Just cause, a goblin bounty hunter Goblins 2nd Ed AD&D (Complete Book of Humanoids) Min Max Str 4 15 Con 5 16 Dex 4 17 Int 3 18 Wis 3 18 Chr 3 12
(other than maxes, when rolling, I just use humans and apply the -1 to str and chr if less than their max, as listed in the book) Classes: Fighters, clerics, thieves, shamans, F/C, F/T, F/S, and C/T. HP: as class Natural AC: 10 Infravision (add through EEkeeper) Don't like bright light. Superstitions (for normal gobs): Eteranl hatred and fear of dwarves and gnomes, sensitive to unsual behavior of worgs and wolves, fearful of dreams and visions) PP+5%, MS&HiS+5%, F/R traps+10% Makes a few goblin sounds attacking or moving. Good enough to work with I think. Race won't show up but keyed (so may have an effect on romances or items) in as a goblin bow animation. Standard goblin avatar. Neera's quest line is one heck of a RP opportunity. Headn out to meet the kinfolk and setup as their new leader, heh. (Art:Goblin by aaronflorento)
Soooo, based on the awesomesauce quoted above, here's a Bio for a goblin:
Tosh the Alchemist,* a CN goblin Child of Bhaal.
(* a Might and Guile thief kit)
In the context of the high-pressure academic environment at Candlekeep, Tosh was a fairly mediocre student of Transmutation magics. He turned to the study of Alchemy as a short cut to power, but potion brewing proved intoxicating, and his record keeping was less than exemplary. A contaminated vial bearing traces of several other concoctions was his downfall: On quaffing what was supposed to be a potion to enhance his perception, he was transformed into a puny goblin in a magical mishap which also took away his ability to cast magic on his own. Senior Candlekeep mages were rather worried when they examined him and found that there was some core aspect of his being, of his very soul, that was far too susceptible to induced physical change ....
They intended to let him stew in goblin shape for a while to teach him a lesson about work ethics and accountability to the Weave, but Tosh, embittered and wallowing in self-pity, heard none of it. Unable to make the magic happen any more, as it were, he started working in earnest with alchemy, poisons, and a bow as a means of delivery of said effects, while experimenting desperately to effect a cure. Yet he is beginning to feel certain .... urges. To skulk. To slay. To .... feed. Are these urges of the goblin form, imposed on him by the polymorph effect, or a harbinger of something darker? He dares not ask his foster father, Gorion. The old man observes him far too closely as it is, but does not lift a finger to help him.
Less than a tenday before the date the mages had decided on for the reversal of his transformation, Gorion suddenly summoned him to an urgent meeting on the steps of Candlekeep. Leave he must, at once, with Gorion, on a vital mission .....
Sprite: goblin with bow
Voice: Quayle.
OMG, this is sooo good. I can have Quayle, an Alchemist, and a Goblin in one small, smelly, obnoxious package. In my current game, I've got Quyale AS an Alchemist. This frees up one party slot for another deplorable misfit such as Tiax.
In fact, If I assign Quayle's script and name to this goblin, I can have his interactions as well.
RISE, Quayle-the-Goblin with your 68 stat roll and massive penalties! RISE, SCION OF MURDER! Rise on your stumpy goblin legs and use that enormous chip on your shoulder to bludgeon anyone who stands between you and your birthright! You are so S-M-R-T!
Dag gone guys, here I am trying to start a regular (yeah, right ) ol human again...
What I like best are the ideas for RP it seems to bring out, as with @Contemplative_Hamster ( that's it, just let it take ya away ). Transformation into and attempted interaction with that other race is another personal favorite of mine. It's interesting how looking and interacting with the the game world from the eyes and ears of a non standard and rarely played race brings a whole new experience. I find myself often reading something into the responses of the game's NPC's and even the dream sequences in a different light. Goblins have an esp. good time of it, esp. with M'kin bringing alot of interaction with so many other gobbies in their quest's (in addition to Neera's). Those dead gobs crack me up every time I hear 'em. Beamdog did an esp. good deed in bringing that for us to enjoy.
