of here, near the center of the district." Shouldn't be capitalized.

    Rylock: "The owner of the house, a mage named Prebek, performs vile experiments... creating beasts which threaten the city." Should be "that."

    Prebek: "Why, just the other day he pulled three of my toenails for miscasting a cantrip!" There should be a comma after "day" and it should say "pulled three of my toenails off" or "out."

    Sanasha: "Well, you may be right... perhaps we should ask them?" "May" should be "might," and question mark should be a period.

    Rylock: "The second floor is far too dangerous... anyone but a Harper who goes there will be killed, and we couldn't help you." Should be "wouldn't be able to."

    Meronia (inside Harpers): "A good king that expands his realm too far puts others at risk as surely as an evil king who terrorizes." Should be "who."

    Meronia: "Renal the Bloodscalp runs the guilds, but he is not in charge." Not sure if it should say "the" here. I've only found one other instance of this (listed below).

    History of the Dragon Coast book: "It is here that the Red Wizards gain their access to the Western Heartlands, and where the Cult of the Dragon launches its plots to the south." Comma shouldn't be here.

    History of Durpar and Var book:

    - "Over three thousand years ago, these countries were both subject to the great kingdom of Raurin." Should be "3,000."

    - "In time, the Maharajah of Durpar and the Rajah of Var were replaced with a council of Merchants." "Council" should be capitalized.

    - "In 1023 DR, after an armed peace had been worked out, the council of merchants..." Should be "Council of Merchants" (with caps).

    - "War was an inconvenience, but interrupting trade was life-threatening." Shouldn't be hyphenated.

    - "He could not pass up such an advantage, and began bargaining the most outrageous trade of all time." Comma shouldn't be here.

    - "He purchased the whole of Estagund for the countries of Durpar and Var at the price of twenty four gems." Should be "24."

    Harper Amulet description: "All of the Harpers that you have met in this area were wearing one of these amulets." "That" should be "who," or you could just delete it for a more concise sentence. "Were" should be "are." Also, you might want to change "this area" to "the Galvarey estate." I'm not sure I've seen any other item descriptions that are vague in the same way as this one, and making it more specific would help players remember what the item is for if they left the area without completing the quest.

    The Spectral Harpists sometimes capitalize "Harp," sometimes don't. I don't think it should be capitalized, but it should be made consistent either way. Here are the instances I'm talking about:

    - "We harp as specters that others would find rest here."

    - "Those who Harp are never truly alone."

    Response to Spectral Harpist: "There was a thief that may have come here." Should be "who might."

    Spectral Harpist: "A thief that despoils Harper soil is forbidden from touching it again until penance given." Should be "who." And I think the second part should be "until penance is given."

    Spectral Harpist: "The songs of the past serve to shorten the years for the ears that dare listen, and bring memory back of the friends departed." Comma shouldn't be here.

    Harper Bird description: "This would be what Xzar is looking for." Should be "is whom."

    Noblewoman (in Sea's Bounty Tavern): "I wonder who all those women are that walk around here at night." Should be "who." Or you could change "that walk" to "walking" so you don't have "who" twice in the same sentence.

    Marcus (in Sea's Bounty): "I must have left them... Oh no!" Shouldn't be capitalized.

    Patron (Sea's Bounty): "Renal the Bloodscalp be the word here in the docks, mate." Here's the other instance of Renal "the" Bloodscalp. Not sure if it should be changed.

    de'Arnise Guard: "I cannot believe that the lord and his sister still live within... They must be dead, they must!" Shouldn't be capitalized.

    Nalia: "I'm going to be someone that gives to the poor and takes from the rich, I am." Should be "who."

    Response to Daleson: "How many trolls did you think were still here?" Should be "do you think are still here."

    Response to Daleson: "And how many of your fellows did you think were still alive?" Should be "do you think are still alive."

    Daleson: "Maybe thirty. There was a big troll that seemed to be in charge." Should be "30" and "who."

    Lady Delcia Caan: "Those that did not strive to protect this place will be docked wages for their laziness." Should be "who."

    Flail of the Ages +3: "Powerful items gravitate towards powerful people, and powerful people yield the most glorious battles." Should be "toward" (no "s").

    Frostreaver +3: "This was the axe of Illgarth, a frost giant that terrorized northern communities long ago." Should be "who."

    Orc Leather +3: "Instead of standard metal rivets, like normal leather studded leather, this orc leather is instead laced with hundreds of fire-hardened bones." The second "instead" is redundant and should be deleted.

    Captain Arat: "The Lady Nalia shall reward you suitably." "The" should be deleted.

    Captain Arat: "Magic-users aren't to be trusted." Shouldn't be hyphenated.

    Nalia: "The Roenalls, mainly Isaea, have been pressuring. They knew I was the only heir, and traditionally titles fall to a male." Should be "They know I am."

    Nalia: "If you were a warrior of some sort, we could have abused some traditions and installed you as Lord." Shouldn't be capitalized.

    Nalia: "I would seek sanctuary in your company, if I might?" Should be "may" followed by a period.

    Rinin (in Trademeet): "Papa says we're going to be going home soon. I like the forests better. The trees are so big, and the elves people treat us real nice." First part is redundant and could be shortened to "we're going home." Second part should just say "elves."

