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Realistic party

SyndareeSyndaree Member Posts: 56
If you were able to play your character fully as yourself, which companions would you trust to have by your side?

Do not ignore their power but consider their outlook, loyalties and other attributes.
Keep in mind that playing as yourself would perhaps prevent you from even finding certain people. The Forgotten Realms are a very dangerous place after all, you wouldn't fearlessly rush into danger without a reload button, wouldn't you?
Who would dare to play lawful good and who would dare to travel with people like Edwin?

Who would you take with you in the first game and in the second game? Tell us why.
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  • SyndareeSyndaree Member Posts: 56
    edited June 2017
    Baldur's Gate I:

    Imoen - She seems the most trustworthy of the lot and she's my little sister who is a very capable thief and becomes a powerful archmage during the course of the game. The most obvious choice.
    Branwen - We save her life and she seems to be a reliable and strong character. She's a great cleric and she is also neutral, much like I am.
    Jaheira - Another strong woman, very capable fighter and druid. A friend of Gorion's and someone who clearly wants to protect me. She values neutrality more than I do but even so, we agree way more often than not.
    Khalid - Despite the fact he is a coward, he's a decent warrior and a friend of Gorion's.

    Just so you understand my decision making process a bit better, these are the reasons I wouldn't recruit certain popular characters: Minsc is too unstable, Xan is depressed and I can't rely on someone like that, I wouldn't go look for Dynaheir when there's a red wizard of Thay trying to kill her, I wouldn't find Kivan, Coran is too aloof to be reliable, I wouldn't trust Viconia because she is a drow (yes indeed, I said it), Yeslick and Ajantis are too uptight when it comes to upholding good...

    I would not trust anyone else I find on my travels and would thus travel with a party of five.

    Baldur's Gate II:

    Imoen - Even though she becomes somewhat depressed, I would stick with her not because I feel indebted to her or anything, but because she's still a very valuable asset and I still trust her
    Jaheira - Same as first game, also romance
    Cernd - A cool guy with a very similar disposition to mine. I wouldn't trust him absolutely but he'd be a great buddy and I'd be happy to have him with me.
    Yoshimo - I would not trust him at all but I'd almost certainly like him anyway and he's a great thief I'd take him along for the ride. The only companion I'd be wary of even at the best of times.
    Viconia - She's way more gorgeous in the second game and after saving her life for the second time I'd be tempted enough to take her with me. I wouldn't trust her fully but I would try to win her over as much as I could. I am an optimist and since Drizzt became good...

    I would play as sorcerer (the class that fits me the most personality and ability wise) and when I'd hit level 10 or so I'd probably feel a bit too vain for my own good and would thus take Yoshimo and Viconia that I normally wouldn't if I were a weak normal human. I'd love to take Valygar because he's cool and broody and Haer'Dalis because I love universe's ability to destroy stuff. But there's no way I'd go to the Planar Sphere or Planar Prison so unfortunately that rules them out.

    I'd roll with a party of five.
    Post edited by Syndaree on
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    edited June 2017
    I can definitely see the logic behind Imoen, Khalid, and Jaheira. They are the go-to friends that I would probably feel safe with for now, given the traumatic events that just happened. Survival would be key, though - no unnecessary risks, no 'heroic' feats, just try to amass safety through power, and power safely.

    In BG2, assuming I'm already fairly powerful (I did just blast Sarevok to pieces after all) I think I might be a bit more ambitious. Safety is still number one, but safety means a very different thing when you've got clout. I would not become a murdering madman, of course, but definitely more along the lines of whispering my way to success. I could see Edwin fitting well with my general character, power yes but it better come with a bed and a hot meal at the end of the day. Concubines sweating under virile onslaught optional.

    Trust would definitely be something I'd be reluctant to give, though. Imoen would probably be the one I'd trust the most, because I've known her the longest. The rest would always have me looking over my shoulder, doubly so as my power as a godchild grows. No room for lunatics or borderline cray-crays like Haer'Dalis. Sorry.

