Truly Evil (Rampaging mass murderer)? (spoilers)

So, ever since playing this many many years ago, I always had trouble choosing anything but a good protagonist - I just can't identify being evil with myself - or more importantly, the game dynamics.
Now I have decided there is only one way to do it, and I was wondering if anyone has done it before, or if it will even be possible...
The premise is:
Core rules
Probably No XP Cap (maybe, or perhaps limited, depending on the difficulty without this)
Solo (no other NPC's would ever want to associate with me, even the evil ones).
Bounty Hunter Dualed to Fighter as soon as UAI enabled. (probably around the time of a very large XP event in BG2.)
Everybody dies ... - I mean everybody ... that isn't absolutely game breaking if dead.
That means:
-No merchants - no buying or selling.
-No NPC's (they'll all be dead).
-No sidequests (unless I am forced into talking, in which case they will be dead as soon as the quest is complete, or maybe sooner).
-No items other than what I find/steal/loot from corpses. (Other than anything else, no potion case is going to be a kick in the teeth)
Without an XP cap, soloing through BG1 should give me enough XP (if I can even get out of Candlekeep...), hopefully to start BG2 at a reasonable level, where I am thinking things will get an awful lot harder. Quest XP then kicks in and the levels will become a lot harder to come by from just murdering commoners and kobolds etc.
UAI will make my end game fighter an absolute tank, but will I be able to get enough XP to get these levels, or even any of the games best items without quests and merchants?
Now I have decided there is only one way to do it, and I was wondering if anyone has done it before, or if it will even be possible...
The premise is:
Core rules
Probably No XP Cap (maybe, or perhaps limited, depending on the difficulty without this)
Solo (no other NPC's would ever want to associate with me, even the evil ones).
Bounty Hunter Dualed to Fighter as soon as UAI enabled. (probably around the time of a very large XP event in BG2.)
Everybody dies ... - I mean everybody ... that isn't absolutely game breaking if dead.
That means:
-No merchants - no buying or selling.
-No NPC's (they'll all be dead).
-No sidequests (unless I am forced into talking, in which case they will be dead as soon as the quest is complete, or maybe sooner).
-No items other than what I find/steal/loot from corpses. (Other than anything else, no potion case is going to be a kick in the teeth)
Without an XP cap, soloing through BG1 should give me enough XP (if I can even get out of Candlekeep...), hopefully to start BG2 at a reasonable level, where I am thinking things will get an awful lot harder. Quest XP then kicks in and the levels will become a lot harder to come by from just murdering commoners and kobolds etc.
UAI will make my end game fighter an absolute tank, but will I be able to get enough XP to get these levels, or even any of the games best items without quests and merchants?

OMG I can't believe that was my immediate response to this.
Also, reputation 1 at level 1 = you will be doing a lot of running, because you will be attacked by high level flaming fist soldiers every time you enter a town. Can you wait with killing those until you reach a higher level, or do you have to try as soon as you encounter them? Because if you cant wait, I'd say that will be the end of the adventure right there.
I think the amount of micromanaging necessary to avoid both fates will spoil any fun. Maybe you should reach 161 000 XP and complete most major quests and THEN go on a murderous rampage?
Edit: Actually, you know what? Just pick up a copy of Syndicate instead, and mow down people with a minigun.
a small-time elven wizard whose body has been permanently possessed by "the most ruthless, evil dictator-mage who ever stalked the Realms:" Shoon VII, former emperor of Calimshan to the south. He's a 36th level male necromancer and demi-lich with access to pretty much any magic items or spells he wants. He's got like a century as an emperor and a thousand years as a lich under his belt, and lots of time in demi-lich form, too, trapped in a place with nothing to do but plot and rehearse.
So, yeah, don't piss her off.
For Zallanora, I remember you have to either immobilize her (stun or other effects) or kill her very very fast, otherwise she instantly teleports away and you never see her again. As long as you have a Protection from Magic scroll and some way to stun her, you could probably kill her at any level.
