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Will we be able to change the way the Nameless One looks and sounds?

I could never get into PS:T because you have to play as a butt-ugly, monosyllabic, grunting guy (and I already do that in real life). With the Enhanced Edition will we be able to change the way he looks and sounds? Can we have a choice of avatars? Is there any reason the Nameless One can't be female?


  • teenpartyteenparty Member Posts: 46
    You are missing the whole point. The game is called Torment. You wake up as a Frankenstein monster with no memory. You find you are responsible for heinous things you cannot remember doing. Everything is sucky and depressing.

    If you could chose to be a pretty elf, it would not be the same.
  • AmmarAmmar Member Posts: 1,297
    With mods you probably will be able to do so.

    However, it does not really made sense. Your appearance is commented on by a large number of NPCs. As for being female... this would require several major NPCs to be at least bisexual and Morte would also interact differently with you, requiring new dialogue (which is out of scope). So no.

    But look on the bright side: you can be butt-ugly, grunting guy with a charisma of 25!
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,767

    I could never get into PS:T because you have to play as a butt-ugly, monosyllabic, grunting guy (and I already do that in real life). With the Enhanced Edition will we be able to change the way he looks and sounds? Can we have a choice of avatars? Is there any reason the Nameless One can't be female?

    No, it's not possible in PST:EE, just as it was not possible in PST. According to Trent Oster, “anything that was well-scaffolded and well thought-out that was left slightly incomplete, it came down to Chris Avellone. We asked, ‘If this had shipped in the original, would the game have been better?’

    “When we did make some changes, they were very comfortable for the original design. There are some big things that we looked at and went, ‘This would make it better but we’re basically going in and repainting the smile on the Mona Lisa here.’”
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300

    I could never get into PS:T because you have to play as a butt-ugly, monosyllabic, grunting guy (and I already do that in real life). With the Enhanced Edition will we be able to change the way he looks and sounds? Can we have a choice of avatars? Is there any reason the Nameless One can't be female?

    I believe that they won't change the official stuff, but a modder could change his character animation , no?

    I myself would like to have him wear the dustman robes for aesthetical reasons.
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    Thanks for the replies guys. I always wanted to like PS:T but I found the character I was playing so unappealing that I could never persuade myself to stick with it.

    Oh well, back to Baldur's Gate!
  • rede9rede9 Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 1,947
    You can get put perfume on your skin (+2CHA) but you can't wear anything because skin ad tatoos are present in many dialog.
  • TeflonTeflon Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 515
    So in a nutshell you change protagonist appearance then it is no longer PS:T. :|
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    Teflon said:

    So in a nutshell you change protagonist appearance then it is no longer PS:T. :|

    In essence, it is :
    "Everything flows, nothing stands still."
    Heraclitus, 501 B.C.
  • dockaboomskidockaboomski Member Posts: 440
    As I've said before, the lack of choice is used as a narrative tool, rather than arbitrary stipulations. Is it restrictive? Sure, but the game is developed around the Nameless One being who he is. How many times does your race and appearance matter in Baldur's Gate? Not often, outside of romances. There is a reason for the developers making these choices for you, and I urge you to at least try it again, it's really good, even if you are this wrinkly neanderthal.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    Well, there technically are ways of changing the appearance of The Nameless One ingame. Just small things, mind you. Like donning up robes and walking around in disguise. In fact, I already see a gamer challenge on the horizon: No save, no reload, no fighting, no running... all the while by being disguised as an zombie till the very end of the game!

    But yeah, the whole game is tuned for TNO to be an immortal human male. And changing the protagonist into someone else would require not a small amount of rewritings from modders.

    That being said: I'd *love* to see something like an Icewind Dale for the Planescape campaign setting. With playable Air/Earth/Fire/Water (of course, without the cringe worthy 4e "-soul" nonsense) Genasi, Tieflings, Aasimar, Rogue Modrons, Bariaurs, Githyanki, Githzerai, as well as Planar Humans and Planar Half-Elves. All of them being the "base races" of the setting after all.
  • rede9rede9 Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 1,947
    DJKajuru said:

    Teflon said:

    So in a nutshell you change protagonist appearance then it is no longer PS:T. :|

    In essence, it is :
    "Everything flows, nothing stands still."
    Heraclitus, 501 B.C.
    It's impossibile to swim in the same river twice.

  • BelleSorciereBelleSorciere Member Posts: 2,108
    Apparently, in the initial design Black Isle wanted to provide more customization options for TNO including choice of gender, but apparently the budget wasn't there to support it, so they built the game around TNO as we all know him instead.

    Chris Avellone said this in Monday's stream.
  • dockaboomskidockaboomski Member Posts: 440
    @Kamigoroshi Seconded. I've run Planescape from the source books and there's so much cool stuff in there. One of the less noticeable playable races is a spawn of the living demiplane Neth that developed separate intelligence from it and can change shape. The Inner Planes are so neglected in terms of content when there's so much that's fascinating there.
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