Okay, say hello to Burguul Korb. Which means "Shadow Raven" in the black speech. She is a goblin Shadow Mystic warrior, a mod added fighter/druid kit that gives up the complete druid spellbook for a focus on darkness and shadow flavored spells. Found on Pinterest from user noximus
I recently saw that portrait on DA and immediatly saved it to my portraits folder.
Toot too! All on the restartits train! With a mod conflict at least partially resolved, I'm going through with a Witchlight Shaman/Barbarian. This is about the fifth restart. Wish me luck :P
Toot too! All on the restartits train! With a mod conflict at least partially resolved, I'm going through with a Witchlight Shaman/Barbarian. This is about the fifth restart. Wish me luck :P
@ThacoBell I just bought another ticket for that train myself.
Thinking Burguul will seek out close relations (Jaheira, Khalid, Imoen) and fellow outcasts (Viconia) for party members. Gorion was always kind to her and his friends seem trustworthy by association. Viconia would understand the same problems Burguul goes through, so it seems a natural fit. Burguul is smart however, and the more dangerous/unpredicatable npcs won't be trusted (Montaron, Dorn). Haven't decided on Baeloth, she might think his grandstanding annoying. This will be interesting, as I haven't used Viconia since I tried her romance years ago. Which I hated.
I have inadvertently created an all female team. Sirene, Aura, Neera, and Imoen. With Viconia planned later. Maybe I'll replace Neera with someone. Oh, I'm afraid I must confess. Despite goblins capping at 12 CHA, I have Bugruul bumped to 16. I CAN'T STAND LOW CHARISMA. How the crap do people treat this as a dump stat? I get NOTHING for quests.
@ThacoBell Right, extra -2 for the WLShaman. Yup, that ring. This might be of interest regarding the summons if you don't already have it, from @LavaDelVortel . I might have posted it in one of my runs but can't remember.
Necrotic Fireflies 16 hp 7 STR 18 DEX 18 THAC0 0 AC 3 attacks per round Immune to mind-affecting spells, poison and disease, electrical damage, missile damage and backstab Attacks deal 1d2 piercing + 1 electrical damage
Lesser Will-o'-wisp 40 hp 12 STR 22 DEX 18 THAC0 0 AC 1 attack per round Immune to mind-affecting spells, poison and disease, elemental damage, missile damage, backstabs and non-magical weapons Attacks deal 1d6 electrical damage
Greater Necrotic Fireflies 26 hp 12 STR 22 DEX 18 THAC0 -6 AC 4 attacks per round Immune to mind-affecting spells, poison and disease, electrical damage, missile damage and backstab Attacks deal 1d2 piercing + 2 electrical damage
Will-o'-wisp 68 hp 15 STR 20 DEX 9 THAC0 -2 AC 3/2 attacks per round Immune to mind-affecting spells, poison and disease, elemental damage, missile damage, backstabs and non-magical weapons Attacks deal 1d8 electrical damage
Spectre 80 hp 13 STR 10 DEX 10 THAC0 2 AC 1 attack per round Immune to mind-affecting spells, poison and disease, cold and acid damage, backstabs and non-magical weapons Attacks deal 1d8 crushing damage and drains 2 levels on hit
Oh yeah, the summons have been VERY useful. If I position well, fights are basically ended with zero risk. Looking forward to see how the scaling holds up on the Witchlight.
I am finding it increasingly hard to roleplay a True Neutral charname. I have played exclusively good aligned charnames for over 15 years. I keep wanting to help everyone and not ask for rewards.
I am finding it increasingly hard to roleplay a True Neutral charname. I have played exclusively good aligned charnames for over 15 years. I keep wanting to help everyone and not ask for rewards.
