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What is Kivan's sexuality? - Discuss

ARKdeEREHARKdeEREH Member Posts: 531
This was inspired by the thread about Minsc's sexuality. This poll is meant to be lighthearted and is not intended to offend anyone. Please do not turn this into a flame war or anything similar.

I read Kivan's biography and it mentions his "mate" several times, but makes no reference to any pronouns, which got me thinking that it is possible he isn't straight. I mean, it would be really easy for the writers to have included pronouns and the biography's writing style would have seemed more natural if they had. Also, why refer to Kivan's significant other as a "mate" and not a girlfriend/wife unless there was a reason not to (such as his spouse not being female, for instance)?

Kivan's biography is:

"When asked about his past KIVAN reveals that he hails from the forest of Shilmista, though he has not visited his homeland in some time. He has instead been traveling the world driven by the darkest of obsessions: revenge. Kivan and his mate Deheriana were apparently on a romantic sojourn years ago when they were waylaid by a group of Brigands. They were captured and tortured for the amusement of Tazok, the half-ogre that led the attack. Kivan eventually escaped, but Deheriana did not survive the encounter. Kivan is a man of few words, and obviously does not make friends easily. Likely he will not take much pleasure from life until he has revenged the death of his love."
  1. What is Kivan's sexuality? - Discuss69 votes
    1. Kivan is homosexual - The lack of pronouns imply that Deheriana was man!
    2. Kivan is heterosexual - The lack of pronouns are either an oversight or imply that Deheriana was a woman!
    3. The lack of pronouns implies that Deheriana was a demon or some other race, where BG lists the sex as "neither!"
    4. Kivan is bisexual - It has been so long that when telling his story Kivan can no longer remember if Deheriana was male or female!
    5. Some other option (please explain)


  • ARKdeEREHARKdeEREH Member Posts: 531
    edited November 2012
    @Fluid29 What would be the fun in that?

    Kivan's sexuality doesn't change my opinion of him as a character, but it does make for an interesting/amusing discussion to pass the time while we wait for BGEE to be released.
  • KharadorKharador Member Posts: 215
    Really I can not understand this type of polls. I know you get bored but need messing the forum with such nonsense?
  • Fluid29Fluid29 Member Posts: 62
    @ARKdeEREH Sorry for laming around. It was just what came to my mind. Now everybody else go ahead, have fun and be more constructive than i was. Shouldn't be too difficult. :)
  • Fluid29Fluid29 Member Posts: 62
    Actually i think he is hetero because Deheriana sounds like a name of a woman. Because of the "a" at the end.
  • ARKdeEREHARKdeEREH Member Posts: 531
    edited November 2012
    @Kharador The Minsc sexuality poll currently has 254 votes, 199 comments, and over 4,000 views, so it seemed like a topic that people like to discuss and I certainly enjoyed reading some of the things people posted there. I thought that people might find a similar topic just as interesting. I know I will likely enjoy reading what people come up with.
  • KharadorKharador Member Posts: 215
    This demonstrates that this community has a high degree of immaturity. Isn't a great thread.
  • ForseForse Member Posts: 106
    How is discussing sex immature? I'd rather say it's mature. Bored? Yes! Immature? Not at all.
  • jolly_bbjolly_bb Member Posts: 122
    As mentioned before - Deheriana is female in Polish version of the game.
    Plus any name ending on -a is in almost all cases female.
  • KenKen Member Posts: 226
    Can we stop making these polls? They are beginning to be stupid.
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    As mentioned, -Riana is a female name. The more likely cause is because elves do not share the same institution of marriage as short-lived humans. When everyone live for hundreds of years society handles interactions rather more loosely, with some individuals staying together forever, and others drifting apart amicably after a century or two.
  • ForseForse Member Posts: 106
    An ogress who left Kivan with a broken heart! She is now married to Tazok. It's all coming together.

    Nah, she's probably just a hamster, makes the most sense.
  • Syntia13Syntia13 Member Posts: 514
    Deheriana is very clearly a female name. And come on, there are more types of relationships out there than just dating/married. 'Mate' probably refers to them being in a steady relationship (hence no 'girlfriend') which did not involve a priest blessing it (hence no 'wife').

