I managed to create two perfectly functional kits. Then, when I was trying to reinstall them to tweak a kit's HLAs, I ended up with this message: Both kits uninstalled themselves when I ran WeiDu. All I changed since the last installation was a few minor tweaks to a kit's HP table and three spells.
A previous error mentioned the KIT.ids file. Attached is my copy of the file. Any idea what might have gotten in the way?
This is what the previous error message said about the KIT.ids file (text taken from a WeiDu debug file):
"Installing [Seducer Kit for Thieves] [v1.00] Adding (SD)00 Kit ... [./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7201 bytes [./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 890 bytes WARNING: error parsing KIT.IDS: Parsing.Parse_error Stopping installation because of error.
ERROR Installing [Seducer Kit for Thieves], rolling back to previous state Unable to Unlink [SeducerKit/backup/0/OTHER.0]: Unix.Unix_error(1, "unlink", "SeducerKit/backup/0/OTHER.0") [SeducerKit/backup/0/UNSETSTR.0] SET_STRING uninstall info not found Will uninstall 0 files for [SEDUCERKIT/SEDUCERKIT.TP2] component 0. Uninstalled 0 files for [SEDUCERKIT/SEDUCERKIT.TP2] component 0. Unable to Unlink [SeducerKit/backup/0/READLN.0]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "SeducerKit/backup/0/READLN.0") Unable to Unlink [SeducerKit/backup/0/READLN.0.TEXT]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "SeducerKit/backup/0/READLN.0.TEXT")"
I just tried re-installing some of my other recently-created mods. Another one got uninstalled, while two others remained intact. The one that got installed reported a problem with PROJECTL.ids. Attached is the .ids file.
So, the only things that got broken involved IDS entries; the mods that didn't change IDS stuff were perfectly fine. But I don't know how IDS stuff works, or how I'd go about fixing this.
@semiticgod I have a feeling that WeiDU isn't liking those parenthesis in the .ids entries (dunno how the game copes with that, but I'm pretty sure WeiDU doesn't like that)... That could explain the parse error you got, dunno about the rest of the stuff. Other than that you should let me take a look at your tp2 code to see what's going on and if there isn't anything else that might be failing. Oh, btw, it'd be nice if you could make a new thread out of your three comments and this one by me.
@Crevsdaak: Split from the previous thread. I've only had trouble with parentheses when creating dialogues via .d files; they haven't caused problems otherwise. I use parentheses because I can't get onto my account on BWL to create my own modding prefix (it won't send a password reset thingy to my email), and I figured that parentheses would be rare.
Seducer Kit TP2:
BACKUP "SeducerKit/backup" AUTHOR semiticgod VERSION "v1.00"
AUTO_TRA ~SeducerKit/tra/%s~
BEGIN "Seducer Kit for Thieves" // INCLUDE "SeducerKit/lib/fl#add_kit_ee.tpa"
SAY ~seducer~ SAY ~Seducer~ SAY ~A Seducer is a thief who acts through persuasion rather than sleight of hand. Socially cunning and politically astute, they develop an ability to forge close relationships with the wealthy, powerful, or merely useful, and navigate complex social orders with speed and grace. Some may use their talents to influence people for the better, propping up and guiding the wise and honest, or exposing and ostracizing the corrupt and the selfish--others use their talents for personal gain, exploiting their allies' weaknesses, and destroying their opponents with whatever means they can.
Despite the name, a Seducer's abilities are more complex than attractiveness or charm. A Seducer uses psionic abilities and arcane magic as well as physical appeal to influence others, and can gain control over potentially any creature with a semi-conscious mind--even those of a different orientation, species, or plane of existence, as well as sexless creatures, constructs, and the undead. No mind is truly safe from a Seducer's grasp; only sheer will and mental fortitude can block the Seducer's influence.
- +1 Charisma. - +2 save vs. spell - +2 save vs. Enchantment spells - Immunity to charm and domination - May cast Charm at will - 25% chance to shrug off the effects of psionic attacks
- Only gains 10 skill points per level (20 at level 1) - Cannot detect traps or set traps - Has no backstab multiplier - Only gains 1d4 hit points per level - May not use armor or shields
CHARM: The Seducer may attempt to take control over any creature within 10 feet, infiltrating their mind and probing their thoughts and desires. The target must make a save vs. spell at +5 to resist the effect. If the save is unsuccessful, the Seducer will wriggle their way into the subject's mind and take over after 1 round. Non-humanoid targets have a 95% chance of avoiding the Seducer's charms outright. As the Seducer grows more experienced, their charms become more effective:
- Saving throw: -1 penalty every 2 levels after level 1, and every 3 levels after level 11. - Range: +5 feet every 2 levels after level 1, and every 3 levels after level 11. - The chance of charming a non-human target increases by 5% at level 4 and every 2 levels afterwards.
Thus, a level 12 Seducer may charm any creature within 35 feet on a failed save vs. spell with no penalty, with a 30% chance of affecting a non-humanoid target. Charm is not limited by the Seducer's line of sight; he or she can target creatures who are invisible, behind a corner, or (at higher levels) out of the Seducer's visual range. Charm bypasses spell protections, magic resistance, and immunity to charm.
BETRAYAL: The Seducer does not deal extra damage when backstabbing an opponent, but if the target is under the Seducer's control, he or she may attempt to land a fatal blow while the target's guard is down. If the victim fails its save vs. death at +3, the Seducer will kill it instantly, using whatever weak point the Seducer can divine from its thoughts. Every 4 levels after level 1, victims of Betrayal must make their save at an additional -1 penalty, up to -2 at level 17. If the victim makes its save, the effects of Charm are broken and the Seducer cannot charm the target for another 5 rounds. Targets who are immune to instant death effects will still take damage on a failed save.
High-Level Abilities: Seducers do not gain normal thief HLAs. Instead of Use Any Item, Avoid Death, Assassination, and HLA traps, the Seducer may choose a set of new psionic abilities.
COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)21A.spl" override SAY 0xC ~Charm~ SAY 0x50 ~Everyone has weaknesses, and every mind can be twisted and controlled. The Seducer may attempt to take control over any creature within 10 feet, infiltrating their mind and probing their thoughts and desires. The target must make a save vs. spell at +5 to resist the effect. If the save is unsuccessful, the Seducer will wriggle their way into the subject's mind and take over after 1 round. Non-humanoid targets have a 95% chance of avoiding the Seducer's charms outright. As the Seducer grows more experienced, their charms become more effective:
- Saving throw: -1 penalty every 2 levels after level 1, and every 3 levels after level 11. - Range: +5 feet every 2 levels after level 1, and every 3 levels after level 11. - The chance of charming a non-human target increases by 5% at level 4 and every 2 levels afterwards.
Thus, a level 12 Seducer may charm any creature within 35 feet on a failed save vs. spell with no penalty, with a 30% chance of affecting a non-humanoid target. Charm is not limited by the Seducer's line of sight; he or she can target creatures who are invisible, behind a corner, or (at higher levels) out of the Seducer's visual range.
This ability bypasses spell protections, magic resistance, and immunity to charm. A Seducer may use Charm once per round.~
COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)050.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1
COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)051.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1 /* COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)052.spl" override SAY 0xC ~Betrayal~ SAY 0x50 ~Betrayal~ */ COPY ~SeducerKit/spl/(SD)052.spl~ ~override~ SAY NAME1 ~Betrayal~ SAY NAME2 ~Betrayal~ SAY UNIDENTIFIED_DESC ~Betrayal~ SAY IDENTIFIED_DESC ~Betrayal~
COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)054.spl" override SAY 0xC ~Psionic Blast~ SAY 0x50 ~A Seducer's psionic abilities can also be used to deliver a powerful shock to other minds. Psionic Blast can affect multiple targets, each of which must make a successful save vs. spell or be stunned for 3 rounds. Much like a Mind Flayer's Psionic Blast, this ability ignores magical defenses.~
COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)055.spl" override SAY 0xC ~Psionic Invisibility~ SAY 0x50 ~This ability allows the Seducer to conceal his or her presence from all creatures within the vicinity, blocking the image from their minds. For the next 4 rounds, the Seducer will be invisible; for the next 3 rounds, the Seducer will be protected as though they were under the effects of the Improved Invisibility spell; and for the next 2 rounds, the Seducer cannot be seen by any creature, even those normally able to see through invisibility.~
COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)056.spl" override SAY 0xC ~Psionic Insulation~ SAY 0x50 ~Through careful self-study and meditation, the Seducer can eliminate his or her own mental weaknesses and hone their mind closer to perfection. The Seducer gains +1 to Intelligence and Wisdom when selecting this ability and becomes immune to all forms of feeblemind, confusion, sleep, stun, and Psionic Maze.~
COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)057.spl" override SAY 0xC ~Psionic Maze~ SAY 0x50 ~This ability allows the Seducer to trap the target in an extraplanar labyrinth, forcing them to wander its halls until they can find their way out. The victim's Intelligence determines when it can escape the maze. The victim may attempt a save vs. spell at a -5 penalty to reduce the duration, but the spell will still trap the target for 1 round. Creatures immune to Maze are immune to this spell.~
COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)00.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1 COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)22.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1 COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)23.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1 COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)24.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1 COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)25.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1 COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)27.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1 COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)27A.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1 COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)27B.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1 COPY "SeducerKit/spl/SPIN774.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1
SAY ~war hulk~ SAY ~War Hulk~ SAY ~WAR HULK: A War Hulk is an undisciplined, wild, and savage fighter. While most warriors develop their skills in the martial arts, the War Hulk only seeks raw strength. The War Hulk eschews strategy and tactics, preferring to concentrate all of his or her energy into a single massive blow.
- May only make a single attack per round, regardless of level, weapon choice, or magical enchantments - May not use missile weapons - May only place a single proficiency in any weapon class or fighting style
SAVAGE BLOW: Although the War Hulk may only land a single strike per round, each attack has incredible force behind it. The War Hulk gains +1 Strength every level from level 1 to 5, and +1 to hit and damage every level thereafter. The War Hulk also gains +1 to his or her critical hit rolls at level 1 and every 2 levels after, up to a maximum of +19 at level 38.
CRITICAL STRIKE: Whenever the War Hulk lands a critical hit, the target must make a save vs. death at -4 or be stunned, pushed back, and knocked unconscious for 6 seconds. At level 2 and every 2 levels after, the save penalty increases by 1, up to a maximum of -9 at level 10. Helpless opponents can be hit automatically, but the War Hulk cannot land a critical hit on a prone target.
RAGE: War Hulks channel their rage into their strikes, using pain and fury to add force to each blow. War Hulks strike harder when they are wounded, but the rage weakens their minds and causes them to lower their defenses. Whenever the War Hulk suffers damage, he or she gains a set of combat bonuses and penalties: +3 damage +1 THAC0 +1 save vs. death +1 movement rate Immunity to fear -1 AC -1 save vs. spell 25% chance of going berserk and gaining double the above bonuses and penalties on a failed save vs. spell at -5 All effects are cumulative and last 2 rounds.
