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  • lujolujo Member Posts: 236

    I don't know the strref, but the character Mendas has a line which goes "You infected with lycantropy" and should be "You are infected with lycantropy".
  • Yulaw9460Yulaw9460 Member Posts: 634
    edited November 2018
    Post edited by Yulaw9460 on
  • Yulaw9460Yulaw9460 Member Posts: 634
    edited November 2018
    Post edited by Yulaw9460 on
  • CodeKillerCodeKiller Member Posts: 20
    edited February 2018
    Error in French text, there is 2 times "m'aider" in the first reply, check capture.
  • rede9rede9 Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 1,947
    rede9 said:

    rede9 said:

    BG1 7367 - Ring of Energy: The Victor has Area of Effect: 1 creature.
    Actually it has a crowd effect because it cast a fake Agannazar's Scorcher.
    I would suggest: Area of effect: 2-ft. by 15-ft. jet (like 12173 and 26397)
    Furthermore the ring has Range: 100 ft; is it right?

    BG1ee 17654 - Even Agannazar's Scorcher cast by WAND has the same deceptive Area of Effect, different from the normal spell.

    17952 - Potion of Fire Breath has a similar mistake: actually the area of effect is touch but it cast a fake Agannazar's Scorcher as well whence the caster can move to hit MANY TARGETS.

    @JuliusBorisov Why my ticket is ignored after a month (neither a submitted)? I thought it was important dealing with gameplay.
  • rede9rede9 Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 1,947
  • modemheadmodemhead Member Posts: 13
    Not a typo but i didnt know where to report it.

    On IWD EE 2.5 , the Spanish V/O is still incorrect / incomplete . with the default starting party Gorris, Baern and Felicia have default english voices, the other chars are ok!
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    @modemhead Please, report it on
  • anastielanastiel Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 246
    edited July 2018
    the dlc baldur's gate siege of dragonspear, are with failures in the translation to brazilian portuguese, 80% of the game is not translated important texts for the understanding of the game would like to know if there is any way I help in the translation for new users of brazil have a perfect game experience.
    thanks support
    Post edited by anastiel on
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
  • Blue_ThreeBlue_Three Member Posts: 28
    edited September 2018
    Not sure if it's a typo or intended, but I thought I'd report anyhow.
    "The only thing being tested here is my patience. I've had enough of this Ekandor."
    Is that correct, or should it be "I've had enough of this, Ekandor"?
    The way it appears in-game doesn't really seem like something CHARNAME would say to the actual guy in question.
  • Blue_ThreeBlue_Three Member Posts: 28
    Ratchild: "Where your peoples [sic] wastes are sent, that [sic] where we thrive."

    Intentionally bad grammar because kobold, or...?
  • Blue_ThreeBlue_Three Member Posts: 28
    edited September 2018
    Erdane: "March on into that dead man's tor, and add another to its number."

    What's a "tor"?

    a rocky pinnacle; a peak of a bare or rocky mountain or hill

    Is that it? Relatively sure it's meant to be "tower".
    Post edited by Blue_Three on
  • MandylynRoseMandylynRose Member Posts: 1

    What's a "tor"?

    a rocky pinnacle; a peak of a bare or rocky mountain or hill

    Is that it? Relatively sure it's meant to be "tower".

    Hi! I thought I remembered "tor" being used as tower before so I looked into it. I found this on Wikipedia:
    "from Old English torr, tor (“a high rock, lofty hill, tower”), possibly from Proto-Celtic, compare Old Welsh *tor (“hill”); ultimately from Latin turris (“high structure”)". So I hope this clears it up for you. :-)
  • rede9rede9 Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 1,947 Ranger's CHARME ANIMAL special ability description doesn't show the duration.
  • IsandirIsandir Member Posts: 458
    edited March 2019
    I finally finished a full playthrough of both EEs and Siege of Dragonspear, and loved them all! However, a few minor mistakes did catch my eye, though I unfortunately forgot to write down most of them. (I started another playthrough already, so I'll be more careful next time.)

    1: In one of the dialogues with Jaheira (again, I unfortunately failed to jot down which one it was), the term "complimentary" is used, whereas the context makes it clear that the intended term is "complementary."

    2: When Melissan is drawn into the pocket plane in ToB, one of her lines begins with "Do you dare come and face me there?". The second possible response is "I'd confront your kind of evil wherever I had to go...and I will win."

    I'd can either be I had or I would, but neither of these matches the remainder of the sentence, particularly since it then veers from past tense to future tense. Given that it ends in the future tense, the latter is likely intended, in which case it should be "I'd confront your kind of evil wherever I have to go...and I will win." However, even that is still awkward, as it still implies that doing so is conditional. The better option would be changing it to "I will confront your kind of evil wherever I [have to] go...and I will win" in order to make it more consistent. (The portion in brackets could be removed to make it even simpler.)
    Post edited by Isandir on
  • kkadenkkaden Member Posts: 3
    previously reported by Sargon1 in November 2015, this is still a thing in 2.5 BG:EE

    Sun Soul Monk, Kit description: inconsistently named ability.

