It would be alright, maybe, but if so it should be more realistic, which is to say you would have less of an armor class rating, because let's be honest, it would be kind of stupid for anybody to go into battle half naked.
Very nice, with very valid points. Basically @Zinodin if you want armor like this I wont argue, but to be fair you should suffer massive armor class penalties because of it. Well, unless it produces Mass Effect fields, which given the era and theme, I'm gonna have to say no.
I remember seeing videos from some recent MMORPG with more than your usual excessively revealing female armors and completely ridiculous unrealistic jiggling boobs physics.
And one of the promo videos for the game was a dancing female jiggling her what must have been made out of pure overdiluted jelly squishy shaky omg they are bouncing all over the place breasts.
Typical video games made by virgin developers who have never seen or touched a woman other than their own mothers.
Geeze. You guys are so allergic to fun that I'm slightly embarassed to call you fellow nerds.
"More armor is equivelent of more protection."
Realistically speaking, you might have a point, excep that's simply not true for everyone in DnD/BG/NWN. You have monks who need the movement to wriggle their body while landing lightning fast punches, strong enough to crush through normal thick metal plates. You got the Kensais who might happen to be wielding a greatsword even though the greatsword was only designed to slay the enemy soldiers on horses, not for actual melee combat. Ground soldiers who fought with greatswords would get owned by any other soldier with a longsword because it's so much slower. Still.. I happen to find giant greatswords to be a lot of fun. I'm glad we left the boring aspects at home and remembered we are in a fantasy setting. Let's have some fun, yeah?
Also, Lady Aribeth is one of the the leaders in Neverwinter and should look fancy. A notable design helps the player distinguish her from the common soldiers and you remember her better. And for the record, Aribeth is not using a full plate as stated in Jax and Jalily's suggested article. It's a ceremonial Half-Plate and thus have the physical properties of one. That's not a bad thing though. The armor has enough magical properties to be very useful regardless of physical design. It does not need the Mass Effect fields, even though that joke was funny and I lol'd
Personally, from one male perspective, I don't like a lot of armor on my fantasy characters either. I like playing male characters who walk a line between rugged and shexy. I also do put some points in Charisma to have stats reflect it in-game even though it's not a warrior primary attribute. The result is that I might not be the most combat effective warrior in the group but the group knows who should do the talking.. Especially to negotiate prices with the stingy female weaponsmith, or maybe the gay male weaponsmith lol Talk about your sticky situations
Now, I often do play fantasy RPGs with girls. PnP D&D, NWN, xbox. You name it. I'm not saying all are like this, but many of them do like skimpy armors. They like kicking ass while looking hot, something I share with these girls, and even though the armor probably was designed by a man, it's still cool for them because then the girls know definetly what will look hawt for many guys. Now, there is nothing wrong having physical stats reflecting the armor's physical nature DnD. I'm all for it. If you want to bulk up, and maximize physical armor at the expense of looking like a plain dude, totally committed to not care about anything that goes on outside of combat, then that's fine. Now obviously, in a real life war I would probably go: "Um, I can look purty later. Give me a huge boring plate plxz" But since it's fantasy, and I like Kensais.. Banana hammock time lol
And oh yeah.. My point is: where's the bikini? I don't want one because it would be physically practical, but every standard fantasy setting should have a mandatory one.
Actually the Greatsword is a modern construct, longswords of all kinds, including definite two-handers like the Claymore and the Zweihander, had a wide variety of uses, and were most definitely used in melee combat by foot troops (even unarmoured foot troops), and had martial arts forms associated with it for use against a wide variety of targets (and notably the pike was a far more suitable anti-cavalry tool). It's a bit of a fiddle to say that all greatswords are alike however, since a Scottish Claymore performs very differently to a Zweihander and a nodachi, but for game purposes, forget about it.
To suggest that a longer sword is strictly worse against a shorter one is to neglect the advantages of reach and penetration, both of which favour the fellow with the longer, heavier blade.
On topic, personally I love my lasses to be heavily armoured and not sporting vast critical hit zones, there's nothing unsexy about requiring someone to talk you out of your armour before they gain an intimate knowledge of your measurements.