- Hit Die: 2d8 (2d6 after level 9)~
LAF fl#add_kit_ee INT_VAR biography = RESOLVE_STR_REF (~~) briefdesc = RESOLVE_STR_REF (~War Hulks are fighters who specialize in delivering massive blows, even at the cost of their own safety. War Hulks train themselves to kill their opponents in a single brutal strike.~) fallen = 0 fallen_notice = RESOLVE_STR_REF (~Fallen~) STR_VAR kit_name = ~(WH)00~ clswpbon = ~1 0 3~ numwslot = ~4~ clascolr = ~30 41 43 23 98~ hpclass = ~HPWH01~ clsrcreq = ~1 1 1 1 1 1 1~ clasthac = ~0~ END
COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)003.spl" override SAY 0xC ~this is the spell's name~ SAY 0x50 ~this is the spell's description~
COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)000.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1 COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)001.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1 COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)002.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1 COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)003.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1 COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)005.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1 COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)006.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1 COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)007.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1 COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)008.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1 COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)008C.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1 COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)009.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1 COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)009B.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1
COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)010.spl" override SAY 0xC ~Deathblow~ SAY 0x50 ~A War Hulk has a long history of cracking skulls, and over time, he or she develops an instinct for slaying creatures in a single blow. Once a War Hulk chooses this ability, every critical hit will instantly kill the victim on a failed save vs. death at -4.~ COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)011.spl" override SAY 0xC ~Greater Deathblow~ SAY 0x50 ~Even the strongest of creatures are breakable, and the War Hulk is determined to prove it. On selecting this ability, every critical hit will force the target to make a save vs. death at -6 or die. The target must save against both Deathblow and Greater Deathblow in order to survive.~ COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)012.spl" override SAY 0xC ~this is the spell's name~ SAY 0x50 ~This ability allows the War Hulk to temporarily tap a great inner strength and fight off the effects of malevolent magic. For 4 rounds, the War Hulk gains an additional 50% magic resistance, on top of any magic resistance that he or she currently possesses.~ COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)013.spl" override SAY 0xC ~Power Attack~ SAY 0x50 ~Once per day, the War Hulk may choose a single target to feel the full force of his or her power. The next attack that the War Hulk makes will stun and knock back the target for 1 round. Unlike the War Hulk's normal attacks, there is no saving throw for this effect.~ COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)014.spl" override SAY 0xC ~Regeneration~ SAY 0x50 ~A War Hulk pays little heed to his or her defenses, and over time, the War Hulk's collective scars and wounds will condition the body to weather the enemy's attacks. After choosing this ability, the War Hulk will gain permanent regeneration, healing 1 hit point every second.~
Crevsdaak: Split from the previous thread. I've only had trouble with parentheses when creating dialogues via .d files; they haven't caused problems otherwise. I use parentheses because I can't get onto my account on BWL to create my own modding prefix (it won't send a password reset thingy to my email), and I figured that parentheses would be rare.
Seducer Kit TP2:
BACKUP "SeducerKit/backup" AUTHOR semiticgod VERSION "v1.00"
AUTO_TRA ~SeducerKit/tra/%s~
BEGIN "Seducer Kit for Thieves" // INCLUDE "SeducerKit/lib/fl#add_kit_ee.tpa"
SAY ~seducer~ SAY ~Seducer~ SAY ~A Seducer is a thief who acts through persuasion rather than sleight of hand. Socially cunning and politically astute, they develop an ability to forge close relationships with the wealthy, powerful, or merely useful, and navigate complex social orders with speed and grace. Some may use their talents to influence people for the better, propping up and guiding the wise and honest, or exposing and ostracizing the corrupt and the selfish--others use their talents for personal gain, exploiting their allies' weaknesses, and destroying their opponents with whatever means they can.
Despite the name, a Seducer's abilities are more complex than attractiveness or charm. A Seducer uses psionic abilities and arcane magic as well as physical appeal to influence others, and can gain control over potentially any creature with a semi-conscious mind--even those of a different orientation, species, or plane of existence, as well as sexless creatures, constructs, and the undead. No mind is truly safe from a Seducer's grasp; only sheer will and mental fortitude can block the Seducer's influence.
- +1 Charisma. - +2 save vs. spell - +2 save vs. Enchantment spells - Immunity to charm and domination - May cast Charm at will - 25% chance to shrug off the effects of psionic attacks
- Only gains 10 skill points per level (20 at level 1) - Cannot detect traps or set traps - Has no backstab multiplier - Only gains 1d4 hit points per level - May not use armor or shields
CHARM: The Seducer may attempt to take control over any creature within 10 feet, infiltrating their mind and probing their thoughts and desires. The target must make a save vs. spell at +5 to resist the effect. If the save is unsuccessful, the Seducer will wriggle their way into the subject's mind and take over after 1 round. Non-humanoid targets have a 95% chance of avoiding the Seducer's charms outright. As the Seducer grows more experienced, their charms become more effective:
- Saving throw: -1 penalty every 2 levels after level 1, and every 3 levels after level 11. - Range: +5 feet every 2 levels after level 1, and every 3 levels after level 11. - The chance of charming a non-human target increases by 5% at level 4 and every 2 levels afterwards.
Thus, a level 12 Seducer may charm any creature within 35 feet on a failed save vs. spell with no penalty, with a 30% chance of affecting a non-humanoid target. Charm is not limited by the Seducer's line of sight; he or she can target creatures who are invisible, behind a corner, or (at higher levels) out of the Seducer's visual range. Charm bypasses spell protections, magic resistance, and immunity to charm.
BETRAYAL: The Seducer does not deal extra damage when backstabbing an opponent, but if the target is under the Seducer's control, he or she may attempt to land a fatal blow while the target's guard is down. If the victim fails its save vs. death at +3, the Seducer will kill it instantly, using whatever weak point the Seducer can divine from its thoughts. Every 4 levels after level 1, victims of Betrayal must make their save at an additional -1 penalty, up to -2 at level 17. If the victim makes its save, the effects of Charm are broken and the Seducer cannot charm the target for another 5 rounds. Targets who are immune to instant death effects will still take damage on a failed save.
High-Level Abilities: Seducers do not gain normal thief HLAs. Instead of Use Any Item, Avoid Death, Assassination, and HLA traps, the Seducer may choose a set of new psionic abilities.
COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)21A.spl" override SAY 0xC ~Charm~ SAY 0x50 ~Everyone has weaknesses, and every mind can be twisted and controlled. The Seducer may attempt to take control over any creature within 10 feet, infiltrating their mind and probing their thoughts and desires. The target must make a save vs. spell at +5 to resist the effect. If the save is unsuccessful, the Seducer will wriggle their way into the subject's mind and take over after 1 round. Non-humanoid targets have a 95% chance of avoiding the Seducer's charms outright. As the Seducer grows more experienced, their charms become more effective:
- Saving throw: -1 penalty every 2 levels after level 1, and every 3 levels after level 11. - Range: +5 feet every 2 levels after level 1, and every 3 levels after level 11. - The chance of charming a non-human target increases by 5% at level 4 and every 2 levels afterwards.
Thus, a level 12 Seducer may charm any creature within 35 feet on a failed save vs. spell with no penalty, with a 30% chance of affecting a non-humanoid target. Charm is not limited by the Seducer's line of sight; he or she can target creatures who are invisible, behind a corner, or (at higher levels) out of the Seducer's visual range.
This ability bypasses spell protections, magic resistance, and immunity to charm. A Seducer may use Charm once per round.~
COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)050.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1
COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)051.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1 /* COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)052.spl" override SAY 0xC ~Betrayal~ SAY 0x50 ~Betrayal~ */ COPY ~SeducerKit/spl/(SD)052.spl~ ~override~ SAY NAME1 ~Betrayal~ SAY NAME2 ~Betrayal~ SAY UNIDENTIFIED_DESC ~Betrayal~ SAY IDENTIFIED_DESC ~Betrayal~
COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)054.spl" override SAY 0xC ~Psionic Blast~ SAY 0x50 ~A Seducer's psionic abilities can also be used to deliver a powerful shock to other minds. Psionic Blast can affect multiple targets, each of which must make a successful save vs. spell or be stunned for 3 rounds. Much like a Mind Flayer's Psionic Blast, this ability ignores magical defenses.~
COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)055.spl" override SAY 0xC ~Psionic Invisibility~ SAY 0x50 ~This ability allows the Seducer to conceal his or her presence from all creatures within the vicinity, blocking the image from their minds. For the next 4 rounds, the Seducer will be invisible; for the next 3 rounds, the Seducer will be protected as though they were under the effects of the Improved Invisibility spell; and for the next 2 rounds, the Seducer cannot be seen by any creature, even those normally able to see through invisibility.~
COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)056.spl" override SAY 0xC ~Psionic Insulation~ SAY 0x50 ~Through careful self-study and meditation, the Seducer can eliminate his or her own mental weaknesses and hone their mind closer to perfection. The Seducer gains +1 to Intelligence and Wisdom when selecting this ability and becomes immune to all forms of feeblemind, confusion, sleep, stun, and Psionic Maze.~
COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)057.spl" override SAY 0xC ~Psionic Maze~ SAY 0x50 ~This ability allows the Seducer to trap the target in an extraplanar labyrinth, forcing them to wander its halls until they can find their way out. The victim's Intelligence determines when it can escape the maze. The victim may attempt a save vs. spell at a -5 penalty to reduce the duration, but the spell will still trap the target for 1 round. Creatures immune to Maze are immune to this spell.~
COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)00.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1 COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)22.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1 COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)23.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1 COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)24.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1 COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)25.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1 COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)27.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1 COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)27A.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1 COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)27B.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1 COPY "SeducerKit/spl/SPIN774.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1
SAY ~war hulk~ SAY ~War Hulk~ SAY ~WAR HULK: A War Hulk is an undisciplined, wild, and savage fighter. While most warriors develop their skills in the martial arts, the War Hulk only seeks raw strength. The War Hulk eschews strategy and tactics, preferring to concentrate all of his or her energy into a single massive blow.
- May only make a single attack per round, regardless of level, weapon choice, or magical enchantments - May not use missile weapons - May only place a single proficiency in any weapon class or fighting style
SAVAGE BLOW: Although the War Hulk may only land a single strike per round, each attack has incredible force behind it. The War Hulk gains +1 Strength every level from level 1 to 5, and +1 to hit and damage every level thereafter. The War Hulk also gains +1 to his or her critical hit rolls at level 1 and every 2 levels after, up to a maximum of +19 at level 38.
CRITICAL STRIKE: Whenever the War Hulk lands a critical hit, the target must make a save vs. death at -4 or be stunned, pushed back, and knocked unconscious for 6 seconds. At level 2 and every 2 levels after, the save penalty increases by 1, up to a maximum of -9 at level 10. Helpless opponents can be hit automatically, but the War Hulk cannot land a critical hit on a prone target.
RAGE: War Hulks channel their rage into their strikes, using pain and fury to add force to each blow. War Hulks strike harder when they are wounded, but the rage weakens their minds and causes them to lower their defenses. Whenever the War Hulk suffers damage, he or she gains a set of combat bonuses and penalties: +3 damage +1 THAC0 +1 save vs. death +1 movement rate Immunity to fear -1 AC -1 save vs. spell 25% chance of going berserk and gaining double the above bonuses and penalties on a failed save vs. spell at -5 All effects are cumulative and last 2 rounds.
