Why does Imoen suddenly regain her sanity?

Just before being sent to spellhold, she's desperate, not insane.
After her soul is drained, she loses it.
In spellhold, she's clearly out of her mind, makes no sense whatsoever.
After Irenicus steals your divinity, shes just fine, and perfectly intelligent.
What happened?
After her soul is drained, she loses it.
In spellhold, she's clearly out of her mind, makes no sense whatsoever.
After Irenicus steals your divinity, shes just fine, and perfectly intelligent.
What happened?
But I think what @megamike15 said is true as well.
When her life-long friend comes to rescue her and takes her into his/her party, it changes her situation and gives her a real hope of escape and the recovery of her soul.
Such a dramatic and positive change in fortune can snap someone out of their 'broken-ness', so to speak. It works in real life and in video games. Doesn't explain the physical effects of being drained that were apparent upon first meeting her in spellhold, but as has been mentioned the plot was changed mid-way through development.
The damage of the events are still present until she and you go into revenge mode on bodhi and get her soul and closure killing her. I doubt the torture in spellhold was any different than the beginning so I highly doubt that alone would break her again. Jon just had the chance to continue his efforts with or without more resources but Im pretty sure he also tossed a spell on her for many reasons. It buys him some time too if you show up, as a distraction.
She basically acts the same in the dreams so she could easily be in a waking dream state of sorts. Also she was reaching out to you the whole time like that when you slept so it was most likely all she could do under such a powerful spell. Eventually your presence and bhaal's essence growing stronger/closer ( in the dream metaphorically and literally ) gave her more strength at the same time she was being magically subdued in spellhold. During this time in the dream state she gets stronger because shes less " lets gtfo of here" and more "lets pwn Jon/Bodhi, no more bullcrap", if she was only emotionally broken she woulnt have just magically gotten better.
Like mentioned above if they planned to off her then the sudden change could be related to that. I just like the spell+ more torture theory better for the story, it gives her more purpose imo and strengthens her character somewhat.
Logical explanation: several possibilities. Simplest would be that the effects of the spell she was subjected to by Big I were simply temporary, and that she recovered on her own (and would have regardless of you coming to the rescue). Other explanations are equally plausible, of course, such as that she was kept under temporary insanity by Irenicus to mess with you, and was released after he had what he wanted (knowing full well that she would share your fate anyway, sane or not).
Note on the dreams: I am of the opinion that it is not Imoen at all that CHARNAME meets during their dream, but rather a figment of some kind. This could be either your own subconscious, or a sliver of Bhaal's self struggling to break free; in fact, it could even be part of the divine essence Bhaal stole in the first place. Either way: not Imoen. Just looks like Imoen.
As valid an explanation of BG plot holes as any.
Personally I support the explanation from @megamike15 . It's simply a leftover dialog line when Imoen was intended to be sacrificed by the devs.
There is a lot of cut or cancelled content that can still be found in the game resources. But most of it is not available without cheating (such as dialog lines from a cancelled Valygar romance or a big map that was supposed to be used for a Slayer dream sequence).
It would be easy too just yoh helps you escape after and imo dies/your forced to watch. Then kill Bodhi to free her soul. Yoh would have allowed for a thief/fig after your done getting enough skill levels.
Hmmmm, I like that idea haha.
Also, her personality was waaaay different. She was far from the prankster innocent eternal child the game makes her out to be. But I'm going off topic here.
I guess my point is, I like the idea of the writing pointing to her death, and then finding the ability to overcome that.
I couldn't take it past the first book, I think.
Aside from the grossly different personalities of many characters involved, the majority of the "plot" consists of Abdel getting nasty with any female creature that enters his testosterone-soaked orbit. Including Jaheira while Khalid is alive, and including Bodhi. Yes, it is even more cringe than it sounds.
I think it would at least be fun to know which npcs are in the books and how each of them passes on.