[Mod] Gavin NPC for BGII now with BGII:EE and EET compatibility

Gavin for BG2
Author: berelinde
Gavin is an NPC mod for Baldur's Gate II, the BG2 portion of BGT, BGII:EE, and (the BG2 portion of) EET. He is a Morninglord of Lathander and can be found in the Temple of Ilmater on the roof of the Copper Coronet in the Slums.
The mod is the continuation of the Gavin BG1 mod.
Version v21 is the full BGII version including ToB content. Changes were bug fixes and the addition of BGII:EE as well as EET versions.
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Author: berelinde
Gavin is an NPC mod for Baldur's Gate II, the BG2 portion of BGT, BGII:EE, and (the BG2 portion of) EET. He is a Morninglord of Lathander and can be found in the Temple of Ilmater on the roof of the Copper Coronet in the Slums.
The mod is the continuation of the Gavin BG1 mod.
Version v21 is the full BGII version including ToB content. Changes were bug fixes and the addition of BGII:EE as well as EET versions.
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Post edited by jastey on
edit: ok it has the tob stuff as well. well looks like im finally gonna use gavin in a future run.
Thank you both for your interest and let me know if you encounter any problems!
EDIT: added a bit to the description in the first post to make it clearer.
Thank you for the report (although it's for the BG1 mod, not BGII). The following-around is because the assigned game script "FIGHTER2".BCS" does something completely different than it did in original BGII (e.g. moving the cre to the PC).
The invalid string I don't understand, though - mainly because Gustav is supposed to leave after the dialogue path went to a hostile outcome? So, I'd think it was rather an engine thing, giving an invalid for Gustav because he wasn't supposed to be there. If you can confirm the staying Gustav, I'd need to know which dialogue path you went (quote the last line, if possible). EDIT: Ah, I found it. There is indeed one dialogue path where Gustav remains standing. I don't get the invalid, though. But this will be changed so he'll run once a fight starts, too.
EDIT: I also noticed they don't react if one of them gets attacked. This needs a hostile shout, I would say.
Thank you very much for the report!
Also wanted to ask
Oh, nice touch with Gav and spiders, he notices the one from the animal companion mod for druids as well. Not sure if a companion animal was supposed to trigger it but it makes since regardless.
Not sure about the staff - I don't think it was meant to have a special purpose. If it's too powerful for BG1 I can replace it with a +2 staff, maybe. What's the general opinion (this is the BG1 part of the mod we are talking about, although it's the BGII thread)? EDIT: I made a topic here.
Thanks for the praise, berelinde is the mod author, I'm only maintaining.
Thank you for your feedback!
Links are corrected now. Download is here: https://www.gibberlings3.net/files/file/714-gavin-npc-for-bg/
I would like to announce that Deities of Faerûn now has a special component that gives the Dawnbringer of Lathander kit to Gavin.
Hope you guys enjoy it!