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Favorite Joinable Paladin in the BG series?



  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited December 2012
    Why no Saerileth? Nothing more enjoyable in this world then butchering that Mary sue little twat with an honest to god smile on my face.

    Eh...probably Ajantis...he at least has conviction...Keldorn is a racist hypocrite, and a HORRIBLE person. And Mazzy is just a delusional psycho who thinks she's a paladin when every one knows halfling are required to be at least part thief or they go to hell. (Hell she can't even get the gender of her supposed god correct)
  • toanwrathtoanwrath Member Posts: 621
    edited December 2012

    Why no Saerileth? Nothing more enjoyable in this world then butchering that Mary sue little twat with an honest to god smile on my face.

    Eh...probably Ajantis...he at least has conviction...Keldorn is a racist hypocrite, and a HORRIBLE person. And Mazzy is just a delusional psycho who thinks she's a paladin when every one knows halfling are required to be at least part thief or they go to hell. (Hell she can't even get the gender of her supposed god correct)

    Really? Hafllings MUST be thieves? And you thought KELDORN was a racist hypocrite...
  • DazzuDazzu Member Posts: 950

    Why no Saerileth? Nothing more enjoyable in this world then butchering that Mary sue little twat with an honest to god smile on my face.

    This is why I don't think anyone takes me seriously. I mention Saerileth a page back and nobody even chides me for saying its makers are failures at life... which is how it should be.
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    Nah, I'm just racist, not a hypocrite. I dislike all non-humans equally (I support reinstatement of the Demi-human class caps. Keep those dirty beasts from taking our jobs!?). Keldorn though goes from saying that all drow should be wiped from existence then almost immediately turns around and squees like a tween girl when he gets to meet Drizzt in person.
  • Markus_ZhangMarkus_Zhang Member Posts: 13
    Definitely Keldorn with his holy sword and dispel magic. With a few protection spells thrown on this guy is almost unstoppable. And he does have lots of RPG elements in dialog and quest.
  • ElessarElessar Member Posts: 44
    Carsomyr is my favorite Paladin, so...
  • toanwrathtoanwrath Member Posts: 621
    Even if you can admit that you are a racist (whether this applies to real life or not is for another topic, I certainly won't bring real world issues into this), I disagree completely about the NON-human level caps. I find them unnecessary.
  • DazzuDazzu Member Posts: 950
    ... So back to hating on Saerileth then.
  • ElendarElendar Member Posts: 831
    Don't think I've ever actually gone through a play-through with Mazzy...
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited December 2012
    She just gets on my nerves mostly....Arvoreen is MALE, and yet she is apparently so stupid and impious she doesn't realize she constantly refers to him as female and a goddess (supposedly highly favored given all the extra quasi-paladin abilities). Really should've just stuck with the stereotypical occupation of thievery if you're gonna flub things that least Anomen will eventually admit he's a fake wanna-be when prodded enough.
  • MordeusMordeus Member Posts: 460
    Ajantis and Keldorn are fairly 2 dimensional characters. The quirk of having Mazzy consider herself a halfing paladin is really quite inspired. Whenever a character breaks the norm, that is something truly awesome.
  • LadyEibhilinRhettLadyEibhilinRhett Member Posts: 1,078

    She just gets on my nerves mostly....Arvoreen is MALE, and yet she is apparently so stupid and impious she doesn't realize she constantly refers to him as female and a goddess

    Wow, I never even realized that discrepancy there.
    . -c . I feel dumb now.

  • toanwrathtoanwrath Member Posts: 621
    edited December 2012
    Okay, so she makes mistakes (granted, I did not know Arvoreen was male, and assumed she was female purely on Mazzy's words. Clearly I am misinformed). In that case, I think Fighter is a better choice than thief still, as she is too righteous to go around stealing things (and if you prefer Rogue to Thief, she still prefers to charge head on then do stealh-related antics).

    EDIT: Also, sorry for being a d*** earlier, wasn't trying to offend. Simply wanted to make my point.
    EDIT AGAIN: AH that's why I thought Arvoreen was female, I was thinking of Yondalla. Wow, that is kind of an error on her part.
  • DeviijaDeviija Member Posts: 37
    Or, you know, just fault the writers for making errors.
  • EnterHaerDalisEnterHaerDalis Member Posts: 813
    Keldorn for sure.

    Anomen is the best NPC by far though ^^
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    Keldorn is a total bro.

    He's one of those Cool Old Guys.
  • NukeninNukenin Member Posts: 327
    edited December 2012
    During the Time of Troubles Brandobaris tricked Arvoreen into putting on a Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity. So Arvoreen went through a phase, and hi^Her followers, including the Truesword Mazzy, generally respected/reluctantly acknowledged the transitive gender identity.

    I thought this was common knowledge. I always thought it was clever for the writers in BG2 to get it right, but then some folks got all worked up and now it's a mess.

