Help with Umberlee Temple (Did I screw up?) - Game-breaking bug?

OK, so I'm new to the game. First time player.
I hate knowing too many things before hand, so yeah I avoid reading guides, wikis, spoilers etc which means my party is not optimum, the gear is what I came across etc and all these things are just fine by me.
However, this will sometimes put me in a bad spot, specially in regards to game breaking quests.
My PC is a Paladin (not very smart either as he's constantly trying to make the "right"/"chivalrious" choice even when he doesn't know for sure who is lying to him), and on his first visit to Baldur's Gate (new to me as well, btw), he stumbles into the Bitch Queen's Water something-something, and he is told by the chick at the door that he's not supposed to be in there.
Now, these women are evil, it's an evil temple, and both my character and I are curious to take a look around, so he promptly tells her that he wants nothing to do with her religion, ignores her altogether and decides to pace around, see what's inside. They went hostile. Paladin does what paladin does best: smite evil.
Here's the problem: apparently, the evil temple is needed for a couple of quests. I didn't even spawn their head priestess, I just slaughtered the evil bitches on the spot before any of these quests even started. AND my party is going to die soon from poisoning.
Did I break the game?
I hate knowing too many things before hand, so yeah I avoid reading guides, wikis, spoilers etc which means my party is not optimum, the gear is what I came across etc and all these things are just fine by me.
However, this will sometimes put me in a bad spot, specially in regards to game breaking quests.
My PC is a Paladin (not very smart either as he's constantly trying to make the "right"/"chivalrious" choice even when he doesn't know for sure who is lying to him), and on his first visit to Baldur's Gate (new to me as well, btw), he stumbles into the Bitch Queen's Water something-something, and he is told by the chick at the door that he's not supposed to be in there.
Now, these women are evil, it's an evil temple, and both my character and I are curious to take a look around, so he promptly tells her that he wants nothing to do with her religion, ignores her altogether and decides to pace around, see what's inside. They went hostile. Paladin does what paladin does best: smite evil.
Here's the problem: apparently, the evil temple is needed for a couple of quests. I didn't even spawn their head priestess, I just slaughtered the evil bitches on the spot before any of these quests even started. AND my party is going to die soon from poisoning.
Did I break the game?
I looked it up on the wiki, and apparently killing Tenya wasn't a smart decision, either. The fishermen told my paladin that she was a witch, so he travelled up north, found her standing by the door, talked to her for a bit, cast Detect Evil, she turned red, and sure enough he smacked her to a bloody pulp.
Well, killing Tanya doesn't have much of an impact (as far as I know), but slaughtering Temple of Umbrelee may screw you over. I'd use CluaConsole - I assume you are far enough to make reloading pretty painful?
Kill Lothander and take his antidode. Go to the SS in the NE corner and find Marek on the second floor (kill him for the second antidode).
While your'e at it. Pick pocket the priest at the temple in the western district for a helpfull tome of understanding.<\div>
Huh. I did not know that.
It doesn't matter in the long run if you mess up, nothing will ever compete with playing BG without following forums/guides/ect. for the first time. If you get through, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that it was "you" who actually played and "beat" the game.
Just remember to have quite a few saves to use and save often.
On a side note: my next character will definately NOT be a Paladin. From a RPing perspective, the character is too "restricted" - or rather, "restrictive"? - and won't compromise his faith and the pursuit of law and justice. A chaotic neutral Dwarf fighter (maybe dwarven defender) seems like a better choice for making the sensible decisions that -I- would've made if I were under the same circumstances.
Who needs monsters and bandits when you can have these self-righteous zealots? Tinheads.
C:SetGlobal("PartyCured","GLOBAL",1) before your whole party dies.
The priestesses in the temple are understandably very easy to set off, and if you're playing a curious character, it may result in the deaths of the works of them. Later down the road, this same curious character is likely going to stumble across Marek and Lothander. Then, that character is up shit's creek without a paddle.
It just seems like such an over the top punishment, to me.
BTW it took me 9 days to finish the alternative, I was really really scared I wouldn't make it.
A'holes, spoiling my day throwing poison around. It's just not on.
I have a weakness for forums/guides on certain things, so I think I avoided any pitfalls...But yeah keep like a million saves and you're usually fine anyway.
I actually hate Shandalar...with a passion. I won't say anything to spoil the OP, but he's definitely in my top hated npcs of bg1.
Gave me double satisfaction to discover it, once from a good new quest and second from not giving in to those *A'holes, spoiling my day throwing poison around.*
- Isra (Sune)
- Sirene (Illmater)
It's right, not all of them are following Helm or worse. (Just the vanilla ones.)
I'd like to keep my game as lore friendly and close to vanilla as possible, so in the case of mods changing too many things or making me overpowered, I'd rather pass. What mods would you recommend? (I don't cheat / use console etc 'cause really what's the point of playing the game then).
Why do you call it the Baldur's Gate trilogy when it's just two games?
Is the Dragonspear expansion worth it or detrimental to the original experience?
As for the mods mentioned by @PaulaMigrate , I believe they're a part of EET. So, in order to use them, you have to be using EET as well.
Its called a trilogy because the end game of BG2 (Throne of Bhaal) is considered part 3. Trilogy still works as SoD is firmly tied to the BG1 side of the story, and is a worthy addition to the series.
Later the BG1 was extended with TotSC (the Werewolf Island stuff and Durlag's Tower + some) and BG2/ToB became one package. Thus trilogy. The SoD is the latest addition and not considered an extra part but rather the link between BG1 and BG2. There are still some people who wish for a similar link between BG2 and ToB but most (including myself) see that transition as logical and complete.
In this full contents, SoD has its function and place and is a really worthy addition for all who play the full trilogy (be it via EET to make it smoothly or by exporting/importing from one step to another). As such my personal recommendation would always be to play SoD in its foreseen place in the sequence of events, i.e. as an expansion to BG1 and before you start BG2.
Regarding Isra and Sirene:
Both mods have a BG1 and a BG2 part (Sirene also has SoD contents) and they can be played in the separated game as well as in an EET game. The extended poisoning mod alternative comes from another mod that is EET only.
Mods for the EE's in general are compatible with EE 2.0 and later, you always need to be careful and read the readme of the mod if you want to install mods on earlier versions of the game.