I can understand that. I started long ago with all good characters, then moved to all evil characters for the longest time. Now I'm stuck smack in the middle with neutrals as of last year ( which took alot of adjusting to).Tying to move off my now current norm of neutrals, I find anything else just feels, like you say, off. I'm pretty comfortable now though, sittin on the fence and lookin round.
I am finding it increasingly hard to roleplay a True Neutral charname. I have played exclusively good aligned charnames for over 15 years. I keep wanting to help everyone and not ask for rewards.
I can understand that. I started long ago with all good characters, then moved to all evil characters for the longest time. Now I'm stuck smack in the middle with neutrals as of last year ( which took alot of adjusting to).Tying to move off my now current norm of neutrals, I find anything else just feels, like you say, off. I'm pretty comfortable now though, sittin on the fence and lookin round.
Ye Song of Charname!
"Stuck in the Middle with You" Single by Stealers Wheel from the album Stealers Wheel B-side"Jose" Released 27 April 1973
Well I don't know why I came here tonight, I got the feeling that something ain't right, I'm so scared in case I fall off my chair, And I'm wondering how I'll get down the stairs, Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right, here I am, Stuck in the middle with you
Yes I'm stuck in the middle with you, And I'm wondering what it is I should do, It's so hard to keep this smile from my face, Losing control, yeah, I'm all over the place, Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, Here I am, stuck in the middle with you
Well you started out with nothing, And you're proud that you're a self made man, And your friends, they all come crawlin, Slap you on the back and say, Please, please
Gah, the Necromancy thread is making want to put together a necromancer/druid kobold.
@ThacoBell I would have said the lost druid kit would be an awesome combo (I had a bit of fun with that one), uses necromancy spells and summons undead dread wolves, but have evil alignment. Course if your mixin a necromancer and druid anyway... Lost Druid:
The strangest members of the druidic order, Lost Druids find that many other druids no longer consider them kin. The Lost Druids come from lands that have been maliciously destroyed - forests burned to the ground, swamps drained, mountains ruined by mining, and so on. Rather than try to rebuild or move on, a Lost Druid allows his heart to darken from brooding on the devastation and embraces strange magic to seek revenge.
Advantages: - May cast Summon Dread Wolf once per day at level 6. Gains additional Summon Dread Wolf at level 12th and 18th.
- Six necromancy spells are added to the Lost Druid's repertoire, all the way up to 6th level. These are listed below: 1st level: Laroch's Minor Draining. 2nd level: Horror. 3rd level: Skull Trap. 4th level: Contagion. 5th level: Slay Living. 6th level: Death Spell.
Disadvantages: - Can cast only the reversed versions of cure spells. - Cannot Shapeshift. - Alignment restricted to neutral and chaotic evil.
I am finding it increasingly hard to roleplay a True Neutral charname. I have played exclusively good aligned charnames for over 15 years. I keep wanting to help everyone and not ask for rewards.
I have the same problem. Every time I start a game with an evil character, I just don’t like it. I guess I got a hero complex or something that I live through in my games.
Of course, I love having evil characters along for the ride.
I played a chaotic neutral goblin in D&D once named Skeeze. He was an indentured servant of one of the other player’s character.
He had a ring of invisibility that he called his precious (+5 points if you can guess THAT obscure reference, lol). But I wanted the ring of invisibility earlier than my character level would allow, so me and the DM gave it the “garish” disadvantage. It was pink and fluffy and had little puffy balls hanging from it. Oh, and it also had some sort of curse that caused insane laughter on a 10% chance for several rounds every time it was used. And, if that roll failed and Skeeze broke out into uncontrollable giggling, there was another 50% of the ring not making him invisible at all.
@Zaghoul That sounds really good. Though I maaaaaay fudge the alignment with EEKeeper. Evil doesn't really fit my rp of a Druid that embraces decay as part of the natural cycle.
