I never quite understood the SoA insignia, (mirror images)

Was it Shar and Salune?
Was it Amelyssan in her transition?
Is it the duality of the player's paths?
Is it anything specific or only symbolic?
Was it Amelyssan in her transition?
Is it the duality of the player's paths?
Is it anything specific or only symbolic?
Who they are is not relevant.
1) Yin and Yang
2) Ellesime and Irenicus
3) Elves and Drow
4) Good and Evil
The top part is almost definitely Ellesime. Ears, hair, headdress, all match.
And notice how the darker face looks veiny/cracked and has their ear covered?
Is it a coincidence that two official Baldur's Gate wallpapers from back then, show Ellesime and then an early version of Irenicus and his obsession with Ellesime?
It's like saying: "Hey, these two characters are REALLY important."
The upper, lighter figure has elven ear and the frilly fluffy headgear of Ellesime.
Melissan's headgear looks alike on a basic level but she is a character exclusively in ToB. Therefore it makes little sense to have her in SoA's logo. I doubt if the devs even had Melissan's design in mind when developing SoA. And ToB's logo is basic enough, an epic represantation of Bhaal's symbol.
It could be an elaboration of the above, representing the protagonist’s choice of embracing his/her inheritance as a child of Bhaal; whether letting the essence of Bhaal flow or resisting it… or something. This elaboration fits better with ToB than SoA though, as your Bhaal essence is stolen in SoA.
I dunno much about picture design, but a good writing is eloquent; the less text you use to (succesfully) describe something, the less room for misinterpretation you create. And for storytelling and the like, you will also want to be sufficiently vague, so that your eloquent text can be descriptive in more than one way. An obvious example, the three little pigs actually have social remarks built into the story, on top of being an (at least for kids) entertaining story.
The media of symbols is different from that of stories, sure, but the basic principles should be equally valid for good writing and good symbol design. Do we have any artists here that can confirm/deny?
I vote for Irenicus when he was an elf (there is a pointed ear in the face at the top) and post-de-elfing Irenicus at the bottom.
http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/forgottenrealms/images/a/a0/Waukeen_symbol.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20060321172434 Her symbol from the FR campaign setting book.