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  • OrlonKronsteenOrlonKronsteen Member Posts: 905
    Loldrup said:

    Actually, the reverse is true. The potions work, but the spell does not for some strange reason.

    Could you file this as a bug?
    We'd better get it mentioned to the devs before the last patch comes out.
    According to @CamDawg it's intended behaviour, but misnamed. The paralyzation is really a hold. I'm not sure if it's information that players have access to as I never read the combat logs anymore. Does anyone know if the effect is actually listed as 'paralyzation' during battle? If so we could definitely put in a request to fix the name, so that players will know exactly what they're facing and what to prepare for.
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,439
    Combat feedback for it is 'Paralyze', so it might not be a bad idea to change the feedback string. Go ahead and file it.
  • OrlonKronsteenOrlonKronsteen Member Posts: 905
    CamDawg said:

    Combat feedback for it is 'Paralyze', so it might not be a bad idea to change the feedback string. Go ahead and file it.

  • WogesWoges Member Posts: 1
    Buff your melee characters as much as possible, and give each a potion of Invulnerability (buffs all saving throws), then send them down the stairs.
  • LorandarLorandar Member Posts: 33
    Thanks for that Death Ward tip, it worked like a charm.
    I just brought down Aec without any trouble with a monk, Yeslick, Faldorn, Alora, Garrick, and Xan
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