- Hit Die: 2d8 (2d6 after level 9)~
LAF fl#add_kit_ee INT_VAR biography = RESOLVE_STR_REF (~~) briefdesc = RESOLVE_STR_REF (~War Hulks are fighters who specialize in delivering massive blows, even at the cost of their own safety. War Hulks train themselves to kill their opponents in a single brutal strike.~) fallen = 0 fallen_notice = RESOLVE_STR_REF (~Fallen~) STR_VAR kit_name = ~(WH)00~ clswpbon = ~1 0 3~ numwslot = ~4~ clascolr = ~30 41 43 23 98~ hpclass = ~HPWH01~ clsrcreq = ~1 1 1 1 1 1 1~ clasthac = ~0~ END
COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)003.spl" override SAY 0xC ~this is the spell's name~ SAY 0x50 ~this is the spell's description~
COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)000.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1 COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)001.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1 COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)002.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1 COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)003.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1 COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)005.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1 COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)006.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1 COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)007.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1 COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)008.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1 COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)008C.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1 COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)009.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1 COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)009B.spl" override SAY 0xC #-1
COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)010.spl" override SAY 0xC ~Deathblow~ SAY 0x50 ~A War Hulk has a long history of cracking skulls, and over time, he or she develops an instinct for slaying creatures in a single blow. Once a War Hulk chooses this ability, every critical hit will instantly kill the victim on a failed save vs. death at -4.~ COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)011.spl" override SAY 0xC ~Greater Deathblow~ SAY 0x50 ~Even the strongest of creatures are breakable, and the War Hulk is determined to prove it. On selecting this ability, every critical hit will force the target to make a save vs. death at -6 or die. The target must save against both Deathblow and Greater Deathblow in order to survive.~ COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)012.spl" override SAY 0xC ~this is the spell's name~ SAY 0x50 ~This ability allows the War Hulk to temporarily tap a great inner strength and fight off the effects of malevolent magic. For 4 rounds, the War Hulk gains an additional 50% magic resistance, on top of any magic resistance that he or she currently possesses.~ COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)013.spl" override SAY 0xC ~Power Attack~ SAY 0x50 ~Once per day, the War Hulk may choose a single target to feel the full force of his or her power. The next attack that the War Hulk makes will stun and knock back the target for 1 round. Unlike the War Hulk's normal attacks, there is no saving throw for this effect.~ COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)014.spl" override SAY 0xC ~Regeneration~ SAY 0x50 ~A War Hulk pays little heed to his or her defenses, and over time, the War Hulk's collective scars and wounds will condition the body to weather the enemy's attacks. After choosing this ability, the War Hulk will gain permanent regeneration, healing 1 hit point every second.~
Honestly, it's just the parenthesis in the .ids files bugging WeiDU. There are some minor things I'll point you out but they aren't causing any problems.
COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)012.spl" override SAY 0xC ~this is the spell's name~ SAY 0x50 ~This ability allows the War Hulk to temporarily tap a great inner strength and fight off the effects of malevolent magic. For 4 rounds, the War Hulk gains an additional 50% magic resistance, on top of any magic resistance that he or she currently possesses.~
You forgot to change the name of the .spl after copy pasting the code.
Would it be possible for you to request a prefix on my behalf, since I can't post on BWL? I was hoping I could go with "US."
I was going to, but I forgot what my password was on BWL and was halfways of trying my entire array of passwords when this happened: Sorry but it'll have to wait, I'll do it for you, don't worry, but right not now :P If you want you can use the signature "US" already, since nobody has it nor has asked for it. I recommend opening the clab.2da file and replacing (xx) with USxx with a quick text search and replace, same for the .tp2, doing this manually only leads to errors and suicide (not joking, it's very boring).
It turns out that spell names and item names work just fine using the parentheses, but parentheses tend to break TP2 stuff if they're used in .d file names, projectiles, or the in-game name of the kit. This means I can keep most of my spell files unchanged; all I had to do is rename a few projectiles and change the kit name (WH)00 to USWH00, and (SD)77 to USSD77. This is important because my spell files and item files reference each other, and I'd have to do tons of edits if I were to remove parentheses from each one.
I only have one problem left. After wiping the previous kit names (the ones with parentheses) from the game's .2da files and KIT.ids, I was able to install all of my new mods. They all work fine, and the .2da files and KIT.ids only have the new names, USWH00 and USSD77. However, there are two copies of the kit during character creation. I assume it has something to do with the name change, even though the old parenthetical names are gone. If I uninstall the kit, neither shows up during character creation.
You can actually choose either one and they'll both work as intended. But if this appears on somebody else's game, they'll worry that it's a dangerous bug.
It turns out that spell names and item names work just fine using the parentheses, but parentheses tend to break TP2 stuff if they're used in .d file names, projectiles, or the in-game name of the kit. This means I can keep most of my spell files unchanged; all I had to do is rename a few projectiles and change the kit name (WH)00 to USWH00, and (SD)77 to USSD77. This is important because my spell files and item files reference each other, and I'd have to do tons of edits if I were to remove parentheses from each one.
I only have one problem left. After wiping the previous kit names (the ones with parentheses) from the game's .2da files and KIT.ids, I was able to install all of my new mods. They all work fine, and the .2da files and KIT.ids only have the new names, USWH00 and USSD77. However, there are two copies of the kit during character creation. I assume it has something to do with the name change, even though the old parenthetical names are gone. If I uninstall the kit, neither shows up during character creation.
You can actually choose either one and they'll both work as intended. But if this appears on somebody else's game, they'll worry that it's a dangerous bug.
Check kit.ids in case there are two entries and such, maybe it's just a bug in the game itself. Also check your .tp2 in case it does things twice or something weird. I have literally noooo idea what else could cause something like that.
@CrevsDaak: I used the search function in both Notepad and Near Infinity and there is no mention of the old names in either the TP2 or any IDS files.
If you're not worried about seeing a problem on your own install, I could send you the complete kit and you could see if there were two copies on character creation. The kit mod is complete at this point.
@CrevsDaak: Thanks! I guess it's just a weird relic unique to my computer. Maybe it's because I installed it under a different name, and something in the game's memory--which WeiDu and NI somehow cannot reach--remembers the old name.
@semiticgod have you tried repairing the installation? It leaves the game clean. Watch out, because it'll nuke anything that isn't part of the game if it's inside the game's folder. Maybe not the best idea if you have an active run though.
Both kits uninstalled themselves when I ran WeiDu. All I changed since the last installation was a few minor tweaks to a kit's HP table and three spells.
A previous error mentioned the KIT.ids file. Attached is my copy of the file. Any idea what might have gotten in the way?
"Installing [Seducer Kit for Thieves] [v1.00]
Adding (SD)00 Kit ...
[./override/kitlist.2da] loaded, 7201 bytes
[./override/KIT.IDS] loaded, 890 bytes
WARNING: error parsing KIT.IDS: Parsing.Parse_error
Stopping installation because of error.
