Help please
So, I have around 50 hours of playtime, mostly on Story mode. But got tired of it and wanted to try something different, since story mode sometimes stops functioning. I'm currently playing on Normal mode and I don't want to decrease difficulty.
I created a multi fighter/thief, a half-elf, I have Nalia, Aerie, Jaheira and Viconia in party. Even the skinner murder is too hard for me, when I have to fight ghast and they killed my party. I finished Copper corronet slaves, but that was hard too.
I might change my main character, but I don't want to change difficulty or party setup. Any advice?
I created a multi fighter/thief, a half-elf, I have Nalia, Aerie, Jaheira and Viconia in party. Even the skinner murder is too hard for me, when I have to fight ghast and they killed my party. I finished Copper corronet slaves, but that was hard too.
I might change my main character, but I don't want to change difficulty or party setup. Any advice?
What equipment are you using for your party?
What spells do you use? (As you have a lot of casting power)
What tactics do you normally try?
However; I think I see more of a problem in your party. You have Nalia, which is also a thief of sorts, 3 party members (!) capable of filling the cleric role, and almost nothing in the ways of tanking/pure melee damage. You did not mention your main character's alignment, but your party comes off as a bit strange in terms of alignment as well. To say it kindly, you're playing a party that requires a lot of micromanaging and careful planning to win fights.
Second option, and assuming your CHARNAME is good: Drop Viconia and Aerie, and possibly Nalia as well. Consider recruiting Keldorn and Anomen, Minsc is also a great addition if he wasn't left behind in Irenicus' dungeon. I guess Valygar could fill in for him if he was. I have spoiled too much already. Better ask for help with your BG2 party in the appropiate category.
edited for typos and such.
edited a second time to implore you not to change back to storymode ever again - it ruines an aspect of the game that is very entertaining.
When fighting ghasts, try to stick to ranged weapons and spells as engaging them in melee will invariably lead to someone getting paralyzed/diseased. Since they're undead, they'll be immune to a few spell effects (check the descriptions) so raw, no-save damage is usually the safest bet. Magic missiles should be surprisingly effective at your level, as will fireball-type spells, potions, and wands if you have the space. You can also have Viconia use turn undead while your other party members pelt them with bullets/arrows. Don't forget to check your consumables to see if there's anything to protect you or increase your damage output.
Good luck
But as said above, the rune assassins in the lowest level of the Tanner house are beasts if you go down to early. Don't be afraid to chug several potions increasing AC (like stoneform etc), strenght, HP regeneration etc before going down there. Also, even if it feels weird from a roleplaying perspective, rest before going down if you have to to refresh your spells etc. They will often strike close to the stairs so dont rush your tanks forward and leave your weaker guys unprotected by the stairs or you will risk the rune assassins one-shotting your mages to death.
If you are too low level for true sight spell, then have your clerics memorize the remove invisibility spell. It's a low level spell that is very slow to cast (take care so that you are not attacked and loose the spell), but it can enable you to see a rune assassin for a few seconds. Then pause, switch to ranged if you are not close by, and focus fire on one of them 'til it dies.
And lastly, though I very rarely follow my own advice, there's no harm in leaving and returning later when you have more EXP and higher levels.
Good luck!
1. position your party in the room above where the ghasts are, well away from the stairs down, equipped with ranged weapons (maybe one or two with melee weapons too)
2. go downstairs with Charname only and run back upstairs immediately after talking to the evil dude
3. attack and kill both ghasts there
4. take the party downstairs and fight the rune assassin(s)
5. loot
There is a more than decent female fighter available in chapter 2.
So what does your current party look like?