Does dialogue with Solar affect the end of the game?

So during the talk with Solar right after killing Yaga-Shura i got pretty interested in the dialogue about debt so while looking into it i read something about the choices made here affect the end of the game but it didnt say what choices those were.
I believe my choices were something along the lines of - "Gorion never told me he saved my life" and "Sarevok paid for what he did and as for now i guess there could be some sort of debt"
Also the challenge room started with lava and now has trees.
Im guessing this is on the path of Good but im just wondering if there are small differences between the choices that you choose here and how those play out in the end.
I believe my choices were something along the lines of - "Gorion never told me he saved my life" and "Sarevok paid for what he did and as for now i guess there could be some sort of debt"
Also the challenge room started with lava and now has trees.
Im guessing this is on the path of Good but im just wondering if there are small differences between the choices that you choose here and how those play out in the end.
Concerning the challenge rooms, all of them has an evil and a good form. If your character is good or neutral aligned it starts in its evil form and ends in its good form, otherwise it starts in its good form and ends up evil.
Choosing certain responses add 'points' on a sort of scale - good and evil responses shift it in one direction or the other. They affect the epilogue but only
One of the most common slip-ups that players with Good PCs make is the second talk - the 'good' response is to admit there is a debt, while denying it is the 'evil' response. I don't really agree, but it's why people often get confused and think 'bug' when they end up getting the lava pools in the 'evil CHARNAME' room.
According to David Gaider, Bioware thought that having both the bhaalspawn powers and HLA would be overwhelming and scrapped it.
You can read more about the powers here:, and download the file here: