Damage animation on 0 damage

The damage animation on 0 damage really sucks, it turns friendlies and neutrals hostile and it interrupts spells. ToBEx fixed this for the original game years ago. Is there any way to implement it in EE? Did the devs comment on it?
You are right with the summons, but spell interruption is still a thing. I'm gonna check if it's only a special case.
Zero damage attacks can still interrupt spellcasting, it's happened to me a few times in my current run, although it doesn't seem to happen every time. I'm not sure what makes it happen sometimes and not other times.
Ofcourse, by the same logic, if a red dragon hits you with his giant claws, even with stoneskin you should feel the impact and get thrown off balance a bit even if you don't take any damage. But the engine just blocks the whole attack with the stoneskin, treating it like mgoi vs weapon attacks. But it is also inconsistent that special effects like poison/paralysis/drain etc. work through the skins. Maybe taking realism too far is not the best way. Wing buffet effect is nice to have the dragons still mighty and challenging, though.