My guess is that v1.3 doesn't support the backstab bonus effect. Unfortunately, I think a lot of the abilities require effects only introduced in v2.0+, so it'd be risky to use the kit in v1.3. I can't do anything as the kit depends on newer opcodes, sorry.
Traify-ed mod. Added a couple of bugfixes, Poison-immune enemies now properly resist all effects (damage and constitution loss). Enhanced Backstab effects no longer work on undead and elementals. Improved two HLA icons.
I don't know what changes @subtledoctor has made to Refinements but unless he's changed the mod to append to the HLA table then whichever mod is installed last will override the other.
i installed way of the assasin (1.3) and refinements (4.21) after that. judging from a quick test in tob i made, everything seems to be in order -> assassin does not get any traps HLAs and new ones from both way of the assassin and refinements are present (and functioning as far as i can tell)
This is an incredible mod my friend. I can actually finally backstab enemies that are normally immune. Wow. Just wow is all I can say. I'm testing it out now messing with some of the features. One question: What is the inherent difference between death strike and backstab: Lethality?
Death Attack is stronger for the -4 save penalty and guaranteed crit but can only be chosen and used once per resting cycle. Backstab: Lethality is weaker but is always active unless it’s changed. The two can also stack, forcing targets to make two separate rolls or die.
Death Attack is stronger for the -4 save penalty and guaranteed crit but can only be chosen and used once per resting cycle. Backstab: Lethality is weaker but is always active unless it’s changed. The two can also stack, forcing targets to make two separate rolls or die.
Ah okay, I didn't see that little detail. My bad. Bud dude, you have done what no other has done...made the assassin viable all the way through the whole game. Is it overpowered? I dunno. But boy does it now have style.
Hey I wanted to add I started a brand new run through with a Halfling Assassin using your mod. I really want to give it a good test run. One small thing I've noticed is the description says the Assassin starts with 1 use of poison per day at level 1. But it's actually giving me 2 uses of it at level 1.
Strange. I get one use at level 1 as intended. Do you have any other thief kit altering mods? Rogue Rebalancing, for instance?
Nope, just your mod and tweaks anthology. But man your mod is fantastic. The progression is so far perfect. My assassin is level 5 now and it was a nice benchmark to receive hidden blade at level 5. I also like how poison weapon isn't better based off of how many APR the assassin has. It really works well with the low APR, low THACO, alpha striker that the assassin is. Hey, with your mod in mind, do you prefer a halfling or elf assassin?
I like going human for the assassin/mage dual-class But I am a huge advocate for elf assassins (as well as dwarf bounty hunters and half-orc swashbucklers) because of 19 DEX and +1 THAC0 to shortbows which gives them a huge advantage as ranged during BG1. They can hit the 19 STR sweet spot with the Tome of Gainful Exercise unlike the Halfling which pretty much sets them up to be excellent all-around at both backstabbing and ranged damage. That said, the poison mechanic in this mod doesn't have the best synergy with bows and other high APR weapons, but Analysis works with ranged which allows for some pretty sick snipes. I haven't done an elf assassin for a while, but I would consider it the best overall.
I like going human for the assassin/mage dual-class But I am a huge advocate for elf assassins (as well as dwarf bounty hunters and half-orc swashbucklers) because of 19 DEX and +1 THAC0 to shortbows which gives them a huge advantage as ranged during BG1. They can hit the 19 STR sweet spot with the Tome of Gainful Exercise unlike the Halfling which pretty much sets them up to be excellent all-around at both backstabbing and ranged damage. That said, the poison mechanic in this mod doesn't have the best synergy with bows and other high APR weapons, but Analysis works with ranged which allows for some pretty sick snipes. I haven't done an elf assassin for a while, but I would consider it the best overall.
Hey Art,
I'm getting some inconsistencies with the mod. I have three Assassins that I'm experimenting with right elf, half-orc and halfling. All are level 6. No problems with my halfling. Analysis doesn't trigger on my elf and hidden blade doesn't trigger on my half-orc. In addition my half-orc has 3 uses of poison weapon while everyone else has 2. Again the only additional mod I'm using is tweaks anthology v4.
Cannot reproduce either I highly doubt it's an issue with the chosen race and more likely some kind of random chance issue. Can you recreate another elf and half-orc and see if it occurs again?
Cannot reproduce either I highly doubt it's an issue with the chosen race and more likely some kind of random chance issue. Can you recreate another elf and half-orc and see if it occurs again?
Hey Art,
I figured out the issue. It's happening when I use a multiplayer game to drop in a new character. As I mentioned I have 3 assassins that are all part of the same save game. I started out as a halfling and then copied that save into the mpsave folder. From there I started a multiplayer game and removed the halfling and replaced it with a half-orc all with the same experience and equipment as the halfling. I repeated this again with an elf. So the idea was to have 3 different saves all with 3 different assassins. I did this just to see which race I liked best without having to start over with 2 new games. Does that make sense? Anyways I have resolved the issue but it seems creating a new assassin starting at a different level other than 1 is the problem.
Sweet!. Great work man. I just started chapter 5 in my BG ee playthrough and your Assassin has been wonderful to play with. One bug...well I guess it's a bug but anyways, the Shadow Armor that you can buy in Beregost is wearable by my Assassin. The armor is considered Studded Leather. Not sure if this is intended or not. Just wanted to let you know.
Additionally, if the target is immune to backstabs, they lose their immunity permanently
I permanently disagree with permanently. Just too op. and stupid. I'm just being honest, backstabbing dargons and undead doesn't make sense at ALL anyway.
