I like the scholarly voiceset, for a learned character, bards in particular. Just couldn't do it for my ogre with all scores at 8 or 9(wis) except str and con. Had to go brute, hehheh. Kobolds have MUCH better mental stats, that fits great, esp. given his class. It looks like humanods so far, are keeping their battle soundsets at least, which is great. A reversion to their wild side (or a part of the 'bestial habits' the Complete book of Humanoids possibly).
Humanoid soundsets would be most welcome. I think Icewind Dale does a decent H/O, but thats still got that ol human blood in there (greedy ol humans- always 'tackin us, trying to get our stuff, lookin down on us) I'd want to lead a kobold rebellion in the Nashkel mines, hehheh.
Oh interesting, I was actually planning on having a Kobold Character in my Black Pits run.
Relki, she's a Kobold Arcane Trickster in 5e so I'd make her a Kobold Mage/Thief in BG, prob using gnome as a base and then change model with EEkeeper.
Full picture by RPGtoons
Edit: Fun fact, I learned that changing a Kobold character's "skin" color actually does change their scale color in game.
The Nashkell mines were ruinous for Freekin. Finally a chance to talk with other Kobolds. What Freekin fou d however, disturbed him. Not only were the kobolds unwilling to parlay, they were taking a sadistic pleasure in torturing the miners. Enraged at such oppression, Freekin waded through the kobold swarms in a single minded rage to find the person responsible. Mulahey's fate was quick, but unkind. Once his rage subsided, Freekin was horrified at the slaughter at his hands. Disgusted at the sheer pleasure he felt in his rampage, Freekin withdrew from his friends, even Imoen. After a couple days of depressed isolation, Freekin wandered into the wilderness in search of himself. Imoen was never able to find Freekin again, but rumors up and down the Sword Coast continued for many years of a lone Kobold missionary, seeking out small groups of demi-humans to show them a less violent way.
On the subject of Demihumans I think the Rakshasa model is pretty cool for any typical furry races like Kitsune or Tabaxi, though their scimitar only appears when a long sword is equipped.
A rakshasa, hmmmm. That would make Verr'Sza an especially good NPC to have along then, as a fellow 'cat'. So far it has made it more interesting, in a way, to stick most of the time with the main weapon that is animated. The ogre has just the slightest pause at the point of contact on the downward stroke of the morningstar, making a crushing blow appear quite crushing indeed. Helmet icons are not shown of course so does not change their mug shots. Armor does a slight color change to the standard wear, but as mentioned. skin color is fun to customize.
So I WAS going to wait for the new patch, but man, I am itching to try a new run. I'm thinking a Goblin Barbarian/Shaman (jury rigged through EEKeeper). Does anyone know a good place to look up 2ed demihuman stats? I also know that there are goblin animations for shaman, bow goblins, and axe goblins. If I go with the standard goblin sprite, will it change to reflect bow or axe/shield? Or are they treated as separate creatures by the game enigine?
Okay, say hello to Burguul Korb. Which means "Shadow Raven" in the black speech. She is a goblin Shadow Mystic warrior, a mod added fighter/druid kit that gives up the complete druid spellbook for a focus on darkness and shadow flavored spells. Found on Pinterest from user noximus
Okay, say hello to Burguul Korb. Which means "Shadow Raven" in the black speech. She is a goblin Shadow Mystic warrior, a mod added fighter/druid kit that gives up the complete druid spellbook for a focus on darkness and shadow flavored spells. Found on Pinterest from user noximus
Goblin? Leper? Goblin leper? Inquiring minds want to know!
Looks like a goblin leper Igor sent by Dr Frankenstein on an errand to buy a vital body part of only the finest quality, and then thinking "But I can just buy this fine brain, labeled A B Normal, which has the word Normal on the sticker just like the Master ordered, and then I'll have a little money left over for a snack. Mmmm, thumbs in garlic. The Master will never know!"
Great cross-over potential. And fairly smexy, too.
