[MOD] The Power of Belief

The Power of Belief makes it possible for the Nameless One to become a Priest (while maintaining their Fighter, Mage and Thief levels).
The newest version of this mod is available on GitHub.
The Nameless One can gain access to the Priest class by speaking to Mourns-for-Trees after encountering them during Mebbeth's quest or by becoming a Disciple of Aoskar while talking to Aola. Should the Nameless One step off the path of faith, they can speak to either Mourns-for-Trees or Fall-from-Grace to resume progression in the Priest class.
The specialization bonuses are:
- 7th level: +1 Wisdom
- 12th level: +2 Wisdom, +1 Charisma, +10% Magic Resistance
The Priest specialiation tattoos, available from Fell, are:
- Tattoo of Belief: +1 Wisdom, +1 1st and 2nd priest spell slot. (Costs 3600 coppers; requires 7th level Priest Specialization.)
- Tattoo of the Hierophant: +3 Wisdom, Doubled 1st and 2nd level priest spells slots. (Costs 12000 coppers; requires 12th level Priest specialization.)
This mod is currently available in English, Russian (courtesy of Saigon1983), and Polish (courtesy of mstar).
- New divine spells.
- New spell acquisition methods (including alignment, factions, and quests).
- New items for Priests, including The Nameless One and Fall-from-Grace.
Features listed above will be pushed to the live version when I am satisfied with stability and behavior. If you have ideas for future updates to this mod, please let me know in the comments.
- Whenever the Nameless One changes between Fighter and Priest (e.g. switching their first active class between these two), there is a slight pause as the game determines the previous active class' experience. During this pause, you will enter cutscene mode, hiding the UI and preventing player input. Control will be returned upon conclusion of the xp check.
- If you get the Priest specialization bonuses, the game will still tell you that you have received the specialization bonuses for other classes. These should all be automatically counteracted via scripting (and some text explaining that specialization bonuses have been negated), but the display might be slightly confusing.
As with all of my mods, if you have any ideas, comments, or criticism, please do not hesitate to post in this thread.
The newest version of this mod is available on GitHub.
This mod is being actively developed, and will be expanded as my free time permits. Currently, the mod consists of a few extra dialog lines that allow the Nameless One to become a Priest, specialization bonuses for reaching 7th or 12th level as a Priest, two new tattoos available only for a Priest-specialized Nameless One, and changes to a handful of Maces and Warhammers to make them usable by Priest Nameless Ones.The Nameless One can gain access to the Priest class by speaking to Mourns-for-Trees after encountering them during Mebbeth's quest or by becoming a Disciple of Aoskar while talking to Aola. Should the Nameless One step off the path of faith, they can speak to either Mourns-for-Trees or Fall-from-Grace to resume progression in the Priest class.
The specialization bonuses are:
- 7th level: +1 Wisdom
- 12th level: +2 Wisdom, +1 Charisma, +10% Magic Resistance
The Priest specialiation tattoos, available from Fell, are:
- Tattoo of Belief: +1 Wisdom, +1 1st and 2nd priest spell slot. (Costs 3600 coppers; requires 7th level Priest Specialization.)
- Tattoo of the Hierophant: +3 Wisdom, Doubled 1st and 2nd level priest spells slots. (Costs 12000 coppers; requires 12th level Priest specialization.)
This mod is currently available in English, Russian (courtesy of Saigon1983), and Polish (courtesy of mstar).
Upcoming Changes
I am currently working on the following features:- New divine spells.
- New spell acquisition methods (including alignment, factions, and quests).
- New items for Priests, including The Nameless One and Fall-from-Grace.
Features listed above will be pushed to the live version when I am satisfied with stability and behavior. If you have ideas for future updates to this mod, please let me know in the comments.
Technical Limitations
I am aware of the following inconsistencies and do not believe there are ways to prevent them, as much of the class system in PSTEE is hardcoded.- Whenever the Nameless One changes between Fighter and Priest (e.g. switching their first active class between these two), there is a slight pause as the game determines the previous active class' experience. During this pause, you will enter cutscene mode, hiding the UI and preventing player input. Control will be returned upon conclusion of the xp check.
- If you get the Priest specialization bonuses, the game will still tell you that you have received the specialization bonuses for other classes. These should all be automatically counteracted via scripting (and some text explaining that specialization bonuses have been negated), but the display might be slightly confusing.
Want to Help?
I am looking for BAM editors/artists and translators. If you are either of these and want to help with the development of this mod, please send me a private message.Feedback
If you encounter any bugs while using this mod, please let me know.As with all of my mods, if you have any ideas, comments, or criticism, please do not hesitate to post in this thread.