@mashedtaters That sounds like a fun session. Demihumans are great. Pretty sure Kobolds are my favorite D&D race now.
@ThacoBell That's an interesting take on decay in combination with the arcane necromantic field of study. It seems a good way to fit it in, esp. as druids already have Dolorous Decay as a spell, so they certainly are familiar with it. They would certainly see that life often depends on, and even arises from decay, as you mentioned in the necromancy thread. I'm not sure why the lost druid kit was fitted with the evil req., as it follows the 2nd ed. Complete Book of Druids description very closely, and in that they are not required to be evil.
@Zaghoul That sounds really good. Though I maaaaaay fudge the alignment with EEKeeper. Evil doesn't really fit my rp of a Druid that embraces decay as part of the natural cycle.
@mashedtaters That sounds like a fun session. Demihumans are great. Pretty sure Kobolds are my favorite D&D race now.
I would be interested in reading your argument that evil doesn’t fit your rp of a Druid that embraces decay as a natural part of the cycle.
I would also be interested in reading your argument for an evil-aligned Druid, if you believe that any Druids could/should be an alignment other than neutral.
@mashedtaters Well, nature is neither good or evil, it just is. While I think druids can be good or evil (as long as its neutral), that depends more on than their disposition, and doesn't reflect nature itself. Without decomposition, and organisms that feed on dead growth/creatures, dead matter would build up endlessly and eventually choke out all life. As an example, the first biodome experiment failed because researchers failed to take decay into account. As dead plant matter built up in the enclosed environment, it killed all the living plant matter.
All Druids are protectors of nature. It would depend on how the Druid fulfilled their duties. I could see an evil druid focusing on the life aspect for the purpose of renewing nature, but would be hyper aggressive in its defense, like the shadow druids. Or maybe even take a more proactive approach, and actively attack settlements even if they don't actively threaten the druids domain. Like say, a wandering druid that besieges small settlements out on the frontier to prevent people from ever getting a foothold in the first place.
All Druids are protectors of nature. It would depend on how the Druid fulfilled their duties. I could see an evil druid focusing on the life aspect for the purpose of renewing nature, but would be hyper aggressive in its defense, like the shadow druids. Or maybe even take a more proactive approach, and actively attack settlements even if they don't actively threaten the druids domain. Like say, a wandering druid that besieges small settlements out on the frontier to prevent people from ever getting a foothold in the first place.
Off-topic, but btw, I think having an evil Druid in kuldahar focused on exterminating the “pests” surrounding the great tree in IWD would be a great aspect of an evil Druid focused on “life”.
I've been playing a True Neutral Goblin Shaman. Honestly, I've been having a very hard time roleplaying true neutral, which is probably a big reason why my brain started thinking up new runs. What my next run idea is, is a Druid that focuses on necromancy (proably using the lost druid kit). This charname would focus on decay as a natural part life's cycle. Not as a way to end life, but as a way to clear old growth away to oave the way for more life. Like the bacteria that compost an old fallen tree so that new trees may grow in its place. If I can get over the lack of a paperdoll and the very restrictive animation, I want to run it as a kobold and probably good aligned.
This humanoid talk is gettin to me again. Playing as a humanoid, I often see humanity as taking advantage of others rights to living spaces, and away from humanoids. A humanoid druid I could see as viewing that as upsetting the balance of even their own people, and their rightful place in nature, NG alignment included. Seems like a NG charname could work that in pretty well. Always mindful of the current mindset of the majority of their brethren, but regardless, never gives up on them. I never can help feeling their plight and a good possible reasoning for them being the way they are in the first place, at least a little. We can't help that of course but I usually see it as them being used and lead astray, (esp. kobolds) heh. Like in the last dream sequence I always refer to, treat some one bad enough, for long enough, and they may fight back like a rat backed into a corner :
"Tonight you sleep hunted by all, and wake in a dream hunted by one." "Tonight you are the monster everyone claims you are: the kobold scorned like a rodent; the ogre that children fear comes in the night. The mobs and their torches now come for you, counting you among the creatures you once did hunt.
