Should I get this?

Hi Everyone,
Just wandering if I should get Siege of Dragonspear (may sound like a funny thing to post in the siege of dragonspear forum I know!). Its just by all accounts i've heard mixed things. Just wandering what its really like?
Also is the Shaman class worth a try?
Just wandering if I should get Siege of Dragonspear (may sound like a funny thing to post in the siege of dragonspear forum I know!). Its just by all accounts i've heard mixed things. Just wandering what its really like?
Also is the Shaman class worth a try?
As a recent fan of the BG saga, I'd say you should definitely get SoD. Some older fans seem to disagree, and I can understand their points, but to me SoD is a great addition to the saga. It has a couple interesting NPCs (specially M'Khiin, I can't stress this enough: M'Khiin is awesome), epic fights, a good "villain", an interesting story, etc.
But again, that's just my opinion. Why don't you try it out for yourself and see if you enjoy it?
I haven't tried making a Shaman character, but M'Khiin is one and I used her all through the game. It's certainly an interesting class to play around with. (And oh how I would love to have it in IWD)
That said, you should definitely play it at least once or twice.
And by buying it support the makers which is important IMO.
It's not a waste of time by any means even if you decide it's not for you in the long run. You will enjoy it.
I played the initial SoD release (non patched) until the coalition camp and I found it OK story wise.
However the bugs from that version stopped me from continuing the game. I will play it again after all the remaining bugs are solved.
However, after buying and playing it twice, I realized how ridiculously unreliable the people on internet can be. Making a huge fuss out of nothing (maybe excluding bugs). I can't comment about the bugs in the initial release as I bought it after 2.3 version came out.
But, as it is for a long while now, it is very stable. I've finished it twice without facing any bugs at all and experiencing great improvements. Story has its ups and downs, but it's definitely a unique one and it was such an awesome experience playing it both times. I will play it again soon.
It has good moments, bad moments, excellent moments and truly terrible moments, but overall and most importantly, it's fun to play.
I don't care much for the new NPCs. Not because they're bad (they aren't), I just didn't care for them much in that "Meh" kind of way (I'd rather have continued to use un-voiced original BG party members).
I have one massive negative about SoD though. The end-game boss encounter (the climax, not the epilogue). It was mechanically atrociously implemented. One, single, enormous rules oversight ruined the entire encounter for me (from a mechanical stance). Story-line wise I absolutely loved it.
If anything though, there's gonna be some things missing/unresolved when you get into BG2:EE, as, afaik, any continuity, mainly characters and events, are not added to have any effect/resolving in BG2.