    Oh, and I would SO take divinity for myself. Like, not even question the decision for a second. You be quiet now, Solar, I got a portfolio to manage!
  • SyndareeSyndaree Member Posts: 56
    edited June 2017
    I agree with your logic, Lord_Tansheron. I'd certainly get more and more reckless with time especially being a sorcerer and all. I'd never trust Edwin though, arcane magic would be the only thing I'd really fear in anyone else's hands. I would likely go from pure true neutral at start to wildly swaying between good and evil at the end. Power corrupts and I'd gain too much too quickly not to get drunk on it. I might be even tempted by divinity but I'd probably decline at the last moment.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    Syndaree said:

    I might be even tempted by divinity but I'd probably decline at the last moment.


    Also Edwin is one of the more trustworthy ones the longer the game progresses, since he's smart enough to know how good a deal it is to be friends with a soon-to-be god - and there is no way for him to take your power for himself, which would be the greatest incentive for betrayal.

    Really the greatest threats among companions are those who would either misjudge the situation (they're idiots or they're insane) or people who don't care about consequences (they're fanatics or they're insane). You avoid those and the rest can be dealt with because you rely on them making the best decisions for themselves - generally the strongest form of motivation. Just make sure you don't create a situation where you could conceivably be sold out, or a situation where personal conviction becomes too strong a motivator (either positive as in "he must be stopped at all cost", or negative as in "I don't care I just want to kill him"). That's why the scariest of the Five is without a doubt Balthazar.
  • PaulaMigratePaulaMigrate Member Posts: 1,201
    My *real life* choice would be very different from what I do in game all the time. That means no rotation, build trust in a few stable members. Keep everyone as long as possible. I used to play BGT and now EET, so its's a continuous game with continuos characters, meaning I keep BG1 choices as long as I can (Imoen when she comes back).
    Like in the above posts
    Imoen - the only friend I have, the remains of my old life, we are in this together.
    Jaheira - because of Gorion's last words
    Branwen - I rescue her because I cannot leave her in stone, I have an obligation to keep her because of this and then she is loyal and trustworthy and a good companion.
    Others will be mod added NPCs
    - no chance for any obviously evil or shady or dubious character as useful as they may be, but no.

    I take everyone in Irenicus Dungeon, we need to stand together to escape, except for Yoshimo, his story sounds false right away.
    Except for Jaheira my party is now empty after the dungeon (I lead Minsc out but I don't keep him).
    I keep a slot open for Imoen
    Apart from this my BG2 party will consist of mod NPCs

    The BG2 party continues to ToB
  • AasimAasim Member Posts: 591
    Haer'dalis because he's adventerous , Imoen for being a sibling, Cernd for love of the nature life, Viconia for being an outcast & Mazzy since you gotta love halflings.
  • SyndareeSyndaree Member Posts: 56
    edited June 2017
    @PaulaMigrate What if there are no modded NPC's? If you take the story as it is because you have no other choice since you are in it?

    @Lord_Tansheron I'd reject godhood because of that book that Elvenhair gives you in Beregost. I hate being bored, I'd rather die one day after having lived an interesting life.
    Also I'm not nearly as rational as you sound to be. I'm very impulsive and would rather die with my friends than stand strong with people I can't stand. That's why a lot of the most powerful companions are no go for me.

    So then, what would your two parties be? :)
  • TheMetaphysicianTheMetaphysician Member Posts: 76
    In real life, I wouldn't be limited to six party members. So in addition to Imoen, Jaheira, and Khalid (all of whom I trust), I'd roll with Branwen (for reasons others have mentioned) and Minsc/Dynaheir for similar reasons for Branwen (I nobly helped save her life, so I can trust the two of them). I would also probably trust Xan and especially Yeslick for similar reasons again, though Xan's depression would be a problem. Alora strikes me as trustworthy too. So I'd have a pretty big group. :smile:
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    In BG1 I would stick with the canon party. In BG2 I would keep the surviving canoneers and add Mazzy and (incoming mod character) Sirene.
  • PaulaMigratePaulaMigrate Member Posts: 1,201
    edited June 2017
    Syndaree said:

    @PaulaMigrate What if there are no modded NPC's? If you take the story as it is because you have no other choice since you are in it?