    Annalynn: "In Trademeet, all employees are treated fairly... That's Waukeen's rule: fair trade." Shouldn't be capitalized.

    Jenia: "Tiris is at our home, the one just north of the Alibakkar Estate." Pretty sure this shouldn't be capitalized.

    Lady Lilith Lurraxol: "I trust that all is well?" Should be a period.

    Lord Skaerman Alibakkar: "A commoner that has risen above her station." Should be "who."

    High Merchant Logal Coprith: "Lady Lilith and Lord Skarmaen are not annoying you overmuch, I hope?" Should be a period.

    High Merchant Logal Coprith: "I trust that your journeys go well?" Should be a period.

    Minsc banter with Neera: "A HAMSTER IS NOT A FLOWER." Should probably end with an exclamation point.

    Tiris: "He was a... a man, or a creature that looked like a man." Comma shouldn't be here.

    Tiris: "He hissed, a dreadful sound, and tried to grab me." These commas aren't necessarily wrong, but the sentence reads much more naturally without them.

    Tiris: "I am frightened to go out... What manner of creature could this be?" Shouldn't be capitalized.

    Gristor: "Thank you, my Lord... You are very kind to help my son." Shouldn't be capitalized.

    Sethle: "I mean... No!" Shouldn't be capitalized.

    Response to Sethle: "Tell me everything about the man that was buried alive!" Should be "who."

    Staff of Curing: "It is not to be taken for granted however, as the enchantment, though useful, is fleeting." Should be a comma after "granted."

    Am-Si: "But he's... It was that little weasel Sethle, wasn't it?" Shouldn't be capitalized.

    Haer'Dalis: "In truth, it be far more interesting a planar jewel, a nexus between the Astral and the Prime Material." Pretty sure there should be a colon (or maybe a comma) after "interesting."

    Lady Elgea: "Who... You are not my captors." Shouldn't be capitalized.

    Response to Haer'Dalis: "Primes and planar jewels and—and... What do you speak of Haer'Dalis, for you have lost me?" Shouldn't be capitalized.

    Raelis Shai: "It doesn't matter... Come, my bards." Shouldn't be capitalized.

    Bounty Hunter: "Surely Raelis did not hire you in the hope that you would save her?" Should be a period.

    Pixie Prick +3: "Yet when wielded and the command word "Sleep" is intoned, the tiny dagger glows with a blue nimbus." Pretty sure this shouldn't be capitalized.

    Tagget: "The warden keeps a large number of slaves here... prisoners that have been turned into thralls by a magical collar that they wear that controls them." Should be "who," "magical collars" (plural), and "control" (no "s").. Also, the end part would sound a little better if it was reworked slightly to something like "magical collars they are forced to wear to control them."

    Haer'Dalis: "I will linger with the primes here for a short while yet... Should you change your mind soon, my raven, you can find me in the tavern above." Shouldn't be capitalized.

    Haer'Dalis: "Well, the question to be asked is whether we allow entropy to rend the group asunder?" Should be a period since the sentence isn't actually in the form of a question.

    Welther: "I know of no one else that would approach me." Should be "who."

    Rilmi: "I will tell those that do care." Should be "who."

    Manau: "Now I *imbibe*." The period should be inside the asterisks.

    Varscona +3: "Unfortunately, cult wars killed the few that knew of her existence." Should be "who."

    Response to Raissa: "What do you mean, "turned into one of them"?" I don't think this comma should be here, and the question mark should be inside the quotation marks.

    Raissa: "He took my skin like it was some kind of coat, and put it on." Comma shouldn't be here.

    Raissa: "I suppose it is better than living like this... Oooh, the evil..." Shouldn't be capitalized.

    Jenia: "She told us everything that happened... You are a marvel." Shouldn't be capitalized.

    Grancor: "Ehh... riches, and glories... and things." Comma shouldn't be here.

    Grancor: "Ah... You wait no longer!" Shouldn't be capitalized.
    Post edited by __Q__ on
  • __Q____Q__ Member Posts: 29
    edited January 2018
    Just looked through the stuff currently in my inventory and found a bunch more stuff.

    Bullet +1, +2, +3, and +4, Sunstone Bullet +1: "Magical currents are embedded inside this bullet so that it seems a little more balanced and lighter as it jumps towards an opponent." Should be "toward" (no "s").

    Arrow +2: "They appear slightly straighter than the average arrow, almost alive as they effortlessly leave your bow and streak towards their target with deadly accuracy." Should be "toward" (no "s").

    Arrow of Piercing: "This arrow is long and thin, imbued with magical properties that allow it to "push" itself through armor, striking out towards the heart of the victim." Should be "toward" (no "s").

    Arrow of Biting: "Poison smeared on the barbed arrowhead infiltrates the bloodstream of its victims, causing agony and often death." "Victims" should be singular.

    Wand of Missiles: "The target creatures must be seen or otherwise detected to be hit, however, so near-total concealment, such as that offered by arrow slits, can render the spell ineffective." I actually found a part of the game (in Firkraag's dungeon) where enemy archers are hiding behind arrow slits, and it was possible to hit them with magic missiles, so this isn't actually true. It is true, though, that it can't target invisible creatures.

    Wand of Fire: "The second ability of the wand is akin to the spell Agannazar's Scorcher in that a column of flame will streak towards the victim inflicting 6D6 +6 points of damage, with a Save vs. Wand for half." Should be "toward" (no "s").

