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Gorion's Ward has Fallen....Who will save the Sword Coast Now?



  • ArtonaArtona Member Posts: 1,077
    Cealar Argent, of course.
    Am I the only one who would like to see the war between Sarevok's Baldur's Gate and Cealar's crusade? ;)
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    edited July 2017
    Caelar is a character in SOD, I'm talking specifically about BG1. I'll allow EE NPCs though, but SOD much like TOB is more like it's own game even though it's technically an expansion.

    I'll be making a seperate thread for SOD in the future.
  • ArtonaArtona Member Posts: 1,077
    Fair enough.
    Then I think it would be up to Jaheira/Khalid or Xzar/Montaron - simply enough because both of those pairs represent organisations with resources to stand against Sarevok.
  • PaulaMigratePaulaMigrate Member Posts: 1,201
    Artona said:

    Cealar Argent, of course.
    Am I the only one who would like to see the war between Sarevok's Baldur's Gate and Cealar's crusade? ;)

    Cealar will probably not save the Sword Coast, still she is a valid character in this context.

    The protagonist and his companions have fallen. Sarevok returns from undercity and somehow persuades the dukes that Gorion's Ward was the culprit here and all accusations against himself were false. He stays the Duke, hero of Baldur's Gate even though a bhaalspawn.
    Logically, he becomes the target of the Crusade instead of PC. And the fight with Cealar's army will prevent at the same time Sarevok's fight with Amn. At that time he also now becomes the main target for Irenicus and finally gets captured by the Exile.
    Just by this development the Sword Coast gets spared without the need of a direct hero but indirectly through the remaining villains doing the job unknowingly.
  • Montresor_SPMontresor_SP Member Posts: 2,208
    @PaulaMigrate allow me to build on that:

    After Sarevok is captured by Irenicus, he manages to flee Irenicus' dungeon much like Charname used to do. Irenicus gets hauled off to Spellhold along with Tamoko, so Sarevok teams up with his old buddies to rescue her, forming:

    Team Sarevok:

    Sarevok - party leader, of course!
    Shar-Teel (tags along for her father's sake)
    Tamoko (from Spellhold and on, Sarevok's romantic interest)

    (I know the following is a blatant breach of the rules, but ...)

    If Sarevok loses in Spellhold, his team is replaced by Team Irenicus:

    Jon Irenicus (leader)
    Bodhi (de-facto leader)
    Clone of Elissime (Irenicus' romantic interest)
    Dace Sontan (under Bodhi's "influence", her romantic interest)
    Yoshimo (was working for Irenicus all the time)
    Saemon Havarian (ditto)
  • PaulaMigratePaulaMigrate Member Posts: 1,201

    @PaulaMigrate allow me to build on that:

    After Sarevok is captured by Irenicus, he manages to flee Irenicus' dungeon much like Charname used to do. Irenicus gets hauled off to Spellhold along with Tamoko, so Sarevok teams up with his old buddies to rescue her, forming:

    Team Sarevok:

    Sarevok - party leader, of course!
    Shar-Teel (tags along for her father's sake)
    Tamoko (from Spellhold and on, Sarevok's romantic interest)

    (I know the following is a blatant breach of the rules, but ...)

    If Sarevok loses in Spellhold, his team is replaced by Team Irenicus:

    Jon Irenicus (leader)
    Bodhi (de-facto leader)
    Clone of Elissime (Irenicus' romantic interest)
    Dace Sontan (under Bodhi's "influence", her romantic interest)
    Yoshimo (was working for Irenicus all the time)
    Saemon Havarian (ditto)

    Just what does Team Irenicus want to achieve? There is not bhaalspawn here. So their goal is not ToB but the Tree of Life at Suldanessalar and the elimination of Ellesime and her people?
  • UnderstandMouseMagicUnderstandMouseMagic Member Posts: 2,147
    Artona said:

    Cealar Argent, of course.
    Am I the only one who would like to see the war between Sarevok's Baldur's Gate and Cealar's crusade? ;)

    Yes. >:)

    Or rather, who on earth would bother playing it?
  • ArtonaArtona Member Posts: 1,077
    Or rather, who on earth would bother playing it?

