what were half of the factions in BG2s expansion even doing?

BG2:ToB got off to a pretty good start in my opinion. A pre-recorded message from the gods, a bhaalspawn party fight, a city of refugees hardoring other bhaalspawn under siege by a giant bhaalspawn who you need to find a way to kill. Then it kind of falls off the rails a bit. You run into the local army who you can kill or reason with... if you kill them they do nothing about the remaining bhaalspawn, because they're dead. If you persuade them they still do nothing because...? Your next stop is a monk monastery town out in the desert. The monastary has been busy preparing an army of mercenaries to defend against an attack that never comes, mainly because sendai and abazigal were on vacation or something. We're told that sendai was given a tip that you were coming, and I can see why it might makes sense to keep a defensive position. Still not sure exactly why it had to us going to Sendai. And I have no idea what abazigal was doing, I don't think the game bothered trying to explain why he chose to to just hang around.
Install Ascension mod and Wheels of Prophesy, and the whole thing gets a different aspect. If you like even more take Longer Road and Iylos into your game.
Then they fell out, decided to work for themselves as individuals which again I presume was instigated by Mellisan. So they destroyed each other leaving her to ascend.
Lot of flaws in the plan TBH.
I think the 5 are supposed to be in a truce situation, ie none attacking eachother directly/openly, but the Tethyran army ought to have done something useful.
Abazigal iirc was on so much acid he thought he was a dragon though, so who's worse?!