Lawd, speaking of clearing away the old growth, to make way for new life, that just opens all kinds of good ideas as to what could be considered the old growth, in-game, over and above just plants and animals. I had thought a few times on giving others of whatever race I was playing, another option as a deity at the end of ToB, one more open to a neutral or good way, for the wayward brothers and sisters to turn to (I know, the Outer Gods and the Great old Ones usually get me every time ).
This is from another thread. It is pure awesomeness distilled AND relevant to this thread, so I am quoting it here.
Source thread:
Tosh the Alchemist,* a CN goblin Child of Bhaal.
(* a Might and Guile thief kit)
In the context of the high-pressure academic environment at Candlekeep, Tosh was a fairly mediocre student of Transmutation magics. He turned to the study of Alchemy as a short cut to power, but potion brewing proved intoxicating, and his record keeping was less than exemplary. A contaminated vial bearing traces of several other concoctions was his downfall: On quaffing what was supposed to be a potion to enhance his perception, he was transformed into a puny goblin in a magical mishap which also took away his ability to cast magic on his own. Senior Candlekeep mages were rather worried when they examined him and found that there was some core aspect of his being, of his very soul, that was far too susceptible to induced physical change ....
They intended to let him stew in goblin shape for a while to teach him a lesson about work ethics and accountability to the Weave, but Tosh, embittered and wallowing in self-pity, heard none of it. Unable to make the magic happen any more, as it were, he started working in earnest with alchemy, poisons, and a bow as a means of delivery of said effects, while experimenting desperately to effect a cure. Yet he is beginning to feel certain .... urges. To skulk. To slay. To .... feed. Are these urges of the goblin form, imposed on him by the polymorph effect, or a harbinger of something darker? He dares not ask his foster father, Gorion. The old man observes him far too closely as it is, but does not lift a finger to help him.
Less than a tenday before the date the mages had decided on for the reversal of his transformation, Gorion suddenly summoned him to an urgent meeting on the steps of Candlekeep. Leave he must, at once, with Gorion, on a vital mission .....
Sprite: goblin with bow
Voice: Quayle.
OMG, this is sooo good. I can have Quayle, an Alchemist, and a Goblin in one small, smelly, obnoxious package. In my current game, I've got Quyale AS an Alchemist. This frees up one party slot for another deplorable misfit such as Tiax.
In fact, If I assign Quayle's script and name to this goblin, I can have his interactions as well.
RISE, Quayle-the-Goblin with your 68 stat roll and massive penalties! RISE, SCION OF MURDER! Rise on your stumpy goblin legs and use that enormous chip on your shoulder to bludgeon anyone who stands between you and your birthright! You are so S-M-R-T!
Must restart my BGee game. OMG OMG OMG.
What I like best are the ideas for RP it seems to bring out, as with @Contemplative_Hamster ( that's it, just let it take ya away
Goblins have an esp. good time of it, esp. with M'kin bringing alot of interaction with so many other gobbies in their quest's (in addition to Neera's). Those dead gobs crack me up every time I hear 'em.
Beamdog did an esp. good deed in bringing that for us to enjoy.
She's adorable as far as Goblins go.
Oh, I'm afraid I must confess. Despite goblins capping at 12 CHA, I have Bugruul bumped to 16. I CAN'T STAND LOW CHARISMA. How the crap do people treat this as a dump stat? I get NOTHING for quests.