    Wand of Cloudkill: "This wand emits a vapor bubble that travels towards the target exploding into a deadly cloud of noxious gas that expands to fill an area roughly 20 ft. in radius." Should be "toward" (no "s"). There should also be a comma after "target."

    Wand of Frost: "A wand of frost acts in a similar fashion to the Cone of Cold spell." "Like all wands, the wand of frost can only be used a limited number of times before it melts into a harmless pool of water." "Wand" and "frost" should be capitalized.

    Mage Robe of Cold Resistance: "are a common sight in the Sword Coast region, especially as one travels north towards Neverwinter and the Icewind Dales." Should be "toward" (no "s").

    Dagger +2: "Also, since it is magical, is it capable of striking opponents that are immune to normal weapons, such as vampires, elementals and mummies." Should be "who."

    Silver Horn of Valhalla: "As part of their service, these warriors must offer their service to any who blow a horn of Valhalla." This sentence uses the word "service" twice. I suggest changing the second instance to "assistance" or "aid" or something like that to avoid word repetition.

    Mercykiller Ring: "The Mercykillers are a powerful faction based out of the planar city of Sigil." Should be "based in."

    Bracers of Archery: "During a dangerous meeting with a rival ruler, the king of the Great Dale requested the protection of his best Archers in addition to his usual guard. The Archers, each equipped with an enchanted bow and bracers, hid within range of the gathering. As predicted, enemy troops attempted to seize the king and force their will over his rule, but none had anticipated the amazing accuracy and lethality of the hidden Archers." I don't think "Archer" should be capitalized here. While it is the name of a class, I think it's being used in the general sense here.

    Pale Green Ioun Stone: "This pale green ioun stone now holds these essences, and grants the owner Trueblood's health and skill." Comma shouldn't be here. "Owner" should be "user."

    Celestial Fury: "Wanting to help her servant, but not wishing to unleash such powerful fury on the world, Kwan Ying bound Chin Yi's spirit to the blade of the man she had failed to protect, and then hid the weapon in a warrior's tomb." Comma shouldn't be here.

    Sling of Seeking: "With no missiles equipped, the sling fires magical ammunition." Should be "When no bullets are equipped."

    Gauntlets of Weapon Skill: "He specialized in smuggling, and frequently loaned these gauntlets to clients if they were to travel with him." Comma shouldn't be here.

    Ring of Duplication: "Merely putting the ring on causes the outline of the wearer to become shifting and wavering, making it more difficult to spot him from a distance and target him with missile weapons." Should be "them" or "him or her."

    Crom Faeyr Scroll: "By the combining of the Hammer of Thunderbolts, gauntlets of ogre power, and a girdle of frost giant strength... and using the power of the hammer's true name "Crom Faeyr"... an ultimate weapon of destruction could still be completed using this scroll." "Gauntlets of Ogre Power" and "Girdle of Frost Giant Strength" should be capitalized.

    Crom Faeyr: "Alas, his son died before the weapon was ever completed, but here it stands complete... forged from the combined magic of the original hammer with the gauntlets of ogre power and a girdle of frost giant strength." "Gauntlets of Ogre Power" and "Girdle of Frost Giant Strength" should be capitalized.

    Arbane's Sword of Agility: "Garno became disillusioned with the gods when his family was put to the torch by clerics of Loviatar, and spent his life seeking revenge." Comma shouldn't be here.

    Tuigan Bow: "The bows they make are especially tailored for their mobile warriors." Should be "specially."

    Book of Infinite Spells: "A second function of the book is to turn to a different page of the book." Saying "of the book" twice is unnecessary.

    Cloak of the Sewers: "For a sewer-dweller like Ivan, survival meant going where others refused." Shouldn't be hyphenated.

    Necklace of Form Stability: "For his return, he had prepared this necklace, designed to prevent her changing his form." Should be "from changing."

    Boots of Etherealness "Others simply point out that the boots are useful for any mage to become intangible to attacks while devastating an opponent with offensive magic." Should be "to any mage for becoming."

    Girdle of Fortitude: "The belt gave extra years to his life and inspired his men to renew their confidence in their king once more." "Once more" is redundant.

    Bracers of Defense AC 3: "he soon became a favorite to the ladies that watched the events." Should be "who."

    Pearly White Ioun Stone: "Legend tells us that this particular type of ioun stone is crafted with the enslaved soul of a troll." This is the only instance of "us" I've seen as an item description. Maybe it should be changed to "According to legend" or something like that.

    Plate Mail and Plate Mail +1: "Plate mail is a combination of chain armor with metal plates covering the vital areas such as the chest, abdomen and groin." Should be an Oxford comma after "abdomen."

    Full Plate Mail, Full Plate Mail +2: "The perfectly fitted interlocking plates are specially angled to deflect arrows and blows, and the entire suit is carefully adorned with rich engravings and embossed details." There should be a comma after "fitted."

    Brooch of the Vagrant Blades: "which allows the wearer to reflect magic missiles back at their attacker." "Reflects magic missiles back at the attacker." Should be capitalized since it's the name of a spell.

    Staff of Fire: "it can summon a Fire Elemental under the control of the wielder" Shouldn't be capitalized.