    "-13th level: May cast Soul Sunbeam once per day.

    SUN SOULBEAM: The Sun Soul Monk emits..."
  • enqenqenqenq Member Posts: 499
    Heart of Winter, Barbarian camp, second meeting with Wylfdene, after Icasaracht slays the seer, you have two conversation options for the dying seer, the first of which begins with "Lay still", which should be "Lie still".

    The other response is an asshole one, but my linguistically enlightened good characters always have difficulties choosing here :(
  • DeadbeardDeadbeard Member Posts: 1
    A couple errors from the Russian translation of BG:EE.

    On the character creation rolling screen 'store' is translated as 'магазин'. It should be translated as 'хранить'. I think the verb 'перебросить' should be used instead of 'переброс' on the same screen. Second one's nitpicking really.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    @Deadbeard Please report translation errors in the appropriate language section. In this case, inусский
  • ClubbothClubboth Member Posts: 60
    In High Hedge I can buy bullets with elemental damage. They claim to be +1 bullets. This is not true. So renaming them would be cool. They are more like ice arrows than acid arrows. And more worse - I tried to bring Daveorn down with them to no avail - they are not even magical like the ice arrows. So this +1 stuff stinks, me thinks.
  • AlonsoAlonso Member Posts: 806
    edited June 2019
    I have found in NearInfinity several BG2 spells and abilities with mixed up descriptions:
    • End Slayer Change has the description of Polymorph Other. File ids: SPIN529, SPIN667, SPIN718, spin718a, SPMDSLAY.
    • Magician has the description of Polymorph Other. File id: SPIN623.
    • Strife has the description of Slow. File id: SPIN635.
    • Defiance has the description of Flame Strike. File id: SPIN636.
    • Spawn Demons has the description of Flame Strike. File id: SPIN702.
    • Death Curse has the description of Finger of Death. File id: SPIN813, SPIN824.
    • Drow Transformation has the description of Polymorph Other. File id: SPIN825.
    • Shapeshift: Natural Form has the description of Barkskin. File id: SPINHUM.
    • Bad Luck has the description of Miscast Magic. File id: SPWISH34.
    • Talons has the description of Power Word, Blind. File id: SPIN613.
    • Rogue has the description of Charm person. File id: SPIN614.
    • Knight has the description of Gate. File id: SPIN615.
    • Flames has the description of Gate. File id: SPIN616.
    • Skull has the description of Summon skeleton. File id: SPIN622.
    • Emperor has the description of Protection from Magic Energy. File id: SPIN632.
    • High Priestess has the description of Power Word, Silence. File id: SPIN634.
    • Demilich Howl has the description of Howl of the Banshee. File id: SPIN789.
    • Abazigal Shockwave has the description of Howl of the Banshee. File id: SPIN531.
    • Lower Electrical Resistance has the description of Greater Malison. File id: SPIN532.
    • Lava burst has the description of Fireball. File id: SPIN819.
    • Summon Dread Wolf has the description of Barkskin. File id: SPIN114.
    • Summon Ghast has the description of Barkskin. File id: SPIN115.
    • Create Poisoned Arrows has the description of Barkskin. File id: SPIN116.
    • Hell Hound Flame Breath has the description of Burning Hands. File id: SPIN956.
    • Summon Spider has the description of Summon Efreeti. File id: SENSPISU.
    • Banishment has the description of Imprisonment. File id: SPIN786.

    The only one I have confirmed is used in the game is End Slayer Change. I don't know if any of the others are actually used. Can anybody confirm? For those that are used, do you know if correct descriptions exist?
    Post edited by Alonso on
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Tagging @CamDawg since a lot of work in the 2.6 patch has been done towards spells and spell descriptions.
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    Unless a spell can be used by a party member, the description is never exposed in the game. The easiest way to make a spell is simply to start with a copy of an old one and modify it rather than build it from scratch, so the description is generally leftover from the source spell. As such, the return-to-human form spells need to be addressed in the next patch.

    The only ones on your list which have existing descriptions are:
    1. Summon Dread Wolf has the description of Barkskin. File id: SPIN114.
    2. Summon Ghast has the description of Barkskin. File id: SPIN115.
    3. Create Poisoned Arrows has the description of Barkskin. File id: SPIN116.

    These are innate abilities of Faldorn, Tiax, and Eldoth and have descriptions you can lift from BGEE.
  • SidoniusSidonius Member Posts: 24
    edited July 2019
    Good evening, typo squashers. Below are a few errant keystrokes I've found in the English version of Baldur's Gate, v.