    Imoen, Jaheira, Branwen
    Kivan - your foe is my foe
    Dynaheir (no Minsc) - my male PC immediately falls in love with her and my female well
    Viconia - we are both outcasts in a way, reputation is nothing I care about, meeting her indicates that the *authorities* in this game are corrupt and unreliable (one of the reasons not to take any of the vanilla paladins ever)

    Jaheira, Imoen after rescue (her place is kept open),
    Viconia again
    Haer'Dalis - another one I rescue and in the SoA gloom I need a bard to cheer me
    Nalia - the only one to give us a roof over our head
    Valygar or Cernd - depending on whom I meet first

    In this case I would exchange Haer'Dalis in ToB
    for Sarevok - yes, I believe in redemption, I believe he knows a lot about the Bhaal stuff that becomes important now and I'd rather have him in sight than scheming against me.
  • SyndareeSyndaree Member Posts: 56
    edited June 2017
    @TheMetaphysician I understand your logic when it comes to the number of party members. But would you really go try and rescue Dynaheir when there's a red wizard of Thay trying to kill her and you've just survived several assassination attempts? Plus it's a long way away and you have no idea how many gnolls there are and how strong they are. I'm not saying you wouldn't, just asking :)
    And you might run into Alora but I assume almost nobody would as finding her requires very specific circumstances.

    @PaulaMigrate I would also take Dynaheir without Minsc any day of the week :)

    When I first thought about this stuff I imagined the whole game to be realistic, not just the companions. You are hunted, weak, disoriented, without resources and with very few friends. How many of us would really be heroic? Someone with berserker's abilities might (I get that, most powerful level 1 kit without doubt), but I doubt many would. I would be terrified as a level 1 sorcerer with 6hp and AC10, there's oneshot potential behind every corner. I would certainly chill in Nashkel for a while as it seems to be the safest place with all the guards around. Then I would just explore the surrounding area bit by bit before committing to anything at all (The mines would likely be first but only when I feel ready to tackle them).
    And I wouldn't randomly wonder around wilderness areas without knowing what it is I am looking for (I'd use clairvoyance all the time and look for interesting landmarks) so I'd likely never run into Kivan, Safana, Shar-Teel and some other NPC's.

    If you want, you can take that into consideration, but you can also ignore it if you want :)
  • PaulaMigratePaulaMigrate Member Posts: 1,201
    edited June 2017
    Syndaree said:

    But would you really go try and rescue Dynaheir when there's a red wizard of Thay trying to kill her and you've just survived several assassination attempts?

    @PaulaMigrate I would also take Dynaheir without Minsc any day of the week :)

    Edwin never appeared to me as a threat.
    1. He asks a (not too strong at that time) party for help against a single woman, i.e. he is not capable of doing it alone. It would make this woman is even more interesting for having such powers.
    2. He has this constant self-talk which makes him appear rather weird but not extremely competent.
    3. When you use the option in his recruiting dialogue not to agree on killing Dynaheir but still taking him along to sort everything out later, he agrees to that.
    All in all the red robe with the quarterstick does not give the impression of someone very dangerous. Obviously I slept in my Candlekeep lesson when they lectured about the red wizards of Thay.

    And talking of red wizards...nowadays I might as well consider Neera as a candidate (instead of Kivan), even if that puts me in trouble with Thay (who are they anyway?) and despite the fact that wild magic sounds suspicious. But even in real life I don't always play it safe and Neera sounds very interesting, I would like to learn more about her.

  • SyndareeSyndaree Member Posts: 56
    edited June 2017
    Interesting logic, can't say I disagree. It's just that having read many books at the library, I'd be terrified of his status as a Red Wizard of Thay and what incurring the wrath of such a group would entail. Even if they are based on the other side of the world.
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    Being an artist and a teacher, I believe that I would probably be a neutral good sorcerer , mage or bard in BG, and I would probably get along with the canon party Imoen , Jaheira/Khalid and Minsc/Dynaheir, for their loyalty and friendship.