    Staff of Air: "It was apparently designed to control air elementals, being able to summon one as a servant to the wielder and potentially destroying creatures of the same type in a single blow." Should be "destroy."

    Eyes of the Beholder: "It takes the form of a helm crowned by ten eyestalks." Should be "10."

    Mask of King Strohm III: "This is the reconstructed mask of King Strohm the Third." Should be "King Strohm III."

    Skullcrusher: "The weapon would have been the bane of humanoids throughout its history, but those that wielded it seem to have been purposely left out of historic record." Should be "the historical record."

    Mace of Disruption and Mace of Disruption +2: "Any such creature hit by it not only feels the sting of weapon, but also has a chance of being simply blasted from existence." Should be "the weapon."

    Adjatha the Drinker: "This blade belonged to Dabbar, a long dead servant of Bhaal that exercised control over his minions in the most brutal of ways." "Long dead" should be hyphenated and "that" should be "who."

    Amulet of 5% Magic Resistance: "The amulet provides some small protection against devious mages who resist any efforts at being imprisoned or killed." Should be "to imprison or kill them."

    Ring of Regeneration: "A lowly-ranked Red Mage named Huhhus is said to have discovered the perfect way to distill troll flesh to make a potion that provided the same regenerative ability as that of the troll." Shouldn't be hyphenated since "lowly" ends in "ly."

    Boo: "Boo is a fuzzy little hamster." Should be a comma after "fuzzy."

    Boo: "Usable by: MINSC" Shouldn't be in all caps.

    Gem of Seeing: "This finely cut and polished stone is indistinguishable from an ordinary jewel in appearance, although a Detect Magic will reveal its enchantment." "A" should be deleted.

    Ring of Fire Control: "This burnished red ring is engraved with depictions of flames and lava coils." Should be a comma after "burnished."

    Namarra: "It is perhaps a result of the sword's ability to silence all sound within a large radius, removing the effectiveness of attacking mages but also preventing any discussion that might have followed." Should be something like "might otherwise follow."

    Staff of Smiting: "In the hands of any other than a cleric or mage, the rod becomes unusable." Should be "anyone." "Cleric" and "mage" should be capitalized.

    Arla's Dragonbane: "This particular weapon was the property of a young woman named Arla Surestep, one of the few small folk that leave the hearth to seek adventure." Should be "who."

    Adoy's Belt: "This slender deer hide belt" Should be a comma after "slender," and "deer hide" should be hyphenated.

    Amulet of Power:

    - "This amulet bears the signature enchantments of Conster Damon, an archmage that fell in the Year of the Dracorage (1018 DR)." Should be "who."

    - "The crispness of its etchings may have faded with fire and time, but it still echoes his famous defiant cries." "May" should be "might," and there should be a comma after "famous."

    - "It has seen much use, and changed hands many times through blood and battle." Comma shouldn't be here.

    The Watcher's Keep key items don't mention that they're for Watcher's Keep, so a player who forgot what they're for might be confused. I suggest adding "in Watcher's Keep" to the ends of both:

    - Vigil Stone: "This religious symbol of Helm allows you to pass through the wards guarding the entrance to the Imprisoned One's dungeon."

    - Ritual Scroll: "This is the scroll provided by the Knights of the Vigil to reinforce the seals keeping the Imprisoned one in the dungeon."

    Moonstone Gem: "Old legends say that the sight of a moonstone would cause a lycanthrope to revert to his animal form." Should be "causes" and "their" or "his or her."

    Bag of Holding, Gem Bag, Scroll Case, Potion Case, Ammo Belt: None of these items say how many items they can hold (although the Scroll Case does vaguely say "dozens"). The descriptions should be updated with that information.
    Post edited by __Q__ on
  • rede9rede9 Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 1,947
    edited May 2018
    rede9 said:

    BG1 7367 - Ring of Energy: The Victor has Area of Effect: 1 creature.
    Actually it has a crowd effect because it cast a fake Agannazar's Scorcher.
    I would suggest: Area of effect: 2-ft. by 15-ft. jet (like 12173 and 26397)
    Furthermore the ring has Range: 100 ft; is it right?

    BG1ee 17654 - Even Agannazar's Scorcher cast by WAND has the same deceptive Area of Effect, different from the normal spell.

    17952 - Potion of Fire Breath has a similar mistake: actually the area of effect is touch but it cast a fake Agannazar's Scorcher as well whence the caster can move to hit MANY TARGETS.
    Post edited by rede9 on
  • lujolujo Member Posts: 236
    PST: EE

    5127 - "Clipped Copper Piece" should be "Clipped Copper Charm"

    30419 - "Crimson Sphere Earring" should be "Thin red earring" (This is its non-identified name.)

  • lujolujo Member Posts: 236
    edited January 2018
    PST: EE

    6217 - I'm really happy to be able to finally fix this: ""Die in a city you're afraid to leave, then. Let your fear rule you. Farewell and good riddance.""

    That line of dialogue is the evil option which starts a quest, except it looks NOTHING like a dialogue line which starts a quest. It looks like one which refuses the quest. And since this is a very early dialogue, it makes it look as if evil characters have to pick options which refuse entire quests, which is very misleading. Very important blunder that sentence. It needs to be:

    "Enough! If I somehow find your damned portal I'll come to tell you just to watch you be unable to walk through it. Farewell!"