Baldurs Gate has a tradition of showing female armor pretty much the same way as male armor (look at the inventory screen for a female character). Once female fighters take their armor off though, they got a lot more revealing clothes on than males (bikini-style). Question is, should all guys feel guilty now? Women want to look good/hot, moreso than men. Men care less than women about how they themselves look, or if they do, they start looking more feminine. Likewise, when a woman stops careing for her looks and cuts her hair shorter, etc. she starts looking more masculine.
In real life women have the choice of wearing hotpants and miniskirts, running around with a naked belly when it's too cold for that or covering pretty much every inch of skin by clothes. Even though the second option is usually more practical, still some of them do choose the first option. And I bet they don't feel bad about it, even though the dirty mind of a male might have designed those clothes which help to expose more skin.
If we don't like bikini armor because it's unpractical and unrealistic, what will we think about the bracers of protection that give us the same AC as a chainmail? What? The bracers are magical? See where the problem is?
If BG would have only the modern WoW-type of female armor, I wouldn't like that too. But I think we're talking about a special piece of armor, designed especially for women, maybe impossible to use for men.
If BG would have only the modern WoW-type of female armor, I wouldn't like that too. But I think we're talking about a special piece of armor, designed especially for women, maybe impossible to use for men.
No way, if the women can wear them, then I want a +4 Furry Loincloth of Defence. Hopefully with cold damage reduction, because otherwise there'll be shrinkage. And Minsc will both wear and like it!
As for the practicality question, do they also do kevlar bikinis nowadays? Because I think that's a much more applicable contemporary equivalent.
Well, I don't want a thousand armors to look like bikinis, but there's a shop of wide selection in the starting city of BG 2. They literally call it the "adventure mart" and I was legimately surprised there was not ONE gag armor bikini. :P I thought this was a classic fantasy RPG and I started the thread more as a fun topic lol
But still, I do enjoy me sum fantasy vs realism arguement, as well as a sexy vs not sexy talk
If BG would have only the modern WoW-type of female armor, I wouldn't like that too. But I think we're talking about a special piece of armor, designed especially for women, maybe impossible to use for men.
No way, if the women can wear them, then I want a +4 Furry Loincloth of Defence. Hopefully with cold damage reduction, because otherwise there'll be shrinkage. And Minsc will both wear and like it!
As for the practicality question, do they also do kevlar bikinis nowadays? Because I think that's a much more applicable contemporary equivalent.
There are reports of some women being saved by their silicon implants. It saved them from bullets and stabs.
Talk about sexy armors :P
I might link the newspaper compilation I got from a friend some years ago in my mail. It was a fun read, but I don't got time to look through my mail bawks
This stylish and colorfully enchanted chain mail has no purpose whatsoever for protection... but it looks cool nonetheless. Brought you by the Iron Trolls!
AC : +12 penalty Weight : 1 Only usable by : Males
Cursed - This Item is cursed and can only be removed with a "Remove Bikini" spell, which will ensue awkwardness throughout the realms. Cover your eyes Boo!
I'm not usually for adding more fantasy to my medieval but there is an argument for this one.
BG is not the type of game that you play for 15 - 30 minutes at a time. It's the type of game where you come home and make a night out of it. You look at your character for hours on end. I think that, at least on some level, we can all agree that if we're going to look at something for a long time it's always nice if it's something nice to look at.
On the other hand, BG is not like a TV show; there is much more interaction between you and your character. Interacting with characters on the TV often comes down to relating to them and / or looking at them. If you can't relate to them, then the quality of your relationship with that character may very well come down to how they look.
In BG, however, we have many ways to relate to and interact with our characters. So, while I see a good argument for chainmaile bikinis, I'm not convinced that they're necessary for this particular type of game. Of course, in games like WoW, I would see the advantage of having a scantily clad elf character.
TBH, I'm each to their own as far as armour is concerned, if you want to wear a chain and scale bikini with triangles which barely cover your nipples and a thong that'd look more at home on the Copacabana beach than a battlefield then who am I to stop you? My Charname dressed in her full plate & wielding a bastard sword might have other ideas though.