    In BG2 I would probably get along with the chaotic/artistic/free spirited ones such as Nalia , Haer D'Alis and Minsc.
  • PaulaMigratePaulaMigrate Member Posts: 1,201
    Syndaree said:

    Interesting logic, can't say I disagree. It's just that having read many books at the library, I'd be terrified of his status as a Red Wizard of Thay and what incurring the wrath of such a group would entail. Even if they are based on the other side of the world.

    Ignorance can be bliss. When I started playing BG (shortly after its original release), I played it without the slightest knowledge of the *Forgotten Realms*, novels, other games or whatever. It was a logo on the opening screen.
    It was just this game. All the background information I had was what was in the game, the dialogues, books you find and the plot. All you would know about Thay is that it is far east on the worldmap.

    This is still my approach today. Meanwhile I have seen endless discussions about *canon*, *lore*, *official timeline* etc. Stories about Drizzt and Elminster. For me, consistency is just within the game, not with outside sources. As a simple player in scope of the game the *Red Wizards of Thay* mean as much as the *Maulers of Undermountain*.
    Same for Xzar and the Zentharim, when you meet him on the map of Gorion's death, this information means absolutely nothing to you. Gorion and Jaheira are harpers, it only means they share some common belief, it does not yet tell you anything more at the beginning. You only learn slowly during the game what that actually means.
  • SyndareeSyndaree Member Posts: 56
    Very good point actually, I will keep it in my mind for my next playthrough.
  • UnderstandMouseMagicUnderstandMouseMagic Member Posts: 2,147
    edited June 2017
    As myself?

    Always take the ones who are the most interesting and amuse me. And those who are wandering around looking for some purpose but too cussed to actually join some organisation that tells them what to do.
    The ones who'd be out the back having a cigarette while the preaching was going on. The arrogant (which says something terrible about myself).

    So nobody allied with any organisation that could take exception to me being a Bhaalspawn. So no Harpers, Zhents and knights, nobody who has a companion more important than me, so none of the pairs. No greycloaks, no druids, no fanatics.

    That doesn't leave many to choose so have to broaden it a bit and go for the outcasts as I percieve them to be.

    Haer Dalis
    Shar Teel

    Most people would hate my party if we crossed swords. Complete bunch of arseholes behaving pretty much like a complete bunch of arseholes led by somebody who never actually plays evil or does anything particularly bad. It's very childish and immature.
  • PaulaMigratePaulaMigrate Member Posts: 1,201

    As myself?

    Always take the ones who are the most interesting and amuse me. And those who are wandering around looking for some purpose but too cussed to actually join some organisation that tells them what to do.
    The ones who'd be out the back having a cigarette while the preaching was going on. The arrogant (which says something terrible about myself).

    So nobody allied with any organisation that could take exception to me being a Bhaalspawn. So no Harpers, Zhents and knights, nobody who has a companion more important than me, so none of the pairs. No greycloaks, no druids, no fanatics.

    That doesn't leave many to choose so have to broaden it a bit and go for the outcasts as I percieve them to be.

    Haer Dalis
    Shar Teel

    Most people would hate my party if we crossed swords. Complete bunch of arseholes behaving pretty much like a complete bunch of arseholes led by somebody who never actually plays evil or does anything particularly bad. It's very childish and immature.

    5 of 9 are on my list as well but with completely different arguments. And anytime in the game I play a male protagonist nowadays I take Shar-Teel, since I had her and Sandrah (mod NPC) in the same party and found in their interactions that they had very much in common just that one of them was born on the bright side of the road. And that integrity and honour don't need a shiny armour.

    Leaves Coran, who comes too late in the game - Korgan, who seems to be a mercenary selling his sword to anybody - and Edwin, who only cares about one person in the multiverse, himself.
  • tbone1tbone1 Member Posts: 1,985
    Hm, depends which side of me is my class, probably a magic user (science degree) or a ranger(grew up rural, still know how to swing an axe and shoot a compound bow). Still, let's have fun.