    Still, I'd love to see Epic Rap Battle of History: Sarevok vs Cealar.
  • UnderstandMouseMagicUnderstandMouseMagic Member Posts: 2,147
    Artona said:

    Or rather, who on earth would bother playing it?

    Still, I'd love to see Epic Rap Battle of History: Sarevok vs Cealar.
    Now that I could go for. :)

    CA would be so bad (and not in a "baaad" way), I think the voice acting is terrible. Very forced and obvious.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    edited July 2017
    I think Chinchilla would take up the mantle. Imagine a chicken mage ascending to godhood!

    I envision him becoming fast friends with Boo and riding Minsc on the path to ultimate power. Watch out Colonel Sanders, there's a new sheriff in town!
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    Chinchilla is a BG2 character.

    This is the very last time I'm explaining the rules to people since people are clearly not getting it

    1. BG1 Characters only. No SOD or BG2 Characters, I will be creating separate threads for those games in the future.
    2. Party must be led by a BG1 party member NPC
    3. All other party members (limit of five followers just like in the game, but less than five is allowed) must be non-party member NPCs from BG1 (also no using BG2 or TOB Characters)
    4. No Using Drizzt or Elminster because that would be cheating.

    Admendment #1: Joke entrys are allowed, but they must still follow the rules.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    Ok, complicated rules. Let's try this again.

    Tiax, because Tiax rules all! Along with his trusty ghast companion I could see him attracting the necromancers, Nemphre and Arkion, to his cause. If Korax counts as an NPC then he could also join up of course.
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    Tiax is a party member NPC, so as long as Korax is being led by him, he counts.

    However Korax would not count as a leader, but he counts nicely as a party member.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    I had to head to the net to find out the name of that cleric of Cyric outside Beregost. I think the Tiax party could also tempt Bassilus into joining them.

    Their motivation could be to destroy Sarevok as a potential rival to their deity. Destruction of the Iron Throne would likely be necessary to reach that goal. I'm not sure either Tiax or Bassilus are necessarily sane enough to see this through but perhaps Nemphre could keep them on task...
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    As I've stated before Cyric followers have a vendetta against the Bhaalspawn. Now I'll elaborate, Cyric killed Bhaal, afterwards he has made it his mission to stamp out any memory of the God so he can keep the portfolio. THAT is Tiax's motive, so yes the destruction of Sarevok is his goal.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    I've never actually used Tiax but I'm sorely tempted now. I wonder what would happen if he found out you're a Bhaalspawn? Perhaps that's why his sanity completely left him and he wound up in Spellhold...
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    If you play SOD and talk to Tiax, you'll find out.
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    A blatant breach of the rules by having more than five followers, but I'm going to give you that one because it was funny.
  • HadarHadar Member Posts: 171
    Party leader is obvious and it's Imoen - who else would care to revenge her brother and best friend? But who could Imoen recruit is harder question.

    Firebead Elvenhair (11 lvl lawful neutral mage)
    Tethtoril (16 lvl lawful good Priest of Mystra)
    Brielbara (6 lvl chaotic good mage)
    Lothander (9 lvl thief)
    Aldeth Sashenstar (lawful neutral fighter)

    (I've spend some time with Baldur's Gate Wikia :P )
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    That's good, and let's make Lothander True Neutral.
  • DorcusDorcus Member Posts: 271
    the funny thing about the Sword Coast is that epic heroes with fabulous destinies are practically a dime a dozen there for some reason
  • ArunsunArunsun Member Posts: 1,592
    Well the best dream team you ever get to meet as an actual party in these games are clearly the Planar Hunter team from BP2:

    The Winged (Leader)
    Bannor (Restored to sorcerer or mage, not stuck as an iron golem)
    Pol Pyrrus
    Thassk Kun

    But they are BP2 so they don't fit the criteria

    Well I guess Team Baeloth it is:

    Baeloth as the NPC
    That ogre-magi whose name I can't remember but is a real pain in the ass from the Firewine Ruins (the one that is summoned when you dialogue with some crazed mage that gives you a jar
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    Wow I pretty much forgot about this board. Pretty much done here though.

    If you want to contribute to my Baldur's Gate Logic thread or my new EET playthrough thread, please feel free.

    Great team though
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