Can someone explain me how do I use the ilithium?

I've read many times that you can use it to improve a weapon, but I don't understand how you would be able to discover it in a playthrough. I was never able to forge it
Such a certain smith might live in the Docks district. Perhaps on the far east side.
At the south-eastern edge of the Docks there is a house with the dwarven smith Cromwell in it, who forges all the items that are possible to make/upgrade in SoA. He can use the Ilithium and the Mace of Disruption+2 to make the improved version, just talk to him while you have both in your bags and ask him to look for things he can use. It will take quite a bit of gold, too, but it's worth it. The weapon is an insane undead killer, and comes with Protection from Negative Energy, too.