    After fixing that one line you can actually write "Enabled evil characters to take Ingreress' qest" on the changelog and there'll be people around the world who'll reinstall the game just for this. That quest has a huuuuge reward, but it always looked like it was good-exclusive (it isn't).
  • lujolujo Member Posts: 236
    edited January 2018

    46691 - "GLITTERING LENS
    Weight: 0

    This glittering lens looks like it's used as a sniper scope. Although you can't be sure, it looks as if there is a series of tiny eyeballs embedded in the lens itself."

    this is supposed to be:

    Weight: 0

    Although you can't be sure, it looks as if there is a series of tiny eyeballs embedded in these lens."

    Glittering lens is actually LENS08.ITM. There's advice around the net to not identify these and "STAINED LENS" (LENS12.ITM) because that lowers their sell cost to 1 (they're both cursed). The actual Glittering lens doesn't even have the same artwork as this one. This one's the unidentified Lens of the Bat.
    Post edited by lujo on
  • lujolujo Member Posts: 236
    edited January 2018

    51303 - "This spell surrounds the caster with a circle of protection that helps protect him against attacks by those with evil intent."

    should be:

    "This spell surrounds the target with a circle of protection that helps protect it against attacks by those with evil intent."

    and even that is misleading because this isn't an AoE spell, and surrounds the target with an aura that affects only it, so it might be best to just use this description:

    "This spell protects the target against attacks by those with evil intent."

    EDIT: Corrected him - it in the second sentence.
    Post edited by lujo on
  • lujolujo Member Posts: 236
    edited January 2018

    51733 - "The sight of this thing - this horrible, towering, pulsating *thing* - fills you with nausea, unfounded loathing, and a faint sense of familiarity."

    that was clearly a mistake. It's probably meant to be "unfathomable loathing".

    Post edited by lujo on
  • lujolujo Member Posts: 236
    edited January 2018

    47878 - "This invisible weapon represents the Shadow Mark 2's slashing attack." Should be "This invisible weapon represents the Shadow Mark 3's slashing attack.

    51328 - The description for Spiritual Hammer has not been adapted for the game: "The hammer causes 4-10 points of bludgeoning damage" should be "crushing damage".

    30032 - Needs to be: "Dak'kon's Zerth Blade ("Chained Blade")"

    30072 - Needs to be: "Dak'kon's Zerth Blade ("Chained Blade")"

    30012 - Needs to be: "Dak'kon's Zerth Blade ("Chained Blade")"
    Post edited by lujo on
  • lujolujo Member Posts: 236
    edited January 2018

    51014 - "1d6 points of damage" should be "1d6 points of piercing damage".

    51302 - This is wrong: "This spell detects evil intent, revealing the inner nature of the target." The "target" is the caster, what the spell does is: "This spell detects whether there is evil intent in creatures around the caster."

    499 - The following bits are wrong: "This spell cannot target (*) undead creatures. Magic resistance does not affect this spell. The target does get a saving throw vs. Spells to resist the effect, however. While the target is "taunted," the target suffers a -2 to hit and a -2 to AC and a -2 to damage as long as the Litany of Curses is in effect."

    * It can target undead, and waste time for the caster getting in range and performing the animation, even suffer cooldown. It should be "affect". The entire wording is clunky so I suggest:

    "The target affected by the "taunt" suffers a -2 to hit, a -2 to damage and a -2 to AC for the duration of the spell. The spell is not affected by Magic resistance, but the spell can not affect undead and all targets might resist it by suceeding at a saving throw vs. Spells."

    Post edited by lujo on
  • lujolujo Member Posts: 236
    edited January 2018

    48849 - Same as the spell description: "This spell detects evil intent, revealing the inner nature of the target." The "target" is the caster, what the spell does is: "This spell detects whether there is evil intent in creatures around the caster."

    44854 - Same as the spell description: "The hammer causes 4-10 points of bludgeoning damage" should be "crushing damage".

    51330, 48962 - "This spell gives a single target +2 on their saving throws against any fire-based attack, and gives all fire-based attacks a multiplier of x.5 for any damage that does succeed in reaching the targets of this spell."

    Should be the much clearer: "A single target recieves only half damage from fire-based attacks, and also recieve a +2 bonus on saving throws against them."

    Post edited by lujo on
  • lujolujo Member Posts: 236
    edited January 2018

    49136, 51027, 63350 - "blunt damage" should be "crushing damage".
    Post edited by lujo on
  • lujolujo Member Posts: 236
    edited January 2018
    PST: EE

    This is not original game text, but was visibly added by a modder (Quinn, in his rework of the Tenentment of Thugs area, who added this quest to the game). There are many issues with it and it's obvious that its been written by someone who does not in any way understand the general syle guidelines:

    36033 -

    "Journal entry:
    I ran into a girl named Sybil in the Tenement of Thugs (1). Apparently (2) she had become trapped inside the Tenement (3) by a gang of Xaositects that is (4) holding some sort of gathering in the room that contains (5) the exit to the Alley of Lingering Sighs (6). She told me of another door to the room that may provide a means to slip past the thugs without a fight. I have agreed to find the key to this door, which is supposedly carried by one of the thugs on the upper floors of the Tenement (7)."

