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precedence over the overide folder

I vaguely recall that there is at least one, I think a few, directories that have higher precedence than overides. That is, if you put a modded file in one of these folders, it will be used instead of the copy in overides. I think either your saves or character folders may have been among them. Anyone have the list?


  • seraglioseraglio Member Posts: 122
    Sorry, can someone move this to general modding? Sleeeepy....
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  • KuronaKurona Member Posts: 881
    edited February 2017
    I ran some tests and here's what I can tell you:

    - Files put into the "characters" folder take priority over those in the "override" folder.
    - This is true of both "characters" folders: the one within the game directory and the one in your documents.
    - In case a file with identical name is placed in both, the one in the documents takes priority over the one in the game directory.
    - The save folder is completely ignored and might randomly erase files put into it.

    That being said I'm not sure what you're trying to do.
  • KuronaKurona Member Posts: 881
    Welp I should have checked the iesdp before wasting time testing. Oh well.
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  • seraglioseraglio Member Posts: 122
    edited February 2017
    Thanks Crevs and Kurona. Thats exactly what I was looking for/what I'd seen.

    As a developer, its of no use to you subtledoctor, you have to stick to the established norms. I'm just an amateur hacker however, and sometimes I want MY changes to overide a mods. And some mods force reinstallation of EVERY weidu mod, which reverts them to original. Since I don't make my changes with Weidu ( I don't intend to produce distributable content so I haven't learned it) my little changes, most of which I don't even remember, get gobsmacked. So now I can put my changes in a folder where mods wont touch them. I know enough to know if one of my changes is messing with a mods, and obviously if I'm experiencing a problem the first troubleshooting step would be to remove modded files from that higher directory. That's the point, simple way to protect and track my independent changes.
  • seraglioseraglio Member Posts: 122
    As far as managing mods, its pretty simple. I have most of what I want, but if a new mod is released i want to install, after instalation i can just use wingrep or windiff to compare the 2 folders and compare last modified. If the mod changed a file I also have changed, ill just dump my modified files (just the ones changed) back into overides and reinstall. Hopefully, the mod "appends" rather than "overwrites" the file, keeping both changes. You, knowing weidu, would understand this better than I, but I have seen both behaviors. If it does not append, well, I have a choice to make, keep my change, keep the mods change, or keep the mods change and remake my change if I even remember what it was. If I remake my change, then I put it in the higher folder for reference and to be sure the merged file is the one taking precedence. Keeping MY mod files and game/mod files separate makes for quick and easy comparison. I wasn't recommending this for anyone else.
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  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515
    Override folders in the game's installation directory will be wiped whenever a new update is installed.

    The most suitable location for putting files that shouldn't be touched by mods or game updates is in home:/override (where home: is the folder containing the baldur.lua). I'm always using it for my modified SAVENAME.2DA, NPC portraits and other personal stuff.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited February 2017
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  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
  • seraglioseraglio Member Posts: 122
    More awesome info. Thanks guys! And yeah, ultimately, I need to learn Weidu. I keep thinking I have all the mods I want..then something new keeps coming out. Ultimately weidu's the only way, but until then...
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