Thief controlled script (thief0) not working properly

I just finished Siege of Dragonspear and really liked the "Thief controlled" script for my fighter/thief in which you can toggle searching traps/hide in shadows via "D". Now in BG2:EE it doesn't work properly. If I press "D" I get the proper text indicator like "Attempting to hide in shadows". Works well for the trap searching which is automatically enabled afterwards but not for hiding in shadows which must be manually activated and doesn't automatically reactive after leaving shadows.
Did anyone else encounter this? Is there a solution?
Did anyone else encounter this? Is there a solution?
Hi, I've encountered the same problem when I exported my party from Icewind dale to HOW.
The 'Thief Controlled' script doesn't work when I toggle to 'Hide in Shadows', but 'Finding traps' does work. And I've checked Party AI is on.
I've also keyed C:SetGlobal("BD_HIDE","LOCALS",0); into my console but it still doesn't work.
I've attached a save file so please have a look at it, thank you very much in advance!
It worked!! Thank you so much. Much appreciated
From earlier comments, if it is just the hide part causing issue you can use a save editor to reset the BD_HIDE local variable to 0 or with the console enabled type
then move your mouse over the affected characters portrait and press Enter.
If stuck, attach a save though and I'll try to keep an eye out for it.
It works great. Thank you.