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it continues to say: {"error":"Couldn't authenticate you"}
i trying to get in touch with you because both baldurs gate I and II crash the instant i try to start them up.


  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    I know nothing about why you can't contact Beamdog by other means, but there are numerous Beamdog staff here on this forum, so having posted this thread should suffice to get you into contact with them.

    One possibility for startup failure is that you need something set in your baldur.lua options (which has replaced baldur.ini), but unfortunately that file appears to be created only on your first normal exit after a successful startup ... and you're not getting that far, so the file you (may) need isn't being created. IF this is the cause, then you could probably fix it by copying someone else's baldur.lua ... and the staff here can presumably post a clean default version for you to download from this thread (summoning @Gate70).

    Other than that possibility, any help is likely to require more information about your own setup. What operating system, graphics, etc?
  • Troodon80Troodon80 Member, Developer Posts: 4,110
    Not sure about the site error, but the crash: if there's a crash dump (should be located in your Documents/[Game]/crash folder), can you zip that up and attach it here on the forum? We can take a look at it and see if we can help. :-)
  • ThorncasterThorncaster Member Posts: 10
    here are the crashed files as for my specs. i did have the same game on this comp. till my hard-drive gave out and i had to replace it. so that is the only thing different.
  • ThorncasterThorncaster Member Posts: 10
    also thank you for any help you can give. i come here often to see/replicate build but this is the first time i have posted on here
  • IllydthIllydth Member, Developer Posts: 1,641
    edited December 2016
    A couple really fast things you can try while Troodon is looking at the crash dumps.

    1) In your My Documents directory you'll see directories for all of your games. For any of them that aren't working, back up (rename) your baldur.ini/baldur.lua files in the directory to something else and then start the game up. It will re-create them from scratch upon game startup. If there's anything wrong/bad with the startup information, this will fix it and allow you to start the games back up.

    2) Re-verify your download. I'm not sure what download client or OS you're using (Steam, GoG, Beamdog, etc. etc. on Windows/Linux/Mac/etc.) but each of those have a different method of validating the installation. In at least Steam's case, you can go into the game on Steam, right click it, and tell it to re-validate the installation...that should fix any extraneious file issues you have.

    3) Re-download the game. Worst case scenario find your game directory (and by that I mean wherever the executable has been installed to) and rename that directory to something else. Go back into your download client and tell it to re-download the game. Once Complete Downloading and installing WITHOUT DOING ANYTHING ELSE run the game and see if it runs. This will get you past any mod or extraneous file issues.

    If you've rebuilt your .ini/.lua file and reinstalled the game from scratch we're going to need more information from you on your system (OS and Installation method) to give you more specific instructions.
  • ThorncasterThorncaster Member Posts: 10
    ok so i tried to uninstall steam completely to see if that fixed it (it did not) game as well. my os is Windows 7 home 64 bit. if there is anything else you need let me know. (i love this games community)
  • ThorncasterThorncaster Member Posts: 10
    i also did try the file check through steam. it also did not work
  • Troodon80Troodon80 Member, Developer Posts: 4,110
    The crash is occurring in the OpenGL rendering. The first thing I would suggest you try is add the backend line to your LUA configuration file. If the line is already there, but set to 0, set it to 1. It should look like this:

  • ThorncasterThorncaster Member Posts: 10
    this is all it says:
    engine_name = "Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition"
    engine_mode = 0 -- 0 = BGEE, 1 = BG2EE, 2 = IWDEE

  • IllydthIllydth Member, Developer Posts: 1,641
    edited December 2016
    @Thorncaster Ok, lets step back here a second and see if we can get to a better place.

    First things first, in looking at the file sets, we're having a hard time finding your graphics driver. We don't see evidence of Intel, NVidia or AMD drivers on your system AT ALL. That seems a bit wrong so, since the crash appears to be in the OpenGL stuff, lets start with your video drivers and see what we can do to get that handled.

    * What video card do you have installed? (Make and Model if you can get it).
    * Is this a Laptop or Desktop Machine?
    * Is the video card integrated with the Motherboard or Stand Alone? (The above questions might answer that already).
    * I also don't see the game version you're working with. There are two different versions available (2.x and 1.3 where 1.3 was the original EE version and 2.x is the code post Siege of Dragonspear). If you don't know, you're probably installing the 2.x version, but if you're specifically installing the 1.3 code let us know.

    Can you try to make sure you are running the latest graphics drivers for your video card that is supported by the OS and by your System Manufacturer? If it's a desktop machine with an installed graphics card this is as easy as going to the chipset producer (NVidia, Intel or AMD) and downloading their drivers. IF this is a laptop it gets a little more difficult as generally there are only specific versions of the driver that the laptop manufacturer supports. Go to your laptop manufacturer's site and get the latest driver they support for your graphics card.

    If none of this is making sense, let me know.

    Secondly, by default on Windows BG1 and 2 use the OpenGL renderer. There is a way to force it to use DirectX instead of OpenGL...this is the switch Troodon notes above. This switch goes into your "baldur.lua" file which will reside in C:\Users\\My Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition (or Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced Edition for the second game).

