Mod Talk - Favorite & Best Mods

I am new to Baldur's Gate, this is my first time playing it, so I am discovering everything for the first time. I know that there are other posts like this, but I wanted to start a new one because by now new/updated mods have come out fixing issues such as compatibility and adding content.
Someone on another topic showed me the BG1 NPC Project and I love it, which got me thinking what other must have mods do I not have or know about?
Someone on another topic showed me the BG1 NPC Project and I love it, which got me thinking what other must have mods do I not have or know about?
Post edited by Pause on
- Two mods that expand Neera in the way the others are enhanced and
- Ajantis BG1 expansion
2) In the *tradition* of BG1NPC Project (but also adding new NPCs) there are:
- Gavin
- Isra
- Sirene (who also has SoD contents)
- Valerie
3) Adding new NPC and their talks, interaction but with a specific *extra* flair
- Finch
- Vynd
- White
- Tenya (makes the Umberlee girl joinable)
There are other, lesser mods all all sorts but I just listed those that have some distinct contents, provide an own personality to the NPCs etc. Of course, the is a very personal selection.
1) there is no equivalent to BG1NPC Project just because by this time the original developpers had adopted those ideas themself and the vanilla cast of NPCs already comes with far more detail, banters and even romances (Jaheira, Viconia, Aerie, Anomen etc).
2) there are numerous mods that extend the vanilla cast (Viconia friendship, Yoshimo, Edwin friendship/romance, Keldorn romance and more)
3) there are mods that extend BG1 characters into BG2 (Kivan, Xan for example)
4) Some of the new NPCs I had listed in category 2) for BG1 have a BG2 part to continue (Gavin, Isra, Sirene) others may get one over time.
5) There is a BG2 mod for Ajantis, that a) makes Ajantis available in BG2 and b) continues the Ajantis mod I had listed above for BG1 - for those who play the EET (*the BGT for EE*), Ajantis has recently been made a continuos character by those mods.
6) There is a legion of new NPCs for BG2 with romances, quests new kits and whatever you wish for. BG2 and BG2EE has been the main modders playground since its original release. Make your own choice or read on.
- Angelo (yes that scoundrel from the flaming fist)
- Afaaq, the Djinni Companion - the special thing about him is that he is a 7th companion, acts like a joined NPC but does not require a party slot
- Amber
- Sheena
- Foundling
- Chloe (romances only females)
- Sarevok (In ToB only)
- Irenicus (via Longer Road in ToB)
outside of those lists I currently use Sandrah in my party who contains all of this and much more and spans the whole game but is a pure EET mod. With her countless quests, areas and an excessive main plot she maybe not count as a pure NPC mod.
That being said, I have to admit that I am surprised at how active a community BG has. This is a wonderful game, and I understand why people are driven to this game, but with a game as dated as this it just surprises me.
There is nothing *dated* in a game that is infused with new blood (via the mods) constantly.
And...maybe you should take a look at the BWS tool for your next install. You find the whole spectrum of mods for your choice there and furthermore you need not care to search all the download links etc. Just read the short descriptions and choose.
Unfinished Business, adds some nice touches.
And at least played once,
Romantic Encounters
(RE is just far too exhausting if playing as female charname, honestly, you wouldn't be in a fit state to do anything after working your way through all those on the Sword Coast)
There is a BWP = Big World Picture (if you google for it) which has a pdf manual with a comprehensive description of most mods, however no links to the downloads and always about 6 months outdated (no blame, it is a single person effort trying to keep track). Kerzenburg forum once tried to keep a link repository to accompany BWP, but my last view at it showed it is outdated by now. (In addition it is german and focusses on mods supporting their language.)
The other is the BWS tool, I have mentioned already. It has an in-build link list to the mods download links and websites. It is far more up-to-date than BWP and it fully supports EE games. It is not perfect and needs some getting used to it, but currently is the best choice I know of.
As you have already mentioned, @PaulaMigrate there is no one source where every mod can be found. I find it helpful to check several places when searching for mods. I hope that others may find the links that I provided to be a helpful addition to their own lists.
What I personally like about these threads is that many currently active modders have links to their current work in those lists. Not all, of course.
Of those that are currently available, aTWEAKS and Rogue Rebalancing get my vote as I love mods that bring the game closer to P&P rules.
Tweaks Anthology, Unfinished Business, and Sword Coast Strategems are also mods I'd dearly endorse.
If we extende this to BGII as well, Almateria's Restorations is a mod that doesn't quite get the attention it deserves imo.
Sure? Which one is it?
However, of those three only UB adds contents (that's how I understood the initial question), the others are tweak mods which is something different.
Almateria is a mod that restores stuff left out of the initial original game but found in (unused) game files. Consequently it is quite a mixed bag, which is not to blame the modder who just restored but did not invent the things. Some of the restored things may have been left out for a reason while others are interesting fragments.
For me the trio of Ascension, Wheels of Prophesy (more choices and variations to the final chapter) and Longer Road (with Irenicus as a joinable NPC) make ToB a valid ending for the trilogy, despite the slightly harder final battle.
Ascension is as essential for ToB as BG1NPCs is for BG1.
