Simple experience/level mod for BG2EE?
in BGII:EE Mods
Im new here. I just got the enhanced BG2 and want to up my experience artificially. Is there a simple mod for that? Thanks
Close the game.
Add this line to your baldur.lua (located in ..\My Documents\Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced Edition)
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Debug Mode','1')
Start the game.
To activate console, press CTRL+SPACE, then you will see a new box at the top of the screen. Enter the amount of XP you want and select 'Give XP'.
Another way is to grab hold of EEKeeper and load the saved game, then edit the XP, save then reload the game. EEKeeper is very handy to have around...
Here is a FAQ for the Mac. I can't test it but it appears to contain the info needed to enable console mode.
In short:
- Close the game down.
- Edit baldur.ini (location appears to differ based on MacOS version so read the FAQ to find out where yours maybe) and add
'Program Options', 'Debug Mode', '1',
- Restart the game and load the saved game
- Control-space to open the CLUA console
- To give the current selected character/party 1000 experience points, type
You could have a look at this discussion to see what other magic you can do.
Here is also a location that seems to have EEKeeper for the Mac and is upto date with the current version.
Good luck