ERROR Installing [Seducer Kit for Thieves], rolling back to previous state
Unable to Unlink [SeducerKit/backup/0/OTHER.0]: Unix.Unix_error(1, "unlink", "SeducerKit/backup/0/OTHER.0")
[SeducerKit/backup/0/UNSETSTR.0] SET_STRING uninstall info not found
Will uninstall 0 files for [SEDUCERKIT/SEDUCERKIT.TP2] component 0.
Uninstalled 0 files for [SEDUCERKIT/SEDUCERKIT.TP2] component 0.
Unable to Unlink [SeducerKit/backup/0/READLN.0]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "SeducerKit/backup/0/READLN.0")
Unable to Unlink [SeducerKit/backup/0/READLN.0.TEXT]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "SeducerKit/backup/0/READLN.0.TEXT")"
So, the only things that got broken involved IDS entries; the mods that didn't change IDS stuff were perfectly fine. But I don't know how IDS stuff works, or how I'd go about fixing this.
Seducer Kit TP2:
BACKUP "SeducerKit/backup"
AUTHOR semiticgod
VERSION "v1.00"
AUTO_TRA ~SeducerKit/tra/%s~
BEGIN "Seducer Kit for Thieves" //
INCLUDE "SeducerKit/lib/fl#add_kit_ee.tpa"
ADD_KIT ~(SD)00~
~(SD)00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~
~(SD)00 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0~
~(SD)00 0 0 0 11 12 13~
~(SD)00 0 0 0 0 0 1~
~(SD)00 0 0 0 13 15 17~
~(SD)00 0 0 0 0 0 0~
~(SD)00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~
~(SD)00 1 1 1 0 0 0~
~0x00000004 4~
~* * * BAG28 * * * BOOT01 * BELT06 POTN04,2 RING06 DAGG12 POTN14,2 POTN52,5 SW1H28 AMUL19 RING05 BOOT02 BRAC16~
SAY ~seducer~
SAY ~Seducer~
SAY ~A Seducer is a thief who acts through persuasion rather than sleight of hand. Socially cunning and politically astute, they develop an ability to forge close relationships with the wealthy, powerful, or merely useful, and navigate complex social orders with speed and grace. Some may use their talents to influence people for the better, propping up and guiding the wise and honest, or exposing and ostracizing the corrupt and the selfish--others use their talents for personal gain, exploiting their allies' weaknesses, and destroying their opponents with whatever means they can.
Despite the name, a Seducer's abilities are more complex than attractiveness or charm. A Seducer uses psionic abilities and arcane magic as well as physical appeal to influence others, and can gain control over potentially any creature with a semi-conscious mind--even those of a different orientation, species, or plane of existence, as well as sexless creatures, constructs, and the undead. No mind is truly safe from a Seducer's grasp; only sheer will and mental fortitude can block the Seducer's influence.
- +1 Charisma.
- +2 save vs. spell
- +2 save vs. Enchantment spells
- Immunity to charm and domination
- May cast Charm at will
- 25% chance to shrug off the effects of psionic attacks
- Only gains 10 skill points per level (20 at level 1)
- Cannot detect traps or set traps
- Has no backstab multiplier
- Only gains 1d4 hit points per level
- May not use armor or shields
CHARM: The Seducer may attempt to take control over any creature within 10 feet, infiltrating their mind and probing their thoughts and desires. The target must make a save vs. spell at +5 to resist the effect. If the save is unsuccessful, the Seducer will wriggle their way into the subject's mind and take over after 1 round. Non-humanoid targets have a 95% chance of avoiding the Seducer's charms outright. As the Seducer grows more experienced, their charms become more effective:
- Saving throw: -1 penalty every 2 levels after level 1, and every 3 levels after level 11.
- Range: +5 feet every 2 levels after level 1, and every 3 levels after level 11.
- The chance of charming a non-human target increases by 5% at level 4 and every 2 levels afterwards.
Thus, a level 12 Seducer may charm any creature within 35 feet on a failed save vs. spell with no penalty, with a 30% chance of affecting a non-humanoid target. Charm is not limited by the Seducer's line of sight; he or she can target creatures who are invisible, behind a corner, or (at higher levels) out of the Seducer's visual range. Charm bypasses spell protections, magic resistance, and immunity to charm.
BETRAYAL: The Seducer does not deal extra damage when backstabbing an opponent, but if the target is under the Seducer's control, he or she may attempt to land a fatal blow while the target's guard is down. If the victim fails its save vs. death at +3, the Seducer will kill it instantly, using whatever weak point the Seducer can divine from its thoughts. Every 4 levels after level 1, victims of Betrayal must make their save at an additional -1 penalty, up to -2 at level 17. If the victim makes its save, the effects of Charm are broken and the Seducer cannot charm the target for another 5 rounds. Targets who are immune to instant death effects will still take damage on a failed save.
High-Level Abilities: Seducers do not gain normal thief HLAs. Instead of Use Any Item, Avoid Death, Assassination, and HLA traps, the Seducer may choose a set of new psionic abilities.
DUAL-CLASS REQUIREMENTS: 13 Intelligence, 15 Wisdom, 17 Charisma
– Hit Die: d4~
LAF fl#add_kit_ee
biography = RESOLVE_STR_REF (~~)
briefdesc = RESOLVE_STR_REF (~A Seducer is a psionicist who specializes in deception, manipulation, and social control. Whether to advance their own goals, to address injustices, or simply for their own curiosity, they navigate complex political systems and ingratiate themselves with the rich and powerful.~)
fallen = 0
fallen_notice = RESOLVE_STR_REF (~Fallen~)
kit_name = ~(SD)00~
backstab = ~1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~
clswpbon = ~0 0 5~
numwslot = ~2~
thiefskl = ~20 10~
traplimt = 0
clascolr = ~27 117 47 22 104~
clasiskl = ~10 10 0 10 10 0 0~
thiefscl = ~100 100 0 100 100 100 0 0~
hpclass = ~HPWIZ~
clsrcreq = ~1 1 1 1 1 1 1~
clasthac = ~0~
sneakatt = ~1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~
crippstr = ~1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~
COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)21A.spl" override
SAY 0xC ~Charm~
SAY 0x50 ~Everyone has weaknesses, and every mind can be twisted and controlled. The Seducer may attempt to take control over any creature within 10 feet, infiltrating their mind and probing their thoughts and desires. The target must make a save vs. spell at +5 to resist the effect. If the save is unsuccessful, the Seducer will wriggle their way into the subject's mind and take over after 1 round. Non-humanoid targets have a 95% chance of avoiding the Seducer's charms outright. As the Seducer grows more experienced, their charms become more effective:
- Saving throw: -1 penalty every 2 levels after level 1, and every 3 levels after level 11.
