Cleric/Thief vs Cleric->Thief

I am thinking of playing as either a cleric/thief or a dual class cleric kit -> thief on my next play through of the entire series. I'd dual low level in BG1. If dual what kit would you choose? What level? I don't want some power gamer build where I have to wait until almost the end of BG1 or into BG2 to get an extra 1/2 of whatever. Just trying to get some people pros and cons to see what the differences are.
On the plus side, the Cleric/Thief is the best "thiefy" thief in the game. Sanctuary and Find Traps (spell) make him by far the best at sneaking around, disarming traps, opening locks, looting chests, and returning to the party.
Multi might be a little better, because thief HLAs are really good - yet I feel they cannot compete with Hide in plain sight, that ability rules supreme.
What sucks about halforcs, though, is that you can only date Viconia.
I think the best level to dual from thief is lvl 13, because then you get 5X (4X with shadowdancer) as well as the "hidden" evasion bonus (get less dmg from fireballs or something like that, dont remember exactly).
I would not, ever, go cleric -> thief because the loss of THACO is not worth it.
Maybe I'll EEKEeeper a Cleric kit in for a little added flavor. They all seem decent.
Lathander: Boon before backstab and melee plus protection from level drain in BG2 could be useful.
Helm: Might be even better for a C/T. True Sight so I don't have to worry about detect illusion. Especially since as a multi-class it will take longer to develop thief skills. Seeking sword for melee after backstab seems pretty good. Pre-buff with DUHM and other stuff, backstab, Cast seeking sword and go to work. Sounds good.
Talos: Strom Shield sounds pretty useful. Protection from lightning, fire, cold and normal missiles plus shorty saves sound pretty bad ass. Lighting bolt can be pretty deadly if aimed properly. Cast storm shield, cast sanctuary, sneak up on the enemy, and nuke them with the lighting bolt.
What kit would you guys choose?
Tyr's perks could also work, though you're stuck with either LN or NG since there are no LG thieves; since it grants better To-Hit and Damage bonuses per 3 levels for 2 rounds (so if you're kEEpering a multi C/T you would cap out at +8 at Cleric 25) and can - hypothetically, anyway - be invoked alongside Holy Power.
I think the cleric to thief low level dual would be borked but amusing, ie clergyman turned crook. You'd get Sancuary thats always good, and if you take cleric to 5 you get skeletons that could draw enemies into your traps. Aide isn't a bad buff either. Not powergamey but hardly garbage I suppose.
They then turn back to the god (regain cleric abilities) with a new found commitment to the faith encompassing the chaos that is being a bhaalspawn into their faith.
For kit, I've always liked Helm for some reason, since True seeing is pretty broken in BG1 and having the option to go 3 APR with a cleric is always nice.
You set up some traps, backstab real hard (with Seeking Sword if you want, it works), lure into traps then clean up whatever is left with your 3 APR, or 4 if you dual-wield. Pop in a free True Sight if you fight against a mage and your good to go. There ain't much this build can't do. The disadvantage of the Seeking Sword is also not too bad, because the sword last long enough to be useful, but not too much to be an hindrance.
I'm usually not a fan of dual-classing, but that build holds a special place in my heart.
Seems like you could set some traps, buff up, backstab with a QS, activate Seeking Sword and be pretty useful in melee. You can't cast spells while the sword is equipped, but since most of the useful cleric spells are buffs, summon skeletons, or healing, and not damage spells in battle, it doesn't seem like a big issue unless I am missing something. The seeking sword with 3APR sounds like it would be as useful as a lot of the standard weapons that you would wield with a cleric/thief THACO.
I acknowledge that this build is not the absolute powergaming wetdream, but I don't care, because it is just so damn fun. The free True Sight is also nothing to scoff at either.
Even pure mages will be badmouthed if they're generalists.
I will say 13 is a more viable dual, but 9 can't melee mooks in ToB without buffs.