    (1) This place is never reffered to as "The Tenentment of Thugs" by characters in the game. That's just what the map marker says because it needs to say something.
    (2) This would be written as "It appears". Or "She appears to be trapped".
    (3) Again, the place's name isn't "Tenentment of Thugs", the right way to refer to it would be "the building"
    (4) This should be "who are"
    (5) The name of the alley isn't even mentioned in the journal entry you get when you learn about it. It's called "some haunted alley" there.
    (6) This is just clunky wording
    (7) capitalized Tenetment, and inelegant wording

    In order to conform to the standards, the whole thing should be:

    "Journal entry:
    I ran into a girl named Sybil in the building with the painted door. She seems to be trapped inside by a gang of Xaositects who are holding some sort of gathering in the room between her hiding place and the exit. She told me of a second door which, were it unlocked, could provide a means to slip past the thugs without a fight. One of the thugs on the upper floors of the building supposedly has the key, and I've agreed to find it.

  • lujolujo Member Posts: 236
    PST: EE

    The quest journal entry NAME for the above quest has grammar issues, on top of everything:

    The quest name "Find key and sneak out of Tenetment" should be "Find the key and help Sybil sneak out" to avoid talking about the Tenetment as such.

    I'm not sure where the streff would be.
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    lujo said:

    "Journal entry:
    I ran into a girl named Sybil in the building with the painted door. She seems to be trapped inside by a gang of Xaositects who are holding some sort of gathering in the room between her hiding place and the exit. She told me of a second door which, were it unlocked, could provide a means to slip past the thugs without a fight. One of the thugs on the upper floors of the building supposedly has the key, and I've agreed to find it.

    agreed, you have that spot on
  • lujolujo Member Posts: 236
    37703 - again Quinn's writing needs to be styleguided:

    "Journal entry:
    I met a blind, old Xaositect in the Tenement of Thugs. He told me of a secret door that would allow me to pass through to the Alley of Lingering Sighs without encountering the Starved Dogs Barking gathered in the main hall of the Tenement. The door is supposedly in a southwestern chamber, adjacent to the main hall."

    Should be:

    "Journal entry:
    I met a blind, old Xaositect in the building with the painted door. He told me that the main hall of the building has a secret entrance that could allow me to pass through without being noticed by the Starved Dogs Barking gathered there. The door is supposedly in a southwestern chamber, adjacent to the main hall."

  • lujolujo Member Posts: 236
    edited January 2018
    12610 - "He's the head of a pack a' Collectors, he is... moves about all the time, probably to avoid trouble. Calls someplace in Ragpicker's Square 'is case, most likely. 'E's a right crafty fellow, the Pharod. A cutter'd best watch 'imself around that fellow."

    Should be: "'E's a right crafty fellow, Pharod is."
  • __Q____Q__ Member Posts: 29
    edited January 2018
    I have a bunch more BG2 edit suggestions to post, but before I do, I have a quick style question. In BG2, I noticed the first word after an ellipsis usually isn't capitalized even if it's the beginning of a complete sentence. So I've been reporting instances where the first word after an ellipsis is capitalized.

    However, I recently started a new BG1 game and found that the opposite seems to be true. The first word after an ellipsis usually is capitalized if it's the start of a complete sentence.

    I think it should be standardized across both games. Does anyone know if there's a consensus on this?
  • __Q____Q__ Member Posts: 29
    edited January 2018
    I went through the character creation text in BG2 and found a number of issues.

    Race descriptions:

    Dwarves: "They are given to hard work, and care little for most humor." Comma shouldn't be here.

    Halflings: "Their faces are round and broad, and often quite florid." Comma shouldn't be here (or the "and" after "round" could be replaced by a comma).

    Class descriptions: The biggest problem I found with class descriptions is that the classes are frequently referred to using male pronouns even though all the classes are open to female characters. There are so many instances of this that I didn't bother to note them (it's in almost every class and kit description and many ability descriptions), but I think they should be changed to gender-neutral pronouns (they/them/their). When the classes are referred to by name, they are usually singular (e.g., "the Paladin); I would suggest that an editor change all these instances to plural so that the gender-neutral pronouns don't sound as awkward (I haven't made notes of these either). I did make notes for any other issues I found, though.

    Fighters: "Fighters can be found at the front of any battle, contesting toe-to-toe with monsters and villains." Shouldn't be hyphenated.

    Dwarven Defender: "The Dwarven Defender is a formidable warrior that is reputed to be worth two soldiers of any other race." Should be "who."

    Cavalier: "The cavalier is specialized in battling "classical" evil monsters such as demons and dragons." Should be capitalized.

    Blackguard: "Some people call these villains "anti-paladins" due to their completely evil nature." Should be capitalized.

    Priest of Helm: "This spell creates a sword in the Cleric's hand that cannot be dropped or unequipped." Should be "Priest of Helm's" or "caster's."

    Priest of Tyr:
    - "Tyr holds great prominence in the pantheon due to his position as leader of the Triad, a trio of lawful good gods that are collectively devoted to the concepts of courage, justice, perseverance, relief of suffering, duty, obedience, honor, and to some extent, righteous martyrdom." Should be "who."

    - "This spell enables a priest to aid and protect any one being other than themselves." Should be "the Priest of Tyr" or "the caster."

    - "It is thought that the blood of some powerful creature flows through their veins." Should be "of powerful creatures" (plural).