Still, I'm glad there's no mail bikini to don in BG as it's as though the original and best is still bucking the trend, and it'd be nice to see the balance redressed in favour of serious armour for women rather than a female warrior in full armour being the exception which proves the rule.
I'm glad that BG armors are more effective and less silly than other games. Furthermore, I don't want it to change.
I'm a little surprised at the lack of knowledge about two-handed swords. They served a different purpose than long swords, but were not historically ineffective. By that same token, they weren't the end-all be-all weapon, as speed and room to maneuver were very important, too. For mechanics, DA:O was pretty good with 2-H weapons, and it seemed to reflect many of the advantages, and challenges, of the weapon type.
This stylish and colorfully enchanted chain mail has no purpose whatsoever for protection... but it looks cool nonetheless. Brought you by the Iron Trolls!
AC : +12 penalty Weight : 1 Only usable by : Males
Cursed - This Item is cursed and can only be removed with a "Remove Bikini" spell, which will ensue awkwardness throughout the realms. Cover your eyes Boo!
Just for the troll of it :P
I somewhat agree and lol'd, though I disagree with the penalties.
There are some chains. The bikini should have less protection than a chainshirt, but there's definetly not a penalty to using it. There are still protective properties to it, and it could perhaps offer an additional +1 to dexterity modifier. The bikini could should also weigh less than a full chain shirt. Ergo, if you feel the chainshirt is 1 dexterity modifier too much, then a bikni might just be right for some female characters. :P
...if you're attracted to the tusky, showing plenty of green skin look
Basically @Zinodin if you want armor like this I wont argue, but to be fair you should suffer massive armor class penalties because of it.
Well, unless it produces Mass Effect fields, which given the era and theme, I'm gonna have to say no.
And one of the promo videos for the game was a dancing female jiggling her what must have been made out of pure overdiluted jelly squishy shaky omg they are bouncing all over the place breasts.
Typical video games made by virgin developers who have never seen or touched a woman other than their own mothers.
Geeze. You guys are so allergic to fun that I'm slightly embarassed to call you fellow nerds.
"More armor is equivelent of more protection."
Realistically speaking, you might have a point, excep that's simply not true for everyone in DnD/BG/NWN. You have monks who need the movement to wriggle their body while landing lightning fast punches, strong enough to crush through normal thick metal plates. You got the Kensais who might happen to be wielding a greatsword even though the greatsword was only designed to slay the enemy soldiers on horses, not for actual melee combat. Ground soldiers who fought with greatswords would get owned by any other soldier with a longsword because it's so much slower. Still.. I happen to find giant greatswords to be a lot of fun. I'm glad we left the boring aspects at home and remembered we are in a fantasy setting. Let's have some fun, yeah?
Also, Lady Aribeth is one of the the leaders in Neverwinter and should look fancy. A notable design helps the player distinguish her from the common soldiers and you remember her better. And for the record, Aribeth is not using a full plate as stated in Jax and Jalily's suggested article. It's a ceremonial Half-Plate and thus have the physical properties of one. That's not a bad thing though. The armor has enough magical properties to be very useful regardless of physical design. It does not need the Mass Effect fields, even though that joke was funny and I lol'd
Personally, from one male perspective, I don't like a lot of armor on my fantasy characters either. I like playing male characters who walk a line between rugged and shexy. I also do put some points in Charisma to have stats reflect it in-game even though it's not a warrior primary attribute. The result is that I might not be the most combat effective warrior in the group but the group knows who should do the talking.. Especially to negotiate prices with the stingy female weaponsmith, or maybe the gay male weaponsmith lol Talk about your sticky situations
Now, I often do play fantasy RPGs with girls. PnP D&D, NWN, xbox. You name it. I'm not saying all are like this, but many of them do like skimpy armors. They like kicking ass while looking hot, something I share with these girls, and even though the armor probably was designed by a man, it's still cool for them because then the girls know definetly what will look hawt for many guys. Now, there is nothing wrong having physical stats reflecting the armor's physical nature DnD. I'm all for it. If you want to bulk up, and maximize physical armor at the expense of looking like a plain dude, totally committed to not care about anything that goes on outside of combat, then that's fine. Now obviously, in a real life war I would probably go: "Um, I can look purty later. Give me a huge boring plate plxz" But since it's fantasy, and I like Kensais.. Banana hammock time
And oh yeah.. My point is: where's the bikini? I don't want one because it would be physically practical, but every standard fantasy setting should have a mandatory one.
