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Extra buttons for powergaming sessions

MyragMyrag Member Posts: 328
I've made two buttons that I use for my powergaming sessions

1. Auto pause on cast - for alacrity sorcs

2. Auto pause on round end - don't want to miss any of my melee swings due to early potion clicks

Both are too much of a drag to have on all the time but are useful on hard encounters

Is this helpful to you guys?

In case you want this in your game simply add those lines to file

1. Backup if you have one (overrides folder)
2. Open file from overrides folder, any text editor will do
3. Find line called "name 'RIGHT_SIDEBAR_BOTTOM'" without quotes
4. Append below two buttons at the end of that "menu {}" section

button { area -78 197 71 48 enabled "worldScreen == e:GetActiveEngine()" toggle "autoPauseToggles[4][5] == 1" bam GUILS10 sequence 5 tooltip lua "t( autoPauseToggles[4][1])" tooltip force lua "sidebarForceTooltips == 1" clickable lua "sidebarsGreyed ~= 1" action " panelID = 10 selOptAP = 4 autoPauseToggles[selOptAP][4] = toggleFrame(autoPauseToggles[selOptAP][4]) if autoPauseToggles[selOptAP][4] == 0 then autoPauseToggles[selOptAP][5] = 0 else autoPauseToggles[selOptAP][5] = 1 end Infinity_ChangeOption( autoPauseToggles[selOptAP][3], autoPauseToggles[selOptAP][5], panelID) " } button { area -78 149 71 48 enabled "worldScreen == e:GetActiveEngine()" toggle "autoPauseToggles[2][5] == 1" bam GUILS10 sequence 9 tooltip lua "t( autoPauseToggles[2][1])" tooltip force lua "sidebarForceTooltips == 1" clickable lua "sidebarsGreyed ~= 1" action " panelID = 10 selOptAP = 2 autoPauseToggles[selOptAP][4] = toggleFrame(autoPauseToggles[selOptAP][4]) if autoPauseToggles[selOptAP][4] == 0 then autoPauseToggles[selOptAP][5] = 0 else autoPauseToggles[selOptAP][5] = 1 end Infinity_ChangeOption( autoPauseToggles[selOptAP][3], autoPauseToggles[selOptAP][5], panelID) " }

I don't have file, what to do?
1. Open baldur.lua file from your documents/bg folder
2. Add line SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','UI Edit Mode','1')
3. Start the game
4. Press F11
5. Click and drag any element off his position and back to where it was (it will create UI.item file at this point)

Something went wrong help!
1. Simply remove UI.item from the overrides the folder


  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    You can actually set both of these auto-pause options from the in-game Options menu. Go to Options->Gameplay->Auto-Pause. It's much simpler and can be changed on the fly.

    I don't use the Round End auto-pause because it gets distracting, as it pauses the game even when your fighters finish rolling all of their attacks. Since I don't need my fighters to change targets or do anything new until their target is dead or they need to drink a potion, this amounts to 6-12 unnecessary pauses per round.

    I do use the Spell Cast auto-pause because it means I need to reposition my casters and set them to cast a different spell every round. Auto-pause on finding a trap, hitting 30% HP, and death also help me react to dangerous turning points.

    Auto-pause On Hit also works great with mind flayers, spirit trolls, and vampires, because it lets you know every time they drain a level or an ability score (otherwise the stat drain or level drain can catch you by surprise).
  • MyragMyrag Member Posts: 328
    True @semiticgod i stated in my post that those are for simplicity sake really. Because having them both enabled on all fights in mage heavy party is too much of a drag. Reason for buttons is to have those disabled most of times and quickly enable for harder encounters or turning points in the fight. Quick toggle rather than tedious switching on and off through menu,

    Sorry that I wasn't clear enough :) simply said those are shortcuts
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