    - "perhaps they are the spawn of the gods themselves, or even dragons walking in humanoid form." Comma shouldn't be here.

    - "They know fewer spells than Mages, and acquire spells more slowly." Comma shouldn't be here.

    - "Though Monks cannot cast spells, they have a unique magic of their own: they channel a subtle energy, called ki, which allows them to perform amazing feats." Should be capitalized.

    - "The Monk's best known feat is their ability to stun an opponent with an unarmed blow." Should be hyphenated.

    Fighter/Thief and Fighter/Thief/Mage: "they cannot usw their thieving skills while wearing more than studded leather armor" Should say "armor heavier than studded leather" (to match the wording in the description for Thief).

    Shaman: "Nowhere is this more evident than in their ability to summon powerful spirits as guardians and defenders." Shouldn't say "Nowehere" since it's not talking about a place. This should say something like "This is most evident from their ability."

    Alignment descriptions:

    Chaotic Good: "Their actions are guided by their own moral compass which, although good, may not always be in perfect agreement with the rest of society." Should be "moral compasses that" and "might."

    True Neutral:
    - "NEUTRAL:" Should say "TRUE NEUTRAL:"

    - "A true neutral druid might join the local baronry to put down a tribe of evil gnolls, only to drop out or switch sides when the gnolls were brought to the brink of destruction." Should be "Druid" (capitalized) and "are."

    Chaotic Neutral: "With this as a guiding principle, they tend to follow whatever whim strikes them at the moment." Should be "whims strike."

    Ability score descriptions:

    Strength: "It is the prime requisite of Fighters." This differs from most other ability score descriptions in that "Fighters" is plural. I think all the other ability scores should use the plural for the names of classes, but if not, then this should be changed to "the Fighter" for consistency.

    Dexterity: "Dexterity measures a character's hand-eye coordination, agility, reflexes and balance." There should be an Oxford comma after "reflexes."

    Wisdom: "It is the prime requisite of priests." This differs from every other ability score description in that it says "priests" instead of specific classes. It should be changed to say "the Cleric and Druid" for consistency and clarity.

    Charisma: "This ability is important to the Druid, Bard, and Paladin." I suggest putting the classes in alphabetical order ("the Bard, Druid, and Paladin").

    Weapon proficiency descriptions:

    General note on weapon proficiency descriptions: I would suggest adding Strength requirements to all weapon proficiency descriptions so that players will be warned that (to use an example that actually happened to me) their Cleric with 12 Strength won't be able to use Flails even if he takes a proficiency in them. You might also want to point out whether each weapon benefits from high Strength vs. high Dexterity, although this doesn't seem like as big a deal.

    Axe: "This proficiency class allows your character to use either." Should be "weapon class" (this is the terminology used in several other descriptions). Also, "either" should be "both" ("either" means "one or the other").

    Spear: "The spear is a useful weapon, giving the attacker the "reach" against most opponents." I think this should just be "reach" (no "the" before it). Also, there shouldn't be quotation marks around "reach" (there aren't any in the description for halberds).

    Halberd: "The reach of the weapons allows crowds to be pushed back without much danger to the guard." Should be "weapon" (singular) or "guards" (plural), one or the other.

    Flail/Morning Star: "They are difficult to use but with skill and practice these weapons are very useful." I suggest adding commas after "use" and "practice."

    Two-Handed Weapon Style: "This fighting style allows the character to use a two-handed melee weapon and receive special bonuses." This would sound better as "receive special bonuses while using a two-handed melee weapon."

    Default biography for the main character:
    - "This god strode the land before he was made to, and in his wake left a score of mortal progency driven to conquer and rule." Comma shouldn't be here (but you could add commas before and after "in his wake" if you wanted to break the sentence up a bit.

    - "You were cared for as a child by Gorion, a powerful wizard that may have had even more powerful friends." Should be "who."

    - "Gorion never explained how you or she came to be there, or why you needed such a secluded home." Comma shouldn't be here.

    - "Which is the greater fear: Losing your life to fuel the fire, or losing your will and becoming it?" "Losing" shouldn't be capitalized, and the comma shouldn't be here.

    Warning message about dual-classing: "This may result in difficulty later in the game." Should be "might."
    Post edited by __Q__ on
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    __Q__ said:

    IClass descriptions: The biggest problem I found with class descriptions is that the classes are frequently referred to using male pronouns even though all the classes are open to female characters. There are so many instances of this that I didn't bother to note them (it's in almost every class and kit description and many ability descriptions), but I think they should be changed to gender-neutral pronouns (they/them/their).

    Those descriptions use tokens which adjust to the gender of the current creature, so if there are specific ones that don't, or aren't correct under specific circumstances, you should report only those. IIRC the default display is the male pronoun for creatures without a proper gender.
    __Q__ said:

    General note on weapon proficiency descriptions: I would suggest adding Strength requirements to all weapon proficiency descriptions so that players will be warned that (to use an example that actually happened to me) their Cleric with 12 Strength won't be able to use Flails even if he takes a proficiency in them. You might also want to point out whether each weapon benefits from high Strength vs. high Dexterity, although this doesn't seem like as big a deal.