    Khalid or Kivan

    I want solid, reliable people around me after Gorion's death and these strike me as the best choices (though Yeslick and Ajantis would fit the criteria, too).


    I don't know who would go into the last spot. I don't trust Edwin or Korgan. I'm not sure about Viconia. I couldn't keep Keldorn from his family. Nalia would probably get on my nerves after a while. It could be Mazzy or Aerie or Rasaad.

    No, it would be Wilson. He could not only tank with buffs but could always find salmon.

  • Papa_LouPapa_Lou Member Posts: 263
    edited June 2017
    I assume that, since we're putting ourselves in the game world, I wouldn't be forced to give someone the boot just because I made a sixth friend. :D

    That being said, I can't see myself straying from my main goal a whole lot. There'd be a lot on my plate, and wandering about looting dungeons just to find some valuable gems wouldn't be on the top of my to-do list.

    So I'd undoubtedly be traveling with Imoen, Jaheira, and Khalid right off the bat. Maybe Neera for a little while, as I'd feel obligated to try and keep her away from the red wizards for as long as possible. As I'd probably be some sort of bard myself (journalist/writer/shoddy musician irl), I'd probably let Garrick tag along. I feel like we'd get along, and if Imoen fancies him like in the BG1NPC mod, who am I to get in the way of my closest friend's crush?

    As many others have said, Branwen would probably fit in well, as she's en route to the Nashkel mines, and I'd feel too bad about leaving a possibly statuified woman behind. I'd likely escort Xan to safety, but I doubt we'd get along that great. I consider myself an optimist, and nagging gets annoying quickly. :D

    Other than that, I doubt my group of friends would expand a whole lot, until I reached the Cloakwood mines, where I'd definitely take Yeslick along after hearing the sad story of his clan.

    EDIT: After re-reading my post, I remembered Coran. I'd definitely welcome an elven archer to join my group, especially after seeing what that 20 dex can do for us.

    In SoD, I imagine Glint and I would get along nicely, and Corwin would provide me with some kind of sense of protection, as I tend to put my faith in people with a position of power like that. Neera, more than likely would tag along again. I love her personality, and I think that might help me look past the dangers of her wild magic. Jaheira and Khalid again. And I know Voghiln and I would get along like brothers.

    Now, in BG2, I know I'd ultimately feel the need to save Imoen. I have a friend irl that's been with me through thick and thin, and as lame and nerdy as it sounds, she's kind of like the Imoen in my life. Like a little sister (by 2 days, lol) that I never had. If she were kidnapped by some evil wizard in a foreign country, I'd drop everything and do all I could to save her. I imagine I'd happily welcome Jaheira's help again, as well as Neera's. Similar to why I'd take Corwin in SoD, I'd probably take along Keldorn as well. I'd feel a lot safer with an old paladin at my side. Yoshimo, not so much. I'd be desperate for help in chateau Irenicus, but beyond that, I feel like I'd be happy to see us part ways. I'd likely welcome the likes of Nalia and Anomen, though, mostly because they seem to fit in well in a part of the world I've never seen before. I feel that at this point I'd have a much clearer understanding of how the world works, and in all honesty (I'm surprised I came to this conclusion) I think I'd be happy to have Jan Jansen tag along. He's got some really nifty skills, and would be good for keeping morale up.

    When ToB came along, I'd probably keep Sarevok around. I mean, if I'm giving away a part of my soul to resurrect the guy that tried to kill me years before, you bet your turnip I'm gonna be keeping an eye on him.