    On a side note - you're grasping at straws here. While I enjoy slash and am a slasher myself, it's really tiresome when people try to see slash where there is none. ("Look, those two blokes appear in the same frame, like, three times in this episode! Must be love!" "Look, that guy says he's a widower, but I never saw his wife! Must be just a cover!").

    So, if you want to make a poll about BG1 NPCs ambiguous sexuality, at least go for something more supportable. For example - what was the deal with Xzar and Montaron? No-one seems to know the answer. ;P
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    I have to admit, I picked my option because i thought it was funny if Kivan was devoting his life to avenging someone he couldn't even recall what gender they were.

    Like many have said, an -a ending implies female (in Western Romance languages). It doesn't in a number of other languages, but since the name generally reads as if it were loosely inspired by Greco-Latin roots, female is the most likely option. The 'mate' probably implies something similar t that which @Syntia13 suggested.

    On the other hand, the logic of @Permidion_Stark is flawless.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    Thanks to being Gamemaster of the RP section of the Forum, I cannot unsee Kivan as a skirt chaser with his willy in a permanent "up" position.
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    edited November 2012
    I put the girdle of masculinity / feminity on him, and therefore he is gay for Deheriana.

    Or deheriana was a man.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    I am a huge fan of the NPC Project. In that, Kivan's story is expanded significantly, and he uses lots of female pronouns and refers to her several times as "my wife". There is also a very popular mod that brings Kivan and Deheriana into BG2. If you play it a certain way, Deheriana joins your party for a time. And yes, she is a "she".

    I've always liked Kivan, but I never in my wildest dreams saw him as gay.

    I think this thread is really silly, but it doesn't make me mad, or anything.

    I'm still waiting for somebody to make the inevitable "Is Jaheira Really a Lesbian?" poll thread.
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    Yeah, "Is Jaheira Really a Lesbian". She totally is, considering Khalid and romanse with charname. I would like to say that I think that people wouldn't be so stupid to create such a topic.... But who I am kidding, right?
  • MechaliburMechalibur Member Posts: 265
    A lack of pronouns isn't always an oversight. I think elves just prefer the term mate?

    Deherianna totally sounds like a woman's name, for what it's worth.
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137

    I am a huge fan of the NPC Project. In that, Kivan's story is expanded significantly, and he uses lots of female pronouns and refers to her several times as "my wife". There is also a very popular mod that brings Kivan and Deheriana into BG2. If you play it a certain way, Deheriana joins your party for a time. And yes, she is a "she".

    I've always liked Kivan, but I never in my wildest dreams saw him as gay.

    I think this thread is really silly, but it doesn't make me mad, or anything.

    I'm still waiting for somebody to make the inevitable "Is Jaheira Really a Lesbian?" poll thread.

    Is Khallid really a man?
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    @Belgarathmth - In the same BG2 Mod, there was a bug in that a male CHARNAME could get the romantic option when first talking to Kivan via PID. I'm not quite sure if that bug has been fixed or not, but I still kind of laugh at that. That being said, Kivan is still my favorite mod romance ever.

    Now, why I voted for bisexual. I just wanted to be different, and I think I read somewhere that all elves view both sexes equally. However, I can't remember where I read that. Of course, I could just be using my own headcanon when it comes to elves.

    As for Deheriana, usually a name ending in an -a is, usually, female. However, if you go with the Minsc logic, then that must mean that Deheriana is a female hamster!
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    Pantalion said:

    Is Khallid really a man?

    @Pantalion No, the number of times I see him running away from the enemy it is quite clear that he is half-elf and half-mouse.

    Deheriana is quite clearly a lady name... Just like Rhian and Mungri are lady names...
  • LadyEibhilinRhettLadyEibhilinRhett Member Posts: 1,078
    Haha seriously? Dude, Deheriana is totally a girl's name. I'm sorry I cannot even begin to imagine that there would either be a guy named "Deheriana".
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137

    Haha seriously? Dude, Deheriana is totally a girl's name. I'm sorry I cannot even begin to imagine that there would either be a guy named "Deheriana".

    To be fair, it used to be "Derrick".

This discussion has been closed.