Request: Carsomyr Halberd
Member Posts: 79
Hi There.
I'm currently recording all of BG1/SOD/EE/TOB for Youtube, but I'm wondering if anyone could help me.
CHARNAME is a Cavalier, and obviously I love Carsomyr - but I prefer how Halberds look.
Is there anybody who could potentially help me make a Carsomyr Halberd Equivalent?
I wont be giving it to myself until I take out Firkraag to stay in line with when the REAL Carsomyr appears - Playing with SCS Improved Dragons .
It'll have similar stats to Carsomyr, or maybe slightly inferior - thinking some kind of half way house between Carsomyr and Dragons Breath, but overall weaker than Car/DB on there own - I happen to think Car is a little OP myself, but still love it.
I'd be happy to give you a shoutout when the videos go live for anybody who can help?
I seem to recall many years ago I used to actually MAKE my own items and import them into the game, which I believe is still possible, but I often used to create weapons that would bork the game - I was only young back then, and I dont want to break anything
The change is pretty much just as I love how the Halberds look in comparision to 2Handers, and I'm not wanting to make the game any easier on myself - Hell, a little harder actually!
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm currently recording all of BG1/SOD/EE/TOB for Youtube, but I'm wondering if anyone could help me.
CHARNAME is a Cavalier, and obviously I love Carsomyr - but I prefer how Halberds look.
Is there anybody who could potentially help me make a Carsomyr Halberd Equivalent?
I wont be giving it to myself until I take out Firkraag to stay in line with when the REAL Carsomyr appears - Playing with SCS Improved Dragons .
It'll have similar stats to Carsomyr, or maybe slightly inferior - thinking some kind of half way house between Carsomyr and Dragons Breath, but overall weaker than Car/DB on there own - I happen to think Car is a little OP myself, but still love it.
I'd be happy to give you a shoutout when the videos go live for anybody who can help?
I seem to recall many years ago I used to actually MAKE my own items and import them into the game, which I believe is still possible, but I often used to create weapons that would bork the game - I was only young back then, and I dont want to break anything
The change is pretty much just as I love how the Halberds look in comparision to 2Handers, and I'm not wanting to make the game any easier on myself - Hell, a little harder actually!
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'd like it to have the base 1d12+5 like Carsomyr if thats possible. Iirc Halberds are normally 1d10.
Name: Celestial Grace (As I love Celestial Fury)
Halberd +5, Speed 5
50% Magic Resistance
+1 Fire, +1 Cold, +1 Acid, +1 Electric on hit.
Whilst equipped Protection from Evil
Whilst equipped Immunity to Level Drain
Not sure if there is a decent Graphical Halberd - as I'm a Cavalier, likely something blue/goldy colour and glowing would be fitting graphics wise?
Please take liberty with the item description, mention your username or something, and how you met my CHARNAME (Harry) , as it'll be cool as on Youtube people will be seeing your work ^_^.
"This Halberd belonged to the Celestial being known only as Tresset. He gifted it to Harry of Candlekeep etc etc :P"
I dont think thats overly powerful, but its certainly less powerful than Car. What do you think?
Graphically, I am somewhat limited to what already exists in the game. I imagine I can pull it off though.
If you are curious about why I think it is about as powerful as Carsomyr, here are my reasons:
Does more damage than Carsomyr in most cases; Carsomyr only does bonus damage to CE creatures and this would do bonus damage to all creatures.
50% MR alone is an incredibly powerful buff, probably the strongest one Carsomyr had.
Protection from Evil would give +2 armor vs. evil constantly... Most enemies in BG2 are evil so this would be a rather large boost compared to most non-armor items that raise AC.
Immunity to Level Drain is a somewhat rare buff and incredibly useful, making it quite valuable.
Again, I have no problem making it do all this, but I don't agree that it is weaker than Carsomyr.
Here is what I have:
Thac0 +5
1d12+5 slashing or piercing damage +1 acid damage, +1 electrical damage
+5 magical damage vs. evil
Protection from Evil while equipped
20% magic resistance
25% chance to Dispel Magic on hit
Slightly better than Dragon's Breath but quite a bit worse than Carsomyr, I would say.
All I have to do now is come up with a nice description and change its name.
To install just extract the contents of the attached folder to your game directory and run the file named setup-Celestial_Grace.exe and follow the instructions on screen.
Some notes:
I didn't actually put the item in the game so you will have to create it with the console when you are ready. I recommend doing so right after you beat Firkraag. I made the names and pronouns in the description of the item change to match the name and gender of your character. Kind of a neat tick and one I hadn't used before now, so I thought I would mention that.
As for promoting, I dunno. I made a small bunch of tweaks and fixes a while back, but I haven't updated it in a while. It would be nice if you could promote Beamdog and the EE's in general, if you are willing. Just be careful about it; there are a lot of Beamdog haters out there and they seem willing to stoop pretty darn low to bash Beamdog. Of those two I would honestly appreciate support for Beamdog a bit more, I think. It is up to you though.