    You'll want to edit your baldur.lua file with a text editor such as Notepad++. You'll see a boatload of lines that look like the following:

    SetPrivateProfileString('Window','Full Screen','1')

    One of the lines in that file should be:

    If you don't see it and can't find it, add a blank line somewhere in the file and add'll probably be close to the end of the file.

    When you find it, you want to change the "0" to a "1" Leaving the single ticks around it, it should look like the following:


    This will force directx mode and may get you to work properly. Note that you will need the latest DirectX distributable from Microsoft or the DX9 SDK which is huge but also works.

    Let us know how this goes.

    Game Install
    I apologize for the miscommunication. You don't need to reinstall Steam at all, we just need you to reinstall the game through steam.

    With steam open, in the "Library" Section of Steam, on the left hand side, you'll see a list of your games. "Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition" should be in white along with other games you have installed. Click it and the right side view should change to show Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition.

    You now want to right click the game on the left side: all the way to the bottom of the menu that comes up is a "Properties" option. Click that to open a second window with tabs such as "General", "Updates", "Local Files", etc.

    Click the "Local Files" tab.

    First and foremost you want to click "Verify Integrity of Game Cache..." to have it verify the game contents (If you haven't already done this).

    If that doesn't work, the next step is to delete the game and reinstall. Do this:

    1) Click "Browse Local FIles..." This will open a file window to the location the game is installed in. Keep this window open.
    2) Go back to Steam and click "Delete Local Game Content..." which will delete the game from your Hard Drive.
    3) Go back to the file browser window. Everything in this window should be blank at this point (there should be no files). If anything still exists in this folder you should delete/remove it. If anything can't be removed (because it's in use) restart your computer and try to delete these files again. (***NOTE***: If you still have files here, write down the location on disk where this window is open to. After Step 2 "Browse Local Files" will no longer'll need to be able to navigate back to your game installation directory to destroy the files after reboot.)
    4) Go back to Steam, close the Properties window and the "Blue" Button for the game (that normally says "Play") should now show "Install".
    5) Click "Install" And let it re-setup the game.

    Again, if you've already done all of this please let us know. The post above didn't explicitly indicate you reinstalled BG:EE it only indicated you reinstalled Steam, and that won't actually delete or remove your game cache files.

    Apologies for the book. Let us know how this goes.

    Also, if any of this does fix your issue, PLEASE Post back and let us know you're working now and what fixed it.
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    edited December 2016

    this is all it sasys:
    engine_name = "Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition"
    engine_mode = 0 -- 0 = BGEE, 1 = BG2EE, 2 = IWDEE

    No. That's the content of the file 'engine.lua'. The file you want is called 'baldur.lua' (and it should contain scores of lines rather than just two).

    However, a question not addressed by @Illydth and @Troodon80 is whether you actually have a baldur.lua file at all. Has the game ever started up successfully on your current machine? Or has it always crashed-on-start every time since you first installed it? If the latter, then you probably don't have a baldur.lua, and may therefore need to download a copy manually before you can follow their editing instructions.
  • ThorncasterThorncaster Member Posts: 10
    the game after i put in a new harddrive has never properly loaded. also it appers upon looking for my graphics driver one was not installed... -___- im doing that now
  • ThorncasterThorncaster Member Posts: 10
    who would have thought you needed a graphics driver to play games... told my friend, who swapped my hard-drive and loaded the drivers for me, and all he said was "oh yeaaaaa.... oops".

    so i am up and running now. thanks for all of yalls help
  • ThorncasterThorncaster Member Posts: 10
    i think im going to leave this form up here because i sill cant access beamdog support site but the game is running now. THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR HELP AND AS I SAID LAST TIME I LOVE THIS COMMUNITY
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    edited December 2016

    ... who would have thought you needed a graphics driver to play games ...

    No, really??? Aw dang, so that's what I've been doing wrong all this time ... :grin:

    Delighted to hear that you're all sorted now. Oh, and your friend is an idjit!
  • ThorncasterThorncaster Member Posts: 10
    sent him a link to his form he just laughed
  • Troodon80Troodon80 Member, Developer Posts: 4,110

    who would have thought you needed a graphics driver to play games... told my friend, who swapped my hard-drive and loaded the drivers for me, and all he said was "oh yeaaaaa.... oops".

    so i am up and running now. thanks for all of yalls help

    You would never guess, but something I actually said in private before I signed off last night was:
    I can't actually see any sign of any Intel graphics drivers (usually named igdumdim*.dll, igd*ium*.dll, etc. asterisks mark operating system version and architecture), nor any specific nVidia or AMD modules loaded... which might even account for why it's crashing if there are no graphics drivers being used.
    Great to hear that it's working for you now. :-)
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
    @Thorncaster , @Kelvryn , @Xrystofer:

    We see there's a Zendesk problem and would like to help, at least telling Zendesk about that problem. For that, we need your zendesk account names.
  • IllydthIllydth Member, Developer Posts: 1,641
    Glad to see we were able to help you. Credit to @Troodon80 on that one, he caught it...I just played messenger. :)

    Oh and in regard to Julius's request, please PM him the account names, please don't post them publicly back to this thread. :)
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