Okay, say hello to Burguul Korb. Which means "Shadow Raven" in the black speech. She is a goblin Shadow Mystic warrior, a mod added fighter/druid kit that gives up the complete druid spellbook for a focus on darkness and shadow flavored spells.
This is actually a cool idea. Very cool. Could you post the CRE or CHA once you've made it? To save everyone else the trouble of making one, what with race, kit, and proper goblin animation?
Okay, say hello to Burguul Korb. Which means "Shadow Raven" in the black speech. She is a goblin Shadow Mystic warrior, a mod added fighter/druid kit that gives up the complete druid spellbook for a focus on darkness and shadow flavored spells.
This is actually a cool idea. Very cool. Could you post the CRE or CHA once you've made it? To save everyone else the trouble of making one, what with race, kit, and proper goblin animation?
I don't even know what "CRE" ir "CHA" are. Its really easy to do at least. I used EEKeeper to assign "Goblin Shaman" avatar, and luckily it had a paperdoll (Most of the monster animations don't). Race is listed as "goblin" but it doesn't show up on the record screen. I don't yet know how that will affect race checks or romances.
Well it shows up on M'Khiin. Perhaps if one takes M'Khiin as the baseline and modifies HER, it'll say Goblin on the character sheet. I'll look into it when I have the time.
@ThacoBell Hmm, I can't remember bout the romances at the moment. I don't think they were allowed but the EE's might. I never tried TBH. One interesting thing is that it also allows use of magic item/weapons that are restricted to race (if race is the only issue). My ogres could use Kivan's elven spear of entanglement for example.
There are several interesting sprites: the axe-and shield (the axe may double as as a mace or warhammer), the bow, the disco dancing shaman with a staff, and the impressively plumed and armoured captain with an axe (no shield). Also, wolf riders with spears. An interesting option. Perhaps Gorion's way of compensating for your stumpy legs and people's poor reactions to goblins?
I think the closest we'll get is Planescape: Torment and to an extent Mask of the Betrayer (Only standard party member is the female human red wizard, Safiya).
Okay, I need to write a few of these and make a voiceset. Would anyone with passable recording equipment be able to pull off the voice?
Kobolds have MUCH better mental stats, that fits great, esp. given his class.
It looks like humanods so far, are keeping their battle soundsets at least, which is great. A reversion to their wild side (or a part of the 'bestial habits' the Complete book of Humanoids possibly).
Humanoid soundsets would be most welcome. I think Icewind Dale does a decent H/O, but thats still got that ol human blood in there (greedy ol humans- always 'tackin us, trying to get our stuff, lookin down on us)
Relki, she's a Kobold Arcane Trickster in 5e so I'd make her a Kobold Mage/Thief in BG, prob using gnome as a base and then change model with EEkeeper.
Full picture by RPGtoons
Edit: Fun fact, I learned that changing a Kobold character's "skin" color actually does change their scale color in game.
Once his rage subsided, Freekin was horrified at the slaughter at his hands. Disgusted at the sheer pleasure he felt in his rampage, Freekin withdrew from his friends, even Imoen. After a couple days of depressed isolation, Freekin wandered into the wilderness in search of himself. Imoen was never able to find Freekin again, but rumors up and down the Sword Coast continued for many years of a lone Kobold missionary, seeking out small groups of demi-humans to show them a less violent way.
So far it has made it more interesting, in a way, to stick most of the time with the main weapon that is animated.
The ogre has just the slightest pause at the point of contact on the downward stroke of the morningstar, making a crushing blow appear quite crushing indeed.
Helmet icons are not shown of course so does not change their mug shots. Armor does a slight color change to the standard wear, but as mentioned. skin color is fun to customize.
Found on Pinterest from user noximus
Goblin? Leper? Goblin leper? Inquiring minds want to know!
Great cross-over potential. And fairly smexy, too.
@Zaghoul Goblin Shaman, I get a nice stick and a dancing idle animation.
I love playing non-standard races.