- Range: +5 feet every 2 levels after level 1, and every 3 levels after level 11.
- The chance of charming a non-human target increases by 5% at level 4 and every 2 levels afterwards.
Thus, a level 12 Seducer may charm any creature within 35 feet on a failed save vs. spell with no penalty, with a 30% chance of affecting a non-humanoid target. Charm is not limited by the Seducer's line of sight; he or she can target creatures who are invisible, behind a corner, or (at higher levels) out of the Seducer's visual range.
This ability bypasses spell protections, magic resistance, and immunity to charm. A Seducer may use Charm once per round.~
COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)050.spl" override
SAY 0xC #-1
COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)051.spl" override
SAY 0xC #-1
COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)052.spl" override
SAY 0xC ~Betrayal~
SAY 0x50 ~Betrayal~
COPY ~SeducerKit/spl/(SD)052.spl~ ~override~
SAY NAME1 ~Betrayal~
SAY NAME2 ~Betrayal~
COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)054.spl" override
SAY 0xC ~Psionic Blast~
SAY 0x50 ~A Seducer's psionic abilities can also be used to deliver a powerful shock to other minds. Psionic Blast can affect multiple targets, each of which must make a successful save vs. spell or be stunned for 3 rounds. Much like a Mind Flayer's Psionic Blast, this ability ignores magical defenses.~
COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)055.spl" override
SAY 0xC ~Psionic Invisibility~
SAY 0x50 ~This ability allows the Seducer to conceal his or her presence from all creatures within the vicinity, blocking the image from their minds. For the next 4 rounds, the Seducer will be invisible; for the next 3 rounds, the Seducer will be protected as though they were under the effects of the Improved Invisibility spell; and for the next 2 rounds, the Seducer cannot be seen by any creature, even those normally able to see through invisibility.~
COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)056.spl" override
SAY 0xC ~Psionic Insulation~
SAY 0x50 ~Through careful self-study and meditation, the Seducer can eliminate his or her own mental weaknesses and hone their mind closer to perfection. The Seducer gains +1 to Intelligence and Wisdom when selecting this ability and becomes immune to all forms of feeblemind, confusion, sleep, stun, and Psionic Maze.~
COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)057.spl" override
SAY 0xC ~Psionic Maze~
SAY 0x50 ~This ability allows the Seducer to trap the target in an extraplanar labyrinth, forcing them to wander its halls until they can find their way out. The victim's Intelligence determines when it can escape the maze. The victim may attempt a save vs. spell at a -5 penalty to reduce the duration, but the spell will still trap the target for 1 round. Creatures immune to Maze are immune to this spell.~
COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)00.spl" override
SAY 0xC #-1
COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)22.spl" override
SAY 0xC #-1
COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)23.spl" override
SAY 0xC #-1
COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)24.spl" override
SAY 0xC #-1
COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)25.spl" override
SAY 0xC #-1
COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)27.spl" override
SAY 0xC #-1
COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)27A.spl" override
SAY 0xC #-1
COPY "SeducerKit/spl/(SD)27B.spl" override
SAY 0xC #-1
COPY "SeducerKit/spl/SPIN774.spl" override
SAY 0xC #-1
COPY "SeducerKit/eff/(SD)F1.EFF" override
"SeducerKit/eff/(SD)F2.EFF" override
"SeducerKit/eff/(SD)F3.EFF" override
//// "SeducerKit/eff/(SD)F3B.EFF" override////
"SeducerKit/eff/(SD)FA.EFF" override
"SeducerKit/eff/(SD)F4.EFF" override
"SeducerKit/eff/(SD)F5.EFF" override
"SeducerKit/eff/(SD)F6.EFF" override
"SeducerKit/eff/(SD)F7.EFF" override
"SeducerKit/eff/(SD)050B.EFF" override
COPY "SeducerKit/tables/HPWIZ.2DA" override
"SeducerKit/tables/LUSD7.2DA" override
COPY "SeducerKit/tables/LUSD7.2DA" override
COPY "SeducerKit/bam/(SD)056C.BAM" override
War Hulk Kit TP2:
BACKUP "WarHulkKit/backup"
AUTHOR semiticgod
VERSION "v1.00"
BEGIN "War Hulk Kit for Fighters" //
INCLUDE "WarHulkKit/lib/fl#add_kit_ee.tpa"
ADD_KIT ~(WH)00~
~(WH)00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~
~(WH)00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0~
~(WH)00 17 0 0 0 0 0~
~(WH)00 1 -1 0 0 0 0~
~(WH)00 18 0 0 0 0 0~
~(WH)00 0 0 0 0 0 0~
~(WH)00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~
~(WH)00 0 0 0 0 0 0~
~0x00000008 2~
~* * * BAG26 * * * BOOT01 CHAN09 BELT06 * RING31 STAF08 * HAMM07 SW1H27 AMUL20 RING06 HELM07 BRAC10~
SAY ~war hulk~
SAY ~War Hulk~
SAY ~WAR HULK: A War Hulk is an undisciplined, wild, and savage fighter. While most warriors develop their skills in the martial arts, the War Hulk only seeks raw strength. The War Hulk eschews strategy and tactics, preferring to concentrate all of his or her energy into a single massive blow.