    I probably forgot a couple NPCs here and there, but overall I think those would be in my traveling group. Assuming, of course, they like me enough to travel the world with me, especially after finding out I'm the son of Bhaal.
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    edited June 2017
    1. Imoen- As annoying as I'd find her, she's like a sister to me and I wouldn't be able to bring myself to part with her.
    2-3. Khalid and Jaheria- Gorion told me to find them, and not only do I trust Gorion but I want to honor his last request
    4. Branwen-Much like most people's arguments, I would find myself unable to part with her regardless of my feelings as I would feel she needs me. She would also turn out to be a valuable companion
    5-6. Minsc and Dynaheir- Despite Minsc's instability I would feel the other party members (especially Jaheria and Dynaheir) would be able to keep him in check. I would probably end up treating Minsc a lot like a child who needed supervision.
    7. Xan- In much the same vein as Minsc, I would want to supervise Xan and in Xan's case I would actively try to change his personality for the better. Also he has a Moonblade and that's just awesome
    8. Ajantis- After meeting him on the road to Baldur's Gate, I would recruit him to be an aspiring leader and role model for my party. Being a Paladin he would probably have some wisdom and insight that I didn't, even if he isn't too much older than me.

    As for the other NPCs, I wouldn't run into most of them because I would follow only the main quest with few distractions.

    Xzar and Montaron: I wouldn't trust them one bit
    Yeslick: I would free him and leave it at that. He seems like the type of guy who can take care of himself. I would temporarily recruit him to help him navigate the mines.

    As far as I can tell (unless I'm forgetting someone) that is all he NPCs I'm likely to run into while doing only the Main Quest. I realize that the Party would add up to 9, but in real life there would be no limit to your traveling companions, so I hope you understand this decision.

    Edit: As for the EE Companions
    Neera- Would save her, but decide her wild magic is too risky
    Rasaad-Would listen to his tales about monks, but would ultimately decide his skills were best used in Nashkel
    Dorn-Evil Blackguard. I'm killing him
    Baeloth-Probably wouldn't run into him
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    1. Safana- I always assumed Imoen hand-picked Safana to take her place so I wouldn't argue with Imoen's decision. Also Safana is hot, so that helps a lot.
    2. Corwin- She'd be the only stable person in the madness of SOD, so I'd take her with me
    3-4. Minsc and Dynaheir-Familiar Companions are important.
    5. Jaheria-At this point, Jaheria is a 2nd mentor to me. I don't think we could ever part ways.
    6. Voghlin- Any friend of Jaheria's is a friend of mine
    7. Khalid-I will always keep Gorion's promise and Khalid is a good friend.

    As for the others:
    I wouldn't trust Baeloth, Dorn, Glint, Edwin, M'Khinn or Viconia.
    I would still feel like Neera was too much of a risk

  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited June 2017
    I'd be a cleric, because that fits me in real life. I would be very, very interested in getting to know this new being/presence/consciousness in my new life that was gifting me with magic powers. Which god would choose me? Why did that god choose me? What is it about me, that that god would take me under his/her wing and enter me into communion with him/her? I would be very grateful, and very sincere in my daily devotions, especially since my physical attributes and abilities are horrible, and the powers from my god combined with the protection of my team mates would be my only chance of survival.

    1) Jaheira and Khalid - Gorion instructed me to find them and stick with them. I am a very obedient and loyal person as long as I continue to respect the person(s) to whom I give my loyalty. I've always taken an instant liking to J&K since my first play through. They are both powerful fighters who save my life every time we are attacked. I would have no reason to ever split with them.

    2)Khalid - goes with Jaheira.

    3) Imoen - I've always liked her since our first meeting. She is an excellent thief, and I need her skills with locks and traps, as well as her superlative archery skills.

    4) Minsc - His attitude, optimism, and good humor keep me from getting depressed in a depressing world. His size, strength, and combat skills make me feel safe. His eccentricity seems harmless to me. He makes me smile. I like Boo.

    5) Dynaheir - With J&K, Imoen, and Minsc, plus my ability to heal, I'd feel optimistic that we could complete our mission to rescue her. There's no excusable reason for me to be a coward and reject quests to help people when asked - why else would my god have given me magic powers? Plus, as soon as I meet Dynaheir, I take an instant liking to her. We need a mage on our team, and she's the first one we've met. (Edwin doesn't count. I'd turn him in to the Amnish Garrison or the Flaming Fist as soon as he proposed murder.) And Dynaheir goes with Minsc.