I mean playing assassin solo and hide in shadows, teleport (it is basically like teleport) to your target using Boots of Speed and then backstab it for 9999 point of damage is really great but not in all cases. Backstabbing a fcuking dragon should be impossible no matter what. In case of a Lich what is inside the fcking bastard to backstab? I mean after using this ability you can suddenly backstab skeleton warrior collar bone? gimme a break....
By default you can already backstab Liches and Undead. So that's nothing new. Now backstabbing a dragon is new for sure. I personally like it but we are talking fantasy with dwarves, elves, and magic. So realism needs to be put to the side a bit here.
Here's the log when i try to install the kit on BGT vanilla :
It doesn't find the thiefscl.2da.
I looked on the c0assassin.TP2 and after the thiefscl.2ad which is not found in the game (?) folder, others seems to be in the same case (thiefskl.2da and clastext.2da) :
My guess is that v1.3 doesn't support the backstab bonus effect. Unfortunately, I think a lot of the abilities require effects only introduced in v2.0+, so it'd be risky to use the kit in v1.3. I can't do anything as the kit depends on newer opcodes, sorry.
I'm going to buy the latest version on Steam or GoG tonight, and I'll let you know it that solves the problem.
should this be installed before or after refinements which alters all of the HLA tables?
I don't know what changes @subtledoctor has made to Refinements but unless he's changed the mod to append to the HLA table then whichever mod is installed last will override the other.
i installed way of the assasin (1.3) and refinements (4.21) after that. judging from a quick test in tob i made, everything seems to be in order -> assassin does not get any traps HLAs and new ones from both way of the assassin and refinements are present (and functioning as far as i can tell)
This is an incredible mod my friend. I can actually finally backstab enemies that are normally immune. Wow. Just wow is all I can say. I'm testing it out now messing with some of the features. One question: What is the inherent difference between death strike and backstab: Lethality?
Death Attack is stronger for the -4 save penalty and guaranteed crit but can only be chosen and used once per resting cycle. Backstab: Lethality is weaker but is always active unless it’s changed. The two can also stack, forcing targets to make two separate rolls or die.
Strange. I get one use at level 1 as intended. Do you have any other thief kit altering mods? Rogue Rebalancing, for instance?
I like going human for the assassin/mage dual-class
I'm getting some inconsistencies with the mod. I have three Assassins that I'm experimenting with right elf, half-orc and halfling. All are level 6. No problems with my halfling. Analysis doesn't trigger on my elf and hidden blade doesn't trigger on my half-orc. In addition my half-orc has 3 uses of poison weapon while everyone else has 2. Again the only additional mod I'm using is tweaks anthology v4.
P.S. This is happening in BG1 ee btw
Cannot reproduce either
I figured out the issue. It's happening when I use a multiplayer game to drop in a new character. As I mentioned I have 3 assassins that are all part of the same save game. I started out as a halfling and then copied that save into the mpsave folder. From there I started a multiplayer game and removed the halfling and replaced it with a half-orc all with the same experience and equipment as the halfling. I repeated this again with an elf. So the idea was to have 3 different saves all with 3 different assassins. I did this just to see which race I liked best without having to start over with 2 new games. Does that make sense? Anyways I have resolved the issue but it seems creating a new assassin starting at a different level other than 1 is the problem.
One more thing, do you think your mod would work for IWD ee?
Now it will.
Awesome mod Artemius !
I would like to change the number of thieving skill gain per level, how can i do ?
I'm on BGT (non EE).
Edit : the mod seems to doesn't work with BGT vanilla. Does an upgrade scheduled ?
I permanently disagree with permanently. Just too op. and stupid. I'm just being honest, backstabbing dargons and undead doesn't make sense at ALL anyway.
I mean playing assassin solo and hide in shadows, teleport (it is basically like teleport) to your target using Boots of Speed and then backstab it for 9999 point of damage is really great but not in all cases. Backstabbing a fcuking dragon should be impossible no matter what. In case of a Lich what is inside the fcking bastard to backstab? I mean after using this ability you can suddenly backstab skeleton warrior collar bone? gimme a break....
It doesn't find the thiefscl.2da.
I looked on the c0assassin.TP2 and after the thiefscl.2ad which is not found in the game (?) folder, others seems to be in the same case (thiefskl.2da and clastext.2da) :
COPY_EXISTING ~thiefscl.2da~ ~override~
SET_2DA_ENTRY 9 36 1 ~0~
COPY_EXISTING ~thiefskl.2da~ ~override~
COUNT_2DA_COLS cols // amount of columns
READ_2DA_ENTRIES_NOW rows cols // read all file into memory
FOR (row = 1; row < rows; ++row) BEGIN // iterate over rows
READ_2DA_ENTRY_FORMER rows row 0 ~text~ // read column value
SET patch_row = %row%
SET_2DA_ENTRY (%patch_row%) 2 cols 10
COPY_EXISTING ~clastext.2da~ ~override~
COUNT_2DA_COLS cols // amount of columns
READ_2DA_ENTRIES_NOW rows cols // read all file into memory
FOR (row = 1; row < rows; ++row) BEGIN // iterate over rows
READ_2DA_ENTRY_FORMER rows row 0 ~text~ // read column value
Somebody may help ?
I do not design for non-EE, sorry. My mods are too dependent on EE-added resources to even consider making them vanilla compatible.
What i always missed is a neutral/evil assassin kit for rangers. With shadow spells or without spells, with some traps.