New BGEE Manual

AndreaColombo said:
New, three-part PDF manual.
BG:EE will come with a brand new manual in PDF format, comprising three different books: —
Volo's Guide to Baldur's Gate — Manual the First, a guide to the lore of the Sword Coast, its locales, and the most notable people and creatures you may encounter on your way through it;
Volo's Manual for All Things Magical — Manual the Second, a guide to the AD&D rules that govern the game, as well as to the spells and magic items you may find while adventuring;
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition — A User's Guide, by Volo, a comprehensive in-depth guide to the Graphic User Interface and gameplay of BG:EE.
Just like the original Baldur's Gate's manual, these books, too, feature quotes from Volothamp Geddarm and Elminster scattered throughout their pages.
I would love to brush up on the lore before playing. Also, because I'm super-ignorant on D&D rules and stuff like that, the second part of the manual would be handy to read before-hand too!
I think it would be a really nice (and free) treat for all of us pre-orderers to have early access to this manual. What does everyone else think?
But then, I'm biased.
Is it 28 November yet? How about now? Now? How about now?
@reedmilfam I got this info off of the "[BG:EE] PLEASE READ - LIST OF THINGS THAT HAVE BEEN ANNOUNCED." thread here I could be wrong here, but, by the way the description is written, it sounds like the manual may already be done.
(BG Manual was full of bugs... It was if it was used to to destroy an ants nest!)
I'm lucky, in that I have both original manuals (all three, if you count TOB) in my drawer of old game stuff.
As for the manual, I didn't see anything here to imply that the manual was done. That said, I'll look deeper in the forum and see what I find. I'm excited to get that manual, of course, but don't know when to expect it.
@reedmilfam I just thought that the detailed description of the manual implied that it was finished or at least almost finished. I suppose you're right though in that it doesn't specifically indicate that its done. Perhaps I'm reading too much into the description.
I repeat, this is a guess.
I do wish I could read and get accustomed to what is different from what I remember, though, to be honest, I'm just as happy to load and run the game, worrying about specifics as I get my tail handed to me by some mage...
Minsc leads with sword and boot. Boo handles the details. In other words, I'll let Boo read the manual for me.
Don't want to rush anyone to produce a manual for me. Just want to do something other then pace or work all day.
If they are complete, I agree that releasing them early would be a nice treat for those of us who have pre-ordered.
I'm also wondering, for example, what they've done with familiars in BGEE - will there be any allowed (and if so, will there be a "Find Familiar" scroll available, or will it have to be selected as a spell from the start (not so good for sorcerers)? If they're in BGEE, will they be like in SOA or (hopefully) scaled down a little in BGEE etc. and, if so, what will be their stats. etc.
FYI, you can read the original BG manual in PDF, I'm sure it will be based off that one anyway.
The last real manual I had, (still have,) is the NWN Diamond Edition, it was spiral bound and it came with a cute little silk-ish map! Those were the days....
I don't own the original BG game/manual although I'm sure I could find it, but the thing is, is that I don't want to get any wrong info in my brain. Once things go into my brain, they never come out...
Can the Overhaul Team please format the PDF so that the manual can be printed via the booklet option?
Thank you!
- Everyone
Or is it just that you want a PDF to begin with, to do what you like with?