BG1 MONSTERS - What made a meal of you most? PART 2

PART 1 -
I don't know about any of you, but I reckon I must have died a bazillion times playing BG over the years thanks to some fiendish monsters I happened to encounter. Mainly because my party was under geared or unprepared, or I was a noob. The general excuses.
I think what tended to kill me most early on was either being torn to shreds by sword spiders and running out of anti poisons or trying my luck collecting Ankegs heads and getting swarmed by them...
How about you?
p.s. Feel free to share the tales of misery these creatures brought to you and your companions!
Coming soon...
I don't know about any of you, but I reckon I must have died a bazillion times playing BG over the years thanks to some fiendish monsters I happened to encounter. Mainly because my party was under geared or unprepared, or I was a noob. The general excuses.
I think what tended to kill me most early on was either being torn to shreds by sword spiders and running out of anti poisons or trying my luck collecting Ankegs heads and getting swarmed by them...
How about you?
p.s. Feel free to share the tales of misery these creatures brought to you and your companions!
Coming soon...
- BG1 MONSTERS- What ruined your day most? PART 2129 votes
- Battle Horror15.50%
- Gnoll Veteran  0.78%
- Ghast17.83%
- Doppleganger  6.98%
- Ogre Beserker  0.78%
- Siren39.53%
- Revenant  3.88%
- Helmed Horror  6.20%
- Flesh Golem  5.43%
- Half-Ogre  3.10%
Post edited by Kulm on
and conclude with a Grand Finale of "#1 Baddest BG1 Beastie" :P voted from the top contenders of each part?
Sirens are easy to interrupt with ranged or disable with AoE silence spells which ignore invisibility, ghasts are just nasty all the time.
But definitely there should be Bassilisk on the list. I hate them!
I also hate one of the slimes (don't remember which one) immune to almost everything and duplicationg :P
Sword spiders can be tough too.
And basicly anything what poisons you (In BG1 poison was really deadly. They shouldn't nerf it in BG2)
Sirens are piss easy, just buff up someone with protection from charm (or berserk them) and launch them into the fray, snipe with the rest of your party.
Edit: In the vanilla game I don't remember dopplegangers being too tough, but I normally play Tutu with SCS and tougher dopplegangers, when they're hasted, buffed and mirror imaged them backhands start to rack up.
I got killed all the time, but the most frequent were bandit ice arrows and/or the ever dangerous fire arrows of the *drum roll*
Kobold Commando!
However I would say that first Wolf & Ettercaps have killed me more.
Edit: though I'm afraid to say, the previous component makes battle and helmed horrors even harder, i.e. truer to what they should be in PnP.
How exactly do Kobold Commandos cheat? I know they seem to be able to hit any AC with a fair amount of ease. I'm interested to know the full depths of their cheating though so when they kill off a party member I can be justified in complaining.
They have 20 arowkc.itm equipped (undroppable cheated uber KC arrows of fire) and 2 arow08.itm (mere mortal arrows of fire). Their cheating arrows (arowkc) do 1d6+2 hit/damage *plus* an additional 1d6 fire damage. And they can't drop them, and they've got 20 of them, practically an inexhaustable supply. That's why they kill you. Regular arrows of fire (arow08), as lethal as they can be, do not have that +2 hit/damage bonus. You invariably find 2 (and only 2) of them on the commandos because they don't ever use them - they use their cheating variety.
As DavidW suggested once, I'm all for tough kobolds, but not ridiculously so, hence why I made that mod component above.
Now I need charm protection, waltz in again... Kepow! I thought everyone had charm protection how did Imoen manage to take us all out? That is embarrassing.
Try again. No Minsc, why did you just stop berserk mode now... Oh... no Minsc, you like Imoen and Dynhier, we will need to resurrect them now... Khalid come back here, stop running away... Aaagh, Jaheiria how the hell was you dropped by a Siren?
Cue movie death scene third time...