    *dives into a convenient Dimension Door and makes good his escape*
  • XivirielXiviriel Member Posts: 166
    Mazzy wins for sure although I do like Ajantis. He suits the first game well. Its weird that Keldorn trained him.
  • LichiLichi Member Posts: 13
    I say Dorn.
  • KurumiKurumi Member Posts: 520
    Lichi said:

    I say Dorn.

    He's none..

    .. but yeah.. I miss a voting option for people that don't like Paladins ;P
  • DMCDMC Member Posts: 44
    I gotta say, Ajantis is far too naive for my tastes. Mazzy is not and never will be a paladin in my eyes. The truth of the matter is even in a world of magic, sometimes just wishing something were so, doesn't make it so. Plus Mazzy always came of as bossy and arrogant in my eyes. And Keldorn's quest in BG2 for me never went down the brutal path many of you all seemed to have had. But then I tend to play clerics and bards with high charisma scores.

    Keldorn felt to me like the grandfatherly mentor figure who wished he had time to take care of everything, but knew that his hourglass was running low. In many ways his mannerisms and personality felt like an archetype of what we nowadays call the "Greatest Generation"; he was wise, he just wanted to retire from having fought the good fight all his life, and he was more often than not *right*. When he objects to Viconia's presence, it's a double jeopardy situation as she *is* EVIL at the time. When he wants to fight her, it's because not only is Vicky an evil member of an evil race, her chosen divine patron is a EVIL goddess of darkness. Later on when Viconia evolves, so too does Keldorn and before the final battle, he proudly admits that CHARNAME has surpassed him in wisdom and judgement in the pursuit of a greater good. His praise is like that of a mentor who has seen his protege outgrow him, and it is a *good* thing in his eyes.

    I really like how Keldorn is a fleshed out and *human* character and demonstrates the strength of character that a paladin possesses beyond the "Lawful Stupid" archetype that many people play, and which has been parodied by Rich Burlew in Order of the Stick (which also has Hinjo, O-Chul, and Lien, three of the most awesome paladins ever in contrast to the cliche of Miko).
  • EidolonEidolon Member Posts: 99
    Keldorn rocks. His story is great, probably one of the best in Baldur's Gate. I even took him along for awhile in my evil party. I love that guy.
  • DarkDoggDarkDogg Member Posts: 598
    edited December 2012
    Actually Dorn is a paladin kit (fallen paladin is a paladin too :-))

    But Ajantis. 15 years ago he was my favourite NPC :-)

    And I don't like old\aged NPCs like Keldorn. But he's OKay too. How old is he? 60? :-)

    Mazzy could be my choice even if she's no vanilla paladin, just wish she'd be a Human or Half-Elf or so.
    She has a very nice pic, but halflings - ouhhhh...
  • DjimmyDjimmy Member Posts: 749
    It is more like "Screw 2e rules, as far as I am concerned Minsc is TOTALLY a paladin." :) ...buuut my choice is Keldorn Firecam.
  • GoodSteveGoodSteve Member Posts: 607
    Mazzy is great as a paladin. Having a firm grasp on who your deity is and what they stand for is paramount to making a great paladin.

    That's why I like Ajantis. Much like him I also have a crush on Helm, that sexy sexy lady.
  • KurumiKurumi Member Posts: 520
    DarkDogg said:

    Actually Dorn is a paladin kit (fallen paladin is a paladin too :-))

    Nope.. even though the Blackguard is a Paladin-Kit it's still more of an ANTI-Paladin.. hence not a "Paladin". And there is no indication that Dorn actually is a "fallen" Paladin, too!!! In D&D 3.5E the Blackguard PrC actually has nothing to do with a Paladin, too.
  • DarkDoggDarkDogg Member Posts: 598
    Kurumi said:

    DarkDogg said:

    Actually Dorn is a paladin kit (fallen paladin is a paladin too :-))

    Nope.. even though the Blackguard is a Paladin-Kit it's still more of an ANTI-Paladin.. hence not a "Paladin". And there is no indication that Dorn actually is a "fallen" Paladin, too!!! In D&D 3.5E the Blackguard PrC actually has nothing to do with a Paladin, too.
    A agree here. IMHO they should place the Blackguard kit to the Fighter class.
    But can the BlackGuard cast paladin spells on 9 lvl?
    I wish the programers will give the animate dead spell to the Blackguards in BG2.
  • DMCDMC Member Posts: 44
    There is a thread around here where someone pointed out a 2da entry for Blackguard is listed "Animate Dead"...
  • DarkDoggDarkDogg Member Posts: 598
    DMC said:

    There is a thread around here where someone pointed out a 2da entry for Blackguard is listed "Animate Dead"...

    That was me :-)
    Indeed there's a innate skill 3 lvl for Blackguard kit listed in the game...

  • DMC said:

    The truth of the matter is even in a world of magic, sometimes just wishing something were so, doesn't make it so.

    Aerie: I ... I don’t have my wings anymore, Mazzy, and ... and I’m never going to get them back. They’re gone.
    Mazzy: Dream a little, girl, especially here where the gods are listening. Faith is such a beautiful thing to hold on to, Aerie.
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