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Found a detailed walkthrough for NTOTSC & DSOTSC

KaliestoKaliesto Member Posts: 282
edited March 2017 in BG:EE Mods
Right now I'm trying to send this walkthrough to Solaufein at the DSOTSC forums, but as I'm waiting for confirmation for my account there that I thought would go ahead, and share it here for those who need it. I came across this from another user that posted this back in 2010 on SHS, and I noticed it lists a couple of quests from Darkside that was not initially listed on the Forum Walkthrough, and it offers full details on all Northern Tales Quests as well, so you'll never be lost on what to do next.

The Guide is just slightly outdated because it does not list the warnings concerning DSOTSC Quest Order (which the forum walkthrough warns about), and some of the bugs mentioned may or may not be already fixed.


  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    Just a note: NTotSC was updated to version 2.0 with much less restricted order of how to solve the quests and lots of other improvements.
  • PaulaMigratePaulaMigrate Member Posts: 1,201
    Take this walkthrough as it is - outdated but a nice summary.
    1. It considers DSotSC and NTotSC as one mod - which is not valid anymore since over a decade
    2. It introduces dependencies and sequences of elements that are no longer valid
    3. It gives mod introduced NPCs a value they don't have - except for Jet'laya in one quest you can ignore them all.

    The *walkthrough* is a summary of plots belonging to those two mods. It does not walk you through solving the quests and riddles.
    As @jastey says, both mods have been overhauled, first for the old game's BGT and today for EE/EET. Bugs and quest dependencies have been fixed. The journal now guides you.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    edited November 2017
    (Sorry for necro-posting this thread in the first place, but it wasn't that far deep into the site count and I prefer updating players because noone reads a whole forum.)
  • MirandelMirandel Member Posts: 532
    It's not a real necro -same year after all. And any information about big mods is always needed, so, thank you for update!
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    Oh, indeed! I read it as "March 2014".
  • KaliestoKaliesto Member Posts: 282
    Well I think the original author wouldn't mind for the guide itself to be updated if anyone is willing to try.

    It probably won't take long to do.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    Kaliesto wrote: »
    Right now I'm trying to send this walkthrough to Solaufein at the DSOTSC forums, but as I'm waiting for confirmation for my account there that I thought would go ahead, and share it here for those who need it. I came across this from another user that posted this back in 2010 on SHS, and I noticed it lists a couple of quests from Darkside that was not initially listed on the Forum Walkthrough, and it offers full details on all Northern Tales Quests as well, so you'll never be lost on what to do next.

    The Guide is just slightly outdated because it does not list the warnings concerning DSOTSC Quest Order (which the forum walkthrough warns about), and some of the bugs mentioned may or may not be already fixed.

    Useful as links to other walkthroughs are broken.
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