Post edited by Aquadrizzt on
It's amazing!
I will try it later...
I'm not a fan of priests in PS:T, they seem lacking in most directions. Next to no weapons for them, healing is obsolete, I usually ditch Grace (tagging two priests? ugh) and specializations and tattoo giving you +6 WIS is hurtful moreso than helpful since you are essentially starting with a what - 12-13 WIS in order for those to not be wasted and gimping yourself of early XP?
Maybe with additional priest rebalance mod. Or making TNO a fighter/priest multi-class.
From a roleplaying point of view, it may perhaps be more interesting for the (single-classed) Priest to have their own spell medium. It could be a book like that from Mebbeth's questline. Or possible an upgrade-able token fetish made from the scarce trees in the game. (Mourns-for-Trees tree -> Black-Barbed Maze trees -> ? )
Best of all of course would be various kinds of such spell mediums. Given that AD&D's Priest class does include more than just the classy Cleric. Each of them would then have their own unique quirks for replayability.
I'm thinking here of something like this:
- Wooden Fetish: Druid-ish Belief
- Skull Fetish: Shaman-ish Belief
- Written Scroll: Hierophant Belief
- Holy Symbol of the Forgotten Deity*: Oracle-ish Believe
@Kamigoroshi, way ahead of you on this front. I have plans for certain quests resolutions to allow TNO to learn additional spheres of spells.
I might also have it tied to your currently alignment and faction, as those are the two most representative metrics of your beliefs within the game, but I'm not sure what my goal for final scale of this mod will be. Any ideas are always appreciated.
@subtledoctor , you and your insider info...
That being said, I'd really like to see you implement something with the Aoskarian faith as well.
Although the Lady of Pain would very much kill TNO on the spot if he'd ever spoke of being part of that priest order openly. But then again, our protagonist is pseudo-immortal anyway. :P
The bugs I've fixed are:
- Allowing you to put Morte into the Pillar of Skulls without a fight if you are Priest specialized.
- Allowing the Transcendent One to actually spawn on the Fortress Roof if you are a Priest going into the encounter.
Because class checks are quite finicky in PST, if you encounter any other places where you can't seem to advance due to being a Priest (rather than a Fighter, Mage or Thief) let me know and I'll patch it.
As for your error, I am not able to reproduce it. I have incorporated the russian .tra file and necessary code into the github. Maybe try downloading it from there again and installing it again?
Furthermore, this mod now offers a polish translation, courtesy of mstar.
Finally, TNO can also become a priest by becoming a Disciple of Aoskar. Be aware that this has consequences.
my local version (not uploaded to the github yet)the live version. Go get all the fixes.These are:
- Many-As-One kyton memory
- Many-As-One's "what use are you?!"
- Retraining Mage with Lady Thorncombe
- Retraining Thief with Nabat
- Retraining Thief with Eli
- Retraining Thief with Annah
- Training Fighter with Pophiron
- Training Fighter with Quisai
The only other major class check that I am aware of is Nordom's class command, but I haven't come up with an appropriately lore-friendly set of bonuses for him yet. I might just take over the Charisma bonuses as teaching him to *believe* in himself but I imagine that could ruffle some feathers.
I think one of the more thematic goals was to have you start from scratch as a Priest, much as you do with Mage/Thief, but then again those don't cost you XP. I'll disable it for now. Note that this has the side effect of letting you accumulate xp as a Fighter that is then instantly applied when you switch to Priest.
EDIT: Okay I have determined the reason I did this in the first place. If you go from level 0 to any level other than 1, you an extra hit die beyond what you should (e.g. you should only receive 1d8 hit points for becoming 2nd level, but you actually receive 2d8).
Update 2: Okay so it can now track (relatively consistently), priest and fighter xp. However switching from Mage/Thief to Priest/Fighter now causes some kind of weird xp underflow error. I'm investigating and hope to have a patch up soon.
Update 3: Switching too and from Mage/Thief to Fighter/Priest has been fixed. Current issue is that if you have do some class switching like Fighter -> Priest -> Mage -> Priest, it will give you the wrong xp/level for your Priest class. This requires a simple fix... I think.
Gaining xp, changing class or otherwise messing with things during this pause can REALLY break things.
I've posted a version that doesn't keep players from messing things in order to get this feature out, but I'll be working on some method (probably involving cutscene mode) to prevent players from inadvertently breaking their character.EDIT: During this pause, the game will enter cutscene mode, preventing player control and hiding the ui. Control will be restored as soon as player interference will not break the game. Enjoy!
As always, the new version is available on the master branch of the github repo, linked in the top post.