    These aspects are specific to the individual item and it's abilities, not proficiency type.
    Proficiency doesn't grant use of the weapon, it only removes the penalty for using it. It would be more appropriate to change:
    "Proficient (1 slot): The character can use the weapon with no penalties."
    "Proficient (1 slot): The character may use the weapon with no penalties."
  • lujolujo Member Posts: 236

    41683 -

    "16537, 5th Night: Drunk - Chest Wound - Cause of Death: Mauling/Abishai? - Collector: Pox - 3 Commons Paid - No possessions."

    should be:

    "16537, 5th Night: Drunk - Chest Wound - Cause of Death: Mauling (Abishai?) - Collector: Pox - 3 Commons Paid - No possessions."

  • lujolujo Member Posts: 236
    edited January 2018

    The following lines belong to Lothar, and are very misleading:

    43392 - "I wish to avail myself of your healing prowess."
    43394 - "I wish to avail myself of your healing prowess."
    43397 - "I wish to avail myself of your healing prowess. I have heard of you."

    Those three lines should all be, well, debugged, into either: "I wish to do bussiness with you." or something like that.


    They lead to Lothar's store, but they don't convey this to the player. The two characters who offer healing before Lothar are Mebbeth and Hargrim the Bleak. Mebbeth has separate lines for accessing healing and accessing the store, which sets the player into the mindset that healing is something separate from stores. Hargrim reinforces this system by having only healing for sale and no store (another character in the same area has the store).

    So when the player meets Lothar, they're not very likely to think he even HAS a store, or that these lines lead to a store of his. The first thought that comes to mind is - "Do I need healing?", and if not they won't click these lines. And the second thought would be, "This guy probably charges for it like Hargrim, I better just go to Mebbeth and heal up for free", so they won't click it.

    So it's pretty easy to miss the fact that he even has a store.
    Post edited by lujo on
  • lujolujo Member Posts: 236
    edited January 2018

    These lines belong to Sherryl, a girl in the buried village. She was cut from the game, but the files are there and the whole quest she gives you has been restored as part of the very popular Unfinished Bussiness Mod. The unfortunate thing is that her lines seem to never have got through late editing and have uncharacteristic references (town instead of village, etc, they lack style and tone editing and such). I spruced up the offending lines and I hope you can be so kind as to update them in the core files. Think of it as mod support, please.

    64716- "*baron*" should be "*guvner*".
    64718 - should be: "She looks about nervously and then leans in close to whisper to you. "Pharod sends his collectors into the catacombs to rob the dead of any treasure they may have. He gets a pretty hefty share of anything they find..." She straightens up and pauses."
    64732 - should be: "Southeast of here is a place they call the Weeping Stone Catacombs. A lot of the collectors, like my father, go there and..." She looks embarrassed. "Well, they loot the crypts. One time there my father found some record or something that spoke of crypts that could only be entered through portals..." She pauses.
    64734 - should be: "My father thought that those crypts must be for special people... The rich, or nobles, or... who knows. Why else would they put them behind portals? In any case, the crypts are also a trap for would be thieves..."
    64736 - should be: ""Father said that you could only reach the crypts by a portal. But healso said that the only way out is by a different portal! So even if someone found the key for the entrance, they'd be trapped in there if they didn't also have the key for the exit...""
    64739 - should be: "She pauses and wrinkles her brow. "I don't know for sure, but he may well be. He was very excited about what he could find in such a crypt. He was searching for the portal keys.""
    64741 - should be: "He might have. He said he was going to see a witch named Ulthera, here in the village. He wanted to ask her if she could *divine* what the entry and exit keys were for one of the portals..."
    64743 - should be: She sighs. "I don't know. I'm concerned that this Ulthera did divine the entry key... and then told him the wrong exit key. She could take his money and never worry about him coming back for a refund. She could sit back, wait for him to die, and then investigate the crypt herself. Everyone here is a grave robber."
    64745 - should be: "She gives you an embarrassed look and turns away. "Well... yes. I'm afraid I was too furious about it and I angered her. She will no longer speak to me." She gives you a hopeful look. "Will you seek her out and find out what happened to my father?""
    64751 - should be: "She visibly relaxes and smiles at you. "Thank you so much, I can't begin to tell you what this means to me... Ulthera can be found wandering about the village. She has no permanent residence that I know of. Please find her and ask her about my father."
    64764 - should be: "You see Sheryl. She is pacing back and forth with a worried look on her face. She smiles at your approach and speaks to you anxiously. "Hello again, cutter. Any luck finding my father yet?"

    I took the string refferences from the original game files, so if they don't match the ones in the EE I can look those up, too. From what I see they seem to have the same strref's.

    EDIT: Sorry and:

    64693 - Should be: "You mentioned the catacombs. What can you tell me about them?"
    64775 - should be: ""Well, there are the undead. Zombies and skeletons, mostly. There are some vicious horned lizards, too. Oh, and flying heads. Those you should watch out for."
  • lujolujo Member Posts: 236

    66178 - "NOTCHED DAGGER
    Damage: 1-6 Piercing
    Enchanted: +2
    Special: +2 Piercing Damage
    THAC0: +2
    Proficiency: Edged
    Not usable by Priests"

    should be

    Damage: 1-6 Piercing
    Enchanted: +2
    Special: +2 Piercing Damage
    THAC0: +2
    Speed: 2
    Weight: 1

    Proficiency: Edged
    Not usable by Priests"
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