GoG summer sale, including the EEs and SoD

PST:EE is on sale for the first time, -10%
PST:EE Official Soundtrack is at -10% as well
BG:EE is at -67%
BG2:EE is at -67% as well
IWD:EE is at -67%
SoD is at -20% (not 10%, as it has been in the past)
SoD Deluxe Edition is at -40%
Make your choice!
PST:EE Official Soundtrack is at -10% as well
BG:EE is at -67%
BG2:EE is at -67% as well
IWD:EE is at -67%
SoD is at -20% (not 10%, as it has been in the past)
SoD Deluxe Edition is at -40%
Make your choice!
Interesting fact, though: there's no official date for ending the current Beamdog store sale
BGEE, BG2EE, IWDEE and SOD at -66% (and you can buy them in bundles, one without, the other with soundtracks)
PSTEE -15% (-28% for soundtrack)
As you know a lot about these things, perhaps you could help me.
I'd like to buy and download a 1.3 version of BG2, my current install is in a mess.
I've heard it is available on Steam, something called "beta" (?), but where would I find it? I looked at the website but all the downloads seem to be the later versions.
Don't mind paying for it again, the ideal really would be Beamdog making it available. If yourself or somebody could just provide a link to the right page that would be great.