16 hp
18 DEX
18 THAC0
0 AC
3 attacks per round
Immune to mind-affecting spells, poison and disease, electrical damage, missile damage and backstab
Attacks deal 1d2 piercing + 1 electrical damage
Lesser Will-o'-wisp
40 hp
12 STR
22 DEX
18 THAC0
0 AC
1 attack per round
Immune to mind-affecting spells, poison and disease, elemental damage, missile damage, backstabs and non-magical weapons
Attacks deal 1d6 electrical damage
Greater Necrotic Fireflies
26 hp
12 STR
22 DEX
18 THAC0
-6 AC
4 attacks per round
Immune to mind-affecting spells, poison and disease, electrical damage, missile damage and backstab
Attacks deal 1d2 piercing + 2 electrical damage
68 hp
15 STR
20 DEX
-2 AC
3/2 attacks per round
Immune to mind-affecting spells, poison and disease, elemental damage, missile damage, backstabs and non-magical weapons
Attacks deal 1d8 electrical damage
80 hp
13 STR
10 DEX
10 THAC0
2 AC
1 attack per round
Immune to mind-affecting spells, poison and disease, cold and acid damage, backstabs and non-magical weapons
Attacks deal 1d8 crushing damage and drains 2 levels on hit
"Stuck in the Middle with You"
Single by Stealers Wheel from the album Stealers Wheel B-side"Jose"
Released 27 April 1973
Well I don't know why I came here tonight,
I got the feeling that something ain't right,
I'm so scared in case I fall off my chair,
And I'm wondering how I'll get down the stairs,
Clowns to the left of me,
Jokers to the right, here I am,
Stuck in the middle with you
Yes I'm stuck in the middle with you,
And I'm wondering what it is I should do,
It's so hard to keep this smile from my face,
Losing control, yeah, I'm all over the place,
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right,
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you
Well you started out with nothing,
And you're proud that you're a self made man,
And your friends, they all come crawlin,
Slap you on the back and say,
Please, please
Lost Druid:
- May cast Summon Dread Wolf once per day at level 6. Gains additional Summon Dread Wolf at level 12th and 18th.
- Six necromancy spells are added to the Lost Druid's repertoire, all the way up to 6th level. These are listed below:
1st level: Laroch's Minor Draining.
2nd level: Horror.
3rd level: Skull Trap.
4th level: Contagion.
5th level: Slay Living.
6th level: Death Spell.
- Can cast only the reversed versions of cure spells.
- Cannot Shapeshift.
- Alignment restricted to neutral and chaotic evil.
Of course, I love having evil characters along for the ride.
I played a chaotic neutral goblin in D&D once named Skeeze. He was an indentured servant of one of the other player’s character.
He had a ring of invisibility that he called his precious (+5 points if you can guess THAT obscure reference, lol). But I wanted the ring of invisibility earlier than my character level would allow, so me and the DM gave it the “garish” disadvantage. It was pink and fluffy and had little puffy balls hanging from it. Oh, and it also had some sort of curse that caused insane laughter on a 10% chance for several rounds every time it was used. And, if that roll failed and Skeeze broke out into uncontrollable giggling, there was another 50% of the ring not making him invisible at all.
Made combat pretty interesting.
@mashedtaters That sounds like a fun session. Demihumans are great. Pretty sure Kobolds are my favorite D&D race now.
I would also be interested in reading your argument for an evil-aligned Druid, if you believe that any Druids could/should be an alignment other than neutral.
(Just want to be clear, I’m only curious.)
Can you imagine an evil aligned Druid focusing on the “life” aspect of nature?
Liked your argument, btw.
Help me remember, now, I think you’re still playing a true neutral goblin Druid?
"Tonight you are the monster everyone claims you are: the kobold scorned like a rodent; the ogre that children fear comes in the night. The mobs and their torches now come for you, counting you among the creatures you once did hunt.
Lawd, speaking of clearing away the old growth, to make way for new life, that just opens all kinds of good ideas as to what could be considered the old growth, in-game, over and above just plants and animals.
I had thought a few times on giving others of whatever race I was playing, another option as a deity at the end of ToB, one more open to a neutral or good way, for the wayward brothers and sisters to turn to (I know, the Outer Gods and the Great old Ones usually get me every time