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Celestial Fury enchantment

Is it possible to enchant Celestial Fury in order to upgrade it (+3 -> +4), so that we can use it in ToB against big bad bosses? I read somewhere it is possible to do something like that now thanks to the new patch.


  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,080
    The Ravager is another enemy that can only be hit by +4 weapons and above. And unlike the enemies listed above, the Ravager is NOT optional.
  • HalcyonHalcyon Member Posts: 56
    You can it from +3 to +5 with Weimer's Item Upgrade mod (along with a few dozen other items), which you can find here:

    They're a bit on the OP side, but if you're looking to upgrade CF anyway that doesn't sound like much of an issue for you xD
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    The upgraded CF from that mod isn't actually all that amazing, it's practically the same just +5 with some very minor changes.

    There are some other items that very much ARE overpowered, though :P
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,496
    Halcyon said:

    You can it from +3 to +5 with Weimer's Item Upgrade mod (along with a few dozen other items), which you can find here:

    They're a bit on the OP side, but if you're looking to upgrade CF anyway that doesn't sound like much of an issue for you xD

    The latest release (which is fully EE compatible) can be found here:
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,002
    edited June 2017
    SomeSort said:

    It's not. There are mods that allow for that (e.g. Item Upgrade) but not the stock game.

    Also, enchantment levels are a bit overrated. There are VERY few enemies that require +4 or higher, and those are usually immune to stun anyway so Celestial Fury isn't all that great against them to begin with.

    Very much this.

    Enemies who can't be hit by Celestial Fury are the two demiliches, one of the guys from the final seal of Watcher's Keep, the Demon Lord in the underdark (who no one actually fights), the Devil Shade from the deck of many things (who no one actually fights), and I think the Mariliths who come with Demogorgon (but not Demogorgon himself). Probably a couple others I'm forgetting, but this should be more or less it.

    The reason Celestial Fury starts lagging in ToB isn't because there are a half-dozen enemies it can't hit, it's because even the random low-level mooks start regularly making their save. Even with that, you get so many attacks per round that the stun will still trigger fine and Celestial Fury will remain an end-game viable weapon, albeit not quite the ubercheese it is during SoA.

    (If you really like the stun effect, Ixil's Spike spear is +6, so it can hit everything, and it also stuns on a failed save. But since its stun lasts for three rounds instead of one like Celestial Fury's, it's a lot easier to chain those stuns together before they wear off.)
    those mariliths cast protection from magical weapons on themselves that's why they may seem to be immune to +3 weapons, from what I see, if you can dispel their weapon protections you only need +2 weapons or better to damage them

    EDIT: oh, and also the werewolf woman person in umar hills can only be hit by +5 weapons if im not mistaken, but to be perfectly honest she really isn't worth killing, even if your a power gamer, and that's coming from a power gamer extraordinaire
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    sarevok57 said:

    oh, and also the werewolf woman person in umar hills can only be hit by +5 weapons if im not mistaken, but to be perfectly honest she really isn't worth killing, even if your a power gamer, and that's coming from a power gamer extraordinaire

    "power gamer extraordinaire" really sums up @sarevok57.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,002
    Quartz said:

    sarevok57 said:

    oh, and also the werewolf woman person in umar hills can only be hit by +5 weapons if im not mistaken, but to be perfectly honest she really isn't worth killing, even if your a power gamer, and that's coming from a power gamer extraordinaire

    "power gamer extraordinaire" really sums up @sarevok57.
    hahahhaha indeed it does :)

  • KeidinKeidin Member Posts: 4
    The upgrade to celestial fury +5 does not work with item upgrade. Don't know if it is an update issue due to 2.5, but when I order Cromwell to make it, CF +3 disappears from my inventory along with the ingredients but I never get the CF +5. I checked the item database with EE keeper and that also seems to be the case with CF +5. It does not exist. Weirdly enough, the mod works with EET just fine. Any fixes?
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    by the way in ToB if the enemies have better ST so ie is much harder to turn to stone a dragon, even if all the ToB and WK dragons but the boss can be turned to stone while are immune to imprisonment, in ToB your mages and divine casters should have plenty of GM and doom spells to use.
    this does not make easier to turn to stone a dragon, even with both you need a lot of redundancy in the flesh to stone casting, but make the save or else weapons, CF but also the vorpal axe and 2Hsword, way more effective, and here the redundancy is assured by the high apr.
    the weapons without save or else check, like the vorpal halberd or FoA are very powerful late game as you are certain that given a high enough number of attacks the effect will kick in, but the save or else ones, "with a little help from your friends", as the beatles and joe cocker sung, as just as powerful.

    the best thing of the item upgrade CF is its blue color, much cooler then the red one of the vanilla game :D

    and with that mod self restrain can be the key for a successful use as there are also other items not OP but indeed very useful like the ring that is obtained merging the ones that boost thieving skills and a protection ring, you really don't have any advantage from swapping ring in vanilla, if not that going often to the inventory to swap the ring is so annoying and with them merged you can completely avoid it.

    if some upgraded items are too powerful for the taste of a player well, the only thing that will happen is that at the end of the game both cromwell and cespenar will be a lot less rich as the upgrades with that mod are really expensive ;)
  • KeidinKeidin Member Posts: 4
    CamDawg wrote: »
    If the upgraded weapon isn't even present in the game, something went exceptionally wrong during installation.

    It doesn't work even if item upgrade is the only mod I install. I remember testing it a while back. It's the only item that has this problem though, so I do not really care.
  • BlackbɨrdBlackbɨrd Member Posts: 293
    Unpopular opinion: I don't like Celestial Fury because it is too overpowered in SOA and because it seems to be a common weapon choice, when there are more interesting (uncommon) weapon choices.
  • GregorIIGregorII Member Posts: 14
    Keidin wrote: »

    It doesn't work even if item upgrade is the only mod I install. I remember testing it a while back. It's the only item that has this problem though, so I do not really care.

    I just ran into this issue, and I find it very perplexing...I'm in the middle of back-to-back games over the past few weeks, and I definitely was able to upgrade CF on my last game, no more than a month ago. I DID perform a clean install and completely update my mods in between games, though. I assumed there was a component in one of the mods which simply removed CF+5 from the game, for balance issues, although I certainly didn't consciously install any mod or mod component that does that. Weird. Looks like I'll just have to EE myself a new CF+3 and learn to get by on being phenomenally powerful instead of insanely powerful.
  • Djasko_AmsterdamDjasko_Amsterdam Member Posts: 47
    If ure on windows u can use Near Infinity. I used it to increase enchantments on various weapons I liked. Most notably Bastard Swords and in particular Jhor the Bleeder +2 to +4, no save vs its bleed effect, darn good weapon. Bastard swords didnt get much love in BG.....

    Or have Sword of Chaos upgraded so that it heals 5 hitpoints on hit instead of 1.. and make it a +4 later on. I dont think you need to close the game to edit stuff with Near Infinity, just save your game, alt tab to near infinity and edit stuff, then reload your savegame.
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