I've done this both for bg1 and bg2, where not a single NPC lives, although I do it at max XP in BG and just before I go into suldanessellar for bg2
bg1 might not be to mind boggling difficult with a genocide run, but bg2, might pose more of a problem, it's survivable with a team around level 20 with awesome gear, ( because get ready to fight lots of mages, and lots of centurions that have pretty decent to hit and to damage with some good attacks per round, plus you will eventually get some knights of the order coming after to, good stuff)
also remember, another reason waiting later to create mass genocide is that if you anger certain unkillable NPCs, you may either 1- can't progress to the next part of the game and get stuck, or 2 - you might get insta-killed because technically you weren't supposed to do that
so that is why I always wait till the end when I do it, and especially if you have a level cap remover, you will definitely be getting some experience for those battles ( especially in bg2 )
hahahhahahha not at all
it's actually kind of ironic really, I remember waaaaaaaaaaaaay back in the day when I used to use cheats just for the lulz, and make super characters with shadow/sword coast keeper, and destroy worlds, I found some pretty interesting items in some interesting places, to this day I may never have known where some of those better items were if it wasn't for those silly runs
So I have updated my rationale slightly:
Gorion was mean to me. I always wanted to dismember squirrels and feed them to cows when I was young, but he wouldn't let me. He kept trying to get me to do boring things like be nice and stop torturing cats. This gradually (quickly?) lead to a deep seated resentment, but as I always knew how powerful he was, I could never do anything ... until now!
The fact that he has decided to drag me out of my home against my will may present a unique oppurtunity - to go out on the road with him and hone my skills ... until one day I have enough power to kill him as he sleeps
So, I use the short time available to me to prepare as best possible. Knowing where the nobles keep their most precious jewels, I become a thief in order to steal them to trade for as much useful gear as possible, while still honing my new skills by taking out the (non-precious) cows, a few sleeping people (as practice for the above
Knowing the rules of Candlekeep re-entry, I am sure that I can use my thief skills later to obtain a tome of great importance and return later to kill the rest of these do-gooders (and uppity bald virgins) once I have the requisite skillset.
So, I set out on the road with Gorion, ready to face the world and exact my revenge.
But then the worst possible outcome - someone takes away my oppurtunity! My weakling foster father stands and talks to a group of attackers before they slaughter him. I know that as a wizard he should be using his words for killing, not for talking! I might have taken pity on him for his weakling stance if I did not now have a new enemy - Sarevok - the one who prevented my chance for revenge!
Quickly dispatching my whiney little sister who had for some reason followed me, I set out into the wild to find this monster. I knew I could not be so weak as Gorion. No-one in this world will help me, and if they will not help me, they will hinder me, so they must die. Not one opportunity will be given for them to ambush me, I will kill them where they stand before they can open their mouth to utter a spell.
I would be hunted everywhere I went, I would require cunning, guile and strength, but it did not matter, my goal is my goal ...
Everyone must die until Sarevok is dead and chunked!
Some while later, my goals have been accomplished, yet I find myself waking up in a strange prison, and before my eyes, my worst nightmare! My whiney little sister resurrected somehow! I know it is not a trick, but I cannot stand the thought of her voice one more, second so I quickly set to dispose of her once again - but wait - what is this! I am just about to give the final blow when she runs away like a whiney little girl! This cannot be!
My mind is set - I will track this whiney weakling down and show her the error of our foster fathers pacifist ways. I track her throughout the dungeon, never far from my sight, until finally we emerge in a cloud of rubble and dust into the city - the chance is finally mine!!
And yet again it is wrenched away from me, some strange guardian has decided to rescue her. This man, for protecting weaklings like Imoen, will suffer my wrath - Irenicus must die!
As my journey through the lands progresses I learn more and more about my true lineage and my destinty. I become more and more confident that the path I have set out on is true. The new lord of murder shall only ascend when the blood of all his vitims covers the lands and washes away all before it...
I did this with an archer I was gonna rush through BG1 and just wanted to max the EXP gains early on, so cleaned out Candlekeep and was level 3 very early on but without any way to charm-scum Gorion to force dialogue, which I saw in a very hilarious Sorcerer playthrough recently (You who wrote that, if you see this you should link to your playthrough here! Sorry for not remembering your name.), I had to fake-recruit Gorion into the team with the ctrl code.
It had a very funny side-effect though. I ctrl-J'd out of candlekeep and could continue to roam the sword coast with Gorion in my party since the Sarevok slaughter fest never triggered. Since Gorion lived I never got the advice to go to friendly arms inn and instead the character murdered her way quickly through BG1. Had to console in some characters for when triggers didn't work properly etc. Gorion had like 200 HP so he was my tank for quite some time until he finally bit the dust. Pretty decent HP for a mage, hehe.. He must have had very lucky rolls :P
Good synopsis, very funny.
Any chance of you extending it?
I am already worried about my no merchants rule - I am going to miss so much stuff... Are there any evil merchants in the game (Roger?), or would my character be able to delay his killing urge until he has robbed all the best items the store has to offer perhaps??