    A "Half-Ogre" is incorrectly written as a "Half Ogre." This is inconsistent both with the spelling provided by the 1995 Monstrous Manual and with the game's other half races--"Half-Orc," "Half-Elf," etc.

    The description of the spell "Chant" uses "hisself" instead of "himself."

    History of the Dead Three, paragraph three: "...hordes or noncorporeal undead" instead of "hordes of."

    The Surgeon, west of High Hedge, when asked who he is, says, towards the end of a long paragraph: "Your group seem to be adventurers..." Group, being singular, should take seems.

    'Sall for now! Will report more if I find 'em.
    Post edited by Sidonius on
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    Apologies if this has already been reported. I'm watching a SoD let's play and this caught my eye.

    When you first meet Edwin and he offers to join you, you are given an option to decline that reads as follows:

    "Join the troops if you wish, but not I. Follow the campfires and tell the guards I sent you."

    This should, of course, read "but not me."
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    In SoD's first dream sequence with Sarevok, you are given an option to say:

    "You are naught but ashes. Return from whence you came, and bother me no more."

    As the word "whence" already means "from where", the additional "from" is unnecessarily redundant and should be removed.
  • gugulug5000gugulug5000 Member Posts: 248
    edited August 2019
    In the Black Pits 2, when you ask the Lounge Noser about Dormamus' room, he tells you about the password to get in. He says: I gather it's supposed to be a secret, but everyone knows It's "swordfish." The I in It's is unnecessarily capitalized.

    Also, for Neverwinter Nights, the achievement You Are a Weapon of Mass Destruction has the description "Neverwinter is Under Siege! Repel the invaders." Under and siege are both capitalized for some reason, but shouldn't be.

    The Neverwinter Nights Achievement These Swords are Poorly Balanced should probably have the word 'are' capitalized, as it is a title, and is capitalized in other achievement titles. There are actually a few titles that capitalize the word 'are', and several that don't. They should all just be consistent.
    Post edited by gugulug5000 on
  • gugulug5000gugulug5000 Member Posts: 248
    edited August 2019
    Got some more typos for Neverwinter Nights. All of these are in chapter 2 of the Wailing Death, and are parts of each companion's quest/tale dialogue:

    1) In the final section of Tomi's companion story he's telling about the Star of Calimshan heist. One line he has is: "The syl-pasha would never rest until he captured whoever was responsible fro its theft."
    fro --> for

    2) And here's another one, a few pages later in Tomi's story: "I dived into the sea and woke up three days later on freighter bound for Tharsult."
    on freighter --> on a freighter

    3) And one from the final segment of Sharwyn's chapter 2 tale: "It was not long before we the toast of Athkatla, praised by the Lord and Lady..."
    we the toast --> we were the toast

    4) And a little later in Sharwyn's final segment: "Lady Onaris's beauty was the result of an enchantment... a glamer."
    glamer --> glamour

    5) In Boddyknock's second section of dialogue: "Maybe... mabye someday I can make it up to him..."
    mabye --> maybe

    6) In the first segment of Linu's tale: "The author was writing about his adventures seeking lost relics in exotic, dangerous locals."
    locals --> locales

    7) In the second segment of Linu's tale she talks about her parent's home, and one of the possible responses to her is: "Ten story wall? Your parent's must be rich."
    parent's --> parents

    I also have a question, what should we do about Oxford commas? I've always used them and noticed one missing in the first segment of Boddyknock's dialogue. "But flowers, plants and gardens never held much interest for me." I personally would add the comma after plants, but that may be nitpicking.
    Post edited by gugulug5000 on
  • gugulug5000gugulug5000 Member Posts: 248
    Back with more typos in the same section of the game:

    1) Grimgnaw, first talk: "We worship the very essence of Silent Lord..."
    essence of Silent Lord --> essence of the Silent Lord

    2) Grimgnaw, second talk: "From the back of the tomb where the highest ranking monks of the Order battled the lich herself waves of dark necromancy spilled out over the battlefield."
    the lich herself waves of --> the lich herself, waves of (added a comma)

    3) Grimgnaw, second talk, shortly after #2: "as the foul spell touched their corpses they clambored to their feet..."
    clambored --> clambered

    4) Daelan, this one is actually as you are recruiting him, and not related to his tale. When you ask him if he has information on the cult, he mentions Luskan and later says "it is widely acknowledged as the home of murders and thieves..."
    murders --> murderers

    5) Daelan, first talk, speaking about going to Luskan: "If I had I would not have gone."
    If I had I would not... --> If I had, I would not... (added comma)

    That's it for now. I have to say that I'm surprised by how many typos slipped through in this part. Also, I've noticed Grimgnaw's dialogue never uses Oxford commas, so I suppose that settles that question.
This discussion has been closed.