I understood the original question as relating to mods in a broader sense; if I misinterpreted of course my suggestions can/should be disregarded. I see your point on restored content, but most people (including me) are very enthusiastic of Unfinished Business which is the same kind of mod, and I feel Almateria's pretty good too and deserves more attention than it's getting. Besides, many things that mod restores could easily qualify as bugfixes (e.g. restoring icons that aren't used; reinstating content that is missed due to scripting typos; etc.)
Some people like the ending to Throne of Bhaal well enough, I guess. I
liked it well enough (I did a lot of the work on it, after all), but I
remember wishing that we had had the time to tinker with it more. At
Bioware we never seemed to have enough time to tinker with the Infinity
Engine scripting language as much as I might have liked. With better AI
and some leisurely time spent considering various options, the ending might
have been more fully realized. That's a game designer's fantasy,
obviously, especially when you're working within the time-frame of an
expansion (which must come out while the game's still on peoples'
hard-drives)...but seeing as a mod like this can be done in one's spare
time, it doesn't have to be. Consider this my offering of what might have
been. You might not necessarily like it better...heck, you might not even
like it at all...but I think it shows off what the Infinity Engine can do
when stretched to its limit and offers a bit more bite to Throne of Bhaal's
climax for those who think that's not a bad idea.
This is why I said that Ascension is as essential for ToB as BG1NPCs is for BG1. After all, it's those *classic* mods that are responsible for the game to still exist today, having the EE update and having still an active modding community - and player who enjoy all of it.
I have no problem with its characterization as 'essential' or 'classic' or whatever other adjective you wish to attach to it. I object, quite narrowly, to the perpetuation of the myth that it was cut content or the original intended ending.
It's a bit like SoD. There was always this missing piece between BG1 and BG2, which in fact wasn't missing because it never had existed. You just felt it should be there. Then BGT filled something in, it was better but not yet there. Even if nobody thought of SoD until recently, still a lot of players felt *it* should be there.
And now I should stop - this thread was about something else in the first place.
This thread is not just about mods that add extra content, but all mods:
Content & Stories
Items & Weapons
Kits & Class Changes
Or anything else I haven't named. I basically am looking for everyone's favorite mods regardless of the category.
Classic Spellcasting sounds
Classic movies
Lure of the Sirine's Call
Stone of Askavar
Quests and Encounters
Romantic Encounters
Unfinished Business
NPC Project
Coran Friendship
Xan Friendship
Willow Wisp (new shaman)
Distinguishable Clubs
Silver Staff of Aule
Staff of Withering
Wand Case
Club Of Pain
Animal Companions (druids/rangers)
Critter Parts (fits EVERY character group)
Lost Druid
Wizard Slayer Rebalancing
Song and Silence (dirgesinger and items)
Rogue Rebalancing (rogue items, HLA and class adj.)
CD Tweaks
A Tweaks
Divine Remix(oozemaster-needs some work)
Hivemaster (needs a little fine tuning)
Herbs and Potions (awesome for ANYONE)
Shadow Adept (very nice, being reworked-will see after changes)
2. Aside from the NPC mods I have named earlier, there are some big contents adding mods I never play without
- In BG1 part
- Dark Side of the Sword Coast
- Drizzt Saga
- Northern Tales of the Sword Coast (maybe only available for EET at the moment?)
- BGQE (a collection of smaller quests)
- The Grey Clan
- Siren's Call
- Unfinished Business
- The Stone of Askavar
- (Dark Horizon - if you restrain yourself to pick up dropped items from foe)
- still missing for EE is Secret of Bone Hill - it was announced for conversion some time ago but did not yet happen as far as I know
- In BG2- also in BG2 but affecting ToB
- Ascension
- Wheels of Prophesy
- Longer Road
- Illyos (not sure he is officially EE already)
- Since I play the EET version of the game, I also use some mods that may not be available otherwise- Deep Gnomes (formerly part of Aurora Shoes and Boots)
- SoD Banter Restauration
- Northern Tales of the Sword Coast
- The Sandrah Saga
- Move Items to Irenicus Dungeon
- Worldmap!!!!
This is a very long list (and those are just my favourites), I have much more installed and I decide during game what I really use of it, e.g. which NPC I take along or which quest I follow. I always play my games from beginning to end, so I take as much as sensible in my installBe cautious when uninstalling stuff. Mods are installed one after another in a sequence logged in the Weidu.log. To uninstall a mod that is somewhere in a sequence, the operation needs first to uninstall ALL mods that were installed behind it, then removes your selected mod and finally re-installs the remaining mods once again. This is only successful if the Weidu a) finds all the backup files and b) all mods were installed with Weidu. There are a few (big, older) mods that do extra operations (like biffing files) and those can cause problems.
If in doubt, read the readme's or ask on a forum.
Finally, if a mod is not to your liking. there may be other options to restore your game besides uninstalling. e.g. if a mod is very early in the sequence. Your example with XPCap remover can also be undone by changing just one or two files that are affected. A corrupted spell for example can be easily repaired by just restoring a single file from the backup of the mod which changed it. Just ask if you run into a specific problem.