- May only make a single attack per round, regardless of level, weapon choice, or magical enchantments
- May not use missile weapons
- May only place a single proficiency in any weapon class or fighting style
SAVAGE BLOW: Although the War Hulk may only land a single strike per round, each attack has incredible force behind it. The War Hulk gains +1 Strength every level from level 1 to 5, and +1 to hit and damage every level thereafter. The War Hulk also gains +1 to his or her critical hit rolls at level 1 and every 2 levels after, up to a maximum of +19 at level 38.
CRITICAL STRIKE: Whenever the War Hulk lands a critical hit, the target must make a save vs. death at -4 or be stunned, pushed back, and knocked unconscious for 6 seconds. At level 2 and every 2 levels after, the save penalty increases by 1, up to a maximum of -9 at level 10. Helpless opponents can be hit automatically, but the War Hulk cannot land a critical hit on a prone target.
RAGE: War Hulks channel their rage into their strikes, using pain and fury to add force to each blow. War Hulks strike harder when they are wounded, but the rage weakens their minds and causes them to lower their defenses. Whenever the War Hulk suffers damage, he or she gains a set of combat bonuses and penalties:
+3 damage
+1 THAC0
+1 save vs. death
+1 movement rate
Immunity to fear
-1 AC
-1 save vs. spell
25% chance of going berserk and gaining double the above bonuses and penalties on a failed save vs. spell at -5
All effects are cumulative and last 2 rounds.
- Hit Die: 2d8 (2d6 after level 9)~
LAF fl#add_kit_ee
biography = RESOLVE_STR_REF (~~)
briefdesc = RESOLVE_STR_REF (~War Hulks are fighters who specialize in delivering massive blows, even at the cost of their own safety. War Hulks train themselves to kill their opponents in a single brutal strike.~)
fallen = 0
fallen_notice = RESOLVE_STR_REF (~Fallen~)
kit_name = ~(WH)00~
clswpbon = ~1 0 3~
numwslot = ~4~
clascolr = ~30 41 43 23 98~
hpclass = ~HPWH01~
clsrcreq = ~1 1 1 1 1 1 1~
clasthac = ~0~
COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)003.spl" override
SAY 0xC ~this is the spell's name~
SAY 0x50 ~this is the spell's description~
COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)000.spl" override
SAY 0xC #-1
COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)001.spl" override
SAY 0xC #-1
COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)002.spl" override
SAY 0xC #-1
COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)003.spl" override
SAY 0xC #-1
COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)005.spl" override
SAY 0xC #-1
COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)006.spl" override
SAY 0xC #-1
COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)007.spl" override
SAY 0xC #-1
COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)008.spl" override
SAY 0xC #-1
COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)008C.spl" override
SAY 0xC #-1
COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)009.spl" override
SAY 0xC #-1
COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)009B.spl" override
SAY 0xC #-1
COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)010.spl" override
SAY 0xC ~Deathblow~
SAY 0x50 ~A War Hulk has a long history of cracking skulls, and over time, he or she develops an instinct for slaying creatures in a single blow. Once a War Hulk chooses this ability, every critical hit will instantly kill the victim on a failed save vs. death at -4.~
COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)011.spl" override
SAY 0xC ~Greater Deathblow~
SAY 0x50 ~Even the strongest of creatures are breakable, and the War Hulk is determined to prove it. On selecting this ability, every critical hit will force the target to make a save vs. death at -6 or die. The target must save against both Deathblow and Greater Deathblow in order to survive.~
COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)012.spl" override
SAY 0xC ~this is the spell's name~
SAY 0x50 ~This ability allows the War Hulk to temporarily tap a great inner strength and fight off the effects of malevolent magic. For 4 rounds, the War Hulk gains an additional 50% magic resistance, on top of any magic resistance that he or she currently possesses.~
COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)013.spl" override
SAY 0xC ~Power Attack~
SAY 0x50 ~Once per day, the War Hulk may choose a single target to feel the full force of his or her power. The next attack that the War Hulk makes will stun and knock back the target for 1 round. Unlike the War Hulk's normal attacks, there is no saving throw for this effect.~
COPY "WarHulkKit/spl/(WH)014.spl" override
SAY 0xC ~Regeneration~
SAY 0x50 ~A War Hulk pays little heed to his or her defenses, and over time, the War Hulk's collective scars and wounds will condition the body to weather the enemy's attacks. After choosing this ability, the War Hulk will gain permanent regeneration, healing 1 hit point every second.~
COPY "WarHulkKit/eff/(WH)001.EFF" override
"WarHulkKit/eff/(WH)008B.EFF" override
"WarHulkKit/eff/(WH)009.EFF" override
COPY "WarHulkKit/tables/HPWH01.2DA" override
"WarHulkKit/LUWH1.2DA" override
Sorry but it'll have to wait, I'll do it for you, don't worry, but right not now :P
If you want you can use the signature "US" already, since nobody has it nor has asked for it.
I recommend opening the clab.2da file and replacing (xx) with USxx with a quick text search and replace, same for the .tp2, doing this manually only leads to errors and suicide (not joking, it's very boring).
It turns out that spell names and item names work just fine using the parentheses, but parentheses tend to break TP2 stuff if they're used in .d file names, projectiles, or the in-game name of the kit. This means I can keep most of my spell files unchanged; all I had to do is rename a few projectiles and change the kit name (WH)00 to USWH00, and (SD)77 to USSD77. This is important because my spell files and item files reference each other, and I'd have to do tons of edits if I were to remove parentheses from each one.
I only have one problem left. After wiping the previous kit names (the ones with parentheses) from the game's .2da files and KIT.ids, I was able to install all of my new mods. They all work fine, and the .2da files and KIT.ids only have the new names, USWH00 and USSD77. However, there are two copies of the kit during character creation. I assume it has something to do with the name change, even though the old parenthetical names are gone. If I uninstall the kit, neither shows up during character creation.
You can actually choose either one and they'll both work as intended. But if this appears on somebody else's game, they'll worry that it's a dangerous bug.
If you're not worried about seeing a problem on your own install, I could send you the complete kit and you could see if there were two copies on character creation. The kit mod is complete at this point.