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Whoa! Priests of Helm are so strong!



  • StormvesselStormvessel Member Posts: 654
    edited January 2017
    Berserker to 13 for the extra 1/2 attack per round. Berserker 13 (1,250,000xp) can STILL hit Cleric level 38 (6,750,000) for 9,9,9,9,9,8,7 spells per day (which is the maximum amount). Hence, in terms of powergaming, Berserker 13 is where you want to dual for the strongest possible Berserker Cleric.

    Dualing at 9 is probably more convenient due to downtime, and Fighter/Cleric multi is a lot more convenient and arguably as good due to Fighter HLAs.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    edited January 2017
    Did say plural, but also said 13 which automatically disqualifies BG1.

  • OtherguyOtherguy Member Posts: 157
    For me a dwarven F/C will always outrank F/C duals because of fighter HLAs and that overpowered save bonus.

    For the strongest cleric my vote would go to a mage/cleric multi (gnome for powergaming).
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    Gotta love the midget save bonus. It's why my IWD parties are full of halflings and dwarves.
  • StormvesselStormvessel Member Posts: 654

    Gotta love the midget save bonus. It's why my IWD parties are full of halflings and dwarves.

    I despise political correctness but there's no sense in using a slur when it can be avoided.

    Shorty saves is the proper term.
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356

    I despise political correctness but there's no sense in using a slur when it can be avoided.

    :lol: But doesn't it seem to you that not "using a slur when it can be avoided" is exactly that "political correctness" which you despise?

    I've noticed that the meaning of "political correctness" does seem to vary somewhat between countries ... but where I live, the censorship of "insensitive" language seems to be the very essence of the PC project.

    Nevertheless, I agree that shorty saves is a much better term. "Midget" means someone of abnormally small size, whereas it is entirely normal for dwarves/halflings/gnomes to be short, so they're not midgets (unless they're substantially smaller even than usual, of course).
  • StormvesselStormvessel Member Posts: 654
    edited January 2017
    No, it doesn't seem to me that I was being politically correct. If someone is being bashed for not conforming to "newspeak", then I will be the first to come to that person's defense. I just feel that going out of your way to use a slur is just contentious when it's not necessary at all.

    If that poster wasn't aware that the common term is "shorty save", then I apologize. But "midget save" just strikes me as going out of one's way to be a dick.
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    well i apologize, going out of my way to be rude wasn't my intention at all
  • StormvesselStormvessel Member Posts: 654
    edited January 2017
    Then I apologize. I wasn't trying to be preachy, as it's certainly not my place to police what people say. It's just that these are turbulent times and for some reason I've been noticing that some people go out of their way to be politically incorrect (which is just as lame as newspeak). In any case I apologize for misreading you. I should also keep in mind that people from all over the world are on this site and there are cultural differences to take into account.
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