    BG2 - 1) Yoshimo. Presumably I don't know about the spoiler. I need a thief to help me get to Imoen. Plus, I like him. He makes me smile and laugh.

    2) Anomen. I find his bravado appealing. He is as strong as Minsc, plus he can back me up on protecting the party with clerical magic. He can actually carry a theological discussion with me, and can teach me more about what it feels like to channel Helm, in comparison to the god that I channel. I'm gay, and I think he's drop dead gorgeous, although I understand quickly that he is not going to feel the same way about me, so I keep my crush to myself and try not to let on. I hope that if he figures it out he will take it as flattery, and will let it slide since I don't push him.

    3) Jaheira.

    4) Minsc.

    5) Aerie. We desperately need a mage. There aren't many around. I like Jan, but I don't think I'd have a chance to find that out, since he's in trouble with the police when we encounter him, and I don't think I'd lie to the police. So, it has to be Aerie. She's probably the first mage we encounter, and she can provide more backup spell slots for critical spells like Chaotic Commands, which should be active at all times on all party members while we're in hostile territory. I feel very bad for her from her tragic story, and I want to help her recover and protect her. I will be delighted when she and Minsc bond. I think she will help him deal with his grief about Dynaheir.

  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    Shadows of Amn/Throne of Bhaal
    1. Imoen-After what happened in SOD, I'm very protective of her
    2-3. Minsc and Jaheria- They are now not only companions but lifelong friends. In light of their tragedies I would never let them out of my sight.
    4. Benedict Arnold- I would fall for his lies, he's charming little liar and useful in my quest to get Imoen back
    5. Viconia-Recruiting her this time, mainly to keep an eye on her. Maybe she can be redeemed
    6. Jan- He's hilarious and would confuse my foes when he isn't confusing me. I'll keep him around
    7. Keldorn- This paragon of justice is the mentor of my old friend Ajantis. I would gladly have him by my side

    Wow, my path in BG is a tragic one :(
  • SyndareeSyndaree Member Posts: 56
    It's interesting to see some people would prefer to travel with more companions than five. For me even five is way too much, I'd likely prefer three. Easier to manage both in game and in real life :)
  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    No particular order...
    Faldorn, Eldoth, Alora, Branwen, Kiran/Ajantis
    I think...
  • PaulaMigratePaulaMigrate Member Posts: 1,201
    Syndaree said:

    It's interesting to see some people would prefer to travel with more companions than five. For me even five is way too much, I'd likely prefer three. Easier to manage both in game and in real life :)

    If you use the Djinni mod and a familiar and take Haiass along and packmule (and Sandrah's Pelligram in EET) you can already have a pretty large group with the six regulars on top.

    Anyway, there were/are attempts for a mod that allows larger NPC groups (like 10). I did not follow the discussion for long, so no idea about the outcome.
  • ArtonaArtona Member Posts: 1,077
    Obviously Imoen, Khalid and Jaheira. Latter two are more experienced and intent to play my bodyguard, so it'd unwise to cast them aside.
    I don't know if I would recruit anyone else. Maybe Kivan.
  • MirandelMirandel Member Posts: 532
    You have to remember, though, that as much as you are "yourself", you are still a trained warrior (you managed to kill 2 assassins even before you left Candlekeep) and the leader of your party. Later, you found out you are half-god and by that time killed so many powerful villains - you practically lost count.

    I mean, BG-you can handle anything and anyone, hence, why limit yourself? It's again down to your preferences.

    And I agree about numbers - there is no logical explanation for limiting your party (pure game mechanics). So, the more the merrier!
  • ArtonaArtona Member Posts: 1,077
    And I agree about numbers - there is no logical explanation for limiting your party (pure game mechanics). So, the more the merrier!

    It is a tempting idea to "go Inquisition" in Baldur's Gate: after earning enough gold to buy some stronghold, and take it a operation base for you and your homies. Companions you do not need right now could spend time back there. That way you could easily gather entire cast of joinable NPCs to build considerable force of skilled warrior, thieves, mages...
    *sigh* There are some things modern cRPGs do better.
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