Actually the Greatsword is a modern construct, longswords of all kinds, including definite two-handers like the Claymore and the Zweihander, had a wide variety of uses, and were most definitely used in melee combat by foot troops (even unarmoured foot troops), and had martial arts forms associated with it for use against a wide variety of targets (and notably the pike was a far more suitable anti-cavalry tool). It's a bit of a fiddle to say that all greatswords are alike however, since a Scottish Claymore performs very differently to a Zweihander and a nodachi, but for game purposes, forget about it.
To suggest that a longer sword is strictly worse against a shorter one is to neglect the advantages of reach and penetration, both of which favour the fellow with the longer, heavier blade.
On topic, personally I love my lasses to be heavily armoured and not sporting vast critical hit zones, there's nothing unsexy about requiring someone to talk you out of your armour before they gain an intimate knowledge of your measurements.
In real life women have the choice of wearing hotpants and miniskirts, running around with a naked belly when it's too cold for that or covering pretty much every inch of skin by clothes. Even though the second option is usually more practical, still some of them do choose the first option. And I bet they don't feel bad about it, even though the dirty mind of a male might have designed those clothes which help to expose more skin.
If we don't like bikini armor because it's unpractical and unrealistic, what will we think about the bracers of protection that give us the same AC as a chainmail? What? The bracers are magical? See where the problem is?
If BG would have only the modern WoW-type of female armor, I wouldn't like that too. But I think we're talking about a special piece of armor, designed especially for women, maybe impossible to use for men.
I prefer full plate and packing steel. If you get my Minsc.
As for the practicality question, do they also do kevlar bikinis nowadays? Because I think that's a much more applicable contemporary equivalent.
But still, I do enjoy me sum fantasy vs realism arguement, as well as a sexy vs not sexy talk
Talk about sexy armors :P
I might link the newspaper compilation I got from a friend some years ago in my mail. It was a fun read, but I don't got time to look through my mail bawks
This stylish and colorfully enchanted chain mail has no purpose whatsoever for protection... but it looks cool nonetheless. Brought you by the Iron Trolls!
AC : +12 penalty
Weight : 1
Only usable by : Males
Cursed - This Item is cursed and can only be removed with a "Remove Bikini" spell, which will ensue awkwardness throughout the realms. Cover your eyes Boo!
Just for the troll of it :P
BG is not the type of game that you play for 15 - 30 minutes at a time. It's the type of game where you come home and make a night out of it. You look at your character for hours on end. I think that, at least on some level, we can all agree that if we're going to look at something for a long time it's always nice if it's something nice to look at.
On the other hand, BG is not like a TV show; there is much more interaction between you and your character. Interacting with characters on the TV often comes down to relating to them and / or looking at them. If you can't relate to them, then the quality of your relationship with that character may very well come down to how they look.
In BG, however, we have many ways to relate to and interact with our characters. So, while I see a good argument for chainmaile bikinis, I'm not convinced that they're necessary for this particular type of game. Of course, in games like WoW, I would see the advantage of having a scantily clad elf character.
Still, I'm glad there's no mail bikini to don in BG as it's as though the original and best is still bucking the trend, and it'd be nice to see the balance redressed in favour of serious armour for women rather than a female warrior in full armour being the exception which proves the rule.
I'm a little surprised at the lack of knowledge about two-handed swords. They served a different purpose than long swords, but were not historically ineffective. By that same token, they weren't the end-all be-all weapon, as speed and room to maneuver were very important, too. For mechanics, DA:O was pretty good with 2-H weapons, and it seemed to reflect many of the advantages, and challenges, of the weapon type.
There are some chains. The bikini should have less protection than a chainshirt, but there's definetly not a penalty to using it. There are still protective properties to it, and it could perhaps offer an additional +1 to dexterity modifier. The bikini could should also weigh less than a full chain shirt. Ergo, if you feel the chainshirt is 1 dexterity modifier too much, then a bikni might just be right for some female characters. :P
i'm all for it